Proctoring Online Exam Using Eye Tracking
Waheeb Yaqub
, Manoranjan Mohanty
and Basem Suleiman
School of Computer Science, The University of Sydney, Australia
Center for Forensic Science, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Online Teaching, Online Proctoring, Student’s Privacy.
Online proctoring is required for online teaching. Typically, third-party video-based crowd-sourced online
proctoring solutions are being used for monitoring exam-takers (e.g., students). This approach, however, has
privacy concerns as an exam-taker’s face is shown to the third-party provider. In this paper, we propose
to address this concern using face hiding, and then monitoring the face hidden exam takers via eye (gaze)
tracking. The eye tracking is used to detect if the exam-taker is reading from computer screen, e.g., from
ChatGPT. The face is hidden by exposing the eyes such that eye tracking is possible.
The dramatic increase in online teaching necessitates
online proctoring for exam-takers. Proctoring a large
number of exam-takers online is daunting for educa-
tional organizations, such as universities. As a re-
sult, universities are outsourcing the proctoring task to
third-party companies like ProctorU. Figure 1 demon-
strates how employees remotely monitor exam-takers
by reviewing videos of the exam rooms.
Figure 1: A widely used proctoring system, ProctorU, proc-
tors are monitoring exam takers. ( from (Dimeo, 2017)).
Outsourcing the proctoring task to a third-party
company raises privacy concerns (Nigam et al., 2021;
Furby, 2020). Exam-takers’ faces and background
information in the videos are readily available to
the company employees. There is a risk of these
videos being leaked to the public, including social
media (Balash et al., ; Milone et al., 2017). Conse-
quently, some exam-takers are uncomfortable sharing
their videos with third-party proctors.
One way to address privacy concerns is by blur-
ring or masking the face of an exam-taker (Yaqub
et al., 2022). However, it is crucial to ensure that
proctoring is still possible. Yakub et al. (Yaqub et al.,
2022) previously proposed a method to hide the face
of an exam-taker while enabling proctoring through
observing their body movements. However, their
work did not consider cheating by the exam-taker
through reading from another computer screen. In
this paper, we propose a proctoring approach that de-
tects such cheating by identifying when the exam-
taker is reading from another computer screen. We
consider this behavior as an anomaly and detect it
using eye-tracking. We do not hide the eyes of the
exam-taker, only the face.
One major challenge in this area of research is the
lack of a public exam-taking video dataset. Similar to
Cote et al.s (Cote et al., 2016) work, we systemati-
cally collect an in-house dataset of five exam-taking
and cheating-attempting videos for our study. Exper-
imental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme
outperforms the work of Yaqub et al. (Yaqub et al.,
2022), which is one of the pioneering studies in this
field. The proposed work represents an initial at-
tempt to address a new and practical research prob-
lem: privacy-preserving online proctoring. Further
research is necessary to enhance the results, such as
utilizing a larger exam-taking video dataset.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
Yaqub, W., Mohanty, M. and Suleiman, B.
Proctoring Online Exam Using Eye Tracking.
DOI: 10.5220/0012120600003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 738-745
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tion 2 discusses related work. Section 3 provides an
overview of the proposed method. Section 4 explains
the Initialization stage, Section 5 explains face hid-
ing, and Section 6 explains anomaly detection. Sec-
tion 7 presents experimental results. Section 8 con-
cludes and discusses future work.
Current online proctoring systems generally fall into
three categories: Live Proctoring, Recorded Proctor-
ing, and Automated Proctoring (Hussein et al., 2020).
Live Proctoring is a real-time system where a crowd-
sourced human proctor monitors students’ activities
during the exam through live webcams, as shown in
Figure 1. It resembles on-campus exam proctoring,
recording minimal information about the exam taker.
With the rise of computer vision deep learning
models, a new form of live online proctoring has
emerged, monitoring all the exam takers’ movements
automatically using a software tool (Conijn et al., ).
The heavy reliance on such automated online proc-
toring solutions has also recently increased due to the
COVID-19 pandemic.
e et al. (2016) proposed a video summariza-
tion method for remote proctoring of online exams.
Their solution eliminates the need for a real-time
proctor by detecting abnormal behavior through head-
pose estimation and a two-state hidden Markov model
(HMM). Suspicious snippets are then forwarded to
proctors for further review. While addressing stu-
dents’ concerns about invasiveness, this approach
raises privacy concerns as snippets expose students
without any form of veiling (Balash et al., ).
