How to Plausibly Deny Steganographic Secrets
Shahzad Ahmad
1 a
and Stefan Rass
1,2 b
LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstrasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Universit
atsstrasse 65-67, 9020
Klagenfurt, Austria
Steganography, Secret Sharing, Deniability, Plausible Deniability.
We introduce the notion of oblivious secret sharing as an enhancement of (conventional) secret sharing with
the added possibility of (plausibly) denying that some shares even exist. Secret sharing is a cryptographic
technique that allows a distributed secure storage of information across multiple parties, such that no party or
pre-defined coalition of parties can reconstruct the stored secret. Confidentiality, in this regard, does only apply
to the secret, but not the the shares themselves. Oblivious secret sharing extends the secrecy also to the shares,
thereby adding the additional possibility of denying the existence of shares in first place, or to reconstruct a
different, harmless, secret upon force. We investigate a combination of steganography and secret sharing to
enhance both primitives at the same time: secret sharing adds deniability to steganography and steganography
adds extended confidentiality to secret sharing. Our construction is generic in its use of steganography, but
concrete in the used secret sharing scheme. The latter is a form of multi-secret sharing, letting us secretly
hide a set of messages in a larger collection of images, such that the secrets are, in a steganographic way,
hidden, but disclosure upon force can be made with plausible deniability. This deniability even extends to the
number of secrets embedded in the picture collection. This number is as well deniable. We corroborate our
construction by providing an implementation.
Information security has been subject to threats and
attacks from early espionage warfare through current
data leakage. Two often employed methods to safe-
guard communication security are steganography and
cryptography. However, coercive assaults may be
launched against either of them. Since the cipher-
text is constantly suspect to the adversary, coercive
attacks occur in cryptography. The adversary could,
in particular, force the communication parties—the
sender and receiver—to reveal the secret message and
keys. The adversary may additionally request that the
sender produce the ciphertext using the message and
secret key once more to confirm the revealed message.
When a secret message is detected using steganogra-
phy, the adversary can also force the communication
parties to reveal the secret message. It is not possi-
ble to guarantee information security in such hostile
circumstances. Deniable encryption (Canetti et al.,
1997) has been suggested as a solution in cryptog-
raphy to counter coercive attacks. Figure 1 displays
the idea, which employs a fake key and a real key to
decrypt either a harmless decoy message upon force,
or the real message voluntarily. However, knowing
Figure 1: Deniable Encryption.
that a mechanism like deniable encryption is in place,
what should stop the attacker from squeezing out sev-
eral secrets from the victim, perhaps based on a com-
putable maximum number of messages possibly hid-
den inside the ciphertext of n Bytes (after all, if the
decoy messages are unrelated and hence stochasti-
cally independent, the number of messages possibly
encoded in a cryptogram of size n is likely to be com-
Ahmad, S. and Rass, S.
How to Plausibly Deny Steganographic Secrets.
DOI: 10.5220/0012120100003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 731-737
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
putable or at least estimable for the adversary). Inter-
estingly, the concept of deniable steganography has
only been proposed recently (Xu et al., 2022), and we
extend this prior notion by making the number of se-
crets deniable, and making the construction generic in
the sense of workable with any steganographic algo-
rithm that leaves at least some portion of the picture
untouched (such as, for example, least-significant bit
methods do, but also others). Though the focus of
present steganography research is on capacity and im-
perceptibility, deniability against coercion has yet to
be considered.
Some typical methods of steganography and the plau-
sible deniability are introduced here.
2.1 Steganography
Deep neural networks are commonly used for image
steganography because of their flexibility. Two popu-
lar architectures for deep steganography are Encoder-
Decoder Architectures (EDA), and Generative Ad-
versarial Networks (GAN) (Goodfellow et al., 2014).
