Child Vaccination in Peru: How to Support it Using Cloud
Computing and Blockchain
Arthur Valladares-Nole, Yohan Yi-Chung and Daniel Burga-Durango
Department of Information System, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, San Miguel, Lima, Peru
Keywords: Blockchain, Child Vaccination, Cloud Computing, Vaccination Management System, Security of
Abstract: Childhood vaccination is an important pillar for a country's public health system. However, in Peru there
was no adequate tool or technology that could be used by parents or guardians of children to monitor or
control the process. In this work, a technological solution based on Cloud Computing and Blockchain that is
implemented in the childhood vaccination system of Peru will be presented based on a diversity of previous
studies. Which focused on the analysis of the processes involved in vaccination, the system used, and the
main actors to provide the best possible solution. The presented solution seeks to support the increase in the
rate of childhood vaccination in the national healthcare system. We developed a system with functionalities
that enhance the weak points in the current process, it is deployed in the cloud for the operation and
connection with various services, and which takes advantage of Blockchain technology to ensure the
protection of information that is managed in the process. The results obtained in the validation tests were
satisfactory, obtaining a minimum compliance percentage of 99%. In this way, the system with the
Blockchain network complies with the pillars of security such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
On the other hand, the non-technical aspects to safeguard the security of the system that have to do with the
processes and actors involved in vaccination were also considered. With this, the fundamental pillars of
security (“CIA”) can be ensured to provide a solution according to the context of the protection of
transactional and medical data in Peru.
Currently, the Covid19 pandemic (ONU, 2020) has
affected childhood vaccination around the world
(Unicef, 2021). This also affected Peru since there is
a reduction in the number of vaccines applied
(Andina, 2021) and the rate of the complete regimen
(INEI, 2021) received by children in the first years of
life. Added to the current context are other factors that
do not favor the childhood vaccination process,
increasing the chances of generating new infectious
foci, collapses in the health system, and deaths from
infections (WHO, 2021). In the studies of Ekouevi et
al. (2018) and Garcia et al. (2021), where information
on the vaccination of children between 12 and 24
months of age is collected, some of the reasons for
not following the schedule of vaccinations are
observed, such as the lack of an electronic card, the
lack of knowledge about the process, the absence of
a guide from a medical professional to guide them.
This point is very representative in the Peruvian
reality since there is not a massive public system for
the national childhood vaccination program.
Peruvian parents must use a physical card that the
nurses stamp or sign each time they go to vaccinate
their children. There is no efficient way for them to
follow up on the vaccination schedule and remember
all the appointments to schedule to immunize your
children. At the same time, they must take care of a
fragile element that is also easy to lose (physical
vaccination card), so that they can vaccinate their
children following the vaccination program
stipulated by the government. On the other hand,
there are studies like of Di Giuseppe et al. (2022) and
Lewandowska et al. (2020) that seek to know the
opinions and knowledge that parents have about
preventive vaccination issues and the willingness
they would have to apply them to their minor child.
In these, it is found that most parents are willing to
apply preventive vaccines to their children, however,
they do not follow the vaccination schedule and due
to ignorance, they are afraid of the adverse effects
Valladares-Nole, A., Yi-Chung, Y. and Burga-Durango, D.
Child Vaccination in Peru: How to Support it Using Cloud Computing and Blockchain.
DOI: 10.5220/0012125000003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 502-509
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that the vaccines could have. Finally, studies of
Getman et al. (2018) and Arede et al. (2018) show
the influence that social networks have on the
opinion of vaccines, specifically the pro- or anti-
vaccine publications with which parents can interact
and contract more doubts about vaccination. These
points are important to emphasize in the context of
Peruvian society, since this paper focuses on finding
solutions that best fit to this context. The level of
basic academic studies in Peru is deficient, therefore
the studies mentioned above have more importance
since they are based mostly on the level of ignorance
that parents have and how easily they are influenced
by any unverified information mostly found on
social media nowadays. Due to the ways are being
sought to counteract these factors and increase the
rate of children vaccinated with the complete
schedule. The studies of Trumbo et al. (2018) and
Clarke et al. (2019) provide an analysis of the health
systems implemented in different
countries, including
Peru. In this you can see the weak
points, strengths
and lessons learned to implement these systems, and
how it improves the data collection process.