The system developed by (Atoum et al., 2017)
verifies the test-taker’s identity by continuously
matching their face with a database to prevent sub-
stitution during the exam. Text detection ensures the
absence of textual resources in the user’s surround-
ings, while speech detection aims to identify audible
speech. To detect cheating on the user’s computer,
tracked windows include those currently opened by
the user. Gaze estimation is used to detect anoma-
lous eye movements. However, unlike (Yaqub et al.,
2021), who relied solely on the webcam, this system
utilizes both the webcam and a wearable camera. The
portable camera is also employed to detect mobile
phones within the user’s field of view.
The work by Masud et al. aimed to develop a fully
automated exam proctoring assistance system (Ma-
sud et al., 2022). The system relied solely on visual
data to detect cheating. The classifier was trained
to detect cheating based on a multi-variate time se-
ries. To evaluate its performance, they collected 20
non-cheating and cheating behavior sample videos,
each a few seconds long and consisting of frames
varying from 75 to 250. Since the classifier required
uniform-length training data, longer videos were split
into shorter ones for evaluation. The videos were
grouped based on length and evaluated individually
against the classifier. Datasets with shorter videos
consistently performed better, achieving at least 80%
accuracy. However, as the video length increased, the
performance noticeably declined. The dataset with
videos of length 250 frames demonstrated accuracies
ranging from 60% to 80%. This decline indicates the
model’s limited ability to handle longer videos as they
are more likely to exhibit complex behavior, which
was not considered during training or dependent on
auditory input.
However, students’ privacy has not yet been ad-
dressed by researchers. The systems by (Irfan et al.,
2021; Masud et al., 2022; Cote et al., 2016; Atoum
et al., 2017) and commercial solutions are typically
built with the objective of maximizing cheating de-
tection, and without consulting students about their
concerns (Selwyn et al., 2021). The list of private in-
formation that an exam taker gives up can be unan-
ticipated and intrusive. Some of the examples of in-
formation collected during online exams are audio,
video, screen sharing, keyboard strokes, room pan-
ning videos, etc.
Figure 2: Architecture of the proposed system.
Figure 2 shows the overall architecture of the pro-
posed system. There are four main players: a stu-
dent (i.e., exam-taker), a trusted entity, an honest-but-
curious third-party proctor, and a trusted university
staff. We assume that the trusted entity can access
the student’s information, such as exam videos, pho-
tos, ID cards, in plain-text. This entity can either
be present at the student-end (such as a trust-zone
in student’s computing device) or at the university-
end (such as a highly secure dedicated machine).
The third-party proctor is assumed to be honest-but-
Proctoring Online Exam Using Eye Tracking
curious as it does its task honestly but can be curious
to know information without any authorization. Com-
munications between different entities are assumed to
be secured.
Workflow: The proposed system consists of two
main stages: the one-time initialization stage and the
run-time eye-tracking-based anomaly detection stage.
In both stages, the exam taker is required to switch on
their webcam or selfie camera.
In the initialization stage, the exam taker’s identity
is first checked by the Identity Check module of the
Trusted Entity to determine if they are enrolled for the
exam, similar to an offline exam. Proxy exam takers
are not allowed to take the exam. Enrolled exam tak-
ers then undergo a one-time eye calibration process
using the Eye Calibration module before the start of
the actual exam. This calibration is essential for un-
derstanding how the exam taker will interact with the
computer screen during the exam.
After the calibration, the plain-text eye calibration
data is sent by the Trusted Entity to the Third-Party
Proctor (Step 1). During the live exam stage, the exam
taker’s live exam-taking video is sent to the Trusted
Entity in plain-text (Step 2). The Face Hiding module
of the Trusted Entity then hides the facial information
to minimize privacy leaks. The face-hidden video is
sent to the Third-Party Proctor (Step 3).
The Third-Party Proctor runs anomaly detection
on the face-hidden video to detect potential cheating.
This anomaly detection tool serves as a triaging tool.
If the exam taker is flagged by this tool, they are re-
ported to the Trusted Entity for another round of iden-
tity check, which is carried out automatically. This is
to ensure that a proxy has not replaced the exam taker
after their identity was previously verified. If a proxy
is found, their plain-text video clip is sent to Univer-
sity Staff for further action (Step 6).
