A Comparison Study for Disaster Tweet Classification Using Deep
Learning Models
Soudabeh Taghian Dinani and Doina Caragea
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A.
Tweet Classification, Capsule Neural Networks, BERT, LSTM, Bi-LSTM.
Effectively filtering and categorizing the large volume of user-generated content on social media during dis-
aster events can help emergency management and disaster response prioritize their resources. Deep learning
approaches, including recurrent neural networks and transformer-based models, have been previously used
for this purpose. Capsule Neural Networks (CapsNets), initially proposed for image classification, have been
proven to be useful for text analysis as well. However, to the best of our knowledge, CapsNets have not
been used for classifying crisis-related messages, and have not been extensively compared with state-of-the-
art transformer-based models, such as BERT. Therefore, in this study, we performed a thorough comparison
between CapsNet models, state-of-the-art BERT models and two popular recurrent neural network models
that have been successfully used for tweet classification, specifically, LSTM and Bi-LSTM models, on the
task of classifying crisis tweets both in terms of their informativeness (binary classification), as well as their
humanitarian content (multi-class classification). For this purpose, we used several benchmark datasets for
crisis tweet classification, namely CrisisBench, CrisisNLP and CrisisLex. Experimental results show that the
performance of the CapsNet models is on a par with that of LSTM and Bi-LSTM models for all metrics con-
sidered, while the performance obtained with BERT models have surpassed the performance of the other three
models across different datasets and classes for both classification tasks, and thus BERT could be considered
the best overall model for classifying crisis tweets.
Social media plays a significant role in many peo-
ple’s lives and has changed the way people commu-
nicate virtually (Young et al., 2020). Being a faster
way of news distribution and providing a two-way
communication channel, social media has been in-
creasingly gaining popularity and has grown into a
main medium of human interaction and communica-
tion (Young et al., 2020). Therefore, it is not surpris-
ing that many people turn to social media during dis-
aster events. (such as earthquakes, hurricanes, fires,
etc.). They use social media platforms to connect with
family and friends, to seek help and emotional sup-
port, to find information about food, shelter and trans-
portation and to share and distribute information and
news (Ahmed, 2011), especially as standard commu-
nication mediums (such as 911 lines) may be unavail-
able due to the large number of calls received during
disasters (Villegas et al., 2018). For example, during
the floods caused by Hurricane Harvey in Texas in
August 2017, not being able to get through emergency
lines, a lot of trapped people started posting messages
on Twitter pleading for help. A baby was saved after
the following message, along with a picture of a sleep-
ing baby, was posted “Please help us she is a new-
born” (Koren, 2017). Such posts are of great impor-
tance for response organizations as they contain real-
time information shared by eyewitnesses during on-
going disasters and can save lives (Roy et al., 2021).
The usefulness of information obtained from so-
cial media platforms for disaster response and man-
agement has been widely described in numerous
works (Imran et al., 2020). However, the data ob-
tained from social media are noisy and contain irrel-
evant information, especially due to the large volume
of tweets posted during emerging disasters (Alam
et al., 2018) and thus, the extraction and processing of
relevant information is too difficult, time-consuming
and costly to be manually conducted (Roy et al.,
2021). Therefore, computational techniques are re-
quired to efficiently filter relevant posts, so that sit-
uational and actionable information can be acquired
and used by emergency responders for helping the af-
Dinani, S. and Caragea, D.
A Comparison Study for Disaster Tweet Classification Using Deep Learning Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0012129300003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023) , pages 152-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
fected population (Alam et al., 2018).
Some existing studies have utilized traditional ma-
chine learning (ML) techniques to process crisis-
related social media data and help emergency re-
sponse crews with extracting relevant posts out and
use them to improve relief operations by identifying
crisis relevant posts (Imran et al., 2018; Mazloom
et al., 2019). More recent studies have used deep
learning (DL) methods for this purpose (Alam et al.,
2023; Khajwal et al., 2023; Sathishkumar et al., 2023;
Roy et al., 2021; Li and Caragea, 2020; Kabir and
Madria, 2019; Li et al., 2018). In particular, the effec-
tiveness of transformer-based models (e.g., BERT) in
terms of classifying disaster tweets has been shown.
For example, in a recent study (Alam et al., 2020),
BERT-type models had better performance as com-
pared to convolutional neural networks (CNN) and
FastText models (Joulin et al., 2016), and are cur-
rently considered to be state-of-the-art models for dis-
aster tweet classification.