EDA uses an encoder to embed a secret message and
a decoder to extract it. Image loss and secret message
loss are common loss functions. DeepStego (Baluja,
2017) is a steganography method that encloses a cover
image within a covert image of a similar size. It
incorporates a preparation network and the encoder-
decoder network to extract more valuable features
from the secret image for efficient encoding. Gener-
ative Adversarial Networks (GAN) simulate a game
between a generator and a discriminator to optimize
both. GAN thus let steganography and steganaly-
sis compete. SGAN (Volkhonskiy et al., 2020) uses
deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN) (Radford et al.,
2015) to create secure covers, and manual steganog-
raphy procedures are then used to conceal secret mes-
sages in the generated covers. Despite achieving good
undetectability, GAN-based steganography schemes
still have problems with recently proposed steganal-
ysis techniques. Tao et al. (Tao et al., 2019) created a
robust steganographic framework against JPEG com-
pression since images are often lossily compressed
over the channels. The compressed cover image and
the secret are first used to create a stego image. They
changed the original cover image’s coefficients in ac-
cordance with the stego image to produce an inter-
mediate image that, following the same channel com-
pression, is precisely like the stego image. The se-
cret can be extracted appropriately by transferring
the intermediate image across the lossy channel, even
worse, if the payload increases, it will face substantial
detection risks. Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2022) pro-
posed a repeatable data-hiding framework based on
the Least-Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm to repeat-
edly reuse the cover image for embedding.
2.2 Secret Sharing and Steganography
Several research papers have explored the use of se-
cret sharing and steganography together, to enhance
the security and privacy of information transmission.
In 2010, Wang and Wang (Wang and Wang, 2010)
proposed a secret sharing scheme based on steganog-
raphy, where secret shares were embedded in the least
significant bits of cover images. This is, to the best of
our knowledge, the first work along the same lines
of this work, but with a focus on the steganographic
technique. Our work adds to this by letting the em-
bedding technique arbitrary (up to assuming that the
embedding leaves at least some part of the picture un-
altered, which is the only restriction on the stegano-
graphic algorithm that we will require), and striving
for plausible deniability in addition. In 2013, Yao
and Xiang (Yao and Xiang, 2013) developed a visual
cryptography scheme that used steganography to hide
the shares in cover images. Their work is interesting
in, among other aspects, the fact that they also address
cheating by insiders and outsides; something that we
do not address in this work, since our mode of ap-
plication is that of a sender using an image album to
transport information hiddenly and deniably to a re-
ceiver, similar to the work done by J
org et al. (Keller
and Wendzel, 2021). As such, we only have the ma-
licious outsider (attacker hereafter) that must be con-
vinced of nothing suspicious to be in our picture set.
Jaya Nirmala et al. (Jaya Nirmala, 2012) has done a
comparative study of the secret sharing algorithm for
secure data in the cloud. Most closely to our work
is the scheme of (Rajput et al., 2018), which – as we
will do uses linear equations to represent a secret
with shares that are images themselves. The authors
note various limitations of their scheme, most impor-
tantly, the fact that “ the stego image comes out to be
random, which could alert an intruder that they are be-
ing deceived”. We propose a remedy for this problem
by enforcing the same distribution of fake and real
shares, so that the adversary cannot reliably detect the
We will make use of the above discussed tech-
niques in combination with steganography to hide
the shares, which adds new security features to both
primitives. Neither is the literature about secret shar-
ing explicitly concerned with confidentiality of shares
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
(which by construction is not naturally required), nor
is steganography usually concerned with plausible de-
niability, since the secrets are hidden anyway. The
concept of plausible deniability, as we use it, first ap-
peared in the context of encryption (Goldberg et al.,
1996), with the goal of having a cipher that lets us
decrypt either the true or a decoy ciphertext, depend-
ing on whether the decryption is done legitimately or
under pressure (Bellare and Kohno, 2003), (Asokan
et al., 1999), (Rass et al., 2022). Similarly, secret
sharing is extensible to multi-secret sharing, allowing
the reconstruction of several secrets from the same set
of shares. This is particularly interesting for matters
of deniability, since if we could reconstruct several
different secrets from the same set, some of them can
be harmless for the purpose of yielding to an attacker,
while other secrets are kept confidential. This relates
our work to multi-secret sharing schemes, which have
been intensively studied in the past. For our pur-
poses, we will resort to a simple multi-secret sharing
based on intersecting hyperplanes, similar to Blake-
ley’s scheme (Blakley, 1979).