If a proxy is not found, the flagged exam taker un-
dergoes another round of manual check for malprac-
tice at the third-party proctor’s end by reviewing the
video clip showing the potential malpractice. Those
confirmed by the third-party proctor are reported to
the trusted university staff (Step 5). University staff
obtain the plain-text video clip from the Trusted En-
tity (Step 6) and take any further actions.
Our proposed system is made of various modules
as shown in Figure 2. In the following sections, the
details of the initialisation and anomaly detection will
be discussed.
4.1 Identity Check
This module can be divided into two parts: face ver-
ification and OCR. The face verification part con-
firms the identity of the examinee and detects surro-
gate exam-takers before the exam. The OCR part ex-
tracts the student ID number to establish a connection
between the student sitting for the exam and the ID
photos in the database. It also labels the student with
their student ID number instead of their full name for
anonymization purposes. Figure 4 depicts separate
flowcharts for the ID verification part and the OCR
The flowchart for ID verification illustrates the
process of face verification. First, the images of stu-
dents’ photos are fed into the face detection algorithm
- MTCNN - to detect faces in the pictures. If faces
are detected, the system proceeds to the next stage;
otherwise, the process is terminated. Once the faces
are detected, the system utilizes the pre-trained face
recognition model - FaceNet - to convert them into
128-dimensional face embeddings. Subsequently, the
system employs the Siamese network, trained from
scratch, to improve data representation. Finally, the
system computes cos-similarity scores to determine
whether the examinee is genuine or if there is a surro-
gate exam-taker.
The flowchart for OCR illustrates the text detec-
tion/recognition algorithm. Initially, the images of
students’ ID cards are input into the text detection
and recognition algorithm - EasyOCR - to detect the
student IDs on the cards. If the correct IDs are de-
tected, the system confirms the detection; otherwise,
it prompts the human proctor to recheck.
Figure 3: The initialisation process in live system on student
side interface.
4.1.1 Face Detection
In Figure 4, the system utilizes MTCNN to cap-
ture accurate bounding boxes of faces. The pre-
trained face recognition algorithm, FaceNet, is then
employed to extract face embeddings, which repre-
sent the features of faces. However, face embeddings
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Fit ID?
Text Detection and
Correct ID
Face Detection
Face Embeddinngs
Compute Cos-
Siamese Network
ID Verification
Train it by Triplet
Figure 4: The detailed flowchart of ID verification module.
alone are insufficient for distinguishing different in-
dividuals’ faces using cosine similarity scores. To
improve data representation, a one-shot learning face
recognition algorithm is applied to project the face
embeddings onto another hyperplane.
The main objective is to establish the Siamese
Network. There are three identical layers for every in-
put face embedding, and the face embeddings are con-
catenated to compare their cosine similarity scores.
The weight vectors are used to compare the face veri-
fication by computing the cosine similarity score. The
Triplet loss training criterion is utilized for randomly
selecting a batch of triplets: anchor, positive, and neg-
ative. The triplet loss is given by:
Triplet Loss =
[( f
+ ( f
+ α],
where f
represents the output of the anchor data,
refers to the output of the positive data, f
sents the output of the negative data, and α is a hyper-
parameter that separates the distance between the pos-
itive and negative data as much as possible. The hy-
perparameters are as follows: Input Dimension = 128,
Output Dimension = 64, Batch size = 1000, Epochs =
100, Steps per epoch = 10, and α = 0.2.
The anchor and the positive embedding must be
of the same class, while the negative embedding must
be of a different class. The core concept of the triplet
loss is to minimize the difference between the weight
vectors of the anchor and the positive, and maximize
the difference between the anchor and the negative.
4.1.2 OCR
EasyOCR was selected to implement text detec-
tion and recognition in our system. The Easy-
OCR pipeline includes image input, pre-processing,
CRAFT for detection models, mid-processing,
ResNet + LSTM + CTC for recognition models, and
post-processing for text output. However, EasyOCR’s
efficiency is low due to the long execution period. To
address this issue, we implemented a flag mechanism.
The fundamental concept of the flag mechanism is to
terminate the process once the system detects the cor-
rect student ID, and continue capturing until the stu-
dent’s ID is detected if necessary.
The lower half of Figure 4 shows the flowchart
of how the OCR system functions. The input is stu-
dent ID images. After EasyOCR scans the student ID
photos, the output data type is text, and the system
compares the text with the student ID in the database.
If the text matches the student ID in the database, the
process will terminate. Otherwise, it will continue to
search for the text that matches the student ID using
the flag mechanism.
