Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Attribute-Based Web Authentication
Biagio Boi
, Marco De Santis
and Christian Esposito
University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy
Self-Sovereign Identity, Hyperledger Aries, Attribute-Based Authentication.
Web authentication is primarily based on password usage, representing the weakest link in the entire security
chain. The number of services offered over the web is continuously increasing, and with them also the number
of required passwords that users need to create and securely store. Despite various standards for password-less
or multi-factor authentication, another issue is that most web authentication means use an identity provider
(or a federation of providers) advocated to create, manage and check digital identity claims; able to profile
user habits related to web navigation and violate rights in terms of privacy. Recently, we are witnessing a
radical change of perspective, where identity checks and enforcement are moved away from the providers
and more focused on users. Within such user-centric approaches, Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) has faced
progressive popularity, and some authentication mechanisms based on SSI have been proposed. This paper
aims to describe a solution based on Hyperledger Aries which is capable to achieve zero-knowledge proof
to make an attribute-based authentication and authorization for the web able to cope with the recent legal
obligations in terms of privacy.
User authentication is among those solutions needed
by processors to protect personally identifiable infor-
mation, as required by the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) (Tamburri, 2020), and the cur-
rent legislation and the recent changes at the national
and European level w.r.t. data protection are promot-
ing a considerable evolution of the authentication and
authorization solutions. In fact, over the past few
years, these mechanisms have undergone significant
changes due to technological advances, user behavior
changes, and an increase in cyber threats.
Password-less authentication has emerged as an
alternative to traditional username and password au-
thentication, which moreover aims at solving prob-
lems related to centralized authentication providers.
It uses methods such as biometric authentication,
hardware-based security keys, or one-time codes to
verify the identity of a user without requiring them to
enter a password. Some of the notable changes in au-
thentication mechanisms over the last years concern
the usage of multi-factor authentication (MFA) (Ome-
tov et al., 2018), which aims at increasing the over-
all level of security of the authentication process.
While the improvement of the authentication schemes
is thought to aim for more robust and effective user
identification, from the architectural point of view,
they are strongly centralized. Every time requests are
made, identity attributes and access claims must be
directly or indirectly processed by a provider, which
can record all the incoming requests. This represents
a serious concern as it has non-negligible privacy con-
sequences: the provider can profile user habits in the
web navigation. There is a need to move away from
this provider-centric practice to decentralize the iden-
tity and claim management.
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) (M
uhle et al., 2018)
is a password-less and decentralized mechanism that
allows identity verification without relying on a cen-
tralized authority. The concept of Verifiable Creden-
tials (VCs) completely matches such a schema, pro-
viding self-verifiable attributes using some crypto-
graphic property. In addition, certain VCs schemes
also introduce Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) to solve
the above problems related to privacy.
In this work, we want to exploit existing Hy-
perledger solutions, such as Aries for proposing
attribute-based authentication based on SSI and ZKP
in the context of web authentication. The novelties
are not limited to the combination of SSI and ZKP
Boi, B., De Santis, M. and Esposito, C.
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Attribute-Based Web Authentication.
DOI: 10.5220/0012121400003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 758-763
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
but we demonstrate how well-established session han-
dling mechanisms, such as JSON Web Token (JWT)
(Jones and Sakimura, 2015), can still be applied in
this context.
To solve problems related to user tracking on activ-
ities done with SSO credentials, the concept of giv-
ing users the possibility to store their credentials for
authentication over multiple platforms started to take
place. The first provider moving in such a direction
is FIDO (Fast Identity Online), which aim is to cre-
ate a series of open standard authentication protocols
enough stronger, and able to cut out every kind of
password-based mechanism. The first proposed pro-
tocol has been FIDO UAF (Universal Authentication
Framework Protocol), able to use a fingerprint scan-
ner as an authentication mechanism. The real change
happened in 2019 when FIDO2 was presented. It is
an evolution of the first version in terms of use cases
and security, such protocol is based on the paradigm
of public/private key pair for user authentication in a
secure way, without the need for a password.
A study on possible problems coming from the
adoption of FIDO2 has been conducted by (Ghor-
bani Lyastani et al., 2020), which highlights the prob-
lems in recovery at scale and authenticator revocation.
