An Advanced BERT LayerSum Model for Sentiment Classification of
COVID-19 Tweets
Areeba Umair
and Elio Masciari
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples,
Federico II, Via Claudio, Naples, 80125, Campania, Italy
ICAR-CNR, Rende, Italy
Sentiment Analysis, COVID-19, BERT Model, Artificial Intelligence.
The new coronavirus that triggered the global pandemic COVID-19 has had a profound effect on attitudes
among people all around the world. People and communities have experienced a wide range of feelings and
attitudes as a result of the pandemic. There was a great deal of apprehension following the original COVID-19
epidemic. People were worried about getting the infection or spreading it to their loved ones. These worries
were heightened by the disease’s unknown nature and quick dissemination. This paper proposes a novel model
for sentiment analysis of tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed model leverages BERT as a
base model and improves the last four layers of BERT for the sentiment analysis task. The embeddings of the
last four layers of BERT are stacked and then summed, and the obtained embeddings are concatenated with
the classification token [CLS]. The goal of the study is twofold: we categorize tweets into positive, negative,
and neutral sentiments and we classify the user sentiment. The paper highlights the importance of sentiment
analysis in tracking public opinion and sentiment towards the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrates the
effectiveness of the proposed model in accurately classifying the sentiment of tweets related to COVID-19.
The proposed model is evaluated and compared with four widely used models: KNN, SVM, Na
ıve Bayes,
and BERT, on a dataset of tweets labeled as positive, negative, or neutral. The results show that our proposed
model achieved the highest accuracy, precision, and recall for negative sentiment classification compared to
other models, indicating its effectiveness in sentiment analysis. The proposed model can be used for analyzing
sentiment in order to provide valuable insights for decision-making processes.
COVID-19, declared as pandemic by WHO (world
health organization), is one of the most severe pan-
demic, we faced. It has not only caused health issues
all over the globe but it created feelings of fear, anx-
iety among people. Many strategies such as social
distancing, face mask, usage of sanitizers, COVID-19
infection testing kits, bans on gathering, travel restric-
tions, closures of schools, workplaces, distant learn-
ing etc. were adopted by many states and resulted
in a positive outcome for the control of COVID-19
uner et al., 2020). Because of these constraints,
world is facing a serious shutdown and now it de-
mands a speedy recovery from all the negative im-
pact caused by COVID-19. With the rapid spread of
the virus and the resulting changes to our daily lives,
there has been a significant shift in people’s emotions
and attitudes towards various aspects of life (Umair
and Masciari, 2023).
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound ef-
fect on many facets of society and the global commu-
nity. The following are some of the main COVID-19
Health Impact: COVID-19 has been blamed for
millions of fatalities, leading to a considerable
loss of life worldwide. For some people who have
recovered from the acute sickness, it has also led
to long-term health issues.
Economic Impact: As a result of the pandemic’s
impact on the world economy, numerous firms
have been forced to shut down or reduce their op-
erations. People and families all throughout the
world have been impacted by job losses, declin-
ing earnings, and financial uncertainty. Although
governments and central banks have taken a num-
ber of steps to lessen the impact on the economy,
it will likely take some time for things to get back
to normal.
Umair, A. and Masciari, E.
An Advanced BERT LayerSum Model for Sentiment Classification of COVID-19 Tweets.
DOI: 10.5220/0012128900003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023) , pages 144-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Millions of students’ educations have been dis-
rupted by the pandemic’s widespread school and
university closures. Although there are now al-
ternatives for remote learning, many students still
face difficulties due to unequal access to resources
and technology.
Tourism and Travel Bans: To stop the virus from
spreading, numerous nations imposed travel bans,
closed their borders, and instituted quarantine
procedures. Travel both domestically and inter-
nationally has significantly decreased, having a
negative influence on the tourism business. Sig-
nificant losses have been experienced by airlines,
hotels, and businesses that depend on tourism.
