a local public key, which is different from the public
key existing in DIDDoc and which is used for the en-
cryption of the current session communications. Re-
play and Repudiation Attacks are mitigated using the
mechanisms of the message signature, or more pre-
cisely, the DIDComm V1 Signed Envelopes. The cre-
dential presentation is signed by both parties, in such
a way the typical user is sure to answer to the Veri-
fier server, which is unable to behave maliciously, by
re-using the proposed credentials since the presenta-
tion is signed in conjunction with a challenge. DoS
attacks depend on server implementation; a filter or
firewall on requests of such a server can be enough to
guarantee a good level of prevention.
A distributed approach based on Blockchain for han-
dling authentication in the context of attribute-based
authentication has been proposed, in conjunction with
a preliminary security analysis. We have planned to
use formal methods, such as ProVerif (Blanchet et al.,
2018), to verify the security of the used communi-
cation protocols. SSIs are increasingly widespread
and interoperable (Yildiz et al., 2022). A more spe-
cific use case can be found within the context of the
Solid project, which has been considered a promis-
ing solution for e-government services (Sambra et al.,
2016). A schema of ZKP it’s been taken into con-
sideration for increasing the overall level of privacy.
The main advantages in adopting a Blockchain-based
solution are related to the possibility to revoke and
update VCs when not still valid; on the counter limi-
tations of the proposed architecture are related to the
scalability of permissioned Blockchain, required for
secure implementation. Future works may include
these kinds of credentials also in other projects, like
Algorand (Gilad et al., 2017), which offer different
consensus mechanisms, able to guarantee both secu-
rity and scalability.
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ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
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Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Attribute-Based Web Authentication