During the initialisation stage, students will use
the ID verification UI system to take photos of their
faces for ID verification purposes. This process aims
to prevent exam surrogate takers from attending ex-
ams. The ID verification module will detect any exam
surrogate takers present during the exams. Figure 3
illustrates the UI of the module functions during the
initialization process.
Proctoring Online Exam Using Eye Tracking
4.1.3 Performance of ID Verification
The ID verification module is validated using a self-
made test dataset to assess the performance of face
verification and OCR algorithm. The dataset con-
sists of ve distinct student IDs, each with the follow-
ing sampled frames and lengths: P1
(230 frames, 9
secs), P2
(271 frames, 17 secs), P3
(372 frames,
12 secs), P4
(285 frames, 9 secs), and P5
frames, 10 secs).
4.2 Eye Calibration
The student’s sitting pattern is initially recorded
through her sitting position and eye interaction with
the computer. The correct sitting position is estab-
lished by displaying a real-time camera view to the
student and instructing her to adjust her sitting posi-
tion. A method similar to the approach proposed by
Yaqub et al. (Krafka et al., 2016) is then employed to
accurately record the eye interaction.
This module hides the student’s facial information
from a video to minimize privacy leaks. We use blur-
ring and masking techniques to conceal the face (Fig-
ure 5). In anonymized videos, the eyes remain visible
to facilitate anomaly detection, specifically cheating
detection. Firstly, the face and eyes are detected, and
then blurring or masking is applied. The eye detection
and subsequent blurring or masking are performed us-
ing Yaqub et al.s method (Yaqub et al., 2022). The
eyes are not concealed to ensure gaze detection (eye
Figure 5: Frame-by-frame blurring or masking (Yaqub
et al., 2022).
Anomaly detection is used to detect anomalies even
when the student’s face is blurred or masked. Gaze
detection is used for this purpose. In the following
section, we discuss gaze detection in detail.
6.1 Gaze Estimation
The gaze detection module determines if the student’s
gaze is within the screen boundaries. It utilizes the
output of the gaze detection model and information
about the examinee’s screen size to assess if the ex-
aminee is looking beyond the physical range of the
screen, which is considered anomalous behavior. The
gaze estimation module relies on two sub-modules:
iTracker and the calibration model.
iTracker submodule was trained using a dataset of
single portrait photos taken by an Apple mobile de-
vice. The training was done using CNN. The core
CNN-based neural network of iTracker is referred to
as the iTracker model in the paper. Inputs to the model
include left eye, right eye, and face images from the
original frame, as well as a face grid calculated based
on the spatial position of the face image. The final
output of the iTracker model is the coordinate of the
estimated gaze point on the photo frame. The spatial
features prevented us from using the iTracker mod-
ule directly. Therefore, we calibrated the output of
iTracker for various laptop and desktop screens. The
calibration model is a linear model that takes the raw
output of the iTracker model as input and provides the
calibrated point position as output.
Calibrating Gaze Estimation Module. We intro-
duced a simpler linear calibration model compared
to existing Support Vector Regression (Krafka et al.,
2016). Unlike traditional iTracker, we expect the
screen size of the examinee to vary at most 20 inches
in the real world. To overcome this, we further im-
proved performance by developing a personalized cal-
ibration model. For this, a single calibration model
per examinee was used. We assessed the linear model
using 25 pictures collected by us, corresponding to a
5 x 5 grid on the screen. Figures 6 and 7 show the esti-
mated gaze location compared to the ground truth for
subjects with and without glasses. All red points rep-
resent the raw prediction points of the iTracker, while
the corresponding black points represent the ground
truth points. We also employed a linear model to re-
duce incorrect gaze estimations by mapping the pixel
locations to the closest original ground truth.
We examined various personalised linear calibra-
tion models based on the Euclidean distance metric
(Krafka et al., 2016). The ve models used to assess
the effectiveness of personalised linear calibration are
listed below, along with the results in Table 1.
I. lm(x, y): X
, Y
, y
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 6: Incorrect estimated gaze location by Itracker be-
cause of screen size (subject1) without glasses.
Figure 7: Incorrect and irregularities estimated gaze loca-
tion by Itracker because of screen size and screen light re-
flection on glasses (subject1).
