anonymized data, performing even better on mask-
ing images compared to blurred anonymization. The
running time of the model on anonymized data re-
mains at the same level as the original one. Table 2
presents the performance of the proposed method for
three participants. The running time of the entire sys-
tem was also measured in terms of FPS (frames per
second), which are 31 and 35 FPS, respectively. As
expected, the masking approach performed better, al-
though both approaches can be easily executed on
normal PCs.
Online student proctoring is a reality in online exams.
In this paper, we proposed a privacy-preserving online
proctoring system using gaze-based anomaly detec-
tion. Experiments showed promising results. There
are several ways this preliminary work can be further
improved. The first requirement is creating a large
dataset of exam-taking students. Secondly, the pro-
posed method can be improved by exploring other
privacy-preserving measures and considering other
anomalies such as audio.
This work is supported by UTS New Faculty Startup
Grant 261011.0226628. We also thank Jason, Yang,
Mill, Doris, and Vivi for implementing/testing algo-
rithms on their dataset.
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Proctoring Online Exam Using Eye Tracking