gested. Thus KERI can be an application that could
benefit from the blockchain data replication that we
have proposed.
In this paper, we have put forward the idea of replicat-
ing blockchain data over several blockchains to face
the possibility that a blockchain suffers a total failure.
Blockchains are very resilient to failures of partici-
pating nodes but only if such failures are contained
within reasonable limits. If failures go beyond these
limits the blockchain can become completely unreli-
able and even disappear.
We have also discussed two actual use cases of ap-
plications that make use of an underlying blockchain
to implement their services.
Future work can go towards several directions. We
have assumed a quite simple scenario where we have
at our disposal a write and a read operation for all
the blockchains. One could consider different set-
tings in which the underlying operations allowed by
the blockchains are less powerful. We have not con-
sidered temporary outages of the blockchains; dealing
with such events is a future improvement.
We are also working on an actual prototype imple-
mentation over a few of the most popular blockchains.
This work was partially supported by project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU-NGEU.
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