data, hence assisting decision-making and supporting
digital transformation activities.
We examined the various types of tools used by
Enterprise Architects and related functions. The tools
have been compared, and it has been stated when
each makes more sense to use. Additionally, a rec-
ommendation on when to use each type has been
provided for the very common use case of applica-
tion landscape documentation. In general, we would
recommend using diagramming or modeling tools to
quickly sketch diagrams that are unlikely to be main-
tained over time or very low level diagrams that can be
scattered across multiple locations. Instead, use EA
Management Tools to document high-level informa-
tion that does not change frequently and is expected
to be accessible in a centralized location by any ska-
holder in the company in the form of various queries
or visualizations of their interest. Finally, we have
seen that their usage is not limited to a single scenario
and can cover a variety of, even complementary, sce-
In this paper, we analyzed a number of Enterprise Ar-
chitecture Tools in relation to one of the most com-
mon use cases (Application Landscape Management).
In the future, we plan to investigate additional tools
and their various features to handle a few other key
use cases in the Enterprise Architecture discipline.
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A Comparison of Enterprise Architecture Tools