and user experience. It is important to address the ac-
cessibility of the system and provide clear interfaces
with informative feedback to ensure user understand-
ing and engagement (Council of Europe, 2021b).
Certification Processes: Further exploration of cer-
tification processes for e-voting systems is needed.
Current EU recommendations allow member states to
define their own certification procedures, so the sys-
tem should be designed with the goal of meeting cer-
tification requirements and addressing relevant tech-
nological aspects (Council of Europe, 2021a).
Cross-Chain Technologies: Investigating the use of
cross-chain technologies, such as light-clients or ad-
hoc chains
, can contribute to a more versatile and
generic protocol. Considerations can also be made
for managing fees associated with the system’s oper-
ations (Yang, 2020).
By addressing these aspects, the proposed design
can evolve into a more comprehensive and certified
e-voting system.
This work was partially supported by project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU-NGEU.
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