The Fuel Characteristics of a Diethyl Ether–Ethanol–Gasoline
Mixture as a Performance and Exhaust Improvement in Matic Spark
Ignition Engine
Gatot Setyono
, Septian Andi Raharjo, Siswadi, Muharom, Slamet Riyadi
, Alfi Nugroho,
Navik Kholili, Wahyu Nugroho, Mochammad Muchid and Dwi Khusna
Study Program of Mechanical Engineering, Wijaya Putra University, Raya Benowo 1-3 Rd, Surabaya, East java, Indonesia
Keywords: Fuel Mixture, Performance, Exhaust Improvement, Matic Spark Ignition Engine.
Abstract: Diethyl ether and ethanol are low-carbon chemical compounds as alternative energy to replace fossil fuels or
commercially. Fuel has optimal calorific and octane values and a high ignition rate. What inspired us to make
diethyl ether and ethanol as a fuel mixture on the 115cc matic Spark Ignition Engine. in research using
experimental methods, performance test equipment using dyno test-chassis with an engine speed of 4000 rpm
to 9000 rpm, the fuel used is diethyl-ether (2%, 5%, 8%, and 10%) and ethanol (5%). The test results show a
significant engine performance increase in all fuel variations. Exhaust gas and engine temperatures decreased
in all variations of fuel. Exhaust emissions of CO and HC decreased significantly above 5%, while CO
increased by 5.2% due to the characteristics of the fuel used.
Recently, we have been concerned about increasing
fuel emissions and efficiency in internal combustion
engines such as Compression Ignition (IC) engines
and Spark Ignition (SI) engines. That is why scientists
and the automotive industry collaborate to find
effective alternatives to overcome this. Some
scientists or researchers have recently suggested that
non-fossil fuels can be a good alternative to replace
commercial fuels (Hasan et al., 2021). This research
explores the potential of mixing diethyl ether,
ethanol, and gasoline. It aims to produce a
homogeneous fuel mixture to have a perfect
combustion effect and reduce the level of spark
ignition engine (SI) pollution without reducing
engine quality characteristics. This research will
quantitatively test the performance with different test
fuel mixtures and compare it with commercial fuels
with the anticipated increase in engine performance
and reduced emissions (Okoronkwo et al., 2017;
Zapata-Mina et al., 2022).
The main point of this research focuses on testing
engine characteristics using diethyl ether (DEE) as an
oxygenated additive in cottonseed oil fuel mixtures.
The experimental results indicate that the average
effective pressure decreased by 17.39%, while the
specific fuel consumption increased by 29.15% at a
10% diethyl ether fuel mixture. Diethyl ether can be
considered a favorable aspect as an alternative fuel.
In this study, it can be underlined that the DEE
blending up to 10% (by vol.) can be considered a
prospective step in efficiently utilizing the fuel
mixture in the engine without its modification
(Yesilyurt & Aydin, 2020). The combination of slow-
reacting ethanol (EtOH) and binary fast-reacting
diethyl ether (DEE) is beneficial as a substitute for
fossil energy for today's machines. Measurement of
ignition delay in the temperature range of 550-1000
K, 0.5-1 equivalence ratio and 20-40 bar pressure.
Ignition step reactions have been identified by the
kinetic analysis method. The test results on the
DME/EtOH and DEE/EtOH showed that the DME
oxidation was influenced by formaldehyde, while the
DEE mixture was influenced by acetaldehyde
(Issayev et al., 2020).
The principle of two-phase heat transfer to
increase the performance of machines controlled
using a reactivity system. Difference in the diethyl
ether-ethanol fuel mixing ratio (0%-40% diethyl ether
Setyono, G., Raharjo, S., Siswadi, ., Muharom, ., Riyadi, S., Nugroho, A., Kholili, N., Nugroho, W., Muchid, M. and Khusna, D.
The Fuel Characteristics of a Diethyl Ether–Ethanol–Gasoline Mixture as a Performance and Exhaust Improvement in Matic Spark Ignition Engine.