In Section II, the related work about using
Blockchain and Cloud Computing in healthcare is
described. In Section III, the architecture and the
solution are explained. In Section IV, it is described
how validate the solution against the CIA Triad. In
Section V, the results are shown through tables and
graphs. In Section VI, we conclude about the most
important findings of the results, limitations, and
future work.
The research carried out resulted in works like the
developed solution, which are systems based on
Cloud Computing and Blockchain technologies. This
is due to studies of Yang et al. (2018), based on Cloud
development, Pawar et al. (2022) and Shanthapriya et
al. (2020), based on Blockchain, where systems are
developed in the health sector using these
technologies independently and evidencing their
individual benefits. On the other hand, there are
studies such as of Omar et al. (2019), Mahajan et al.
(2020) and Mubarakali (2020) that combine these two
technologies in a single system to offer a solution for
the treatment of adequate medical records. The latter
focus their research on providing a solid and robust
system in terms of the security of medical data
protection, but which in turn is deployed within a
service in the cloud. These systems, however, are
oriented towards a more general approach within the
health sector. In addition to these studies, there are
works such as of Haque et al. (2021), Hernández-
Ramos et al. (2021) and Biswas et al. (2021) that
focus on the use of Blockchain technology to develop
solutions related to COVID-19 vaccination. These
seek to create a system that can globally certify the
vaccination of a person through unique certificates
using Blockchain technology and that can circulate
between countries without major inconvenience
when there were greater requirements for migratory
transit. Finally, there are solutions that apply
functionalities like those developed in our work. This
is the case of studies of Obi-Jeff et al. (2021) and
Cheng et al. (2020), which offer messaging systems
to improve the vaccination process in some countries
and thus increase the rate of vaccination. The latter
are developed based on the cloud and the
functionality of text messaging is very present in our
work as it is an effective reminder method within the
vaccination process.
3.1 Architecture
The solution to be developed is based on the physical
architecture shown in Figure 1. The two main
technologies that will be used in the proposed
system are the Cloud Computing and the Blockchain,
these are represented by the yellow box that encloses
most of the development components, and the blue
box connected to the Rest API, respectively. This is
because Cloud Computing technology will provide
the infrastructure to be able to deploy the system that
will be created and services that will be helpful to
enhance our solution with great capabilities. Through
this, it is possible to save on hardware components
and adjust the capacity according to the need for
requests, so that the economic section will be covered
in a staggered manner. Some of the technologies that
will be deployed in the cloud will be the Reminder &
Notification Scheduler, which will be in charge of
sending reminders by mail and text message; the web
application, which will allow the end user to interact
with the entire solution; the MySQL database, which
will store the data used in the system; Finally, the Rest
API, which works as the core of the system,
processing the information and connecting all the
components. On the other hand, Blockchain
technology will be used for the robustness it can
provide in transactional data security that is managed
in the core activities of our solution.
Child Vaccination in Peru: How to Support it Using Cloud Computing and Blockchain
Figure 1: Physical Architecture.
In this way, the aim is to provide sufficient
functionalities and characteristics to the vaccination
system to improve the experience in the process of
vaccinating children and thus support the increase in
the vaccination rate. The Rest API will contain all the
logic that you want to process in the system, while the
web application allows the user to interact with all the
functions offered in the system to offer a user-friendly
experience. The database is the one that will contain
all the data that is managed in the system, while the
Blockchain will manage the critical transactional data
of the vaccination process. Finally, the Amazon SNS
and AWS Lambda components work together to
provide email and mobile text message reminders
Some advantages that have this architecture are
modularity, scalability, and versatility of the
components. This allows to add or change things with
a minimal configuration.
3.2 Web App
The web app allows to the users to access to the
functionalities of the system for the vaccination
process. The functionalities of this web app are
divided in two groups: for the parents and for the
health personnel.
In the group of functionalities for parents are the
following functionalities:
Visualization of Vaccination Card: the objective
of this functionality is that the parents can see the
status of completion of their children's vaccination
scheme. With this functionality, they will be able to
immediately know what vaccines their children have
already had, when, where and who gave them those
vaccines, and what vaccines are still to be given as
can be seen in Figure 2. Parents with this functionality
will not need to have the current physical vaccination
card that deteriorates over time or can be lost, by
having this vaccination card digitally they will be able
to know the status of their children within the
vaccination process at any time and thus have better
control to comply with the entire vaccination
schedule for their children.
Figure 2: Visualization of Vaccination Card.