II. lm(x, y, nx): X
, Y
, y
, n
III. lm(x, y, ny): X
, Y
, y
, n
IV. lm(x, y, nx, ny): X
, Y
, y
, n
, n
V. lm(x, y, nx, ny, nz): X
, Y
, y
, n
, n
, n
Data X
and Y
represent the raw output of the
iTracker. n
, n
, and n
represent the nose coordinates
provided by Mediapipe. Nose coordinates are used to
indicate the model’s response to the examinee’s head
From the table, the most robust model is lm(x, y),
which significantly reduces errors for situations with
and without glasses-wearing examinee. The adjusted
error is, on average, 42% of the raw error, equivalent
to 3.97cm on a 14-inch-screen laptop. This error is
considered acceptable on a large screen compared to
mobile phones.
Gaze Estimation Anomaly Detection Module.
The combination of the itracker model and the person-
alized calibration model serves as the gaze estimation
module for the anomaly detection system. The perfor-
mance of the gaze estimation module is tested using a
self-made gaze video, as demonstrated in the upcom-
Table 1: Performance summary for 3 different anomaly de-
tection modes with 2 different privacy preserving modes.
(Acc. for Accuracy, Rec. for Recall, Pre. for Precision).
Black background GUI Error(cm) Calibrated error(cm)(Cross-Validation)
Raw lm(x,y) lm(x,y,nx) lm(x,y,ny) lm(x,y,nx,ny) lm(x,y,nx,ny,nz)
Glasses Subject 1 7.85 4.07 4.24 3.71 4.16 4.89
Subject 1 7.86 4.3 4.27 5.16 5.21 5.71
Error 7.855 4.185 4.255 4.435 4.685 5.3
Error cut 46.72% 45.83% 43.54% 40.36% 32.53%
Subject 2 4.03 3.02 3.24 2.96 3.05 3.12
Subject 2 3.78 2.91 2.96 3.09 3.34 3.16
Error 3.905 2.965 3.1 3.025 3.195 3.14
Error cut 24.07% 20.61% 22.54% 18.18% 19.59%
Subject 3 17.17 6.62 5.97 5.73 5.2 5.04
Subject 3 16.37 5.49 5.07 7.6 6.52 6.58
Error 16.77 6.055 5.52 6.665 5.86 5.81
Error cut 63.89% 67.08% 60.26% 65.06% 65.35%
Glasses Free Subject 1 8.33 4.92 5 5.24 5 16.13
Subject 1 6.88 4.76 7.17 68.36 73.72 66.11
Error 7.605 4.84 6.085 36.8 39.36 41.12
Error cut 36.36% 19.99% -383.89% -417.55% 440.70%
Subject 2 4.4 2.91 4.29 4.35 5.31 5.95
Subject 2 3.32 3.61 2.35 3.35 3.49 7.41
Error 3.86 3.26 3.32 3.85 4.4 6.68
Error cut 15.54% 13.99% 0.26% -13.99% -73.06%
Subject 3 14.25 4.45 6.33 4.28 6.35 6.24
Subject 3 14.1 5.08 5.35 4.96 5.22 5.16
Error 14.175 4.765 5.84 4.62 5.785 5.7
Error cut 66.38% 58.80% 67.41% 59.19% 59.79%
Mean Error cut 42.16% 37.72% -31.65% -41.46% -56.08%
ing experiment section. We assessed the prediction
results of all videos and discovered a predictable pat-
tern in the module. It tends to predict points closer to
the coordinate origin, typically located at the top of
the screen where the camera is positioned. For exam-
ple, if the user is looking at the bottom edge of the
screen, the predicted gaze point will be higher than
the bottom edge. However, if the user is looking at
the top edge, there is no such gap. Therefore, we im-
proved the workflow of the gaze estimation module.
The image dataset is divided into a training set and
test set. The calibration model is trained on the train-
ing set and applied to the test set to estimate the error.
This estimated error is then used to adjust the left,
right, and bottom edges of the screen, forming the
anomaly decision boundary for the gaze estimation
anomaly detection module. By using the anomaly
decision boundary, the recall increases from 13% to
88% without affecting the F1-score compared to the
results obtained with the raw screen edges.
The practicability of the gaze estimation anomaly
detection module in the simulated test video has been
discussed. Figure 8 shows the flow chart of this mod-
In the first stage, the training set provided by
the examinee is used to build a personalized
calibration model. Gaze pictures are processed
with their corresponding face and eye bounding
boxes provided by the privacy-preserving mod-
ule. The output of this step is the input for
iTracker. The raw coordinate prediction results
of iTracker are grouped with the corresponding
ground truth labels for training the personalized
calibration model of the examinee. The calibra-
tion model and the iTracker model are then com-
bined to form the gaze estimation module.