2.3 Our Contribution
We introduce the notion of Oblivious Secret Sharing
as a method to enhance steganography with plausibe
deniability, by combining the two techniques to unify
the best from both: in hiding the shares with help
of steganography, we can make the attacker uncertain
about how many shares will recover the secret. Con-
versely, in having a pool of shares from which we can
recover multiple secrets, we can steganography plau-
sibly deniable. Oblivious secret sharing is thus a form
of (regular) secret sharing that additionally hides how
many shares are there, and, is here applied to generi-
cally make a steganographic mechanism plausibly de-
In the following, m is a secret message that we as-
sume to be encoded into a matrix S that we can, in
turn, interpret as an image. Under this assumed trans-
formation, we can think of the embedding as taking an
arbitrary string, and placing it invisibly into a picture.
The intermediate representation of m as yet another
picture S (for data type compatibility in the stegano-
graphic embedding), is of no explicit interest for us
in the following. We will use m
represented as S
as the secret messages that we are
willing to hide. We let the cover images be from some
album, represented as an ordered set
n . We use J
to denote a uniformly
random subset choice. Moreover, we will assume all
computations following hereafter to be in a suitably
defined finite field so that we do not need to worry
about overflows or roundoff errors. To simplify the
notation, we let the finite field arithmetic be implicit,
without annotations to the equations.
Let us assume that the steganographic embedding
of a secret S into an image I affects only some portion
of the image, and leaves the majority part unchanged,
which we will call the “cover part” of the image I and
denote it as I
. That is, the portion I
is unchanged
whenever the secret S is steganographically put into
the image I, which upon this embedding has be-
come a carrier of a secret, signified by writing I
. The
part of I that has changed upon this embedding is the
stego-part, denoted as I
. For example, if the embed-
ding is in the least signficiant bits (LSBs), I
will be
everything excluding the LSBs of each pixel.
The distinction of the cover part is important for
us in the following, since no matter what information
steganographically goes into an image I, the result-
ing stego-images I
will be different, depending on
the particular secret, but the cover part I
of I will
always be the same, as it excludes any secret (stego-
)information. We emphasize that the superscript s is
here only symbolically, and does not relate to any spe-
cific secret. Summarizing the symbols, we will thus
distinguish three versions I, I
and I
of an image,
where I may or may not contain a secret (i.e., is of un-
told status), and the secret stored in I
may be real or
fake. To distinguish the latter two, we reserve writing
for images containing a real secret m, and write I
whenever I contains a fake secret, denoted as m
3.1 Basic Steganographic Definitions
The currently used steganographic techniques can be
divided into manual and DNN-based methods. These
two algorithms are typically used in a steganography
scheme. The definition of an embedding algorithm
(Encoder) is as follows:
E(I,m) (1)
where I is the cover image, m is the secret mes-
sage. Consequently, a definition of an extraction algo-
rithm (decoder) is: ˜m = D(I
) we may obtain ˜m m
in most DNN approaches; however, additional error-
correcting encoder and decoder are required to re-
move noise to get the exact message, but we have
˜m = m in LSB or non-deep learning steganographic
How to Plausibly Deny Steganographic Secrets
3.2 Deniable Steganography Definitions
Steganography that is sender-deniable is resistant to
sender coercion (Xu et al., 2022). In this instance,
the adversary identifies a sender and forces them to
disclose the secret information. To confirm the verac-
ity of the revealed message, the adversary may force
the sender to create the same stego with the original
cover and hidden message. The sender should then
have a fake encoder E
in addition to the encoder E
used in equation (1) so that it can generate a stego
image again while using a convincing fake message
and cover I as follows: I
(I, m
) where m
should be distinct from m but appear meaningful.
Let us adapt the notation from (Xu et al., 2022) for
our purposes, and think of the embedding algorithm E
and fake embedding algorithm E
as the same proce-
dure, only taking an additional auxiliary input that we
hereafter will call a secret key sk. Our new embedding
algorithm E(I, m
,sk) will be probabilistic and resem-
ble the algorithm E and E
from (Xu et al., 2022)
upon different auxiliary inputs sk.
Definition 1 ((Plausible) Sender-Deniability). A
steganographic embedding is called sender-deniable,
if the following scenario succeeds for the (honest)
user: having embedded a secret m into some image
(or set of images) I
with a secret key sk, let the at-
tacker be in possession of the image I
with m hid-
den inside. Moreover, let m and sk be unknown to the
adversary, and assume the attack goal to determine
whether or not I
does contain some secret.