DOI: 10.5220/0012117600003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 226-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and 70% mixture ratio) applied to medium capacity
engines. The average effective pressure increased by
14% with the addition of 40%-diethyl ether fuel. The
highly reactive effect of diethyl ether can increase the
oxidation of hydrocarbons and reduce the level of
hydrocarbon emissions. Increased volatility and a
more effective fuel collaboration process will have an
impact on improving the combustion process and
reducing the level of particulate exhaust emissions
(Mohebbi et al., 2018). The experimental
investigation using an SI engine fueled by gasoline
mixed with Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE). The
study's results identified that a mixture of 5.4%
ethanol with engine conditions at 1500 rpm resulted
in a thermal efficiency of 28%. On the other hand,
when mixing 5% ethanol with an engine speed of
2254 rpm, the resulting thermal efficiency is 30%
(Zhao, Huang, et al., 2022).
Ethanol fuel has a higher oxygen quantity and a
faster laminar ignition. The use of the EGR system
cannot reduce the level of losses to the pump, but it
can significantly improve pump power performance,
reduce fuel consumption and reduce exhaust
emissions in the engine (Zhao, Yu, et al., 2022). The
main focus of this research is the use of alternative
fuels that have the characteristics of density, pour
point, cloud point, and kinematic viscosity (Venu &
Madhavan, 2017). This study uses a fuel variation of
2% diethyl ether and 10% ethanol. The pilot injection
angle implemented is 8° to 18° BTDC. The results of
this investigation indicate that increasing the injection
angle on the fuel pilot has an impact on increasing
engine performance. Thermal efficiency increased by
13.36% at an injection angle of 16° BTDC (Bhowmik
et al., 2022). A mixture of ethanol and diethyl ether
has a very significant impact on the increase in
volumetric efficiency, thermal efficiency, and output
power, while the increase in these values is 7%, 9%,
and 8.2%, the same thing happened to the specific
fuel consumption which decreased by 2.4 % of
commercial fuel consumption. Adding diethyl ether-
ethanol to commercial fuels can shorten the ignition
and spark time of the spark plugs (Dhanapal et al.,
Fuel mixtures of diethyl ether and alcohol with 4
different combinations, including combination 1 (5%
DEE-10%E-85%P), combination 2 (5% DEE-15%E-
80%P), combination 3 (10% DEE-15%E-75%P) and
combination 4 (15% DEE-25%E-60%P). gasoline is
used as a reference fuel for comparison during
experiments. The experimental results identify that
the power that occurs in the combination of the two
does not experience a significant increase. The output
power increases when the engine speed is low by
22.4% (Maciej Serda et al., 2016). Diethyl ether and
ethanol are unleaded fuels that can be used to improve
SI engine performance. The effect of mixing ethanol-
diethyl ether is an increase in engine performance.
The high octane number of diethyl ether and ethanol
impacts the faster combustion process, so the
complete combustion process in the combustion
chamber will be realized (Awad et al., 2018; Balaji et
al., 2016; Efemwenkiekie et al., 2019; Srinivas Rao et
al., 2019). Diethyl ether has good characteristics as an
alternative fuel. It is shown that the addition of 3%,
6% and 9% diethyl ether in commercial fuels, with
the effect of these additions producing a significant
increase in performance, shows the maximum
increase in the 6% mixture variation (Srihari et al.,
Research on ethanol-diethyl ether-gasoline fuel is
still being developed by varying the factors that can
affect the performance of the SI engine, including
volatility at average temperatures, low specific
gravity, low flash point, and low price. However, the
results obtained are not as expected. Variations in the
amount of fuel volume will affect the characteristics
of the combustion process. Adding ethanol-diethyl
ether to gasoline is expected to make the combustion
process in the combustion chamber cleaner because
ethanol comes from biomass. With a clean
combustion reaction, combustion can run perfectly
and reduce exhaust emissions. It maximizes the
performance of a single-cylinder injection automatic
engine, and it is necessary to add the appropriate
ethanol-diethyl ether. The correct mixture ratio can
produce better combustion. This study will be
analyzed the effect of variations in the addition of
ethanol (2%, 5%, 8% dan 10% v/v)-diethyl ether (5%
v/v) on performance and exhaust emissions of single
cylinder injection automatic gasoline engines.