These two problems are related to the implementation
of FIDO2 which does not support a verifiable registry
containing the valid keys, making it impossible for
users to invalidate the authenticator device in case of
steal. Blockchain support may solve such problems,
by adopting a verifiable data registry in which stores
released and valid keys and revoke stolen identity au-
thentication data. A different implementation of SSI
is based on VCs and Blockchain, which aim is to pro-
vide a digital identity using such verifiable credentials
in conjunction with a revocation registry, able to be
updated when a data branch occurs.
(Ferdous et al., 2023) describe an identity man-
ager framework: SSI4Web, based on blockchain and
SSI for Web. It creates an immutable distributed reg-
ister of user transactions. In such a way, users hold
their VCs and can share them based on their volun-
teer, with a blockchain system that registers every op-
eration done over them. For example, a service may
ask the user to present his credentials to conclude a
transaction or access a service. A commercial service
exists, namely, Sovrin (Reed et al., 2016), which is
the first public-permissioned blockchain designed to
support SSI and VCs using the architecture offered
by Hyperledger Aries and Indy. VCs and SSI are
taking the advent of the market of authentication sys-
tems; digital identity demands are increasing and with
them, the guarantee of privacy, which must agree with
GDPR, too.
Anyway, poor studies have been conducted on the
usage of such solutions as means for attribute-based
authentication and on the security of credentials ex-
change mechanisms, which could be the weakest link
if proper security methods are not implemented. The
proposed system aims at considering SSI for attribute-
based authentication in conjunction with ZKP; the
overall aim is to reduce the data shared by users using
a decentralized approach while guaranteeing access to
reserved resources.
The proposed architecture takes into consideration the
SSI paradigm to guarantee the users’ privacy and se-
curity; creating an ecosystem in which users are en-
couraged to use digital services thanks to more secure,
reliable, unique, and fast authentication. In what fol-
lows the architectural design is discussed, and we will
refer to the VC as that defined by W3C (Sporny et al.,
3.1 Decentralized Trust Management
To realise decentralized trusted authorities, a verifi-
able, always available, and tamper-proof registry is
needed. Two main approaches exist: Blockchain or
Distributed Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI).
Blockchain is an immediate alternative that jumps
to the eye when talking about decentralization, de-
spite it isn’t the only available one, it can be con-
sidered the best choice in comparison with an ap-
proach based on DPKI. As discussed in the study con-
ducted by (Li et al., 2020), the major solutions based
on DPKI which do not use Blockchain are log-based
PKI and Web of Trust, but problems exist for both
solutions. The first one ignores data consistency in
the log server, while the second one does not provide
identity retention and is not friendly to new incoming
In such a Blockchain, or a Key Infrastructure, a
public and verifiable registry, must always be avail-
able for the verification of proofs presented by the
users. This register will contain information about the
validity of released Verifiable Credentials (VCs), and
more importantly, information about the identity of
issuing agents.
Optionally, based on the implementation choice
is possible that such a registry will also be used for
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Attribute-Based Web Authentication
the users’ identification, as explained in the following
A Blockchain solution is preferred on DPKI.
A possible considered solution that follows the de-
scribed requirements is more generally known as
Public Permissioned Blockchain, where a Trusted Au-
thority (TA), for the security of the proposed sys-
tem, manages validation nodes by choosing only the
trusted nodes and admitting new nodes by checking
their trustworthiness. Validation nodes are those re-
sponsible for certifying an issuer’s identity and vali-
dating new credentials issuing. Notice that TA so de-
fined must not be confused with a Certificate Author-
ity (CA) widely known within the context of Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI); TA is the node of the net-
work responsible for managing the Blockchain and
does not certify or validate any Credentials.
The public part consists of Public Ledger: a reg-
istry containing all the information needed from VCs
by providing a decentralized and tamper-proof way
to store and verify verifiable credentials, enabling or-
ganizations and individuals to establish trust and se-
curely share information without relying on a central
3.2 Decentralized Identification
In order to deploy a decentralized authentication
mechanism, it’s necessary to define how to identify
users within the decentralized context. In a traditional
centralized system users are identified by a username,
an email, or a context-related identifier released by a
central entity, which associates the released identifier
with a key, which is the demonstration of being the
owner of such identity. In our context, there is no
central entity able to do this, but instead, there is a set
of issuers that release identity and related identifiers.
The World Wide Consortium (W3C) has defined
the Decentralized Identifiers (DID) (Sporny et al.,
2021) completely compliant with the VC data model.
The DID Method is used for referring to a precise im-
plementation of DID specification, often associated
with a particular verifiable data registry. Some meth-
ods make use of a Distributed Ledger Technology
(DLT), such as the case of SOV using the Sovrin Net-
work; while other ones use the cryptographic property
of the method, such as the case of key based on pub-
lic/private key pairs, to verify the ownership of a DID.
Since a verifiable data registry has been adopted
by architectural choice, a method based on such a
registry could be better in terms of security and per-
formance in the verification of identity, but thanks to
the structure of the proposed architecture, also other
kinds of DID Methods are implementable.
3.3 Credentials Exchange &
Following what is defined in data model (Sporny
et al., 2022), a VC must include Credential Meta-
data, Claim(s) and Proof(s). The format used for the
proposed architecture is JSON-LD. VC data model
shows the main flow, which can be adopted in our ar-
chitecture. A verifiable data registry is used for main-
taining identifiers and schemas; while Issuer, Holder,
and Verifier will interact with such register at different
levels. Three main phases must be analyzed: Creden-
tials Issuing, Credentials Presentation, and Creden-
tials Verification.
The issuing phase is responsible for the creation of
VCs and related claim(s) and proof(s). An authorized
Issuer can release such credentials by referring to a
created schema, or by reusing an existing one, which
location depends on the implementation of Decentral-
ized Trust Management. VC Data Model agrees on
multiple possible representations of such credentials,
their description is out of the scope of this paper; we
will consider only the case of JSON representation,
which is also the most common. A credential al-
ways refers to a context, which contains the field that
must be filled for the release of valid credentials. It
can be found in a vocabulary way, not blinded to any
Blockchain or registry, which is the case of JSON-
LD credentials, or in a schema, which is the case of
Indy credentials. The currently considered architec-
ture, which is based on Blockchain, supports a veri-
fiable data registry, namely the Public Ledger. Such
a choice makes us move in the direction of Indy cre-
dentials which gives us the possibility to handle re-
vocation. To issue new credentials, the Issuer uses a
previously declared schema, available on the public
registry, by asking the Decentralized Trust Manage-
ment to validate this transaction. Once such a trans-
action has been validated it will be published in the
verifiable data registry, making it available for veri-
fication by Verifier. The Holder receives a VC and
stores it in a secure space. It’s possible to consider
the Public Ledger as the verifiable data registry in the
case of the adoption of a Blockchain, where only au-
thorized agents can release credentials by interacting
with the registry under the supervision of trustable
nodes. More in detail, this paper is interested in ex-
ploiting ZKP for verifiable credentials, for this reason,
the Issuing phase must follow the algorithms defined
in 5.2 (Lodder and Khovratovich, 2019), while the in-
formation included in a so-defined credential can be
found at 3.2 (Sporny et al., 2022).
The presentation phase must be done transpar-
ently, and the Holder must be informed of the infor-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
mation which is requested by the verifier. The pro-
posed system takes into consideration also ZKP; this
means that a method able to prevent information dis-
closure must exist, this can be an added value in SSI
and more in general in attribute-based authentication.
In such a schema the Verifier will send a proof request
to the Holder, which is able, by using a series of cryp-
tographic techniques, to create a ZKP of possession
for each attribute requested from the Verifier, formal
algorithms can be found at 7.1, and 7.2 in (Lodder and
Khovratovich, 2019).
In the verification phase the Verifier verifies the
quality of a presented credential. Verifiers do not in-
teract with Issuers during the credential verification
process; this is because the proposed SSI system is
designed to enable individuals to control their digital
identities and personal data, including the credentials
that verify their attributes, without relying on central-
ized intermediaries. Some verification methods re-
quire the usage of a decentralized registry - which
is the case of Indy credentials. Moreover, an exam-
ple of self-verifiable credentials is done by JSON-LD
credentials which use cryptographic properties for the
verification of the validity of a credential. Indy cre-
dentials, instead, directly support a revocation registry
by making them authenticated also in terms of valid-
ity in a given time; for this reason the verification step
will involve the Public Ledger.