We call the embedding scheme sender-deniable, if
the user can, upon force, create a fake secret m
, and
suitable key sk
such that the embedding of m
with the
algorithm E and key sk
used in it, reproduces exactly
the adversary’s information I
but without using the
real secret m, i.e., I
= I
E(I, m
), when I is the
original (clean) image.
If the real message m and the fake message m
have the same distribution, i.e., come from the same
source, we call the scheme plausibly sender-deniable.
Deniability thus differs from plausible deniability
in the fact that the former only demands another mes-
sage to exist, but it does not need to be meaningful.
Hence, the attacker could be suspicious when being
presented m
as the content of I
. Plausible deniability
shall resolve this issue by making m
able from a real message, in terms of probability dis-
tribution. In both cases, the user (sender) attempts to
convince the adversary there being no sensitive infor-
mation inside the picture, by demonstrating an em-
bedding of some (random) fake message that could
have produced exactly the picture that the adversary
thinks to contain a secret.
Receiver-deniable steganography allows the re-
ceiver to open a stego image to a useless fake secret
upon force. If the adversary is sure that I
a secret (different to the sender-deniability situation
from above), then the receiver could be forced to dis-
close the stego content in I
. In the vocabulary of (Xu
et al., 2022), the receiver would then invoke a fake
decoder D
that can extract a convincing message m
from the stego in addition to the ordinary decoder D.
In our notation, we will not distinguish real from fake
decoders, but rather let there be a single extraction
algorithm (Decoding) D that takes one or more im-
ages and a secret key sk to output some hidden con-
tent inside the cover images. As before, the sender
can use some suitably constructed other secret key sk
to extract a fake message m
to show to the attacker:
= D(I
Definition 2 ((Plausible) Receiver-Deniability). Let
the user have embedded a secret m into an image I
E(m,sk) and assume that the adversary knows that
does contain a secret, but does not know m or sk.
Let the attacker force the user to disclose the image.
We call the extraction algorithm receiver-deniable, if
the user can (efficiently) construct a key sk
such that
the extraction returns m
= D(I
) ̸= m. If m
m have the same distribution, we call the extraction
plausibly receiver-deniable.
We will, without loss of generality, allow the se-
cret to be embedded in parts over several images (up
to a full photo album) and also extracted from sev-
eral possible input images, so that both, the embed-
ding and extraction algorithms can take whole sets
of images as their (first) inputs. To avoid overcom-
plicating our notation, we will not introduce accord-
ingly extended symbols here, and let the details be-
come clear from the constructions to follow. For en-
coding and decoding purposes in the sender-deniable
steganography and receiver-deniable steganography,
we use Open Stego (Vaidya, 2023). This has the addi-
tional purpose of showing that the constructions made
here are generic, and thus compatible with different
steganographic techniques. This flexibility, however,
does not also apply for the secret sharing, for which
we require a specific method.
Plausible deniability provides an extra layer of se-
curity for the sender and can be helpful in situations
where the sender may face legal or political conse-
quences for sending the message. By having the op-
tion to deny the existence of the message, the sender
can protect themselves from potential ramifications.
It is essential to be aware that plausible deniability
does not guarantee immunity from legal action or con-
sequences. In many countries, using steganography
for illegal or unethical purposes is prohibited, and in-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
dividuals may still be held responsible for their ac-
tions, even with the presence of plausible deniabil-
ity. This distinguishes plausible deniability from con-
vincing deniability: while plausible deniability only
means the provable possibility of a message to be real
or fake, this does not imply (nor refute) that an at-
tacker will “buy” the claim of a fake information to
be real. We cannot technologically enforce the belief
into what the user presents to the attacker, so at some
point, it will remain the subjective decision of the at-
tacker whether or not to believe that the message pre-
sented to him/her was right. A guarantee that the user
can convince the skeptic attacker would be “convinc-
ing deniability”, which is much stronger than plau-
sibly deniability, but technologically not achievable.
This paper shows how to tackle the above-mentioned
severe threat. And also, if the user possesses the
dataset and some adversary performs a steganalysis
attack on this dataset and forces him to reveal what is
hidden inside that noisy-looking picture.