2.1 Fuel Properties
In testing the performance of the SI automatic engine,
3 variations of fuel have been used, namely gasoline,
ethanol and diethyl ether. Table 1 (Maciej Serda et al.,
2016; Okoronkwo et al., 2017; Setyono, 2020;
Setyono & Arifin, 2020; Setyono & Kholili, 2021;
Srihari et al., 2018) shows that the octane value of
gasoline is lower than ethanol and diethyl ether.
However, for the cetane number of diethyl ether,
The Fuel Characteristics of a Diethyl Ether–Ethanol–Gasoline Mixture as a Performance and Exhaust Improvement in Matic Spark Ignition
which is higher than for gasoline and ethanol, the
cetane number is a measure of the delay in burning
the fuel. The calorific value of the fuel affects the
flame character of the fuel. The higher the value, the
smaller the ignition energy and vice versa. The
stoichiometric condition of A/F of ethanol is lower
than diethyl ether and gasoline. The self-ignition
temperature of ethanol is higher than gasoline and
diethyl ether, and it is directly proportional to the low
heating value of the fuel. The flash point value of
ethanol is higher than gasoline and diethyl ether
because the fuel fraction will evaporate and cause fire
when exposed to sparks and then turn off by itself
within a short time. In these conditions, it has been
unable to make the fuel react and produce a
continuous fire. The boiling point of diethyl ether is
lower than that of ethanol and gasoline, and this
occurs when the temperature at the vapour pressure
of a liquid is the same as the external pressure
experienced by the fuel.
2.2 Matic Engine-SI Utilized
This study uses a one-cylinder automatic engine with
a capacity of 115cc single-OHC. The maximum
power of the engine increases when the speed is 8000
rpm. Table 2 shows that the fuel supply system uses
a conventional carburetor with air mixing through the
manifold. The ignition system in the combustion
chamber uses iridium spark plugs. The engine
transmission system uses an automatic timing belt
with an ACC-dry clutch type.
2.3 Performance Testing Engine
There are several stages of performing a performance
test on the chassis dyno test shown in figure 1. First,
the fuel variations have been determined, namely
ethanol (2%, 5%, 8% and 10% v/v) and diethyl ether
(5% v/v). In the second step, a variety of fuel is
supplied to the 115cc automatic engine, and make
sure all hardware (CPU, screen, keyboard) is
functioning on the Dyno test system. The third step,
raise the vehicle to be tested on Dynotest, setup the
fasteners on the front tires, as well as the sides of the
vehicle frame so that when testing the vehicle, it is
safe and stable, Then adjust the position of the rear
wheels on the roller, turn on the vehicle, and apply the
test torque and power by dragging the vehicle's
throttle lever from low to high speed (4000-9000
rpm) on the vehicle. In the fourth step, observe the
results of the test graph reading on the monitor screen.
It will get the results of the vehicle's torque, power
and exhaust emissions.
Table 1:
of the variety of fuels used
Properties Index Ethanol Gasoline
Chemical term - C
Octane number
Rs 107-111 90 105-123
apor pressure at
C 0.21 0.8 -
Boiling point
C 78 43-170 34.6
Lower calorific
kJ/kg 26880 44100 33900
14.7 11.1
Cetane numbe
Rs 8 8.14 >125
C 423 300-450
Flash poin
C 13 -43 -45
kg/mol 46 114.2 74.12
Table 2: Details of the
matic engine-SI.
Description Details Specifications value
Maximum power
8 kW / 8.000 rpm
CR 8.8 : 1
Weight (kg) 164 kg
Volume of Step (cm
) 4-stroke, 113.7 (SOHC)
Fuel system Carburetto
stem Air coolin
Transmission Otomatic, V-Matic
Ignition System Iridium
Coopling ACC Dry Type
Figure 1: Performance
matic engine-SI flow.
The highest maximum power generated on the E10D5
fuel is 8.36 kW at an engine speed of 8000 rpm. The
most undersized maximum power is produced by
E2D5 fuel, with a power of 7.76 kW at 8000 rpm
engine speed. On average, adding 10% ethanol and
5% diethyl ether to RON 90 fuel will increase engine
power by 8.6% compared to RON 90. On the other
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
hand, adding ethanol with levels of 2%, 5%, 8 %, and
10% can reduce engine power. Figure 2 shows the
lowest power generated by the E2D5 engine, with a
power of 7.76 kW at an engine speed of 8000 rpm.
