Table 2: Unclonable primitives and bounded execution programs.
Primitive to realize Using k-time programs? Using (1,n)-time programs?
Quantum money Yes (with k = 1) No—a coin can be spent n times
Software copy protection (and
secure software leasing)
Yes (including learnable functions)—
but a program can be executed only k
Yes—but permitting domain splitting at-
tacks and the power gap between the honest
party and the adversary
One-shot signatures Yes (with k = 1) No—an attacker can sign up to n messages
instead of one
Unclonable encryption Yes Yes—but a weaker security notion covering
n + 1 attackers instead of two
Unclonable decryption Yes Yes—same constraint as above
Digital lockers Yes—k trials for honest party Yes
the observation that there seem to be no natural or
fundamental barriers to such an approach.
On the Nature of Emergent Technologies. We ex-
ercise a cryptographer’s skepticism to add a note of
caution; none of what we have covered here should
be seen as definitive in terms of eventual real-world
applications. There are considerable challenges and
unseen, yet-to-appear problems in the course of re-
alizing either viable quantum computers, or protein
data tokens. Each involves physical, societal and eth-
ical conundrums, and the end product in either case
may take a very different form to what we currently
suppose. For example, the bounded query feature ob-
tained from proteins is a consequence of both their
unclonability and destructive sequencing. If new ad-
vances lead to non-destructive sequencing machinery,
then this feature will not hold anymore. At the same
time, looking for and harnessing emergent technolo-
gies and unexpected developments also give rise to
unexpected cryptography in their own right!
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