The attribute that users will share with the Veri-
fier can directly be an email or a role within an or-
ganization. As it’s possible to see in Figure 1, where
the Holder and Verifier are substituted to Browser and
Server resp. - since we are considering the case of
web authentication - the server creates the JWT af-
ter checking the validity of verifiable credentials. Af-
ter receiving such a signed token, the client, namely
the browser will use this token for every request; this
is because the JWT is a self-contained token since
the payload contains all requested information about
users, preventing database interrogation at each itera-
tion. In our system, a JWT will contain the value of
verifiable credentials, or more properly, in the consid-
ered system, the assertion about a predicate.
Hyperledger Aries will be considered for the im-
plementation of our proposed architecture. It pro-
vides a shared, reusable, interoperable tool kit de-
signed for initiatives and solutions focused on cre-
ating, transmitting, and storing verifiable digital cre-
dentials. Such a solution also includes direct support
for Indy wallet and ZKP thanks to the adoption of
Figure 1: JWT authentication and request schema.
AnonCreds. AnonCreds uses a combination of cryp-
tographic techniques, including ZKP, digital signa-
tures, and encryption, to enable users to prove cer-
tain claims about themselves without revealing their
actual identity. Hyperledger Aries, with the related
implementation named Aca-py, offer the possibility
to create and handle revocation using an HTTP API-
based communication. It also provides API for the
verification of credentials using the Public Ledger and
for interacting with the Indy wallet in order to pro-
duce Predicative Proof Presentation (PPP). Since all
communications must be secured, the public key con-
tained in the DIDDoc is used to cipher the requests
coming from a new user.
Figure 2: Overall implementation, characterized by the
three credentials exchange phases.
Figure 2 represents the overall proposed imple-
mentation based on previously described technolo-
gies; three main phases exist, whose description can
be found in the Design section. Our focus will be on
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Attribute-Based Web Authentication
phases 2 and 3, related to the Presentation and Ver-
ification, which are the phases needed for attribute-
based authentication. The Issuing phase can be con-
sidered as already implemented by Sovrin Network,
meaning that Holder already has its SSI, which can be
used to access to Verifier server. Services that want to
use SSI mechanisms for authentication must imple-
ment a JWT mechanism within the server and expose
their API for the connection and for the exchanging
of credentials. The service detects the existence of an
extension and will ask the user to produce PPP about
one or more attributes.
The presentation begins with a Verifier server that
checks if the Holder browser has a Firefox extension;
such an extension is able to communicate with the
server to transmit the Holder agent end-point needed
for using Hyperledger Aries. The extension is con-
figured for creating a listener on presentation requests
coming from a Verifier; in such a way, each time a
Verifier wants to access Holder VCs, the extension
will be informed and the request will be shown to
the user using the respective interface. At this point,
the Holder will interact with the extension in order
to check which fields are requested by the Verifier,
and what is more important, the visibility of requested
attributes. To correctly deploy a ZKP of possession
is necessary that Holder does not share information
about the real value of requested attributes but only
assertion about a predicate, in a verifiable way. Once
the Holder agrees on producing the PPP, the Firefox
extension will call the local Aca-py end-point for ac-
cept the transmission of PPP. At this point, the Verifier
server has the PPP sent by Holder and needs to verify
it before giving access to the reserved resources. This
verification is simply done by using the end-point of-
fered by Aca-py, which consults the Verifiable Data
Registry assessing the validity both in terms of truth
and expiration. Once Verifier has verified the VCs
can respond to the extension with a JWT; such a to-
ken can be used by extension for redirect operations
to reserved pages.
