Design and Implementation of a Document Encryption Convergence
Program Selecting Encryption Methods, and Integrating the Program
into the Existing Office System
Hong-Jin Ryu
and Samuel Sangkon Lee
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Chonbuk, South Korea
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Jeonju University, Jeonju, Chonbuk, South Korea
Keywords: Ancient Cryptography, Modern Cryptography, Shift Encryption, Poly-Alphabetic Substitution, Transposition
Cipher, Nihilist Encryption, DES and AES Encryption, MVVM.
Abstract: The article explores the limitations of current encryption methods and proposes a new encryption system that
combines ancient and modern cryptography through software engineering. The article also discusses the
history of cryptography, from simple substitution encryption methods to more complex mathematical
algorithms. The proposed encryption system fuses several ancient ciphers with AES-256 encryption, creating
a more secure and stronger password that is difficult to decrypt. This paper suggests the usefulness and
reliability of cryptographic algorithms, such as virtual currency and blockchain fields, and could be used
easily by the general public in electronic devices.
Cryptography has played an important role in safely
storing and transmitting information. Today, many
researchers are trying to enhance existing encryption
algorithms more sophisticated and powerful. These
encryption techniques also contributed to the creation
of modern cryptosystems. Special institutions have
used encryption for storage for information protection
or transmission of information between institutions.
However, with the spread of Internet technology,
encryption technology has begun to be required for
information transmission between individuals.
However, programs that allow individuals to easily
generate their own ciphertext through encryption
algorithms have not been common until now.
Encryption is a security device that makes it
unreadable by anyone other than the person
concerned. It is a kind of information hiding using a
computer algorithm. This aims to prevent
unauthorized third parties from obtaining or viewing
one's information. However, the public usually does
not know how to securely encrypt their data or which
encryption methods are safe to use. Therefore, it is not
easy to encrypt documents for personal purposes.
Most applications are at the level of preventing others
from easily opening them by putting a password on
them. For this reason, even intermediate level users
often store important documents without encryption.
Information protection mainly consists of three types:
preventing anyone from entering, preventing the
information inside from leaving, and making the
information useless even if it flows out. This paper
intends to strengthen information protection through
the third case.
In this research, we deal with the direction that a
third party can never decrypt when a user's data is
transmitted. We are planning to design and
implement a new encryption system that combines
ancient and modern cryptography through software
engineering. It aims to make such an encryption
program easy to use.
Advances in encryption technology mean that
passwords may be cracked by third parties. Therefore,
if the vulnerability of the currently used password is
found, a better encryption method has to be
developed. Through such efforts, encryption
technology has been continuously developed from
Ryu, H. and Lee, S.
Design and Implementation of a Document Encryption Convergence Program Selecting Encryption Methods, and Integrating the Program into the Existing Office System.
DOI: 10.5220/0012124000003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 452-459
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ancient times to modern times. At first, it started with
a substitution encryption method that simply replaces
letters with other letters. Over time, a method of
changing the order and position of letters at the same
time and a transposition cipher that moved them to a
different position were developed. Using the
incredible power of modern computers, ancient
passwords were easy to crack. Therefore, in order to
deal with this, cryptography using mathematical
methods was created. As computer performance
increases, not only encryption methods become more
difficult, but also decryption technologies. The
developed encryption technology has evolved and is
highly dependent on the development of computer
performance. As the computer processes calculations
that humans can do at a very high speed, the
encryption technology using it is great, but as the
performance of the computer improves, the current
encryption technology cannot help but become weak.
This can be seen as a limitation of the generation of
cryptographic algorithms that depend on computer
performance. The more difficult the algorithm used
for encryption, the higher the computer performance
required. To decipher it, a computer with a higher
specification is required.
