model, where employees can come to the office on
certain days and work from home for the rest of the
week. This would help employees to have a balance
between being in touch with their colleagues and also
having time for their families. Additionally, some par-
ticipants reported needing more career growth while
working remotely. This can be due to a lack of face-
to-face interaction with managers and difficulty prov-
ing their work. Therefore, managers must provide
regular feedback and hold regular meetings with em-
ployees to ensure their career growth is not hindered.
Overall, our research indicates that remote work-
ing has the potential to improve work-life balance and
productivity. Organizations must implement mea-
sures to reduce isolation and increase engagement to
ensure that remote working is sustainable in the long
run. Additionally, managers should ensure that em-
ployees are not experiencing stagnation in their career
growth while working remotely.
Our study focused on the effects of remote work on
work-life balance, productivity, and the use of spe-
cialized management tools in the context of IT orga-
nizations in Bangladesh. While our findings demon-
strate a positive correlation between remote work,
work-life balance, and productivity, it is important
to acknowledge the potential limitations of our study
related to generalizability to other regions/countries.
Further research is required to investigate the gener-
alizability of our findings to other sectors and regions.
The research also highlights areas for future work.
For instance, future questionnaires could focus on
more specific aspects, such as productivity, which is
a crucial concern for managers. Moreover, we ac-
knowledge the limitations of our study, particularly
in terms of data segmentation and the need for more
extensive data collection from more companies and
different types of projects. Additionally, we suggest
that future research should also consider distinguish-
ing the perspectives of managers and subordinates.
Despite the limitations, our study contributes to the
existing research on remote work and highlights the
positive impact of remote work on work-life balance
and productivity in the context of IT organizations
in Bangladesh. The use of specialized management
tools such as Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams ap-
pears to be beneficial for productivity.
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ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies