ther agile or traditional but not a mix of both (Hidel-
laarachchi et al., 2021). Our investigation found that
software firms may lack a standard approach regard-
ing requirement collection methodology. Such com-
panies work with adaptive measures and go along
with simple adjusting contraptions that fulfill their ne-
cessities. These adaptive approaches to fulfilling ne-
cessities ultimately give birth to a Hybrid model.
To address such problems, a hybrid approach
is proposed to overcome inadequate or insufficient
client involvement and understanding. This arti-
cle reviews the typical requirements-gathering land-
scape and conceptual underpinning, justifies recast-
ing the requirements-gathering process, discusses a
method for creating a requirement-collecting hybrid
technique combining traditional waterfall and agile
approach, and describes the requirements-gathering
design concepts. The paper concludes with a brief
Requirement Engineering (RE) is a circumstance in
which a system or portion of a system must be used to
meet contracts, requirements, specifications, or other
documents (Doe, 2011). RE alludes to the method
or levels utilized to compile requirements. RE is
the foremost vital stage within Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC) since the proper determination
of requirements plays a vital role in achieving the
success of Software Development to meet client de-
sires (Weyns, 2019). Because the RE segment is a
segment of the SDLC and its order is inside the first
section of the SDLC level, it must be able to effec-
tively reduce the risk of software program develop-
ment failure and establish consumer demands (Ku-
mar et al., 2013). Traditional RE includes 5 major
techniques: elicitation, analysis, documentation, vali-
dation, and management (Bernard, 2012). Traditional
RE approaches are carried out in a sequential and it-
erative manner. The number of iterations performed
can be highly reliant on the delicacy with which cus-
tomers’ desires are captured.
Elicitation could be a RE handle that relies on ob-
taining data and records from clients based on con-
finements and criteria that are appropriate. In order to
meet the objectives established as raw requirements,
facts, and information might be gathered from formal
or non-formal files. Observation, interviews, surveys,
and questionnaires are some of the strategies or meth-
ods used to undertake elicitation (M and BB, 2018).
The Analysis is a RE system that navigates on
assessing sources and information elicited from dif-
ferent sources. The Analysis technique arranges data
and facts as basic essentials according to the type and
manner of customer want. This technique must be
carried out with caution in order for the analysis re-
sults to fulfill the requirements for clear, complete,
consistent, verified, detectable, appropriate, and prac-
tical parameters (Eduard and Shashkin, 2019). Doc-
umentation, often known as the specification, is a
RE method that concentrates on compiling a tradi-
tional file containing requirement specifications gath-
ered throughout the data collection and analysis tech-
niques. The functional and non-functional require-
ments collected from the analysis phase must be in-
cluded in the formal specification report. Validation
could be a procedure that concentrates on confirm-
ing the conformance between the specifications of the
requirements established during the analytical phase
and the user’s preferred demands (Chemuturi, 2012).
Before converting into the final model as spelled out
in a legal document, the validation method desires
to include users in providing comments and critiques
that are utilized to check the consequences of the raw
requirement requirements. The validation technique
must be repeated repeatedly until the developer and
the individual reach an agreement.
Process management is a process that focuses on
phase management and documentation from the elic-
itation process to the validation process, including
any alterations that occur. Starting with the devel-
opment phase and ending with the maintenance pro-
cess, the management process is a procedure that must
be repeated repeatedly and continuously (Geisser and
Hildenbrand, 2006).
Agile, on the other hand, presupposes that re-
quirements engineering continues throughout a sys-
tem’s lifecycle. RE is done in Agile by continuous
collaboration, with requirement gathering, develop-
ment, and testing occurring simultaneously. The evo-
lutionary requirements theory, which asserts that re-
quirements should evolve through time, is used to ac-
complish this. User testimonies, which are written
from the perspective of the user, are used to elicit
and capture business requirements in Agile (Mani-
festo, 2013). These user testimonies are utilized as a
fundamental work unit and expand over the project’s
lifespan. Continuous planning is a key component of
agile methodologies, release planning, iteration plan-
ning, and activity-level planning are all examples of
planning. For each iteration, iteration planning is con-
ducted that lasts between one and three weeks which
demands estimating user stories, acknowledging prior
iteration’s successes, and defining development and
objectives in general for the upcoming iteration. For
individual iterations, a release motive is created in
A Hybrid Approach to Overcome Requirements Challenges in the Software Industry