The addition of Ethanol-diethyl ether can reduce
power compared to using pure premium. It happens
because adding Ethanol-diethyl ether will reduce the
calorific value to too low. With this decrease in
calorific value, the energy that can be released from
the fuel also decreases, so the power produced is also
lower. Another thing happened with the addition of
10% ethanol and 5% diethyl ether (E10D5) which
could increase engine power. The increase is due to
the addition of suitable ethanol-diethyl ether to
produce the right chemical mixture to complete
combustion. It will provide greater power so that the
power generated is more excellent than standard fuel.
In addition, it can also be caused by better fuel
fogging, so fuel atomization becomes better and
produces better combustion.
The highest maximum adequate pressure is
produced on the engine using E10D5 fuel with a
maximum average adequate pressure of 925.54 KPa
at an engine speed of 5000 rpm. The most negligible
maximum adequate pressure produced on E2D5 fuel
is 872.41 kPa. In Figure 3, it can be seen that RON 90
fuel, with the addition of 2%, 5%, 8% and 10%
ethanol and 5% diethyl ether concentrations, has a
decreasing average adequate pressure. It can be seen
that the lowest average adequate engine pressure on
E2D5 fuel is 872.41 kPa at 5000 rpm. The decrease
in the average adequate pressure is caused by adding
2%, 5%, 8% and 10% ethanol, reducing the calorific
value to too low. With this decrease in calorific value,
the energy that can be released from the fuel also
decreases, so the resulting pressure is also lower.
Different things happen in mixing Premium fuel with
10% ethanol. With this addition, the average adequate
pressure of the engine tends to increase. Figure 3
shows the maximum adequate pressure generated by
the engine when using a fuel mixture of 90 RON, 10%
ethanol and 5% diethyl ether, with an average
adequate pressure of 925.54 KPa at an engine speed
of 5000 rpm.
Figure 2: Function of comparison of output power to
engine speed.
Figure 3: Effective pressure comparison function to
engine speed.
Figure 4: Specific fuel comparison function to engine
Figure 5: Thermal efficiency comparison function
against engine speed.
The Fuel Characteristics of a Diethyl Ether–Ethanol–Gasoline Mixture as a Performance and Exhaust Improvement in Matic Spark Ignition
Figure 4 shows that with the addition of 2%, 5%,
8% and 10% ethanol and diethyl ether 5%, the
specific fuel variation of ethanol-diethyl ether
produced by the engine is higher than using RON 90
fuel. RON 90 fuel, with an optimum value of 0.36
kg/KW.hour at an engine speed of 8000 rpm. Fuel
with the addition of 2%, 5%, 8% and 10% ethanol and
5% diethyl ether will increase the engine's specific
fuel consumption. The increase was caused by adding
ethanol-diethyl ether in RON 90, which would reduce
the calorific value of the fuel so that in order for
combustion to take place more completely, the fuel
supply had to be increased. Figure 5 shows that the
highest optimum efficiency is obtained when the
engine uses RON 90 fuel with the addition of E10D5
of 25.89% at an engine speed of 8000 rpm, while the
lowest optimum efficiency is obtained when the
engine uses RON 90 fuel with the addition of E2D5
of 22.47% at rpm. 8000 rpm engine. On average,
compared to engines using RON 90 fuel, the increase
in thermal efficiency when E10D5 is added is 5.3%,
while the decrease in efficiency due to the addition of
E2D5 is 7.8%. In general, the thermal efficiency tends
to decrease with the addition of ethanol-diethyl ether.
This is because adding ethanol-diethyl ether with this
concentration can reduce the calorific value of the
fuel so that the fuel used for complete combustion is
more than pure Premium. With a low calorific value,
the energy released from fuel tends to decrease, so the
resulting performance also tends to decrease.
Therefore, with a decrease in performance, efficiency
will also decrease.