Effects on Mental Health: The epidemic has been
hard on people’s mental health because of things
like loneliness, fear, anxiety, grief, and uncer-
tainty. There has been a major negative influence
on mental health, which has increased instances
of depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental
health diseases.
Workplace Culture Shifts: The epidemic has ac-
celerated tendencies in digital transformation and
remote work. Due to the widespread adoption of
remote work options, workplace culture and pro-
cedures have changed. This change has both posi-
tive and bad effects, including more flexibility but
also difficulties juggling job and family obliga-
tions and social isolation.
Healthcare Systems: With hospitals being overrun
by COVID-19 patients, the impact on healthcare
systems has been tremendous. The pandemic has
exposed vulnerabilities and underlined the need
for preparedness and investment in healthcare sys-
tems. Resources, manpower, and infrastructure
have all been stretched.
As a matter of fact social media platforms have
been increasingly used by population, thus creating
user generated data on daily basis. Indeed, people
share their thoughts, ideas or express their feelings
about any item or service on internet in the form of so-
cial media posts or tweets (Yue et al., 2019). Users ex-
press their positive or negative sentiments about any
particular item or product or service. Sentiment anal-
ysis can be used to identify these sentiments and cat-
egorize them to obtain the user’s attitude and opinion
(Manguri et al., 2020). Sentiment analysis involves
the use of natural language processing and machine
learning techniques to analyze and classify the emo-
tions and opinions expressed in text data, such as so-
cial media posts, news articles, and customer reviews.
During COVID-19, sentiment analysis has been
used to track public opinion and sentiment on the
virus, government policies, healthcare systems (Ullah
et al., 2023), and various other related topics (Nemes
and Kiss, 2021), (Masciari, 2007). Some common
themes that have emerged from sentiment analysis
during COVID-19 include fear and anxiety, frustra-
tion with lockdown measures and restrictions, empa-
thy for healthcare workers, and gratitude for essential
workers (Umair et al., 2021). Additionally, sentiment
analysis has been used to monitor the effectiveness of
communication strategies, such as public health mes-
saging, and to identify misinformation and conspir-
acy theories (Alamoodi et al., 2021), (Fazzinga et al.,
In this paper, we propose a novel model for sen-
timent analysis. Our proposed model uses BERT as
a base model. We exploited the last four layers of
BERT for performing the sentiment analysis task. The
embeddings of last four layers of BERT are stacked
and then their sum is computed. Then, the resultant
embeddings are concatenated with the classification
token (CLS in what follows) in order to perform sen-
timent classification.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: sec-
tion 2 explains the related work in the domain of senti-
ment analysis during COVID-19. Section 3 describes
the overall methodology used in analysing the senti-
ments of people during COVID-19 as well as the pro-
posed algorithm. Section 4 provides explanation on
experiments and describes the results of the experi-
ments. Moreover, section 5 concludes the study.
COVID-19 has caused many adverse effects on the
people’s living and many researchers analysed the
people’s feeling about COVID-19 from different view
points (Singh et al., 2021). Many people became frus-
trated with the disturbance the pandemic produced
in their daily lives as it lingered. In certain cir-
cumstances, restrictions on travel, social events, and
companies caused resentment and rage. There ex-
ists different tools, methods and techniques for per-
forming the sentiment analysis. Researchers used dif-
ferent machine learning methods for extracting the
sentiments of people about palliatives, which were
distributed in COVID-19 days using tweets (Adamu
et al., 2021). The mental of people specially students
was very disturbed after COVID’s destruction and the
analysis of student’s Mental condition by using differ-
ent method of NLP and Twitter data (Agarwal et al.,
2021) has been widely investigated. Similarly, in (Das
and Dutta, 2020) the authors worked on sentiment
analysis of people during lockdown using different
An Advanced BERT LayerSum Model for Sentiment Classification of COVID-19 Tweets
techniques of plotting. Some the researchers also con-
ducted surveys for gathering the data and tried to un-
derstand the peoples’ thoughts and behaviours (Flint
et al., 2021). In (Jelodar et al., 2020), the authors
used Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify
the dominant topics or issues faced by people during
COVID. The restrictions imposed by governments or
stats on restaurants motivated the authors to perform
research on online restaurants reviews using differ-
ent techniques of sentiments analysis in (Luo et al.,
2020). Moreover, in (Lwin et al., 2020) the analysis
of different condition of restlessness in society (Lwin
et al., 2020) using Twitter data is presented, while in
(Praveen et al., 2021) the authors discuss the attitude
of Indian citizens. In (H. Manguri et al., 2020; Raheja
and Asthana, 2021), authors used TextBlob to esti-
mate polarity during COVID using Twitter data. As a
matter of fact, after COVID-19 vaccine release, hesi-
tancy to get vaccinated was a great obstacle in control-
ling COVID-19 spread as many people are not willing
to get themselves vaccinated. Many work addressed
this issue in order to understand what people think
about vaccines by using Facebook and Twitter data to
extract people’s feeling about vaccines using several
artificial intelligence methods(Hussain et al., 2021).
