Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence Systems in Higher
Education Institutions: Exploratory Work
Nuno Sequeira
, Arsénio Reis
1,3 b
, Frederico Branco
1,3 c
and Paulo Alves
School of Science and Technology, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Quinta dos Prados, Vila Real, Portugal
Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI),
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal
INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Decision Making, Business Intelligence, Higher Education Institutions.
Abstract: Higher Education Institutions must define and monitor strategies and policies essential for decision-making
in their various areas and levels, in which Business Intelligence plays a leading role. This research addresses
the problem of Business Intelligence system adoption in Higher Education Institutions, with a view, in the
first instance, to identify and characterise the strategic objectives that underpin decision-making, activities,
processes, indicators and information in Higher Education Institutions. After a literature review, it was found
that the absence of a roadmap that can serve as a reference to implement a Business Intelligence system in
Higher Education Institutions may limit the adoption of this type of solution. Therefore, this research intends
to present the methodology of a proposed roadmap for the implementation of Business Intelligence systems
in Higher Education Institutions, that allows for increasing its capacity for analysis and evaluation of the data
and information available in the various systems and platforms.
Higher Education Institutions make decisions in
several domains, namely strategic and internal
management, without using systematised data that
support these decisions, which may jeopardise the
success of their actions or even their efficiency. The
HEIs are characterized by having different
specificities in their mission and management
strategies (Nieto et al., 2019). Nevertheless, they all
need clear and concise strategies that allow them to
create more value and follow through on their vision
(Valdez et al., 2017). On the other hand, HEIs need
relevant information to monitor their performance,
according to the goals established in their strategic
plans (Calitz et al., 2018).
The challenges Higher Education Institutions
(HEI) face today are notorious, especially with
increased competition in the higher education sector.
Thus, there is a need on the part of HEIs to achieve
better decision-making in all their areas and levels
(Sanchez-Puchol et al., 2017; Scholtz et al., 2018;
Valdez et al., 2017). In this way, HEIs are
increasingly committed to ensuring a better quality of
their services and an increase in the degree of
satisfaction of their students, as these are two
important differentiation factors that can be decisive
for their sustainability (Calitz et al., 2018). Thus,
HEIs assume today an essential role in promoting
their internal change towards sustainable
development models, involving the main areas of
activity of HEIs, such as teaching, research,
operational management and extension. On the other
hand, another major challenge that should not be
disregarded is to holistically involve all activities of
HEIs that are inherent to their sustainability (Yáñez et
al., 2019). The decision-making activity can be
defined as a management process to frame a specific
situation in which it is necessary to make a decision.
By defining a decision model consisting of a set of
Sequeira, N., Reis, A., Branco, F. and Alves, P.
Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence Systems in Higher Education Institutions: Exploratory Work.
DOI: 10.5220/0012118000003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 162-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
actions and evaluation criteria, it is possible to select
the most appropriate action flow and acquire learning
from the decision-making process (Mora et al., 2017).
The organisational culture of an HEI is a vital
aspect to consider, as it influences decision-making
and the processes implemented to ensure the
efficiency of the HEI's activity, taking into account
the established strategy or goals (Deja, 2019). HEIs
make their decisions according to their institutional
priorities, strategies, goals and allocation of
resources, ensured by different officials with
governance functions (Nieto et al., 2019).
Information Systems (IS) play a key role in the
management of HEIs, supporting their activities and
decision-making processes. Although, the IS must be
developed according to the HEIs' needs, and there
should be an integration of the various IS and
Information Technologies (IT), to enable better
access and processing of information. To Bessa et al.
(2016), the IS have a class called Decision Support
Systems (DSS) that is oriented to this purpose,
particularly concerning the tactical and strategic
levels, with analytical specificities that allow the
creation of knowledge and organizational
intelligence. Although the DSS capacity to support
decision-making is recognized, the degree of
complexity required, with the need to involve all the
HEI's IS, leads to the adoption of Business
Intelligence (BI) systems. A BI solution consists of a
data-driven DSS that supports a set of operations such
as historical data querying, summary reporting,
executive reporting, Online Analytical Processing
(OLAP) and BI systems (Tripathi et al., 2020).