Another recent deep learning model which has
also shown high potential in the text classification
field is CapsNet model, first introduced for image
classification (Sabour et al., 2017), which has been
shown to outperform baseline models such as CNN,
SVM-based models, and LSTM-based models in
tasks such as sentiment classification (Wu et al., 2020;
Zhang et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2018), question cat-
egorization (Zhao et al., 2018), question answering
(Zhao et al., 2019a), news categorization (Zhao et al.,
2018), and text classification (Chen et al., 2023). The
superiority of CapsNet models has been demonstrated
using various capsule architectures, including NLP-
Capsule and CapsuleDAR (Zhang et al., 2018). In
several studies, CapsNet models have exceeded base-
lines on multiple datasets and have proven their capa-
bility in transferring information from single-label to
multi-label text classification (Zhao et al., 2018).
Given that CapsNet models have shown promis-
ing results for disaster image classification (Dinani
and Caragea, 2021), due to their hierarchical struc-
ture preserving spatial relationships between features
and given that they have also been effective for dif-
ferent text classification tasks, we aim to explore if
using CapsNets can benefit crisis-related tweet clas-
sification tasks, as compared to BERT models and
two other popular sequential models, LSTM and Bi-
LSTM. Another motivation for this study was a lack
of extensive comparison between CapsNets and state-
of-the-art BERT models for disaster text classifica-
tion, based on a careful literature review that we
conducted. Therefore, we compared CapsNets with
the state-of-the-art BERT model and also LSTM/Bi-
LSTM models on the tasks of classifying crisis-
related tweets in terms of both their informativeness
with respect to disaster response (binary classifica-
tion) and their humanitarian content (multi-class clas-
sification). For this purpose, we performed an ex-
tensive set of experiments using three datasets: Cri-
sisLex, CrisisNLP, and CrisisBench, with the last one
being a benchmark dataset consolidating eight prior
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the related work. Section 3 describes
methods including LSTM/Bi-LSTM, CapsNets and
their applications in NLP, and BERT. Sections 4 and 5
describe the implementation details (i.e., dataset, per-
formance metrics, baselines, and experimental setup)
and the result analysis, respectively. Finally, Section
6 concludes the paper.
Text classification, one of the main tasks in natural
language processing (NLP), has been widely explored
in a variety of application domains (Kowsari et al.,
2019). It has many time-critical applications, one
of them being social media disaster message filtering
and classification for disaster response.
Numerous traditional ML and NLP methods have
been used to filter disaster-related tweets (Imran et al.,
2018). Given that manually extracting the features
required by ML methods is time-consuming and
leads to loss of important textual elements, in recent
years, DL approaches have been used to filter use-
ful tweets for disaster response (Roy et al., 2021; Li
and Caragea, 2020; Kabir and Madria, 2019). For
example, (Caragea et al., 2016) used CNNs to iden-
tify informative tweets posted during disaster events.
(Neppalli et al., 2018) performed a comparative study
between deep learning models, such as CNNs and re-
current neural networks (RNNs). The authors showed
that the DL models outperformed the standard ML
classifiers on disaster-tweet classification even though
only a small amount of labeled data was used for
training the models. Furthermore, they showed that
the CNN model outperformed the RNN model. (Roy
et al., 2021) proposed a hybrid CNN model that com-
bines word and character-level embeddings to clas-
sify tweets into several disaster-related categories.
(Kabir and Madria, 2019) designed a DL approach by
combining attention-based Bi-directional Long Short-
Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) networks with CNNs, and
creating an auxiliary feature map to categorize the
Most recently, several studies have explored the
use of transformer-based models for disaster tweets
A Comparison Study for Disaster Tweet Classification Using Deep Learning Models
classification (Chanda, 2021; Ningsih and Hadiana,
2021; Zahera et al., 2019; Maharani, 2020; Naaz
et al., 2021; Ray Chowdhury et al., 2020). For ex-
ample, (Ma, 2019) showed that the BERT model
outperformed the Bi-LSTM model but had the sim-
ilar performance to customised BERT-based mod-
els that combined BERT with LSTM or CNN net-
works (i.e., BERT+LSTM and BERT+CNN). (Alam
et al., 2020) compared three transformer-based mod-
els (BERT, DistilBERT, RoBERTa) with CNN and
FastText models for both informativeness and human-
itarian tasks on three datasets (one of them being the
benchmark dataset, named CrisisBench). The authors
showed that the transformer-based models outper-
formed the CNN and FastText models, while the per-
formance of the transformer-based models was simi-
lar. Given these results of prior studies, we consider
BERT to be a state-of-the-art model for disaster tweet
classification, and include it as a strong model in our
In the last few years, the CapsNet model proposed
by (Sabour et al., 2017) has gained a lot of atten-
tion in the area of image classification. Thanks to
the dynamic routing procedure, CapsNets are capa-
ble of preserving spatial relationships between fea-
tures, and can thus overcome one of the fundamen-
tal limitations of CNNs - the information loss caused
by the use of pooling to achieve translation invariance
(Patrick et al., 2022). While used in many application
domains, CapsNet models have been explored in the
context of disaster image classification with promis-
ing results (Dinani and Caragea, 2021). Given the re-
sults produced by CapsNets in image classification,
(Zhao et al., 2018) explored CapsNets with dynamic
routing for text classifications and showed that they
can achieve competitive results.
Following (Zhao et al., 2018), many other authors
have used the CapsNet model or its variants for the
purpose of text classification in a variety of applica-
tion domains (Demotte et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2018;
Wu et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2019a; Zhang et al., 2018;
Khikmatullaev, 2019; Yang et al., 2019; Kim et al.,
2020). As some examples, (Yang et al., 2019) pro-
posed a cross-domain capsule network (TL-Capsule)
and demonstrated its knowledge transfer capability
for text classification, while (Kim et al., 2020) in-
corporated an ELU-gate in the architecture of Cap-
sNets and introduced a static routing procedure. A
comparison between the static and dynamic routing
on seven benchmark datasets showed the superiority
of the static routing variant. (Demotte et al., 2021)
used shallow and deep CapsNets with both dynamic
and static routing for social media content analysis
and showed that shallow CapsNets with static routing
outperformed deep CapsNets with either dynamic or
static routing.
Despite the use of CapsNets for text classifica-
tion and its proven superiority over CNN and RNN
models, to the best of our knowledge, there is no
prior study that extensively compares CapsNets with
BERT-type models on text classification. Further-
more, CapsNets have not been explored for disas-
ter tweet classification, although they have shown
promising results on disaster image classification (Di-
nani and Caragea, 2021). Therefore, the objective
of our work was to perform a comprehensive com-
parison between CapsNet and BERT models on dis-
aster tweet classification. We focused on CapsNets
with both static and dynamic routings (Kim et al.,
2020), among which static routing has given better
results in prior works (Demotte et al., 2021; Kim
et al., 2020), and addressed two specific tasks use-
ful for disaster response: filtering tweets based on in-
formativeness (a binary classification task) and iden-
tifying a tweet’s humanitarian category (a multi-class
classification task). We used three existing datasets
in our experiments: CrisisLex, CrisisNLP, and Crisis-
Bench, a benchmark dataset consolidating eight ex-
isting datasets (Alam et al., 2020). In addition to the
CapsNet and BERT models, we include LSTM/Bi-
LSTM models in our study given that these models
have been used as strong baselines for CapsNet and
BERT models in prior works (Wu et al., 2020; Zhang
et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2019a; Zhao et al., 2018).
In this section, we provide background for the meth-
ods used in this study, including Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) networks, Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-
LSTM) networks, Bidirectional Encoder Representa-
tions from Transformers (BERT) networks, and Cap-
sule Networks (CapsNets).
3.1 LSTM Networks
Being able to process sequential data of arbitrary
length, vanilla Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
have been extensively utilized in the filed of text
classification (Zhao et al., 2019b). An RNN makes
use of information from both previous and current
words in order to learn sequential patterns (Minaee
et al., 2021). LSTMs (Hochreiter and Schmidhu-
ber, 1997) are RNN variants, which have the abil-
ity to learn long-term dependencies and have led to
improved results in text classification (Liu and Guo,
2019). LSTMs use memory blocks to overcome the
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
vanishing or exploding gradient problems faced by
vanilla RNNs. More specifically, an LSTM unit in-
cludes a memory cell and a forget gate, together with
input and output gates. The memory cell collects and
remembers information, while the forget gate decides
when and how much of the old information to forget.
The input and output gates are in charge of control-
ling the amount of information that goes into and out
of the cell, respectively (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber,
1997; Liu and Guo, 2019).
3.2 Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM)
Processing data only in one direction (utilizing only
the past information and not being able to access the
future one), standard LSTM models might suffer from
the drawback of misinterpreting the context or not
fully understanding it (Liu and Guo, 2019). On the
contrary, Bi-LSTM (Graves and Schmidhuber, 2005),
an LSTM variant, can process information in a bidi-
rectional way, accessing and analysing both past and
future words simultaneously and combining them for
current output prediction (Lu et al., 2020). In fact,
a Bi-LSTM model uses two hidden LSTM layers in
its architecture, one forward and one backward, then
combines the outputs of those two layers to capture
both the forward and backward data streams in a se-
quence (Liu and Guo, 2019).