In (Bao et al., 2022), the authors suggested creat-
ing opinion trees for aspect-based sentiment analysis.
The goal of the Opinion Tree Generation is to locate
every sentimental component in a review sentence
and portray it as a semantic tree. A complete repre-
sentation of the sentence structure, including aspect
terms, opinion words, and semantic links, is given
by the opinion tree. This method may show a more
thorough aspect-level semantic structure, leading to
more accurate sentiment element extraction. Modi-
fied BERT for target-oriented multimodal sentiment
categorization has been suggested in (Yu and Jiang,
2019). The BERT architecture, on which the pro-
posed model, TomBERT, is based, is frequently used
to acquire contextualized word representations using
its pre-trained model parameters from a huge corpus.
They created a target attention mechanism, inspired
by the self-attention mechanism, to further enhance
their model. This mechanism automatically recog-
nizes when opinion targets and visuals are aligned. In
(Kwan and Lim, 2021), a system for examining opin-
ions and conversations regarding COVID-19 among
the general public using Twitter activity is suggested.
The objective is to demonstrate TweetCOVID’s capa-
bilities, a system that uses tweets that are available to
the public to study COVID-19’s effects on the popu-
lation. A wide range of features are available through
the system, including data gathering and processing,
sentiment and emotion analysis, subject modeling,
controversy tracking, and visualization.
We propose a novel sentiment analysis model for
COVID-19 by leveraging BERT model. For this
purpose we used publicly available Twitter data.
Our framework for sentiment analysis on COVID-19
tweets is reported in Figure 1 and is composed of three
Stage One: We perform dataset collection and
Stage Two: We extract sentiment labels for each
Stage Three: We classify the tweets into positive,
negative and neutral tweets.
3.1 Data Collection and Pre-Processing
Data collection involves identifying the relevant data
sources, extracting data from them, and storing it in
a format suitable for further steps, while data pre-
processing involves cleaning and transforming the
data to ensure that they accurate, complete, and in
a suitable format for analysis. This may involve re-
moving duplicates, filling in eventual missing values,
transforming variables, and standardizing the data
(Fan et al., 2021). Proper data collection and pre-
processing are critical for ensuring the accuracy and
reliability of the analysis.
3.2 Finding Polarity Using TextBlob()
TextBlob() is a Python library used for processing tex-
tual data. It has a built-in sentiment analysis tool
that can be used to find the polarity of a given text.
The polarity score ranges from -1 (most negative) to
1 (most positive) (Hiremath and Patil, 2022). In or-
der to use TextBlob() for finding the polarity of a
text, the following steps have been performed: 1) In-
stall TextBlob using pip install textblob; 2) Import
TextBlob from textblob module; 3) Create a TextBlob
object by passing the text as an argument; 4) Use the
sentiment property of the TextBlob object to get the
polarity score.