Our construction will be an extension to con-
ventional multi-secret sharing with added security in
terms of deniability of content or the number, resp.
existence, of shares. We call this oblivious secret
Our goal is hiding a secret inside a photo album in a
deniable fashion for the sender and receiver. To this
end, let the messages to be embedded, containing real
and fake messages, be m
, sampled at ran-
dom from the same source, and let n be the num-
ber of images in our cover photo album.
Embedding of secrets: Let the sequence of mes-
sages m
be coerced into respective im-
age formats S
, to embed the i-th secret
into our cover album. We first choose a random set
of images, and write the secret S
representing m
, as
+ R
, (2)
with the (easily computable) residual share as
:= S
. Reading (2) as a form of secret
sharing, the shares are hence the cover parts I
indices j J
from the album, and the residual im-
age R
that will in most cases look like some random
noise, but not having any particularly fixed distribu-
tion (it may be recognizable as a share if an attacker
extracts it). Embed the share R
inside some cover
image I
), with I
taken at
random from the album at index i
. Note that the index
is not to be mixed up with the index of the i-th mes-
sage, i.e., we have i
̸= i in general. Create the extrac-
tion key sk
for the i-th by putting together the indices
of the shares I
in (2), and the additional index i
the image to contain the residual share R
, i.e., define
). For example: S
= (I
+ I
+ I
) + R
now the created residual share R
is put into the im-
age from the dataset. Let’s suppose we had put the
residual share of R
in the I
; then the key would be:
= (5,
To extract the i-th message, whether real or fake,
we proceed as: Given the secret key sk = (i
), ex-
tract R
from I
using the chosen steganographic al-
gorithm. Extract the cover parts from all images in-
dicated by the indices in J
, and recover the message
from equation (2).
To delete a secret m
from the album, we use the
corresponding secret key sk
= (i,J
) to identify the
image I
that contains the residual share for m
. We
then simply overwrite the stego part I
by embedding
a newly constructed residual share R
for some – now
fake – message m
to replace m
in future.
To update a secret m
, we take the se-
cret key sk
= (i
) and represent m
again by
equation (2), to compute a fresh residual share R
accordingly, that we embed (using the chosen proce-
dure) into I
Since our goal is plausible deniability, we hereafter
assume that the adversary already has recovered some
secret (by steganalysis) that only needs confirmation,
or is (again possibly by a prior steganalysis) already
suspicious that some secrets may exist. Sender denia-
bility works against the latter scenario, while receiver
deniability is security against the former. Steganaly-
sis itself is hence out of scope hereafter, as we assume
this to already have happened (with results used by the
5.1 Sender Deniability
Let the attacker have image I
(i.e., the image at index
t in the album) in its possession, but is uncertain about
whether this image really contains a secret (i.e., the
asterisk in our notation is not visible to the attacker
although it may exist). For the sender to plausibly
deny some real m to be inside I
, assume that the cor-
responding secret S would inside I
be represented by
the residual share R as
S =
+ R (3)
How to Plausibly Deny Steganographic Secrets
using the set J
. The secret extraction key would thus
be sk = (t, J
). The set J
is unknown to the attacker
(although it may have potential partial, but uncon-
firmed, information by knowledge of the index t), so
it is a simple matter to choose another set J
and a fake
secret S
computed as
= R +
such that (3) holds likewise with S
that we can reveal
to the adversary, to keep the real S secret. Thus, S
represent another message m
̸= m for which I
= I
,sk = (t, J
)) will be identical to the attacker’s
information and Definition 1 is satisfied.
To also see that the sender can plausibly deny the
embedding, consider the distributions of the terms in
(3) and (4). Let the user have created both type of
messags, real and fake, and let them be sampled from
a common probability distribution F. Moreover, let
the expression
have the distribution F
, as-
suming that J is a randomly uniform selection from
, drawn without replacement. And finally,
let the residual share have (yet another) distribution
. By (3), S will have the distribution F = F
by convolution. However and likewise, S
will have
the distribution F
= F, which is the same as the
distribution of the real message by the commutativity
of convolutions. Thus, the sender-deniability is also
plausible by Definition 1.
5.2 Receiver Deniability
Now, let the attacker be certain about there being a
secret m inside the image I
in possession of the at-
tacker, and there is force on the user to disclose the
inner message m. In being forced to use some image
to disclose a secret, the receiver has two options: If
there is another secret key sk
= (i
) such that t J
that opens a harmless (i.e., insensitive) fake message
, the receiver can faithfully extract the message m
instead of m. The process is in no aspect different to
how m would be opened, so unrecognizable for the
attacker, and delivers a message m
= D(I
) ̸= m,
which accomplishes receiver deniability by Def. 2.