From the security perspective, the communication
between the Holder and the Verifier is secured using
Aries, whose analysis will be considered in the next
section. The Firefox extension does not exchange any
packets with the Verifier, except the communication
of the end-point needed for creating a secure commu-
nication using Aries. The extension can be seen as
a mediator or a means for improving the user expe-
rience. Once the service declares its end-point, the
Verifier searches to such end-point for the DIDDoc,
which will be used by the Aca-Py client to encrypt
the communication and exchange the credentials fol-
lowing the defined schema. The performance evalua-
tion of such an approach is out of the scope of current
work but depends on the performance of public per-
missioned Blockchain and Hyperledger Aries, whose
evaluation has been already conducted and reported
in (Pflanzner et al., 2022).
The implementation of the proposed architecture has
been explained by considering the Aca-Py agent,
which interacts with the Indy wallet by communicat-
ing over an HTTP channel in according with Hyper-
ledger Aries standards. In what follows, we refer to a
typical user as a Holder, which is a user with VCs that
uses the Aca-Py agent for interacting with the Verifier.
Starting from the STRIDE model (Shostack, 2014)
we highlight all the possible threats, not only referring
to the single agent but considering the overall imple-
mentation. In addition, Forward Secrecy property and
resistance to Replay Attacks can increase the overall
security of communication, in particular referring to
the insecure communication channel.
Spoofing attacks are prevented by securing the
communication between agents. Hyperledger Aries
uses DIDComm v1 Encrypted Envelope - and is cur-
rently working on a second version of such a proto-
col. The DIDDoc defines the key-agreement mecha-
nisms used for the encryption. Tampering attacks are
mitigated thanks to the Blockchain and the messages
being digitally signed. An attacker cannot change
the value of an attribute since it is associated with a
public-facing proof, which is published on the veri-
fied data registry. Such registry also contains infor-
mation on Issuers, namely their DIDs, which means
that if the attackers want to behave as an Issuer must
be able to gain access to their Indy wallet. Wallet ac-
cess is protected using a secret key, whose security
depends on the Issuer’s choice; elevation of privilege
is prevented depending on such choice. The only way
to obtain information for an attacker from a typical
user is by using the Presentation request, which in-
dicates the requested attributes. Information disclo-
sure is prevented thanks to the characteristics of such
a request signed by the Verifier and consequential re-
signed by the Holder, making it impossible for an at-
tacker to steal information since the Holder can verify
the requesting party’s identity. Moreover, the infor-
mation in the verified data registry is not associable
with any attribute since it only contains data related to
the public-facing proof, not dependent on VCs. For-
ward Secrecy is guaranteed by adopting session keys;
at each session, before communication begins, the
parties share a sort of local DIDDoc, which present
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
a local public key, which is different from the public
key existing in DIDDoc and which is used for the en-
cryption of the current session communications. Re-
play and Repudiation Attacks are mitigated using the
mechanisms of the message signature, or more pre-
cisely, the DIDComm V1 Signed Envelopes. The cre-
dential presentation is signed by both parties, in such
a way the typical user is sure to answer to the Veri-
fier server, which is unable to behave maliciously, by
re-using the proposed credentials since the presenta-
tion is signed in conjunction with a challenge. DoS
attacks depend on server implementation; a filter or
firewall on requests of such a server can be enough to
guarantee a good level of prevention.
A distributed approach based on Blockchain for han-
dling authentication in the context of attribute-based
authentication has been proposed, in conjunction with
a preliminary security analysis. We have planned to
use formal methods, such as ProVerif (Blanchet et al.,
2018), to verify the security of the used communi-
cation protocols. SSIs are increasingly widespread
and interoperable (Yildiz et al., 2022). A more spe-
cific use case can be found within the context of the
Solid project, which has been considered a promis-
ing solution for e-government services (Sambra et al.,
2016). A schema of ZKP it’s been taken into con-
sideration for increasing the overall level of privacy.
The main advantages in adopting a Blockchain-based
solution are related to the possibility to revoke and
update VCs when not still valid; on the counter limi-
tations of the proposed architecture are related to the
scalability of permissioned Blockchain, required for
secure implementation. Future works may include
these kinds of credentials also in other projects, like
Algorand (Gilad et al., 2017), which offer different
consensus mechanisms, able to guarantee both secu-
rity and scalability.
This work was partially supported by project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU - NGEU.
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Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Attribute-Based Web Authentication