Proctoring Online Exam Using Eye Tracking
Index with
Data Collection GUI
Eye data (Photos,
Gaze Data)
Gaze Estimation Module
Calibration Model
Training set
Test set
Split the Data
Calibration Model
Coordinates of face
and eyes
Screen Size
First stage
Label the Frame as
Estimated Error
Label the Frame as
Second stage
Third stage
Figure 8: The flowchart of gaze estimation anomaly detection module.
In the second stage, the post-processed test set
passes through the gaze estimation module to ob-
tain the estimated error.
In the final stage, the estimated error is used
to adjust the monitor size to the anomaly deci-
sion boundary. Like previous stages, exam video
frames are processed with face detection bound-
ing boxes. The data then goes through the gaze
estimation module to obtain the calibrated coor-
dinate prediction result. The adjusted prediction
result is compared to the decision boundary to de-
termine if the frame is an anomaly and is marked.
The experiment used a test dataset comprising three
exam-taking videos from different participants to
measure the performance of Yaqub et al.s image-
hashing-based anomaly detection method, our gaze
detection-based anomaly detection method, and the
combined anomaly detection method (both hashing
and gaze). Each video had a duration of two to three
minutes. Detailed instructions on how to emulate an
exam and attempt cheating were provided to each par-
ticipant. Each frame of the video was manually la-
beled as either a normal or anomaly pose. The partic-
ipants were asked to perform the following actions for
each direction: left, right, up, and down, to test Yaqub
et al.s image-hashing-based method.
MediaPipe and Dlib were used for face and eye
detection, Gaussian blurring, single-white masking,
and dHashing-based image hashing with a hash size
of 12. The experiment was conducted on a Windows
10 computer with 16 GB RAM and an i7-10710U
CPU. Each video frame was processed using Medi-
aPipe and Dlib for face and eye detection, followed
by the blurring or masking-based face hiding module,
and finally the dHashing-based image hashing mod-
ule. The obtained anomaly results were compared to
the ground truth.
Table 2: Performance summary for 3 different anomaly de-
tection modes with 2 different privacy preserving modes
(Acc. for Accuracy, Rec. for Recall, Pre. for Precision).
Blur Mask
Mode Acc. Rec. Pre. Acc. Rec. Pre.
1 dHash 67.4% 41.2% 83.3% 76.6% 64.7% 83.3%
Gaze 78.3% 57.6% 96.1% 73.7% 52.9% 88.2%
Combined 85.1% 80.0% 88.3% 85.1% 87.1% 83.1%
2 dHash 76.6% 54.1% 95.8% 77.7% 61.2% 89.7%
Gaze 73.7% 51.8% 89.8% 72.6% 49.4% 89.4%
Combined 88.6% 84.7% 91.1% 85.7% 83.5% 86.6%
3 dHash 78.2% 60.0% 92.3% 80.6% 63.8% 94.4%
Gaze 78.8% 67.5% 85.7% 78.8% 65.0% 88.1%
Combined 87.3% 90.0% 84.7% 90.3% 92.5% 88.1%
The proctoring system is designed to perform
anomaly detection on anonymized images such as
blurred and masked images. It is essential to evaluate
the model’s performance on anonymized video clips.
We propose two main anonymization functions: the
image hashing model will be evaluated on blurred and
masked images, respectively.
The dHash model maintains its performance on
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
anonymized data, performing even better on mask-
ing images compared to blurred anonymization. The
running time of the model on anonymized data re-
mains at the same level as the original one. Table 2
presents the performance of the proposed method for
three participants. The running time of the entire sys-
tem was also measured in terms of FPS (frames per
second), which are 31 and 35 FPS, respectively. As
expected, the masking approach performed better, al-
though both approaches can be easily executed on
normal PCs.
Online student proctoring is a reality in online exams.
In this paper, we proposed a privacy-preserving online
proctoring system using gaze-based anomaly detec-
tion. Experiments showed promising results. There
are several ways this preliminary work can be further
improved. The first requirement is creating a large
dataset of exam-taking students. Secondly, the pro-
posed method can be improved by exploring other
privacy-preserving measures and considering other
anomalies such as audio.
This work is supported by UTS New Faculty Startup
Grant 261011.0226628. We also thank Jason, Yang,
Mill, Doris, and Vivi for implementing/testing algo-
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Proctoring Online Exam Using Eye Tracking