Otherwise, the user can proceed as with sender de-
niability, and produce a representation S
of a fake
message m
with the residual share R obtained from
as in equation (4), and show the result m
(which is
most likely ̸= m) to the adversary, again accomplish-
ing receiver deniability by Definition 2.
In both cases, the distributions of the fake secrets
and the real secret m are identical by the same to-
ken as in Section 5.1, under the hypothesis that both
are sampled from the same source (owned by the cre-
Table 1: Situation of denial for the number of secrets.
attacker’s view demonstrated by the user
= I
. =
= I
(real until here) I
= I
(fake from here)
= I
. =
= I
ator or sender of the album, resp. pictures). Hence,
the deniability is also plausible.
5.3 Deniability of the Number of Secrets
To deny the number of secrets as such, our mecha-
nism is to let the user under pressure demonstrate that
the album, exactly as the adversary has it, is repro-
ducible with less than the true number of secrets in-
side it. More formally, let the adversary’s knowledge
be the full set of images I
, and, without loss of
generality, let us enumerate them in the order of the
first t images containing t secrets of the user, and the
remaining n t images being “empty” in the sense of
storing only fake residue shares. The user’s goal is to
reproduce the adversary’s information with only t 1
of the actual secrets, thus denying the existence of the
t-th secret at all. To illustrate the situation, recall that
the asterisk marks images that contain actual secrets
of the user (specifically residue shares thereof), and
let images with a dash superscript contain fake infor-
mation. It is unknown to the adversary which pictures
contain sensitive secrets, as our goal here is denying
the number of such secrets. For the sake of illustra-
tion, however, let us arrange them in ordered rows,
where the user’s goal is to reproduce identical rows
only not using the t-th secret, hence denying that the
number of secrets was t, by demonstrating that the
number were t 1. This in fact assumes even some
additional knowledge of the attacker, since we take it
as known that the first t 1 images contain real secrets
(this would be unknown in reality).
To make the columns in Table 1 identical, we have
to re-create the image I
as it is in the adversary’s
possession, without using the real secret with which
has been made before. This works with the very
same mechanism as for sender deniability in Section
5.1, since the user can recreate the album “as is” us-
ing a fake secret in place of the real secret at image
number t. This process is repeatable for multiple im-
ages too, thus letting us also plausibly claim there to
be t 2,t 3, . . . or fewer real secrets in the album.
For the images I
, the user can just re-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
veal and use the actual secrets to faithfully reproduce
as the adversary expect. Likewise, for
, the user can openly construct fake shares
and reproduce these pictures to the attacker’s expec-
tation. Now, the user can claim the resulting ran-
dom value S
to be nothing else than a legitimate fake
message that, with the choice of J
that the aversary
cannot recognize as being ̸= J (as it does not know
J), would reproduce exactly the residue R that the at-
tacker may have recovered from I
The oblivious secret sharing uses the feature of plausi-
ble deniability to provide additional security for both
mechanisms. It enhances steganography by prevent-
ing an attacker from accessing confidential informa-
tion even if they can detect the presence of a hidden
message. And for secret sharing, the added value of
steganography is to prevent enforced processing of
shares, since we can plausibly deny to possess them.
A demo implementation of our method is available
for download at
The future research in this area could be the de-
velopment of more efficient and secure protocols for
oblivious secret sharing in the context of plausible
deniability. This could involve exploring new cryp-
tographic techniques, optimizing existing protocols,
and exploring the trade-offs between security, effi-
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require secure and decentralized methods for sharing
and storing sensitive information, making oblivious
secret sharing a potentially valuable tool. Addition-
ally, the research could focus on integrating obliv-
ious secret sharing with other cryptographic tech-
niques, such as homomorphic encryption and zero-
knowledge proofs, to provide even more robust levels
of security and privacy. Finally, the research could
explore the potential applications of oblivious secret
sharing outside of traditional cryptographic settings,
such as social networks, online voting systems, and
other areas where secure and private information shar-
ing is essential.
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How to Plausibly Deny Steganographic Secrets