veal and use the actual secrets to faithfully reproduce
as the adversary expect. Likewise, for
, the user can openly construct fake shares
and reproduce these pictures to the attacker’s expec-
tation. Now, the user can claim the resulting ran-
dom value S
to be nothing else than a legitimate fake
message that, with the choice of J
that the aversary
cannot recognize as being ̸= J (as it does not know
J), would reproduce exactly the residue R that the at-
tacker may have recovered from I
The oblivious secret sharing uses the feature of plausi-
ble deniability to provide additional security for both
mechanisms. It enhances steganography by prevent-
ing an attacker from accessing confidential informa-
tion even if they can detect the presence of a hidden
message. And for secret sharing, the added value of
steganography is to prevent enforced processing of
shares, since we can plausibly deny to possess them.
A demo implementation of our method is available
for download at https://github.com/shahzadssg/How-
The future research in this area could be the de-
velopment of more efficient and secure protocols for
oblivious secret sharing in the context of plausible
deniability. This could involve exploring new cryp-
tographic techniques, optimizing existing protocols,
and exploring the trade-offs between security, effi-
ciency, and usability. Another area of research could
be the application of oblivious secret sharing to new
and emerging technologies, such as blockchain and
distributed ledger systems. These technologies often
require secure and decentralized methods for sharing
and storing sensitive information, making oblivious
secret sharing a potentially valuable tool. Addition-
ally, the research could focus on integrating obliv-
ious secret sharing with other cryptographic tech-
niques, such as homomorphic encryption and zero-
knowledge proofs, to provide even more robust levels
of security and privacy. Finally, the research could
explore the potential applications of oblivious secret
sharing outside of traditional cryptographic settings,
such as social networks, online voting systems, and
other areas where secure and private information shar-
ing is essential.
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How to Plausibly Deny Steganographic Secrets