Next Dose Reminder: this functionality allows
parents to know the next doses that can be
administered to their children. With this functionality,
parents do not need to be aware of their children's
next vaccinations since they will receive reminders,
as can be seen in Figure 3, days before the date on
which the next vaccine can be given and thus comply
with their children's vaccinations on time and boost
their health at the right time.
Figure 3: Next Dose Reminder.
And in the group of functionalities for health
personnel are the following functionalities:
Visualization of Child Health Information: The
objective of this functionality is that the health
personnel can immediately view and at any time the
remaining and administered vaccines of a child. With
this functionality, they do not need to request the
vaccination card from the parents, since it would be
only enough to search for the child's health
information, like is shown in Figure 4, and view the
vaccines that must be given, and which ones have
already been given.
Registration of Dose Administration: This
functionality is focused on health personnel can
quickly and easily record the doses of vaccine that
have been administered. With this functionality, the
children's vaccination information will be recorded so
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
that both parents and health personnel can consult it
later and thus know the real completeness status of
the children's vaccination scheme. Figure 5 shows the
form that is filled out once the dose to be vaccinated
has been selected.
Figure 4: Visualization of Child Health Information.
Figure 5: Registration of Dose Administration.
Besides of the explained functionalities, the web
app also has the following: Visualization of Vaccine
Information, Vaccination Appointment Scheduling,
Vaccination Appointment Reminder, Registration of
Vaccination Campaign, Vaccination Campaign
Notification, Registration of Vaccine Inventory,
Visualization of Vaccine Inventory.
On the other hand, as part of the processes that are
involved in the functionalities provided to the parents
of the children who will be immunized and the health
personnel, it is sought that they have the least possible
access to information that does not correspond to
them or use a simple interface that allows the entry or
modification of data as little as possible. In addition
to protecting the data in terms of integrity and
reliability, there will not be an excessive use of
computational resources to load the different views
and functionalities of the service, which also ensures
its availability.
3.3 Blockchain
The Blockchain Platform developed with
Hyperledger Fabric and its API developed with
Node.js allow to the solution to record the
transactional data of the vaccination process in a
decentralized and secured way, also allow to the
different Health Organizations access to the same
information from the same data source. Internally, the
Blockchain Platform has 3 peers, as can be seen in
Figure 6. One smart contract written in JavaScript that
is used to register and query the doses, one certificate
authority to authenticate and authorize the agents, and
one orderer peer to manage the transactions and the
Vaccination channel where all the information of the
vaccination process flows.
Figure 6: Blockchain Diagram.
The information of the administered doses is
recorded in the Blockchain when the doctor registers
a dose administration in the web app and this
information is retrieved from the Blockchain when
the parent or the doctor query the health information
of the children. Internally, the REST API made with
ASP.NET Core calls the Blockchain´s API made with
Node.js to get or save the records. The Blockchain´s
API communicates with the Blockchain via the Smart
Contract and then returns the response to the REST
API; this one processes the info and finally returns the
response to the web app for the users.
4.1 Calculation of the Experimental
According to the INEI, in 2022 there are 33 million
396 thousand 700 inhabitants in Peru, through the
following formula an approximate of the sample of
users that will be used for the test cases will be
Child Vaccination in Peru: How to Support it Using Cloud Computing and Blockchain
Figure 7: Sample Formula.
The sample (n)
Total population (x): 33,396,700
The percentage of children from 0 to 11
years old (y): 22%
The total number of health facilities (z): 8148
Number of children per user (v): 2
Number of patients per health center (w): 230
The result that was obtained using the previous
formula is 453 users, with whom the validation tests
will be carried out. This amount is an approximate
calculation of users that there would be in a medical
center for the test cases.
4.2 Test Cases
For the validation of the security triad of the
technological solution based on Cloud Computing
and Blockchain for the child vaccination process, a
proof of concept (PoC) was carried out, with the
following test cases:
Test Case Nº1: Confidentiality of vaccination
records: This validation test consists of evaluating
the relationship between the number of tests that
accessed unauthorized information and the total
number of requests made.
Figure 8: Formula for % Confidentiality.
Test Case Nº2: Integrity of vaccination records:
The test case for this scenario is the verification
between the records that are entered and those that
are consulted to observe that there have been no
changes. This check relates to the total number of
tests performed.
Figure 9: Formula for % Integrity.
Test Case Nº3: Availability of vaccination
records: The availability test seeks to generate
requests for consultation of vaccination records and
vaccination cards.
Availability effectiveness is
measured by the
ratio of successful queries to the
total number of queries made.
Figure 10: Formula for % Availability.
The Blockchain network, of our system, is
configured with 3 organizations where each one has a
content peer. In this, the information of 453 users
between parents and health personnel will be placed.
With this, we will be able to validate the security triad
in our technological solution. Each test scenario has
been designed to validate an item of the security triad,
and thus, the correct functioning of the system will be
verified, fulfilling the success factors established for
the proof of concept.
Table 1: Success factors of PoC.
Test Case Success Factor
º1: Confidentiality o
vaccination records
Validate that at least 99% of the data
has not been accessed by
unauthenticated or authorized users.
º2: Integrity o
vaccination records
Validate that at least 99% of the data
have not been modified when
making the comparison.
º3: Availability o
vaccination records
Validate that at least 99% of the data is
available to authorized users who
request it.
5.1 Confidentiality
As shown in Table II, the records of doses
administered, and the vaccination card information
could not be accessed by unauthenticated users
without the respective permissions.
Table 2: Extract of the results of test case N°1.
Could access the
Could not access
the information
Obtaining medical
records as an
unauthenticated use
Obtaining a vaccination
card for children who are
5.2 Integrity
According to table III, the records of administered
doses were recorded and compared satisfactorily.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 3: Extract of the results of test case N°2.
Correct Fail
Register of Administered
456 0
Obtaining and comparing
Doses Administered
5.3 Availability
In relation to the availability of the system, table IV
shows that the records of doses administered and the
information on the vaccination card could be
obtained satisfactorily in all requests.
Table 4: Extract of the results of test case N°3.
Obtaining Immunization
Obtaining Vaccination
In summary, a minimum of 906 interactions per test
have been carried out, simulating the 453 users
established in the calculation of the experimental
sample, carrying out the 2 interactions per test case.
In all the tests, as can be seen in Figure 13, a
satisfactory result was obtained, meeting the
minimum required of 99.9% effectiveness for the
proposed test case. This result, added to the controls
of the system itself for the protection of accounts,
data, and transactions ensures a robust system not
only against its technical aspect but also against the
processes and people involved in the child
vaccination system.
Figure 11: % Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of
vaccination records.
The research carried out in this work concludes with
the functional and technical validation of the
developed system. First, an investigation has been
carried out to clearly understand the cause of the
problem of low childhood vaccination. Through this,
functionalities have been designed to adapt to the
proposed system and to work in the context of the
Peruvian reality. With functions such as the SMS
reminder, it is considered that not many parts of the
country have a smartphone with an internet signal so
that they can be notified by email, specific
application, or social network. In addition, an attempt
is made to reinforce the idea that vaccines are
beneficial for the healthy growth of children and that
they are available free of charge and available to
parents in the medical centers listed in the system
according to the vaccine and location of the child.
Therefore, the functional proposal of the solution
has several edges considered according to the
investigation carried out on the problem and possible
similar solutions. Then for technical validation,
through the various tests and experiments, the level of
effectiveness for the protection of vaccination records
that the web application has with the use of
Blockchain technology was recorded. These tests
sought to verify that the solution complies with the
security triad such as Confidentiality, Integrity, and
Availability in data protection. After the tests, as can
be seen in Figure 13, the developed solution meets the
minimum established as a success factor with 99.9%
authenticity of information in all the tests carried out.
It can be concluded that the Blockchain network
integrated in the system complies with security
standards and protects vaccination records. This
added to the controls in the process that must be
carried out by the national health entities such as the
designated personnel who should have access to the
system and the important nodes described in the
architecture for the verification of the chain data,
among others. These considerations will allow the
solution to comply with the security standards
proposed in this work. Another type of research that
may arise because of the work carried out is the
definition of the implementation within the national
system and how it should be coupled to the laws or
requirements that exist within the Peruvian state. This
research could address other technical, legal, and
social aspects for the adoption of the proposed
solution. Finally, the research carried out solves the
latent problem of the lack of information for the
vaccination process and the safety of these in its
transmission, that is, a system that informs parents in
real time, being supported in the process. And
encouraged to follow the childhood vaccination
schedule, and at the same time provide protection in
Child Vaccination in Peru: How to Support it Using Cloud Computing and Blockchain
the security of highly critical data that is handled,
such as health records.
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Child Vaccination in Peru: How to Support it Using Cloud Computing and Blockchain