This paper is organised into sections as follows:
the first section presents the problem and highlights
the contribution and motivation for this work. The
second section describes the related work and then
shows the preliminary view of the roadmap to aim
for. Finally, current and future work is mentioned,
followed by acknowledgements and the list of all
bibliographical references used for this research.
1.1 Contribution
This position paper presents the methodology of a
roadmap that can serve as a reference to implement a
BI system in HEIs, to support decision-making in
their various areas and levels, taking into account the
following dimensions of the HEIs' activities:
teaching, research, internationalisation and extension.
The roadmap will include a set of dashboards for
decision support and a BI system reference
architecture, scientifically validated through a review
of state of art and an expert panel.
The research methodology to be used is Design
Science Research (DSR) with recurring cycles of
design, demonstration and evaluation, intending to
improve the artefact's usefulness concerning the
identified problem (Paul et al., 2021).
Finally, the results of this research will be
communicated to determine if the proposed
methodology allows aims a roadmap that enables the
improvement of the HEI decision quality.
1.2 Motivation
Often, decision-making in HEIs is carried out without
specific data or analysis (Nieto et al., 2019). Thus, our
starting point begins with the systematised
presentation of how HEIs are using the data generated
by their various IS in decision-making, as well as
analysing to what extent modern IS that simplify an
entire process of exchange, access and use of data,
information and knowledge, could be decisive for
good institutional performance.
An HEI can collect relevant performance
indicators through the data generated by its IT
structures, which may enable the ascertainment of
certain events in its internal management (Al-Rahmi
et al., 2019). Early dropout identification is one of
these cases, consisting, inclusively, of a phenomenon
quite common and worrying for HEIs (Maldonado et
al., 2021).
Decision-making in planning the activities of an
HEI is a rather complex process since the data they
are based on are in large quantities and are scattered
across several sources, making it difficult to analyse
them (Perez-Castillo et al., 2019). Nowadays,
accurate information and data represent a substantial
competitive advantage. When appropriate, the
implementation and exploitation of IS may be the
basis for the success of a sustainable strategy at the
management level (Stojkic et al., 2020).
The advances verified in the integration of IT,
namely BI, have been determinant in the evolution of
HEIs, allowing decision-making based on data
analysis to be a constant reality today (Ain et al.,
2019; Scholtz et al., 2018; Viberg et al., 2018). BI is
dependent on processes related to data quality
management and classification and the definition of
processes (Zavale et al., 2017). BI tools and
technologies have followed this evolution, as a way
to respond to the greater complexity of organisational
requirements and decision-making. In addition, the
lack of specific data mining tools to deal with
unstructured data has leveraged the use of BI (Calitz
et al., 2018). Following this, it can be considered that
BI can take advantage of the various information
Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence Systems in Higher Education Institutions: Exploratory Work
generated to provide more efficient answers (Jalil &
Hwang, 2019), improving the capacity to handle the
data generated and the quality of the information
obtained, thus significantly supporting HEIs in their
decision-making (Bordeleau et al., 2018; Calitz et al.,
2018; Sorour et al., 2020a). However, the
implementation of a BI system requires an adequate
infrastructure, as well as the identification of
operational indicators to measure it, to ascertain the
conditions under which the HEI is to implement a BI
system (Jahantigh et al., 2019). Thus, HEIs need to
find the best way to implement BI systems and
maximise their benefits (Ain et al., 2019; Jalil &
Hwang, 2019). Although, these benefits can only be
achieved if a BI system is implemented properly
(Musa et al., 2019).
The literature review that we are conducting,
allowed us to conclude that there is space for
developing research in this area since it was possible
to identify several studies on the use of BI in HEIs,
although there is a need to define a roadmap for the
implementation of BI systems that can serve as a
reference for HEIs.