Although most current encryption methods tend
to depend on mathematical encryption algorithms,
most of the algorithms are publicly available. The fact
that the encryption method is open means that anyone
can create an algorithm to decrypt it if they want. Of
course, even if it is a public algorithm, stability is
proven to the extent that it cannot be easily
deciphered. That's why the algorithms are still being
used. However, even proven algorithms may not be
stable anymore after the invention of future
computers. One of the ways to solve this problem is
to increase the length of the encryption key. However,
even if an encryption algorithm with a key length of
128 bits is used, decryption may be possible if
calculation is performed using a quantum computer.
Of course, quantum computers are not yet widespread
among ordinary users. However, it may be obvious
that as computer performance develops, there is some
risk that existing passwords can be cracked (Paar, and
Pelzl, 2010).
Moreover, the current issue is in the case of an
authentication method using biometric recognition
among encryption technologies. There is a weakness
that spoof authentication can succeed if a sufficient
number of attackers unite and attempt biometric
authentication (Richard, 2001). Therefore, in the case
of encryption using biometric authentication, it is
usually appropriate to mix other encryption methods.
In other words, so as to compensate for the weakness
of the currently used encryption algorithm, several
types of encryption methods must be mixed and used.
This idea is the main concept of this paper.
In this research, the existing algorithm is utilized,
but we will not rely solely on the existing algorithm.
We will focus on technologies that make it less likely
to be decrypted in the future. To create this, we need
to mix the classical and modern encryption methods
of human heritage. The best way to verify the
performance of an algorithm is to release it and test it.
Users can choose any of these proven algorithms to
mix ancient and modern cryptography. Thus, it can be
stored with multiple encryptions. Of course, to
decrypt, the user must know the encryption method
that combines up to 10 selected encryption methods
in reverse order. The values of each key must also be
known. There is an advantage in that a user performs
multiple encryptions in an encryption method
dependent on existing algorithm. Therefore, the
encryption strength is greatly increased compared to
the existing methods. Each encryption method is
described in the next section.
2.1 Ancient Ciphers
In the shift encryption method belonging to ancient
cryptography, cipher text is generated by shifting 26
letters of the English alphabet to the right or left as
much as the shift value (number) that becomes the
key. It seems relatively simple. 26 letters of the
English alphabet are shifted by 2 to the right. To use
this method, keys must be applied sequentially
throughout the input statement to complete. In this
paper, the shift encryption method, and it was
expanded to include 11,172 complete Korean
characters, special characters (44), and a total of 96
characters (44+26+26) of English uppercase and
lowercase letters (26+26). Related books published
on the market use only English letters to explain the
implementation principle (Paar, and Pelzl, 2010). In
contrast, in this paper, the public can take a look at
the encryption and decryption process, including
Korean. Special characters, uppercase/lowercase
English characters, and complete Korean characters
were converted into numeric values of ASCII code
and Unicode. After that, spaces between numeric
values were removed, and shift encryption was
applied. After that, the substitution operation was
performed as much as the value corresponding to the
Design and Implementation of a Document Encryption Convergence Program Selecting Encryption Methods, and Integrating the Program
into the Existing Office System
blank between the numeric values removed before
encryption. It was implemented so that only the
characters within the range that can be input are
output normally. When entering a positive integer as
a key value, it is shifted to the right. When inputting
a negative integer, it is designed to be shifted to the
According to scholars, the polyalphabetic
substitution method is called a ‘multi-character
cipher.’ A typical example is the Vigenere cipher.
This encryption method also belongs to the classical
encryption method like the previous studies described
above. In general, 26 English alphabets are filled in
horizontally and vertically (26×26) size blocks so that
one letter per column and row is moved. Then, the
document is encrypted by configuring the key used
for encryption and the input text to be encrypted in
horizontal and vertical coordinates, respectively (Lee,
Yeom, Song, and Kim, 2005).
The encryption of the polyalphabetic cipher
method is generally made by adding 11,172 complete
Korean characters and 96 (=44+52) characters such
as special characters and English
uppercase/lowercase characters, like the shift cipher
above, based on the 26 characters of the English
alphabet. Each character in the input statement is
converted to Unicode value, and code values not used
within the program are excluded and arranged in
continuous sequence of numbers. The same operation
was applied to the key values as well. The value is
added to the calculated input statement, and it is
restored as a character. This restored character
becomes the ciphertext. In summary, in this paper, the
principle of the existing poly-alphabetic cipher text
produced only with English letters is used as it is.
However, additionally, an algorithm for generating a
password was implemented by extending it to
Korean, English, and special characters. In this way,
when encrypting the text in a document written by the
people, a program was developed that can encrypt all
characters normally.
Polyalphabetic cipher is a standard transposition
cipher belonging to the classical cipher, and can be
classified as a block cipher using blocks (Seo, 2017).
It is created by substituting the input text to be
encrypted into a block with as many columns as the
input key value, which must be numbers, in row units
and then outputting it in column units.
In the program designed in this paper, standard
transposition cipher is implemented and is operated in
the same way as mentioned above. The standard
transposition cipher, like other ciphers, is designed so
that it can be applied without error to documents
containing not only English but also complete Korean
and special characters. A key transposition cipher is
similar to a standard transposition cipher in that it
uses a block cipher. However, compared to the
existing standard transposition encryption where the
input key value was limited to numbers, the program
designed in this paper is different in that it allows text
key values as well. It provides improved encryption
by further increasing the interpretation strength. Key-
type transposition encryption has the advantage that
numbers, letters, or special characters can also be
used as key values. The encryption method creates a
block with as many columns as the length of the input
key value (characters) and substitutes the input text
like a standard transposition cipher. After that, the
key value (character) is replaced with the same
number as the alphabetical order, and the ciphertext
is completed by outputting the column with the
smallest number.
In the key transposition (key type transposition)
cipher, a block with as many columns as the length of
the key value is created, and then the input text to be
encrypted is substituted. After that, the key values are
output in column units in alphabetical order to
complete the ciphertext.
Among classical ciphers, the Nihilist cipher is a
type of transposition cipher and is a block cipher. It
uses an encryption method similar to a key-type
transposition cipher. The difference is that the
ciphertext is completed by applying the key value by
column unit and then applying the key value by row
unit (according to alphabetical order) and outputting
it. Therefore, ciphertext with higher strength than
standard transposition cipher or key-type
transposition cipher is generated. So far, the
implementation principles of five ancient ciphers
(Shift, PS; Polyalphabetic Substitution, STC;
Standard Transposition Cipher, KTC; Key
Transposition Cipher, and Nihilist) have been
described. The next section describes the design of
modern cryptography.
2.2 Modern Cryptography
In 1975, the National Bureau of Standards of the
United States established a kind of block (Seo, 2017)
encryption called DES (Data Encryption Standard) as
a standard for data encryption. It is a national standard
set by the US NBS (National Bureau of Standards,
now NIST). This technology is a symmetric-key
encryption method using a 56-bit key. We have been
using it for a while without any problems. However,
if the length of the key is too short and a backdoor is
included, it can be decrypted in a special way, which
raises several problems. Therefore, it was not long
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
before DES was found to be weak and was replaced
by the modern AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
encryption method.
AES-256 is the original name of the Rijndael
cipher. This is a type of modern cryptography. As
mentioned above, AES-256, the national standard
encryption method of the United States, was designed
to secure the vulnerability of DES, which was used as
the existing national standard encryption method. It is
known to be the strongest among currently used
encryption methods (Nakov, 2018). AES is a 128-bit
block encryption method newly developed to solve
the problems of DES encryption technology. AES
technology also uses a symmetric key method by
using the same key in the existing encryption and
decryption processes. It differs from DES in that
blocks of 128 bits can be processed with key lengths
of 128, 196, or 256 bits.
Wi-Fi, which is the short-distance wireless
communication technology that we use the most, also
uses AES as one of the encryption methods. In the
case of Bluetooth, the SAFER+ encryption
technology was used up to the 3.0 standard, and the
AES standard is used from Bluetooth 4.0. In this
paper, DES and AES, which are modern encryption
methods, are implemented. For more effective and
accurate encryption program development and
convenient implementation, System.Security.Crypto-
graphy of the C# library was used. This library helps
to perform several tasks such as encoding/decoding
hashes, generating random numbers, and
authenticating messages. It also provides a way to
easily implement encryption methods including data.
In paper, AES-256 was applied and a key value of 256
The system uses a mix of classical and modern
ciphers to encrypt documents and store the ciphertext.
Conversely, it was designed with the goal of
decrypting the stored cipher text and restoring it to the
original document. The following Figure 1 shows the
overall system structure diagram. The function
requirements are as follows. The function of loading
a document enables a text file to be loaded and
displayed on the screen. After that, when selecting an
encryption method, up to 10 encryption methods used
are allowed to be duplicated, so that mixed encryption
methods can be selected. This method is a
convergence encryption method that allows a total of
seven types of ancient and modern passwords to be
duplicated up to 10 times. This paper is differentiated
from other papers in that it can combine various types
of encryptions in various forms.
When entering a key value to be used for
encryption, it is necessary to be able to input each key
value to be used according to the type of encryption.
Here, the type of encryption algorithm or key length
is an important factor in determining the security
level of the system. In particular, KISA (Korea
Internet & Security Agency) recommends that the
length of the private key must be 160 bits or more. It
is also recommended that the expiration date be up to
two years. The proposed method of this paper
contains seven encryption methods (Shift, PS
(Polyalphabetic Substitution), STC (Standard
Transposition Cipher), KTC (Key Transposition
Cipher), Nihilist, DES, and AES-256). In addition,
the above seven can be applied in combination, and
the order can be changed. Depending on the order in
which these applications are applied, the resistance to
decryption of ciphertext varies greatly. Functions
such as ciphertext output (encrypted text is displayed
on the screen), ciphertext storage (ciphertext can be
saved as a text file), and encrypted document
decryption (the original text is restored by decrypting
the ciphertext) are all included.
From the standpoint of software engineering, the
quality requirements of this program are as follows.
Input and output (retrieving and saving input text and
cipher text should work normally, and there should be
no data loss). It is designed to make decryption
impossible if the original text is modified even
Figure 1: Overall Control.
Design and Implementation of a Document Encryption Convergence Program Selecting Encryption Methods, and Integrating the Program
into the Existing Office System
slightly. Figure 1 explained the flow chart of the
entire encryption/ decryption process of this program.
Next, the use case actor specification and outline
specification are expounded. As shown in Table 1,
this program has one actor, ‘user.’
Table 1: Specification of Use-case “Actor”.
From the user's point of view, use-cases are used
to easily explain the scope and function of the system,
which is called 'usage pattern' in Korean. A use case
is literally a “purpose that is used” to prevent chaos in
which two things are used at the same time. A use
case is a multi-purpose system created by gathering
the uses of the system. In this way, if use cases are
collected and connected to the system, users can
easily understand the development process. The use
cases of this program include 'document open',
'password selection/adding', 'key registration',
'document encryption', and 'document saving (Save)’
and 'Document Decryption (Decryption)' are added.
Sequence diagrams were created using Web
Sequence Diagrams
. Here, the sequence diagram
describes the sequence of message exchange between
objects of interaction. Presents a Unified Modelling
Language (UML) diagram. In particular, UML is
used for a model that conceptually and physically
expresses a system with vocabulary and rules for
creating software. It helps to solve problems of
system structure, communication within the project
team, and reuse of software structure. The design
details used in the program of this paper are shown.
The design details used in the program of this paper
are shown. As exhibited in Figure 2, it was designed
as a sequence diagram.
Figure 2: Sequence Diagram.
4.1 User Interface
The screen design was composed of a user-friendly
design. The menu is placed at the top, and the toolbar
below it is used to quickly access the menu. In the
window showing the result of the program, a window
for outputting the input text and a window for
outputting the converted ciphertext appear in pairs.
4.2 Structural Design
4.2.1 Architecture Model
An important design pattern in program development
was developed using the MVVM (Model-View-
ViewModel) model as shown in Figure 3 below. This
model is different from the existing MVC (Model-
View-Controller) or MVP (Model-View-Presenter)
patterns. As a software architecture pattern, the
development of a graphical user interface (view)
implemented in a markup language or GUI code is
separated from business logic or back-end
logic(model). This ensures that views are not tied to
any particular model platform. It is efficient for UI
accessibility or interpretation of program source code.
In the picture, INPUT means user's input or event.
The solid line means information exchange in a
general form, while the dotted line means that
information exchange is possible, but it is not
recommended for reasons of dependency between
models and security. In addition, since * means many
and 1 means one, MVC on the left means a many-to-
one relationship. MVP stands for one-to-one
Actor Description
The user is the main agent who uses the
The user can use the program to open and
save text.
The user can use the program to select or
add document encryption methods.
The user can use the program to encrypt
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
relationship. Finally, MVVM stands for one-to-many
Figure 3: Design Patterns.
Figure 4: Example of MVVM.
In the existing MVC pattern, the controller
directly accesses the view and model and controls
them. Therefore, the model was able to access the
view indirectly. In the MVP pattern, the view and
model are accessed through the Presenter. However,
the MVVM pattern adopted in this program is
designed with three structures: View, Model, and
ViewModel, as shown in Figure 4. Design is designed
in the view, data is processed in the model, and data
is bound using model information in the view model.
The view is so controlled. When designing the view
on the left side of the figure, the UI (User Interface)
composed of XAML and the code composed of an
easy-to-develop language are designed on the code
behind to configure the User Interface Logic. The
notification in the middle of the picture operates the
view according to the instruction of the view model.
When this operation is performed, information is
exchanged in data binding between the view and the
view model. At the same time, commands are
executed. The view model corresponding to the
presentation logic controls the overall parts displayed
in the view. The model corresponding to Business
Logic and Data on the right side of the figure plays a
role in managing information storage, modification,
and deletion.
Figure 5: System Architecture.
Thus, the MVVM pattern is more modern than the
previous two design patterns. Efficiency can also be
achieved with a clear separation between the domain
logic and the presentation layer (separating the model
from the view obtained from the user's point of view).
MVVM provides clean separation of code and is
therefore maintainable. Separation of core logic parts
into external and internal dependencies, in other
words, it is easy to test unit module programs for core
logic. Reusing code, replacing code, or adding code
to the right place in the architecture is appropriate.
Abstraction can also be achieved with code-behind.
As described above, our program designed more
efficient program by using the MVVM model.
Figure 5 above shows the structure of this system.
First, we created the Main Window to be used as the
view. The source code was written using WPF's
XAML. I created a Main Window View Model for
the main window, which will be the view model. By
binding data with the main window, when data
changes occur in the main window view model, it is
implemented so that it can be immediately reflected
in the view. In addition, it is implemented so that each
function works well so that user commands are
transmitted between the view and the view model by
using a command. In the main window view model, a
text file corresponding to the model can be loaded or
saved. The Cipher on the right side of Figure 5 can be
4.2.2 String Operations
This program uses regular expressions and string
internal operations to process strings using XAML
link in Section 4.2.1. In the case of the transposition
cipher, the input statement does not require any intra-
string operations. However, key values require
internal operation. In particular, the substitution is
Design and Implementation of a Document Encryption Convergence Program Selecting Encryption Methods, and Integrating the Program
into the Existing Office System
required by internal string operation for both input
text and key values.
In the shift encryption method and the standard
transposition cipher (STC) method, the input text can
be in any form. However, since only numbers are
allowed as key values, the input key value must be
converted to an integer (int) type for calculation. In
addition, the key value of the shift cipher must receive
a plus (+)/minus (-) value indicating two directions
(right or left). After the input text is converted into an
ASCII code or a Unicode value, internal operations
are performed. This internal operation is implemented
when the cipher text is output after the encryption
process is finished or, conversely, numbers are
replaced with characters and output. Moreover, the
same process applies to the encryption process as well
as the decryption process.
4.2.3 Implementation and Function
Figure 6: Encryption of Text Files.
This section explains the menu composition in detail
and at the same time helps users understand each
encryption. When you press the combo box, a menu
composed of seven items such as Shift, PS, STC,
KTC, Nihilist, DES, and AES-256 appears. Prior to
selecting a password, the Open/Save toolbar menu is
empty. This program shows an example of choosing
four passwords. This is the screen where the currently
opened document is encrypted in the order of Shift,
PS, STC, and KTC. If you select a specific encryption
method from the combo box and select the Select
button, a button with the encryption written on it is
added. Up to 10 combinations of methods can be
selected. In the future, it will be upgraded to enable
changes (add/modify/delete) of the selection method.
The selected encryption is calculated in the same
reverse order in the encryption or decryption process.
If you click the Reselect button, all currently selected
and added encryption methods are cleared. Also, the
toolbar that outputs the password selected so far is
initialized at the same time. The shift encryption
method and the STC encryption method allow only
numbers to be entered as key values. The encryption
key is delivered to the other party through a secret
path and is used once more during decryption. The
user will have to properly resolve this error. The third
toolbar contains functions used for encryption and
Figure 7: Description of Encrypted Text.
When encryption is complete, this progress bar
disappears. The [Input Output] button functions to
move the encrypted/decrypted text from the output
window to the input window. As the text moves to the
input window, the text in the output window is erased.
Decryption (Description) is performed in the reverse
order of the encryption method. In this program, if
you enter the same key value as the order of the
encryption method entered during encryption,
decryption proceeds in the reverse order of
encryption. All functions used in this program output
logs as shown so that the user can check the functions
he or she has used. More detailed logs can be output
for the encryption process. However, for information
security of the process, only the start and end logs are
shown to the user. When the program is started for the
first time, a log saying ‘Starting the program’ is
output. Each time you use a function of the program,
log messages such as ‘Loading a file’, ‘Loading
completed’, ‘Shift password added’, ‘STC password
added’ are added. Users can also check the encryption
method of their choice. Log messages are
continuously displayed in every process.
If you press the encryption button after registering
all key values, you can encrypt the input text as shown
in Figure 6. When all encryption is complete, you can
see the encrypted text in the output window. It is also
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
possible to save the text displayed in the output
window and keep it safe in the form of an encrypted
file. When all input values are set normally,
decryption starts as shown in Figure 7 by clicking the
decryption button.
The encryption method presented in this paper is not
encryption by a single algorithm. Several types of
techniques that have already been verified are
converged. It is considered that it will be safely used
in fields that rely heavily on cryptographic algorithms
used in virtual currency and blockchain fields. In the
future, encryption-decryption will be more threatened
by easily accessible cloud computing than by
quantum computers. Later, through the combination
of various passwords, functions such as data
confidentiality and integrity, authentication and non-
repudiation (Nam, Kim, and Park, 2015), as well as
stability and robustness of cryptography (Kim, Kim,
and Kim, 2002; Song, Ko, and Chung, 2000; Abu-
Faraj, and Alqadi, 2020), resistance (Song, Kang, and
Sung, 2014; Jang, 2013; Kim, Jang, and Chang,
2014), and efficiency We will continue to study how
(Lee, You, and Yim, 2015; Lee, You, and Yim, K.
2016; Kwon, Kim, and Hong, 2014) is improved. In
addition, it would be a differentiated significance of
this thesis that encryption of documents was easily
realized not only in institutions and companies, but
also in electronic devices for the general public (Jeon,
Shin, Jung, Lee, and Yoo, 2015), which are already
becoming common.
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