an additional line of defense (on top of PQC within
the IKE protocol) against quantum attackers in a flex-
ible way by combining symmetric keys from arbitrary
key sources like pairwise PSKs, QKD, or MKR.
In future work, we plan more formal analyses of
the correctness and security of our proposed proto-
cols and their implementation. Furthermore, we study
comfortable ways to automatically distribute pairwise
PSKs, e.g., laptops of personnel acting as key carriers
on business trips between VPN sites, and the impli-
cations for MKR. Last, to further reduce the overall
complexity and attack surface of VPNs, we study the
possibility to tunnel the classical channel of QKD de-
vices via the co-located VPN gateway.
This work is funded by dtec.bw – Digitalization
and Technology Research Center of the Bundeswehr
[project MuQuaNet]. dtec.bw is funded by the Euro-
pean Union - NextGenerationEU.
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SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography