67.9% and the NNs being 83.8%. The mse mean
value of the deformometers is 28.7% using linear re-
gressor and 20.8% using NN. As a result, we find that
the deep learning architecture outperforms the linear
models by a factor of 27%, computed as the error of
the first method minus the error of the second one over
the error committed by the first.
Telecoordinometer sensor modeling does not ex-
hibit the same effectiveness, as the NN R
has a low
value of 51.0%; while the performance of the linear
regression is significantly poorer with an R
value of
Empirical results clearly denote how NNs outperform
a linear regression approach in modeling operational
sensors depending on environmental factors. How-
ever, the linear regression strategy may be preferred
to NNs due to the lack of explainability of DL, which
is considered a black-box approach (Guidotti et al.,
By analyzing the linear regression coefficients,
we can identify the environmental factors having the
most significant impact on sensor measurements can
be identify and a quantitative indication of them can
be measured. This information can then be used to
develop correction factors that take environmental in-
fluence into account and improve the accuracy of the
monitoring system by calculating the corrected fea-
tures adjusted from environmental effects (Roberts
et al., 2023).
In this work, two regressive techniques to estimate the
influence of environmental condition on structural be-
havior have been designed and compared, after a data
mining phase to explore the time series data. The sen-
sor network data of the leaning Tower of Pisa have
been chosen as case study to implement the method-
In conclusion, transparent regression models may
not be able to detect complex patterns in the data but
have the benefit of being easy to understand and re-
quiring less computing capabilities. Although deep
learning models may capture complicated patterns,
they can be challenging to interpret and need a lot
of computational resources and training data. The
choice between transparent regression models and
deep learning models ultimately depends on vari-
ous specific challenges of the problem and histori-
cal building to monitor: ranging from logical mod-
els to scoring systems. In any exploratory data anal-
ysis different models co-exist. Future research ef-
forts aimed at establishing interconnections between
different models could be founded on model-centric
explanations derived from ontologies, which serve
as standardized representations. This approach has
the potential to help both system designers and users
make systematic connections between explanations
and their respective data sets and models.
This work has been partially carried out in the frame-
work of the PRA 2022 101 project “Decision Sup-
port Systems for territorial networks for managing
ecosystem services”, funded by the University of
Pisa. This work has been partially supported by
the Tuscany Region in the framework of the ”Se-
cureB2C” project, POR FESR 2014-2020, Law De-
cree 7429 31.05.2017. Work partially supported
by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research
(MIUR) in the framework of the FoReLab project
(Departments of Excellence).
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications