Multimodal Biometric Recognition Systems based on Physiological
Traits: A Systematic Mapping Study
Hind Es-Sobbahi
, Mohamed Radouane
and Khalid Nafil
Software Project Management Research Team, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Multimodal, Physiological, Biometric, Recognition, Image Processing, Systematic Mapping Study,
Systematic Literature Review, Deep CNN Methods.
Abstract: Context: Biometric systems are fundamental to protect against identity theft and illegitimate access. However
most of them are unimodal and have several drawbacks such as: noisy data, intra-class variation, inter-class
similarity, non-universality and spoofing attacks. Hence, multimodal biometric recognition systems (MBRS)
are increasingly in demand to overcome these limitations.
Objective: This work aims to aggregate and synthesize available studies and provide a historical and
geographical classification in order to guide researchers in their choices of biometric traits (BT) combinations
and image processing (IP) techniques. Therefore, we conducted a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS). Method:
We analysed 247 relevant articles to answer the research questions according to inclusion and exclusion
criteria, namely: country, source and year of publication, BT combinations and IP techniques employed.
Results: According to our results, India tops the list; iris, fingerprint and face are the most requested by
researchers. Concerning IP techniques used, PCA Algorithm leads (24%), followed equally (14%) by LBP
and Deep CNN.
Conclusion: This SMS was produced to guide stakeholders in choosing the most relevant configuration
between of BT and IP methods when designing an MBRS. Findings are interesting as they provide a detailed
overview of aspects that can impact the performance of a system.
The pressing need to use computer security
applications has increased considerably over time,
making automatic personal authentication of great
importance. Biometrics refers to the measurement and
statistical analysis related to human characteristics.
The main advantage of biometric authentication is
that each person can be identified with a high degree
of accuracy based on intrinsic physical or behavioral
characteristics (Deriche, 1998). It has long been
defined as a vigorous method of authenticating
people. With new technological advances, biometric
recognition systems have become an emerging
solution to
solve the problems related to revealing
person's identity. Unimodal biometrics systems face
various problems such as intra-class variations, non-
universality, noisy data, restricted degrees of freedom,
unacceptable error rates and spoof attacks (Ross &
Jain, 2004). Therefore, the orientation towards a
multimodal biometric system, which is based on
multiple sources of information, is an alternative to
solve these problems and improve the performance.
Multimodal biometric systems are more reliable due
to the presence of multiple proofs of identity and they
can reduce vulnerability against spoofing attacks by
using, at the same time, different modalities and
varying biometric sources of information. In general,
they provide better recognition performance than
systems based on a single biometric modality (Jain,
Nandakumar & Ross, 2005).
The studies defined in this work show that
researchers are constantly proposing new models of
biometric systems to achieve maximum authenticity,
accuracy and reliability. (Nguyen, Fookes, Jillela,
Sridharan, & Ross, 2017) review the state of the art
Es-Sobbahi, H., Radouane, M. and Nafil, K.
Multimodal Biometric Recognition Systems based on Physiological Traits: A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012128600003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 556-563
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
design and implementation of iris-recognition-at-a-
distance (IAAD) systems, present existing IAAD
systems and also discusse current research challenges
while providing recommendations for future research
in IAAD. (Shaheed, Liu, Yang, Qureshi, Gou, & Yin,
2018) present a detailed review of finger vein
recognition algorithms. The comparative studies
indicate that the accuracy of finger vein identification
methods is up to the mark. (Shaheed, Mao, Qureshi,
Kumar, Abbas, Ullah, & Zhang, 2021)
summarize and
investigate various traditional and deep learning based
biometric modalities. An in-depth examination of the
biometric steps of several modalities using different
levels such as pre-processing, feature extraction and
classification is presented in detail. The result of the
comparison indicates that there is still a need to
develop a robust physiology-based method to advance
and improve the performance. (Bharadwaj, Vatsa &
Singh, 2014) introduce extensive reviews of biometric
technology. (Unar, Seng & Abbasi, 2014)
present the
characteristics, strengths and limitations of existing
techniques for assessing the quality of various
biometric traits, including fingerprints, iris and face...
ECG and Lip Print are two emerging biometric
modalities. ECG can be combined with other robust
biometrics such as fingerprints and iris to provide a
reliable multimodal biometric system. The Lip Print
can be combined with face and voice to develop a
user-friendly biometric system (Chauhan, Arora &
Kaul, 2010). (Rui & Yan, 2018) classify the existing
biometric authentication systems by focusing on the
security and privacy solutions. They figure and
specify a number of important research directions that
deserve special efforts in future research. Finally,
(Abo-Zahhad, Ahmed, & Abbas, 2014) aim to review
previous studies related to the use of ECG and PCG
signals in human recognition and discusse the most
important techniques and methodologies used by
researchers in the preprocessing, feature extraction
and classification of the ECG and PCG signals.
Based on this and according to the knowledge of
the author, no mapping study has been carried out to
date with a focus on multimodal biometric recognition
systems based on physiological traits. Therefore, we
were interested by conducting this study to diagnose,
analyze and summarize published articles in IEEE
Xplore, Science Direct, Springer, Wiley, ACM,
Scopus and Web of Science databases related to this
type of systems. During the period between 2010 and
2022, we have selected 1289 papers. After an
exhaustive selection study we have identified 247
relevant papers.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 describes the research
methodology used to achieve this work. Section 3
presents and discusses the mapping results. Section 4
discusses the results obtained and presents the
implication for researchers. Finally, conclusion is
presented in section 5.
Mapping studies can be very useful to researchers in
establishing a solid base for further research in a
defined area. They are based on the same
methodology applied in the development of SLRs,
except that the difference lies in the objective of each
one of them.
A systematic mapping study helps to structure the
type of research reports and findings that have been
published by organizing them and often provides a
visual summary, the map, of its findings. It often
requires less effort while providing a big overview
(Petersen, Feldt, Mujtaba & Mattsson, 2008).
To perform this study, we follow the mapping
process suggested by (Petersen, Feldt, Mujtaba &
Mattsson, 2008), steps are outlined in figure 1, each
step of the process is described in detail in the
following subsections with the results they provide.
2.1 Definition of Mapping Questions
2.1.1 Mapping Questions (MQs)
According to (Petersen, Vakkalanka & Kuzniarz,
2015), the research questions in mapping studies are
general as they aim to uncover research trends. Thus,
we present this mapping study in order to provide a
comprehensive overview of physiological-based
biometric multimodal recognition systems and to
identify the amount and the type of published
researches between 2010 and 2022. The following
mapping questions were identified:
MQ1: How publications are distributed across
Motivation: To identify the universities and research
laboratories working on this subject around the world.
MQ2: What is the quality of relevant articles
according to conference and/or journal rank?
Motivation: To know the degree of scientific
relevance of the different contributions.
MQ3: According to MQ1 and MQ2, is there a
correlation between the quality of the selected articles
and the scientific production?
Motivation: To know if there is a proportional
relationship between the quality and the quantity of
Multimodal Biometric Recognition Systems based on Physiological Traits: A Systematic Mapping Study
the published works according to conference and/or
journal rank.
MQ4: What is the annual trend of publications?
Motivation: To give researchers the opportunity to
position themselves well in relation to this
disciplinary field.
MQ5: Where were the selected studies
Motivation: To know if there is a cumulative and
progressive interest from the scientific community
over time.
MQ6: What are the most used biometric traits
combinations studied in the selected papers?
Motivation: To find the most requested combinations
of biometric traits in the studied systems.
MQ7: What are the main image processing
techniques identified in the selected papers?
Motivation: To know the different image processing
techniques used when designing systems and be able
to classify them according to the recorded
2.2 Search Strategy
To perform this study, it was imperative to answer the
predefined research questions. For this we have
adopted the research approach detailed below.
2.2.1 Literature Resources
To carry out an exhaustive search and cover a wide
range of information in the literature, we identified
candidate primary articles to answer the research
questions. The selection of these articles was
performed by applying search strings in the following
seven digital databases: Scopus, Springer Link, ACM
Digital Library, Science Direct, Wiley, IEEE Xplorer
and Web Of Science.
The search interval was limited between 2010 and
2022. Searches were conducted separately based on
title, abstract, and keywords only for Scopus. For the
other six databases, the search was extended to the
entire article. Note that the searches must be adjusted
according to the needs of each database.
2.2.2 Search Terms
a- Pico
According to the PICO (Population, Intervention,
Comparison and Outcome) criteria suggested by
(Kitchenham & Charters, 2007) and based on the
main terms extracted from RQs and the semantically
similar terms, the search string was defined as
("Multimodal Biometric" OR "Multi-Modal
Biometric" AND ("Recognition" OR
"Authentication" OR "Identification" OR
"Verification") AND ("System" OR "Scheme" OR
"Approach" OR "Method" OR "Algorithm" OR
"Technic" OR "Model") AND ("Physiological traits"
OR "Finger Vein" OR "Palm Vein" OR "Finger Print"
Or "Face" OR "Lips" OR "Iris" OR "Retina").
Population: It refers to specific software engineering
role, category of software engineer, an application
area or an industry group (Kitchenham & Charters,
2007). In our context, the population are Multimodal
Biometric Systems based on physiological traits;
: It refers to a software methodology,
tool, technology, or procedure (Kitchenham &
Charters, 2007). In this study, we focus on recognition
of morphological biometric images;
: It refers to the software engineering
methodology /tool/ technology/ procedure with which
the intervention is being compared (Kitchenham &
Charters, 2007). In this study, it intends all terms
related to the biometric recognition process;
: No measurable results are taken into
account, since we do not evaluate the results obtained
in the different articles studied.
b- Adapted Search String:
In order to refine the search in certain electronic
databases, it was necessary to adapt the search string
and some of the associated filters. It should be noted
that the search in these databases was carried out on
2.2.3 Search Process
In order to ensure that no candidate article was
eliminated, a research process was followed as
outlined below:
1st step: The first author conducts search in the seven
predefined databases to find an initial batch of
candidate papers, then carefully reviews the title,
abstract, and keywords using the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. In case or information contained in
the metadata is not sufficient to accept or reject the
paper, the full-text must be explored.
2nd step: On a shared spreadsheet, the same author
stores extracted data from selected studies and for
each article he indicates his decision to accept or reject
the paper. In case of doubt, he must imperatively
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
mention that he is uncertain in order to open the
discussion with the other authors until they agree.
3rd step: To reduce threats, the other two authors
evaluate independently the validated selection that has
been stored in the previous shared spreadsheet and
review the rejected articles to ensure that no potential
article is excluded. In case of disagreement, a meeting
between the three authors is scheduled to make a final
2.3 Study Selection Procedure
In this section, we determine the filtering process
applied to the potentially relevant articles. For this, we
describe the following list which specify inclusion
and exclusion criteria used in this study combined by
the OR boolean operator. The number of included and
excluded articles is shown in figure 2 at each stage.
Inclusion criteria
IC1: The publication format is a peer-reviewed
academic journal or conference paper.
IC2: The study was published online during the period
2010 until 2022.
IC3: The paper develops new and/or use existing
image processing techniques for Multimodal
Biometric Recognition Systems.
Exclusion criteria
EC1: The paper is a duplicate found in another source
of publication.
EC2: The paper is not in English language.
EC3: The paper cites Multimodal Biometric
Recognition Systems just as an example.
EC4: The paper is available as abstract and/or
PowerPoint presentation.
EC5: The study focuses on Continuous Multimodal
Biometric Authentication Systems.
EC6: The paper is a survey, systematic mapping
study, systematic literature review, a web page or a
2.4 Data Extraction and Synthesis
In order to extract information from the primary
selected studies, the model described in Table 1 was
developed. The extraction was performed by the first
author and reviewed independently by the second and
third authors. The latter read the full text of all
selected articles and collected the data necessary to
answer the research questions addressed in this article.
2.5 Threats to Validity
The threats to the validity of this work mainly relate
to the exclusion of relevant articles, publication bias
and data extraction bias. One of the main problems we
faced was to find all articles that addressed the
research questions in order to minimize the threat of
exclusion of relevant articles. To achieve this
objective, we searched the seven electronic databases
listed in section 2.2.1, using a search string adapted to
their search engines while respecting the main search
terms and their semantic similarities. However, it is
probable that some relevant studies were not returned
by the search terms we used. To reduce this threat, we
used "Backward Snowball Sampling"; this means that
a manual check of the reference list of each of the
relevant studies to identify those that were missed
during the automated search. To further reduce the
risk of incorrectly excluding relevant articles, two
researchers conducted the process of selecting
relevant studies separately, using inclusion and
exclusion criteria based on title, abstract and
keywords. If in doubt, the full article has been read. In
case of disagreement, a meeting between the three
authors is scheduled to make a final decision. Besides
searching and selecting all relevant studies, data
extraction was the most crucial task of this study. To
properly extract data from these studies, two
researchers read each article independently. The data
extracted for each article was compared and any
disagreements were discussed by the researchers.
This section presents and discusses the results related
to the systematic mapping questions presented
previously. Note that Figures 3, 4 and 5 were extracted
using Biblioshiny (Aria & Cuccurullo, 2017).
3.1 Overview of the Selected Studies
Figure 2 illustrates the number of articles returned at
each stage of the selection process. We notice that the
search of the seven electronic databases has generated
1289 candidate articles. The application of inclusion
and exclusion criteria served to identify those that
were relevant, because many of the articles would not
be valuable in answering the research questions. This
procedure generated 247 articles. Examination of the
reference lists of the selected articles did not reveal
any other relevant article.
Table 2 indicates the number of studies published by
channel for the period from 2010 to February 2022.
Multimodal Biometric Recognition Systems based on Physiological Traits: A Systematic Mapping Study
They were published in different sources, mostly
journals or conferences. 50.79% (123 papers) were
presented in conferences, 45.63% of the studies (115
papers) in journals, 1.98% (5 papers) in symposiums
and 1.19% (3 papers) in workshops; the last paper was
a book chapter.
According to figure 3, Expert Systems with
Applications, Pattern Recognition and the
International Journal of Biometrics top the list of
publication sources for the journal category with a rate
that reaches 5.21%, 4.35% and 3.48% respectively .
As for the conferences, just International Conference
On Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICEI 2017)
which has a rate of 2.43% (3 conference papers out of
123) and for the others each of them has published two
papers (IET Biometrics, Neurocomputing, Procedia
Computer Science….).
3.2 MQ1: How Publications Are
Distributed across Countries?
The main objective of this question is to identify
universities and research laboratories that are
interested in the subject, for this, we considered the
country of the first author's university. Indeed, as
confirmed in figure 4, India tops the ranking with 32%
of publications and about 246% more than its
successor: China (13% of publications). Next comes
Malaysia with a rate of 2%. The remaining 53% of
publications are distributed among other countries
(Canada, Algeria, USA, Cyprus, Italy, etc.) with a rate
not exceeding 1.5%.
3.3 MQ2: What Is the Quality of
Relevant Articles According to
Conference and/or Journal Rank?
We chose to assess the relevance of each selected
paper according to Scimago Journal & Country Rank
for the scientific journals providing SJR and H Index
scores, and CORE Conference Ranking for the
conferences. In order to standardize the ranking
between journals and conferences, we have calculated
a new score according to the following nomenclature:
For journals: (+5) if the journal ranking is Q1, (+4)
if the journal ranking is Q2, (+3) if the journal ranking
is Q3, (+2) if the journal ranking is Q4, and (+1) for
For conferences: (+5) if the conference is CORE A,
(+4) if the conference is CORE B, (+3) if the
conference is CORE C, (+2) if the conference is
CORE D, (+1) if the conference is not ERA ranked
but according to Qualis, and (+0) for others.
We found that 49% of the articles are published in
ranked journals and conferences and the remaining
51% in unranked sources.
3.4 MQ3: According to MQ1 and MQ2,
Is There a Correlation between the
Quality of the Selected Articles and
the Scientific Production?
From the results obtained in section 3-2, we could see
that the scientific production rate in the Asian
continent was very high (47% of all selected articles)
compared to other parts of the world. This led us to
seek more information about the quality of these
works. For this, we calculated an average score for
each country based on the scores obtained for the
research question MQ2, the results are presented in
Table 3. It seems that the number of articles published
per country is not the only criterion to determine the
interest of a laboratory or a university for a given
subject. If we take the example of India and Turkey,
we can deduce that during the period (2010 - February
2022), Turkey published only 4 papers that met the
selection criteria for this work, with an average score
of 4.25; while India has been able to publish an
interesting number of articles in this field, but the
average score is only 1.5.
This observation led us to further examine the
reasons for the interesting increase in the number of
articles published in India. The following was
observed; As we all know; India is the second most
populated country in the world (with 1.41 billion
inhabitants in 2022). In 2010, The Indian government
established the largest biometric database in the
world, called "Aadhaar", managed by the Unique
Identification Authority of India. The system includes
a 12-digit national identification number associated
with each person in addition to biometric data,
including iris image, facial image and fingerprints.
The project also incorporates more standard data, such
as name, gender, date and place of birth (Chander &
Kush, 2010).
Therefore, to succeed in this huge project, unique
in the world, the commitment of the scientific
community was indispensable. This could explicitly
explain the peak of scientific production in India in
this field; the results deduced above place India at the
top of the list for this specific period.
3.5 MQ4: What Is the Annual Trend of
Answering this question will give researchers the
opportunity to properly position themselves with
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
respect to this disciplinary field and to have an overall
idea of the evolution of annual scientific production.
We see in figure 5 that the number of publications
peaked in 2016 and 2019. On the contrary, in 2017, a
decrease was observed.
3.6 MQ5: Where and When Were the
Selected Studies Published?
As noted in section 3-1, 247 studies were selected out
of 1289 candidate papers, of which 131 were
conference papers, 115 were journal articles, and only
one book chapter. The distribution of publications
across libraries and their types are provided in figure
6. IEEEXPLORE and Scopus dominate the ranking
with 38% and 30% respectively; representing 68% of
the total selected articles. The remaining 32% are
distributed as follows: 13% for SpringerLink, 4% for
WOS and ACM; the last 1% is attributed to Wiley.
3.7 MQ6: What Are the Most Used
Biometric Traits Combinations
Studied in the Selected Papers?
After analyzing the results obtained, we decided to
retain only the first six findings for which the number
was significant compared to the others. In fact, it was
observed, as shown in Figure 7, that the Face-Iris and
the Fingerprint-Iris combination are the most
frequent. Followed by the Face-Fingerprint
combination, then an equal ratio for the Face-
Palmprint and the Fingerprint-Fingervein
combination; in the last comes the Ear-Face
combination. We can therefore see that the iris is in
great demand; which can be explained by the fact that
the iris is one of the most accurate biometric features,
with very low false match rates and high processing
speeds in large-scale datasets (Bowyer,
Hollingsworth, & Flynn, 2008); it is an organ of the
eye, situated directly in front of the cornea and in
behind the lens (Ross, 2010). These observations are
reinforced by the complex texture of its stroma that
differs from an individual to another, the perceived
permanence of its discriminant characteristics, its
high universality and its restricted genetic penetration
(Nguyen, Fookes, Jillela, Sridharan, & Ross, 2017).
3.8 MQ7: What Are the Main Image
Processing Techniques Identified in
the Selected Papers?
The image processing techniques used in the data
extraction phase and mentioned in the selected papers
are very varied as mentioned in Figure 8; note that
more than half (52%) opted for the three main
methods, namely the PCA Algorithm (24%), the LBP
(14%) and the Deep CNN (14%); followed by the
Gabor filter (11%). The other methods were less used:
PSO and DCT Algorithm (8%), Minutiae Algorithm
(7%), DWT (6%) and LDA (4%).
3.9 Tables
Table 1: Data extraction form.
Data Ite
Value RQ
Article Title
Source Book/conference/
ournal MQ3
Publication Yea
Country MQ1
Publication Type
MQ2 Conf and/or journal ran
Table 2: Selected Paper’s Venue.
Number of
% of Selected
Conference Conf. paper 123 50.79%
Journal Journal paper 115 45.63%
Symposium Conf. paper 5 1.98%
Workshop Conf. paper 3 1.19%
Table 3: Average Rating of Publications by Country.
Country Study Conf
India 132 76 56 1,5
China 33 11 22 2,67
Algeria 10 7 3 1,3
Malaysia 8 3 5 2,75
Canada 7 7 - 0,71
USA 6 4 2 1
Morocco 5 3 2 1,8
Korea 5 2 3 1,2
Turkey 4 0 4 4,25
UK 4 2 2 2,75
Italy 4 1 3 2
Egypt 4 3 1 0
Iran 3 1 2 3,33
Tunisia 3 1 2 2,75
KSA 3 0 3 2
Pakistan 2 0 2 4
Portugal 2 2 0 2,5
Multimodal Biometric Recognition Systems based on Physiological Traits: A Systematic Mapping Study
Table 3: Average Rating of Publications by Country.(cont.)
Country Study Conf
Australia 1 0 1 3
Cyprus 1 0 1 3
Sth Africa 1 1 0 1
Hong Kong 1 1 0 0
Irak 1 1 0 0
Figure 1: Mapping process.
Figure 2: Study selection process.
Figure 3: Most relevant sources.
Figure 4: Corresponding Author’s Country.
Figure 5: Annual Scientific Production.
Figure 6: Libraries in which selected papers were published.
Figure 7: The most common biometric trait combinations.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 8: Distribution of the most used Image Processing
The purpose of this SMS was to analyze and
synthesize articles dealing with the design of
multimodal biometric recognition systems based on
physiological traits. 247 relevant articles published
between 2010 and February 2022 were selected and
analyzed by year, source and country of publication,
combinations of biometric traits and image processing
techniques employed.
The current work aims to conduct a literature
review in order to compare the performances recorded
by the different image processing techniques and to
discuss in depth the results obtained from these works
while considering the choice of the used biometrics.
Abo-Zahhad, M., Ahmed, S. M., & Abbas, S. N. (2014).
Biometric authentication based on PCG and ECG
signals: present status and future directions. Signal,
Image and Video Processing, 8, 739-751.
Aria, M. & Cuccurullo, C. (2017) bibliometrix: An R-tool
for comprehensive science mapping analysis, Journal of
Informetrics, 11(4), pp 959-975, Elsevier.
Bharadwaj, S., Vatsa, M., & Singh, R. (2014). Biometric
quality: a review of fingerprint, iris, and face. EURASIP
journal on Image and Video Processing, 2014(1), 1-28.
Bowyer, K. W., Hollingsworth, K., & Flynn, P. J. (2008).
Image understanding for iris biometrics: A survey.
Computer vision and image understanding, 110(2),
Chander, S., & Kush, A. (2010). Unique identification
number and e-governance security. International
Journal of Computing and Business Research, 1(1).
Chauhan, S., Arora, A. S., & Kaul, A. (2010). A survey of
emerging biometric modalities. Procedia Computer
Science, 2, 213-218.
Deriche, M. (2008, November). Trends and challenges in
mono and multi biometrics. In 2008 First Workshops on
Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (pp.
1-9). IEEE.
Jain, A., Nandakumar, K., & Ross, A. (2005). Score
normalization in multimodal biometric systems. Pattern
recognition, 38(12), 2270-2285.
Kitchenham, B., & Charters, S. (2007). Guidelines for
performing systematic literature reviews in software
Nguyen, K., Fookes, C., Jillela, R., Sridharan, S., & Ross,
A. (2017). Long range iris recognition: A survey.
Pattern Recognition, 72, 123-143.
Petersen, K., Feldt, R., Mujtaba, S., & Mattsson, M. (2008,
June). Systematic mapping studies in software
engineering. In 12th International Conference on
Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
(EASE) 12 (pp. 1-10).
Petersen, K., Vakkalanka, S., & Kuzniarz, L. (2015).
Guidelines for conducting systematic mapping studies
in software engineering: An update. Information and
software technology, 64, 1-18.
Ross, A. (2010). Iris recognition: The path forward.
Computer, 43(2), 30-35.
Ross, A., & Jain, A. K. (2004, September). Multimodal
biometrics: An overview. In 2004 12th European signal
processing conference (pp. 1221-1224). IEEE.
Rui, Z., & Yan, Z. (2018). A survey on biometric
authentication: Toward secure and privacy-preserving
identification. IEEE access, 7, 5994-6009.
Shaheed, K., Liu, H., Yang, G., Qureshi, I., Gou, J., & Yin,
Y. (2018). A systematic review of finger vein
recognition techniques. Information, 9(9), 213.
Shaheed, K., Mao, A., Qureshi, I., Kumar, M., Abbas, Q.,
Ullah, I., & Zhang, X. (2021). A systematic review on
physiological-based biometric recognition systems:
Current and future trends.
Archives of Computational
Methods in Engineering, 28(7), 4917-4960.
Unar, J. A., Seng, W. C., & Abbasi, A. (2014). A review of
biometric technology along with trends and prospects.
Pattern recognition, 47(8), 2673-2688.
Multimodal Biometric Recognition Systems based on Physiological Traits: A Systematic Mapping Study