3.3 BERT LayerSum Model
Our proposed sentiment analysis model is shown in
Figure 2. The BERT model is used as a base model
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: Proposed Framework of Sentiment Analysis
and then its last four layers are stacked and summed
using the Python functions. After this pre-processing
step the resulting CLS is concatenated with the ob-
tained embeddings and the classification is performed
by assigning words to positive, negative and neutral
Figure 2: Proposed Sentiment Analysis Model.
3.3.1 BERT Model
BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers) is a powerful pre-trained language
model that has been shown to be highly effective in
a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks,
including sentiment analysis. In sentiment analysis,
BERT can be fine-tuned on a labeled dataset of text
and sentiment labels to learn to predict the sentiment
of new, unseen text.
To use BERT for sentiment classification, the
model is first fine-tuned on a labeled dataset of text
and sentiment labels. During fine-tuning, BERT
learns to identify the patterns and features in the text
that are most predictive of the sentiment labels. Once
the model has been fine-tuned, it can be used to pre-
dict the sentiment of new, unseen text by encoding the
text using BERT’s pre-trained language model, and
passing the encoded representation through a classifi-
cation layer that maps the encoded representation to a
sentiment label.
One of the advantages of BERT is its ability to
capture the contextual meaning of words and phrases
in a sentence, as it uses a bidirectional transformer-
based architecture that reads and processes the entire
An Advanced BERT LayerSum Model for Sentiment Classification of COVID-19 Tweets
sentence at once. This allow us to better understand
the sentiment of a sentence by taking into account
the relationships between the words and the context
in which they are used.
3.3.2 LayerSum Model
The hidden layers of BERT model can be exploited to
extract the sentiment from the text. The research em-
phasizes the possibilities of using the BERT model’s
hidden layers for sentiment analysis. Being a potent
pre-trained language model, BERT has powerful hid-
den layers that store rich contextual data that may be
used to extract sentiment from textual input.
Researchers can learn more about the sentiment
conveyed in the text by examining the BERT’s hid-
den layers. These concealed layers hold abstractions
of the input text at several levels, capturing both re-
gional and global contextual data. According to the
article, it is possible to find patterns and features re-
lated to sentiment by looking at the BERT’s hidden
layers. These patterns can be used to forecast a text’s
mood, such as whether it will be positive, negative, or
The proposed Algorithm 1 is shown in the follow-
Algorithm 1: BERT-LayerSum.
1: 1: Negative Tweets
2: 2: Positive Tweets
3: 3: Neutral Tweets
4: BERT LayerSum(): Sum of Last Four Layers
5: D: Dataset
6: Input D
7: Steps:
8: n= BERT Layers
9: for i=n-3 to n do
10: Sum()
11: end for
12: for i = 1 to size of (D) do
13: Final Embeddings Concatenation(CLS(D
14: Tweet Classification Classifier(Final Embeddings)
15: end for
16: Output: Tweet Classification (Class wise probabilities)
We have described an approach that stacks the em-
beddings of the last four BERT model layers. Bidi-
rectional Encoder Representations from Transform-
ers, also known as BERT, is a well-known pre-trained
language model that has produced cutting-edge out-
comes on a number of natural language processing
An enhanced representation of the input text is
produced by stacking the embeddings from the last
four layers. This may help the model better grasp the
content and capture more contextual information.
We used the sum function on the stacked embed-
dings after acquiring them. By adding the embed-
dings’ values, one may be able to highlight significant
elements or patterns in the text.
We then combined the generated embeddings with
the BERT model’s CLS (classification) token. When
utilizing BERT, a special token called the CLS token
is appended at the start of the input sequence. It con-
tains data related to the overall classification or pre-
diction task.
The classifier then used the concatenated embed-
dings to estimate class-wise probabilities by using
this representation. The concatenated embeddings are
sent into the classifier, which then generates probabil-
ities for each class, indicating how likely it is that the
input belongs to that class.
By using this method, we can apply the pre-
trained representations of BERT to a classification job
and potentially enhance the model’s performance.
In order to evaluate our proposed model, we per-
formed experiments with the state-of-the-art (SOTA).
The SOTA models used for experiments are:
BERT model: A cutting-edge pre-trained lan-
guage model, the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers) model was
released by Google AI in 2018. It has made
major contributions to the field of natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) and excelled in a num-
ber of NLP tasks. The Transformer architecture,
a sort of neural network that makes use of self-
attentional mechanisms to identify dependencies
between various words in a sequence, serves as
the foundation for BERT. BERT introduces the
idea of bidirectionality by taking into account
context from both the left and the right sides of
a word, in contrast to typical models that process
text in a left-to-right or right-to-left fashion.
K Nearest Neighbour: K-nearest neighbors
(KNN) is a straightforward but efficient tech-
nique used in machine learning for both classifi-
cation and regression tasks. It is a non-parametric,
instance-based learning technique that is predi-
cated on the notion of data point similarity.
Support Vector Machine: A supervised machine
learning approach called a Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM) is utilized for both classification and
regression tasks. Although it may be expanded to
handle multi-class classification problems as well,
it is particularly good at handling binary classifi-
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
cation difficulties. The fundamental goal of SVM
is to identify a hyperplane in a high-dimensional
feature space that has the maximum separation be-
tween data points from different classes. Given
that they are the crucial data points that establish
the decision boundary, these hyperplanes are re-
ferred to as ”support vectors.
Naive Bayes: Naive Bayes is a simple but efficient
classification algorithm built on the Bayes theo-
rem and the assumption of feature independence.
It is frequently employed in applications involv-
ing category or discrete features, such as text clas-
To compare the performance of our proposed
model with the state-of-the-art, we used standard
evaluation matrices. The evaluation matrices reports:
a) Accuracy: the percentage of correctly classified in-
stances out of the total number of instances; b) Pre-
cision: the percentage of correctly classified positive
instances out of the total number of instances classi-
fied as positive; c) Recall: the percentage of correctly
classified positive instances out of the total number of
positive instances in the dataset.
4.1 Discussion on Results
The results of positive sentiment classification are re-
ported in Figure 3. It can be seen from the plot that
our model outperforms all state-of-the-art models by
achieving maximum accuracy, maximum precision,
and maximum recall. The proposed model achieved
the highest accuracy of 0.82, which means that it was
able to correctly classify 82% of the tweets. The pre-
cision and recall values for the proposed model are
also high at 0.88 and 0.89, respectively. This indicates
that the model not only classified the tweets correctly
but also avoided mis-classifying tweets as positive or
Comparing our model to other models, SVM
achieved the second highest accuracy, but the pre-
cision and recall values were relatively lower com-
pared to the proposed model. Classical BERT also
exhibits a relatively high accuracy while KNN and
ıve Bayes show lower accuracy and precision val-
ues compared to the other models.
Figure 4 shows the comparison of our model with
the state-of-the-art using accuracy, precision and re-
call for negative sentiment classification. The re-
sults shows that for the negative sentiment classifica-
tion, our model still outperforms all other models by
achieving highest accuracy, precision and recall.
Based on the information provided in Figure 5, it
is easy to see that our model outperforms the state-of-
the-art models in terms of accuracy, precision, and re-
Figure 3: Results of Positive sentiment classification.
Figure 4: Results of Negative sentiment classification.
call for neutral sentiment classification. The rationale
for achieving better performance with our model can
be understood by considering that we leverage BERT
as a base model and the exploitation of the last four
layers of BERT for performing the sentiment analysis
task guarantee a fine-tuning that is not performed by
competing approaches.
Figure 5: Results of Neutral sentiment classification.
More in details, KNN, Naive Bayes, and SVM,
show lower performance compared to the proposed
model (BERT-based) both in terms of accuracy, pre-
cision, and recall. Main motivations for these results
1. Limited feature representation: These models
might not be able to capture the complex rela-
tionships and patterns in the data as effectively as
An Advanced BERT LayerSum Model for Sentiment Classification of COVID-19 Tweets
BERT, which is a pre-trained language model and
can handle large amounts of data and complex re-
lationships between words.