Figure 6 shows that the highest CO emissions
occur when the engine uses RON 90 fuel. In
comparison, the lowest emissions are produced by
engines using an E10D5 fuel mixture. In general, the
decrease when using the addition of E10D5 is 32%
compared to RON 90. In general, with the addition of
ethanol-diethyl ether, CO exhaust emissions tend to
decrease. This decrease is caused by adding ethanol-
diethyl ether, resulting in better combustion in the
combustion chamber. With this addition, CO
emissions which tend to be high when using pure
Premium, will decrease. In addition, it can also be
caused by adding ethanol, resulting in better fuel
misting, so that fuel atomization becomes better and
produces better combustion. Figure 7 shows that with
a mixture of ethanol-diethyl ether, the HC emissions
produced by exhaust gases tend to decrease. This
decrease is caused by adding ethanol-diethyl ether,
resulting in better combustion in the combustion
chamber so that the exhaust's unburned hydrocarbon
wasted exhaust is reduced by it. With this addition,
the HC emission at high speed, which tends to be high
when using pure Premium, will decrease. In addition,
it can also be caused by adding ethanol, resulting in
better fuel misting, so that fuel atomization becomes
better and produces better combustion. Figure 8
Generally, with the addition of ethanol-diethyl ether,
CO exhaust emissions tend to decrease. This decrease
is caused by adding ethanol-diethyl ether, resulting in
better combustion in the combustion chamber. With
this addition, CO emissions which tend to be high
when using pure Premium, will decrease. In addition,
it can also be caused by adding ethanol, resulting in
better fuel misting so that fuel atomization becomes
better and produces better combustion.
Figure 6: Comparison function of carbon monoxide
to engine speed.
Figure 7: Comparison function of hydrocarbons to
engine speed.
Figure 8: Comparison function of carbon dioxide to
engine speed.
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Figure 9: Temperature head comparison function to
engine speed.
Figure 10: Temperature exhaust comparison function
against engine speed.
In Figure 9, the engine temperature with various
compositions of the addition of ethanol-diethyl ether
shows that the highest engine temperature occurs in
the E10D5 fuel mixture. In contrast, the lowest
temperature is produced by it when the engine uses
the E5d5. On average, the temperature increase when
the engine uses the E10D5 fuel mixture is 7%
compared to RON 90. In general, with the addition of
ethanol-diethyl ether to RON 90, the engine
temperature tends to decrease due to the low heating
value of the fuel. Another thing is different in the
composition of E8D5. First, the correct chemical
mixture causes combustion to be complete. With this
composition, the combustion process in the
combustion chamber occurs so that the energy
contained in the fuel can be released more wholly
compared to when using RON 90. In addition, it can
also be caused by adding ethanol-diethyl ether,
resulting in better fuel misting, so that fuel
atomization is better and results in better combustion.
With good combustion, the resulting temperature in
the combustion chamber becomes higher. It can be
proven by the low emission of E8D5 followed by
E10D5. While for E10D5 fuel, although there is
better fogging, the calorific value is much smaller
than E8D5, so the temperature graph drops again.
Figure 10 shows the highest exhaust temperature
when the engine uses a RON 90 fuel mixture.
Meanwhile, the lowest exhaust temperature is
produced by it when the engine uses E8D5 fuel. On
average, there is a decrease of 15% compared to RON
90. In addition, it can be caused by better fuel misting,
so that fuel atomization becomes better and produces
better combustion.
The maximum power increase in the E10D5 fuel
variation is 7.76 kW at 8000 rpm engine speed, so the
percentage increase is 8.6%. Mep experienced a
maximum increase of 925.54 kPa at an engine speed
of 5000 rpm with a percentage increase of 8.7%, Sfc
has an optimum increase of 0.36 kg/kW.hour at an
engine speed of 8000 rpm, and Thermic efficiency
has a maximum increase of 25.89% at an engine
speed of 8000 rpm with a percentage increase of
5.3%. The highest increase in exhaust temperature
occurred in the engine fueled by RON 90. The highest
increase in engine temperature occurred in the E10D5
mixed fuel engine. CO exhaust emissions decreased
by an average of 7.2% for all variations of the fuel
mixture. HC exhaust emissions decreased by an
average of 6.8%. In comparison, CO
emissions increased by 5.2% for all variations of the
fuel mixture.We hope you find the information in this
template useful in the preparation of your submission.
As writers and researchers, we would like to express
our gratitude for the support from the Institution of
Research and Community Services, the engineering
faculty, and the Mechanical Engineering Study
Program Wijaya Putra University through the
development of this research. We hope the
community, industry, and institutions can use this
research to add information on renewable energy
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ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology