possible to save the text displayed in the output
window and keep it safe in the form of an encrypted
file. When all input values are set normally,
decryption starts as shown in Figure 7 by clicking the
decryption button.
The encryption method presented in this paper is not
encryption by a single algorithm. Several types of
techniques that have already been verified are
converged. It is considered that it will be safely used
in fields that rely heavily on cryptographic algorithms
used in virtual currency and blockchain fields. In the
future, encryption-decryption will be more threatened
by easily accessible cloud computing than by
quantum computers. Later, through the combination
of various passwords, functions such as data
confidentiality and integrity, authentication and non-
repudiation (Nam, Kim, and Park, 2015), as well as
stability and robustness of cryptography (Kim, Kim,
and Kim, 2002; Song, Ko, and Chung, 2000; Abu-
Faraj, and Alqadi, 2020), resistance (Song, Kang, and
Sung, 2014; Jang, 2013; Kim, Jang, and Chang,
2014), and efficiency We will continue to study how
(Lee, You, and Yim, 2015; Lee, You, and Yim, K.
2016; Kwon, Kim, and Hong, 2014) is improved. In
addition, it would be a differentiated significance of
this thesis that encryption of documents was easily
realized not only in institutions and companies, but
also in electronic devices for the general public (Jeon,
Shin, Jung, Lee, and Yoo, 2015), which are already
becoming common.
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