2. Model complexity: KNN, Naive Bayes, and SVM
are relatively simpler models compared to BERT,
and they might not be able to handle the com-
plexity of the sentiment analysis task. In contrast,
BERT has a deeper and more complex architec-
ture, allowing it to capture more nuances in the
3. Hyper-parameter tuning: The performance of
these models might improve with better hyper-
parameter tuning, such as selecting optimal values
for k in KNN, or choosing an appropriate kernel
function in SVM. However, this can be a time-
consuming and computationally expensive pro-
4. Sensitivity to feature scaling: KNN relies on
distance-based similarity measures, which can be
affected by the scale of features. If the features
used in the sentiment analysis task are not prop-
erly scaled or normalized, it can lead to subopti-
mal performance of the KNN algorithm.
5. Curse of dimensionality: KNN performance
can degrade when dealing with high-dimensional
data. As the number of dimensions (features) in-
creases, the available data becomes sparse in the
high-dimensional space, and the nearest neigh-
bors may not accurately represent the underlying
6. Independence assumption in Na
ıve Bayes: Na
Bayes assumes independence between features,
meaning that the presence or absence of one fea-
ture is independent of the presence or absence of
other features. This assumption might not hold
true for sentiment analysis, as the sentiment ex-
pressed in a text often depends on the combination
and context of multiple words and phrases. Viola-
tions of this independence assumption can lead to
lower accuracy.
7. Lack of complex pattern capture: KNN and Na
Bayes are relatively simple models compared to
more advanced deep learning models like BERT
or SVM. They may struggle to capture complex
patterns and dependencies present in natural lan-
guage data, which can result in lower accuracy in
sentiment analysis tasks.
COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted peo-
ple’s emotions and attitudes towards various aspects
of life. With the growing popularity of social me-
dia, sentiment analysis has become an essential tool
for tracking public opinion and sentiment towards
the virus, government policies, healthcare systems,
and related topics. In this study, we proposed
BERT LayerSum, a novel model, for sentiment anal-
ysis using BERT as a base model. Our model aims to
categorize tweets into positive, negative, and neutral
sentiments and classify them using our proposed ar-
chitecture. This paper provides insights into people’s
attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic, which
can help policymakers in making informed decisions.
Overall, BERT LayerSum has been shown to be a
highly effective approach for sentiment classification,
achieving state-of-the-art results on Twitter dataset re-
lated to COVID-19. The paper’s findings underline
the importance of using the BERT model’s hidden
layers to extract sentiment from text. This strategy
can improve sentiment analysis skills and support a
number of applications, including opinion mining, so-
cial media monitoring, and customer feedback analy-
Future sentiment analysis research employing
BERT and its hidden layers may take the follow-
ing directions: Model Interpretability: Investigat-
ing techniques for understanding the BERT’s under-
lying layers and comprehending the particular char-
acteristics or language signals that support sentiment
analysis. This can involve employing strategies like
saliency mapping, attention visualization, or probing
methods to learn more about the inner workings of the
model. Examining methods to fine-tune BERT for
sentiment analysis tasks in particular domains or tar-
get languages. Transfer Learning and Domain Adap-
tation. The performance of BERT might be enhanced,
and issues with domain-specific sentiment analysis
could be resolved, by adapting it to various domains
or languages. Contextual Characteristics: Senti-
ment analysis that takes into account the temporal and
contextual characteristics of a situation by incorporat-
ing knowledge of the conversation, document struc-
ture, or sentiment evolution through time. Bias and
Fairness in Sentiment Analysis: By locating and
minimizing biases in the training data or the model
itself, biases in sentiment analysis models can be ad-
dressed. Investigating debiasing techniques or creat-
ing fair sentiment analysis models that treat various
groups fairly and prevent the perpetuation of biased
trends are examples of this.
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An Advanced BERT LayerSum Model for Sentiment Classification of COVID-19 Tweets