This section presents a set of analyses that result from
the exploration of several studies that address the use
of BI solutions in HEIs. Although multiple cases were
found, the following studies provide the best support
for the work in progress.
The authors Combita Niño et al. (2020) created a
BI governance framework which aims to take
advantage of data generated by the HEI to obtain
patterns and forecasts that are important in
formulating strategies. An HEI was used as a case
study to be easily replicated in other HEIs, and a
diagnosis was carried out to identify the level of
maturity in analytics. On this basis, a decision-
making model was designed to strengthen
organisational culture, infrastructure, data
management, data analysis and governance, which
includes defining a governance framework, guiding
principles, strategies, policies, processes, decision-
making bodies and functions. The framework aims to
implement adequate controls that ensure the success
of BI projects, as well as enable an alignment of the
objectives of the development plan with the analytical
vision of the HEI.
Several frameworks enable the monitoring of
quality assurance in HEIs. Sorour et al. (2020b)
identified five frameworks with differentiated
orientations and perspectives. However, all of their
support uses data to measure the performance of
HEIs. There is a consensus that BI tools, such as
dashboards, can help provide real-time information
about the quality assurance performance in HEIs.
Morais and Lopes (2019) describe the
implementation of a BI solution in a HEI, which aims
to support its quality system and improve its future
strategy based on the HEI's area of activity: Teaching
and Learning. The project contemplated several
stages: mission, strategy and process analysis, Key
Performance Indicator (KPI) identification, KPI
validation by the process managers, identification of
the IS in use at the HEI, identification of the existence
of necessary information in these systems, the
definition of the access profiles, according to the
different process users and the BI system selection
and implementation. As a result, it was possible to
obtain valuable dashboards for management and
identify potential improvements for the quality
assurance mechanisms, which should simplify the
continuous improvement process of HEIs (Morais &
Lopes, 2019).
HEIs need tools for effective academic analysis,
which requires a systematic and balanced process for
collecting, synthesising and assessing relevant data.
To support the accreditation process of HEIs, Ortiz
and Hallo (2019) presented an analytical data mart to
obtain adequate information for its rapid
interpretation and management and to avoid the
dispersion of the data required for the respective
accreditation. The solution was developed through a
BI tool, taking into account the student criterion
indicators according to an institutional evaluation
model, allowing the efficient monitoring of indicators
before university accreditation, reducing response
time and resources in the report generation process.
Al Rashdi and Nair (2017) created a BI
framework implemented in an HEI to collect helpful
information through the big data generated by the
HEI. The framework was tested within the critical
business activities, teaching and learning, and the
results show that the aggregation of these activities
and KPIs contributes to the overall performance of
the HEI, even allowing a better perception of the
operationality of the HEI.
IS have a central role in HEI management, supporting
their activities and decision-making processes. IS
have a class called Decision Support Systems (DSS)
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
that is oriented to this objective, namely at the tactical
and strategic levels, with analytical features that
allow the creation of knowledge and organizational
intelligence. Although the DSS capacity to support
decision-making is recognized, the degree of
complexity required, with the need to involve all the
HEI's IS, leads to the adoption of BI systems (Bessa
et al., 2016). Given the fact that HEIs have difficulty
leveraging their data and that their success depends
on accurate, fact-based decisions, BI can simplify the
decision-making process through the information that
is commonly produced by HEIs daily. (Jalil &
Hwang, 2019; Dadkhaha et al., 2019).
To enable the implementation of a BI system, it
becomes essential to design a plan consisting of a
roadmap, an architecture and some guidelines
(Mishra & Pani, 2021). Several studies similarly
present the architecture of a BI system. In general,
and as can be seen in Figure 1, for Sorour et al.
(2020a) and Boulila et al. (2018) a BI architecture in
HEIs comprises three main layers or components: 1)
data source layer: in which data are collected from
different sources; 2) Extract Transform Load (ETL)
process layer: extraction, transformation and loading,
in which there is the collection of relevant data for
analysis, and then they are loaded into a data
warehouse, which stores the data for analysis; 3) data
presentation layer: dashboards are used to present
analysis in a synthesised form, although they can be
detailed to enable better decision-making assistance
when reviewing objectives and monitoring HEI KPIs.
