Additionally, according to 23.81% of the respondents,
the effectiveness of this integration depends on how it
is performed.
Authors Nyfjord and Kajko-Mattson assert that
risk management that aims to increase the chances
of success in IT projects, is performed mainly in an
implicit fashion in projects that use agile approaches
(Nyfjord and Kajko-Mattsson, 2008). Their analy-
sis of risk management in traditional as well as ag-
ile methodologies, results in conclusions that agile
approach does not provide risk management taxon-
omy. They recommend incorporating traditional prac-
tises in order to ensure an effective risk management
(Nyfjord and Kajko-Mattsson, 2008).
The authors of (Verma and Dhanda, 2016) de-
scribe the importance of different, the most popular
currently agile software development methodologies
and how the agile process can result in increasing the
efficiency of the tasks in development proses. The au-
thors of (Gold and Vassell, 2015) specify how risk
management can be used to effectively balance an
agile method (particularly Scrum), present the ben-
efits or limitations encountered during the applica-
tion of risk management in Scrum and deals with the
other processes to effectively manage the risks during
Scrum projects realization.
According to a survey carried out by VersionOne (Re-
port, 2020), Scrum is the most popular method used
in organizations. However, the agile methodologies
do not give detailed guidelines for risk management.
This section presents unified risk management
process incorporated into Scrum framework. The
proposed method called Scrum Risk Management, is
lightweight in order to not deprive the project of
agility. As Scrum framework is iterative and incre-
mental process, risk management is also considered
as a continuous and iterative event.
At the beginning of a project, Risk Management
Planning is conducted. After functionalities are gath-
ered and added to a Product Backlog by a Product
Owner, Risk Identification is performed. As a conse-
quence, new artefact called Risk Register, which con-
tains identified risks is created. In next event – Risk
Assessment, whole team assess risk parameters such
as impact and likelihood. During Sprint Planning, all
risks are prioritized that is their values are calculated.
Controlling risks is a continuous event that is per-
formed during whole Sprint. By controlling is meant
tracking changes in risks and identifying new risks.
4.1 Roles
There is a need to extend Scrum Team by adding a
new role – a Risk Manager. As a result, there are four
roles in Scrum Risk Management.
Scrum Master, who is responsible for ensuring
that the entire team understands agile approach, prac-
tises and principles of the Scrum Risk Manage-
ment. Development Team, which is self-organizing
and cross-functional. They are responsible for cre-
ating and delivering a Product Increment at the end
of each Sprint. The Development Team chooses the
number of tasks from the Product Backlog to realize
during the Sprint. Each Development Team member
should monitor risks connected with tasks he is re-
sponsible for. In case of observing any symptoms of
risk materializing, developer should inform the rest
of team about it during Daily Stand-up. It is im-
portant to emphasize that due to the principles of
Scrum, whole Development Team is responsible for
risk management that is identification, analysis, re-
actions planning and acting. Product Owner is re-
sponsible for managing the Product Backlog. Prod-
uct Backlog items should be clearly expressed and or-
dered. When it comes to risk management, he should
identify and monitor business risks.
The duties of Risk Manager include tracking the
correctness of risk management, ensuring that neces-
sary documentation is updated and if needed, induc-
ing the team to change. This role is not related to
any Scrum role. According to the idea of team self-
organizing, team chooses who will fill a role of Risk
Manager. What is more, they decide if this role is con-
stant or rotary – e.g. it can be rotated between Devel-
opment Team members each iteration. The division of
the roles for more than one person is recommended in
case of too much risk to monitor.
4.2 Events
The assumptions of Scrum events are not changed.
Each Scrum event is time-boxed. The frame for all
events is a Sprint during which a Product Increment
is created. Except for Sprint, events may end if the
goals are achieved. A new Sprint begins immediately
after Sprint Retrospective.
In Scrum Risk Management method, risk manage-
ment process is incorporated into Scrum framework.
As a result, following events are proposed: (1) Risk
Management Planning, (2) Risk Identification Meet-
ing, (3) Risk Assessment Meeting, (4) Sprint Plan-
ning, which contains Risk Prioritization, (5) Daily
Stand-up, (6) Sprint Review, (7) Sprint Retrospective.
It is important to point out that risk controlling is per-
Risk Management in IT Project in the Framework of Agile Development