Figure 1: Business Intelligence Architecture. Adapted from
Boulila et al. (2018) and Sorour et al. (2020a).
In this sense, the architecture is a guideline for
developing the roadmap (Ma et al., 2018). A roadmap
can be considered an established concept regarding
knowledge management, aiming at collecting
knowledge and obtaining solutions to problems in a
structured way (Johannsen, 2020). On the other hand,
a roadmap can be used as a guide for developing a
strategy (Mishra & Pani, 2021), in this case,
responsible for presenting the processes required for
implementing a BI system in HEIs (Chofreh et al.,
2018). According to Bhushan and Rai, cited by
Ebrahimi et al. (2018), the strategic decision-making
process can be categorised into seven steps, as
presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Strategic decision-making process. Adapted from
Ebrahimi et al. (2018).
Although some studies are carried out on BI in
HEIs, BI has progressed along two paths, theoretical
and practical. Most studies on BI aim to describe the
advantages of its usage, and there is little research on
BI implementation (Jahantigh et al., 2019). Ain et al.
(2019) reinforce this position by finding in their
research that previous studies do not
comprehensively discuss the issues and challenges
related to the adoption, use, and success of BI
systems. In our research, it was not possible to find
any reference regarding creating a roadmap for
implementing BI systems in HEIs. Despite this, it is
perceptible that the development of a BI system
consists of a progressive process in which it is
possible to identify the various stages that should
constitute a roadmap, aiming at the use of BI to
support the decision-making process of HEIs
(Gastaldi et al., 2018).
We found that it is essential to take some steps
before implementing a BI system. In the first place, it
is necessary to assess whether the HEI is prepared
from the technical point of view, as well as from the
management point of view, and it is vital to have clear
support from its management. According to Jahantigh
Determination of
current and target state
of competition, threat
or opportunities,
Design a plan to
achieve them and
propose the alternative
Identification of
criteria to evaluate
alternative approaches
Identification of the
team members and
individual roles
Evaluation of various
alternatives and
keeping the possible
Ranking them based
on selected criteria by
using various a
decision-making tool
Deploy the best
Data Sources
Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence Systems in Higher Education Institutions: Exploratory Work
et al. (2019), there are two predominant factors to
determine the quality of BI support management: the
familiarity of those responsible with IT and the
relevance of the information presented. In addition,
the compatibility of the systems with the BI
application must be ensured (Jalil & Hwang, 2019),
and the BI solution should have the ability to manage
technological assets, people and processes (Moscoso-
Zea et al., 2019). Before a BI architecture is
implemented, all the data stored by HEIs from their
various sources must be integrated into a data
warehouse by applying the ETL process.
After the development of the data warehouse,
different servers can efficiently access their data
through front-end applications (Dadkhaha et al.,
2019). Thus, it is essential to identify all data sources
that should be subject to analysis. Only then is the
respective data selection performed to ensure that the
BI process assures reliable results. This process
involves a data dictionary, which consists of a
technical description for one of the HEI repositories,
in which the data fields, origin, availability and
responsible party are recorded. Through the
information collected from the data sources and
dictionaries, it will be possible to identify the
variables that will guide the operation of the BI
system (Villegas-Ch et al., 2020). Given the amount
and diversity of this data, it is necessary to extract the
related data before proceeding with the execution of
the respective query.
Finally, the BI solution must be able to present the
data appropriately and within an appropriate period,
for which dashboards should be used, their
integration being ensured through the data warehouse
that has quality data. A generic BI system should
integrate data from different sources to be
subsequently transferred. Another option is
integrating data presentation applications with the
data mining tool (Villegas-Ch et al., 2020). In
addition to the data warehouse, a diverse range of
tools and techniques can support HEIs in developing
BI capabilities, such as Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) systems, document management systems, and
knowledge repositories, among others. The data
considered are grouped in data marts, from which the
data is accessed through applications that create
customised visualisations. Thus, it becomes essential
to mention that HEIs should seek the right balance
between standardisation and customisation of BI.
Being necessary to standardise the memory of HEIs
and the integration of information, although, as
previously referenced, one can customise the creation
and presentation of insights (Calitz et al., 2018).
Our research aims to verify whether, through the
proposed methodology, it will be possible to define a
roadmap to facilitate data processing and the
detection of trends and patterns, and thus obtain an
adequate visual representation that allows HEIs to
make decisions based on concrete data. Thus, our
research will consist of the following steps: to review
BI systems in HEIs; to identify and characterize the
strategic objectives that underlie decision-making,
activities, processes, and information in HEIs; to
identify and characterize the computer systems that
support HEIs; to propose a set of dashboards to
support decision-making in HEIs; to propose a BI
system architecture of reference, and, finally, to
propose the implementation roadmap.
We are currently developing a literature review,
according to the protocol proposed by Kitchenham
and Charters (2007), aimed at identifying other
academic contributions which have scientific
validation regarding the main areas of interest
addressed in this research, mainly, regarding the
application of BI in HEIs. Thus, this literature review
aims to identify and characterise the strategic
objectives that underlie decision-making, the
activities, the processes and the information of the
HEIs, to obtain a perspective of the use of data and
information that HEIs produce, as well as their use in
obtaining knowledge and intelligence, to support
decision-making processes. As far as decision-
making processes are concerned, the aim is to identify
and characterise the HEIs' processes in general, in
terms of areas, levels, actors and decision-making
points. It is also intended to identify and characterise
the typologies of computer systems used in the HEIs,
the processes they support and the information they
own, as well as to identify a BI system reference
architecture. In the next phase, it is intended to carry
out a set of individual semi-structured interviews with
a range of a Portuguese HEI managers to find out how
this HEI is using the data generated by its various IS
in decision-making, intending to identify the
characteristic processes of an HEI, mainly the tactical
planning processes, as well as identify the
information required for each process. It is also
intended that these interviews can complement the
literature review to identify and describe the
characteristic processes of an HEI, as well as the
respective performance indicators, which can serve as
a basis for the definition and development of the
roadmap proposal.
Next, a set of dashboards for decision support will
be defined, based on the processes, decision points,
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
and actors, among others, previously identified and
characterised. The next phase consists of the proposal
of a BI system reference architecture, showing the
various elements of the system, the relationships
among them and the information flow and processing,
from the sources to the dashboards, to then design the
final design of the reference roadmap, in the form of
project template, for the implementation of a BI in an
In the last stage, our roadmap proposal will be
scientifically validated through interviews, which
will be performed with a set of specialists of that HEI
to verify if the roadmap satisfies the proposed
requirements and helps to solve the specified
problem. In this sense, a questionnaire will be
developed to perform the validation based on
previous studies and recommendations of Pestana et
al. (2018) and Apandi and Arshah (2016). The
interviews will be divided into three phases:
presentation of the research and demonstration of the
dashboards; testing of the dashboards by the experts;
and finally, answers to the questions by the experts.
The results obtained be communicated to
ascertain whether the proposed dashboards and
architecture allow the improvement of the quality of
the HEI's decision, the follow-up of their strategic
axes, and the prediction of abnormal situations,
among other actions. In summary, it will be verified
if the proposed roadmap can serve as a reference for
HEIs, and some considerations can be presented so
that HEIs can adopt it in their strategies.
This work has received funding from FEDER Funds
through COMPETE program and from National
Funds through Portugal 2020 under the project
"SATDAP - Capacitação da Administração Pública
operation BI@UTAD", grant number POCI-05-
5762-FSE-000264. The authors acknowledge the
work facilities and equipment provided by CeDRI
(UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) to
the project team.
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Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence Systems in Higher Education Institutions: Exploratory Work