3.3 Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers
The Transformer model, which makes use of self-
attention (Vaswani et al., 2017), has achieved out-
standing performance in many NLP applications
(Acheampong et al., 2021). Thanks to the attention
mechanism, transformers can process the words in a
sequence simultaneously, leading to a more computa-
tionally efficient implementation which makes it pos-
sible to train models on very large corpora (Vaswani
et al., 2017). With the emergence of the transformer,
different transformer-based models, including BERT,
have been developed for text encoding and classifi-
cation tasks. BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) is based on
a multilayered bidirectional transformer encoder, as
opposed to prior contextual word embedding models
which are mainly unidirectional (e.g., Elmo) (Kaliyar,
2020). The bidirectional feature allows BERT models
to achieve state-of-the-art performances on different
NLP-based tasks (Kaliyar, 2020).
(Devlin et al., 2018) provides two BERT struc-
tures including BERT-Base and BERT-Large. The
former has 12 layers (i.e., transformer blocks) with 12
self-attention heads, hidden layer size of 768 and to-
tal parameters of 110 millions, while the latter has 24
layers (i.e., transformer blocks) with 16 self-attention
heads, hidden layer size of 1024 and total parameters
of 340 millions.
There are different variants of BERT such as
RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT pre-training
Approach) proposed by (Liu et al., 2019), and Dis-
tilBERT proposed by (Sanh et al., 2019), which have
been previously used for disaster tweet classifica-
tion, in addition to BERT. As mentioned before, (Ma,
2019) showed that these three models have similar
performance in terms of informativeness and human-
itarian category classification tasks. Therefore, we
chose BERT as one of our baselines.
3.4 Capsule Networks
CapsNets were first introduced in the field of image
classification (Sabour et al., 2017) to address CNNs
limitations, mainly their loss of information due to
using subsampling/pooling layers, leading to trans-
lational invariance where neurons’ activity is invari-
ant to viewpoint translation. Translational invariance
is the cause of the “Picasso problem” - CNNs try-
ing to identify an image by only detecting its com-
ponents without considering the spatial relationship
between those components. On the other hand, Cap-
sNets make use of the equivariant property (meaning
that neurons’ activity changes as viewpoint changes),
and thus, preserve the spatial relationship between
components (Patrick et al., 2022).
A CapsNet contains multiple layers of capsules,
i.e., groups of neurons each of which can capture a
different property in an object (such as its position,
size, etc.). This enables a capsule to have inputs and
outputs in the form of a vector (whose length deter-
mines the likelihood of an object) or a matrix (to-
gether with an activation probability). However, a
single neuron in a neural network can only have scalar
values as inputs and outputs (Sabour et al., 2017; Hin-
ton et al., 2018).
A routing-by-agreement algorithm is used to de-
termine the part-whole relationships between lower-
layer capsules (parts) and higher-layer capsules
(wholes). According to this algorithm, if several pre-
dictions made by active lower-layer capsules (through
transformation matrices) agree, a higher-layer cap-
sule becomes active (Sabour et al., 2017). For the
first time, (Zhao et al., 2018) demonstrated the ef-
fectiveness of CapsNets for text classification. For
the purpose of stabilizing the dynamic routing pro-
cess and mitigating the noise caused by capsules not
being effectively trained or by capsule with “back-
A Comparison Study for Disaster Tweet Classification Using Deep Learning Models
ground” information of the input sequence (e.g., stop
words and unrelated words with respect to specific
categories), they proposed three strategies to enhance
the performance of dynamic routing algorithm. The
first strategy was to include an extra “Orphan” cat-
egory to CapsNet with the purpose of capturing the
“background” knowledge. This extra category causes
CapsNet to more efficiently learn the part-whole re-
lationship. The second strategy was to use Leaky-
softmax instead of standard softmax for calculating
connection strength between the part-whole capsules.
The third strategy was to use lower-layer capsule’s
probability of existence for iteratively updating the
connection strength.
However, more recently, (Kim et al., 2020) pro-
posed a static routing for text classification tasks and
showed its superiority over dynamic routing. There-
fore, in this study, we also use the CapsNet architec-
ture with static routing as proposed by (Kim et al.,
2020) and compare it with the CapsNet model which
uses dynamic routing. Moreover, the architecture in
(Kim et al., 2020) has an added ELU-gate. Compared
to the original CapsNet structure, the benefit of which
is the distribution of relevant information through the
words and tokens in a given input sequence, this gate
decides whether to activate a feature or not. The ad-
vantage of the ELU-gate unit over pooling is that it
would preserve spatial information.
In this section, the datasets used in the experiments,
along with the experimental setup, and evaluation
metrics are presented. The purpose of the conducted
experiments is to answer the following research ques-
tions which motivated this study:
How do the CapsNet models compare to state-
of-the-art BERT models and to the popular
LSTM/Bi-LSTM models when used for classify-
ing crisis-related tweets in terms of informative-
ness (binary classification) and humanitarian cat-
egory (multi-class classification)?
How do the two routing algorithms used in Cap-
sNets compare to each other when classifying
crisis-related tweets in terms of informativeness
and humanitarian category?
4.1 Datasets
The datasets used in this study include CrisisLex,
CrisisNLP, and CrisisBench, the statistics of which
can be found in Tables 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Table 1: Statistics for CrisisLex dataset.
Informativeness Train Dev Test Total
Informative 25955 3727 7447 37129
Not informative 18862 2769 5384 27015
Total 44817 6496 12831 64144
Humanitarian Train Dev Test Total
Affected individual 2125 317 601 3043
Caution and advice 912 143 247 1302
Donation and volunteering 1031 158 293 1482
Infrastructure and utilities damage 752 79 216 1047
Not humanitarian 18844 2748 5423 27015
Sympathy and support 1800 283 532 2615
Total 25464 3728 7312 36504
Table 2: Statistics for CrisisNLP dataset.
Informativeness Train Dev Test Total
Informative 14865 2182 4087 21134
Not informative 11298 1645 3119 16062
Total 26163 3827 7206 37196
Humanitarian Train Dev Test Total
Caution and advice 706 99 198 1003
Displaced and evacuations 322 51 88 461
Donation and volunteering 1647 265 470 2382
Infrastructure and utilities damage 1128 163 300 1591
Injured or dead people 1235 165 362 1762
Missing and found people 278 44 80 402
Not humanitarian 11227 1686 3150 16063
Requests or needs 103 19 29 151
Response efforts 780 113 221 1114
Sympathy and support 1624 237 455 2316
Total 19050 2842 5353 27245
All three datasets have annotations for both infor-
mativeness and humanitarian category tasks. For all
three datasets, the informativeness task includes two
classes of Informative and Not-informative; however,
for the humanitarian category task, there are 6, 10 and
11 classes in CrisisLex, CrisisNLP and CrisisBench
datasets, respectively, as shown in the corresponding
tables. A brief description of each dataset is given
CrisisLex is a combination of two datasets,
specifically, CrisisLexT26 and CrisisLexT6
(Olteanu et al., 2014). The CrisisLexT26 dataset
consists of tweets from 26 disasters which
happened during 2012 and 2013, while the
CrisisLexT6 dataset consists of tweets from 6
disasters which happened between October 2012
and July 2013 (Alam et al., 2020).
The CrisisNLP dataset includes tweets from 19
disasters that occurred between years 2013 and
2015 (Imran et al., 2016).
CrisisBench is a benchmark dataset constructed
by (Alam et al., 2020). This dataset is a consolida-
tion of eight prior datasets, specifically, CrisisLex,
CrisisNLP, SWDM2013, ISCRAM2013, Disaster
Response Data (DRD), Disasters on Social Media
(DSM), CrisisMMD, and AIDR.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 3: Statistics for CrisisBench dataset.
Informativeness Train Dev Test Total
Informative 65826 9594 18626 94046
Not informative 43970 6414 12469 62853
Total 109796 16008 31095 156899
Humanitarian Train Dev Test Total
Affected individual 2454 367 693 3514
Caution and advice 2101 309 583 2993
Displaced and evacuations 359 53 99 511
Donation and volunteering 5184 763 1453 7400
Infrastructure and utilities damage 3541 511 1004 5056
Injured or dead people 1945 271 561 2777
Missing and found people 373 55 103 531
Not humanitarian 36109 5270 10256 51635
Requests or needs 4840 705 1372 6917
Response efforts 780 113 221 1114
Sympathy and support 3549 540 1020 5109
Total 61235 8957 17365 87557
4.2 Performance Metrics
In the experiments, we compare the CapsNet mod-
els (both with static and dynamic routing algorithms,
shown by CapsNet-s and CapsNet-d, respectively)
with BERT models and also with LSTM and Bi-
LSTM models on both binary (tweet informativeness)
and multi-class (tweet humanitarian category) classi-
fication tasks. For both types of tasks, the comparison
is performed using several standard evaluation met-
rics, specifically, Precision, Recall and F1 scores for
each class and Weighted Precision, Weighted Recall
and Weighted F1 scores for the overall performance
of each model.
4.3 Experimental Setup
Since train/test/dev subsets are provided for the three
datasets used in the study, the experiments were con-
ducted three times using three different seeds and the
average of the three runs was reported in the tables.
The hyperparameters employed in the experi-
ments were obtained through fine-tuning on the re-
spective development (dev) datasets. Specifically, for
the LSTM and Bi-LSTM experiments, the following
hyperparameters were utilized: hidden size of 256,
maximum sequence length of 60, learning rate of 5e-
4, drop ratio of 0.1, weight decay of 0 (i.e., no L2
regularization), a batch size of 40, maximum number
of epochs of 10.
For the BERT experiments, BERT base uncased
model, which has 12 layers (i.e., Transformer blocks),
12 self-attention heads, and with a hidden size of 768,
was used. The hyperparameters used in these experi-
ments are: maximum sequence length of 60, learning
rate of 2e-5, drop ratio of 0, weight decay of 0, a batch
size of 40, maximum number of epochs of 10.
The hyperparameters used in the CapsNet with
static routing experiments are: maximum sequence
length of 60, learning rate of 5e-5, drop ratio of 0.6,
weight decay of 0, a batch size of 40, maximum num-
ber of epochs of 50. The hyperparameters used in
the CapsNet with dynamic routing experiments are:
Maximum sequence length of 60, learning rate of 4e-
5, drop ratio of 0.6, weight decay of 1e-5, a batch size
of 40, maximum number of epochs of 50.
Adam optimizer was used for all the experi-
ments. Furthermore, for all experiments, the number
of epochs resulting in the best accuracy on the devel-
opment set was used for evaluating performance on
the test set.
The experimental results of crisis tweet classification
for informativeness category task of all three datasets
are presented in Table 4 and for humanitarian cate-
gory task of CrisisLex, CrisisNLP, and CrisisBench
are presented in Tables 5, 6, and 7, respectively. The
tables depict the performance of the models for each
class (namely, Precision, Recall, and F1-score) in
the datasets, along with the overall performance of
the models in the “Overall” row, which shows the
Weighted Precision, Weighted Recall, and Weighted
F1-score across all classes of each dataset. We dis-
cuss the answers to our questions using these results
in the following paragraphs.
Our first research question was to compare Cap-
sNet models to state-of-the-art BERT models and also
to LSTM/Bi-LSTM models trained to classify crisis-
related tweets in terms of informativeness (binary
classification) and humanitarian category (multi-class
classification) using three datasets, specifically Cri-
sisLex, CrisisNLP, and CrisisBench. For each task,
we initially analyze the overall performance of the
models and then examine the results for each class in
the dataset. As can be seen in Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7 for
both tasks, BERT models are the best models in terms
of all the evaluation metrics considered, when com-
pared to LSTM, Bi-LSTM, CapsNet-s and Capsnet-d
For the tweet informativeness task, the F1-scores
of BERT models are 94.571, 85.867, and 87.975 for
CrisisLex, CrisisNLP, and CrisisBench datasets, re-
spectively. These scores are higher than those of
the other four models for the corresponding datasets.
For this classification task and for the two datasets
of CrisisLex, CrisisNLP, the order of other models,
from best to worst, is Bi-LSTM, LSTM, CapsNet-
d and CapsNet-s (with F1-scores of 94.477, 94.443,
94.110, 93.922, respectively, for CrisisLex dataset
and 83.786, 83.500, 82.986, 82.654, respectively, for
A Comparison Study for Disaster Tweet Classification Using Deep Learning Models
Table 4: Experiment results for tweet informativeness task for all three datasets, for each class and the overall weighted
metrics, with the best value of each metric displayed in bold within each row.
Dataset Classes Metrics Models
LSTM Bi-LSTM Bert CapsNet s CapsNet d
CrisisLex Informative Precision 94.308 94.746 94.255 94.469 94.334
Recall 96.258 95.815 96.567 95.108 95.609
F1-score 95.273 95.275 95.393 94.785 94.967
Not-informative Precision 94.671 94.127 95.101 93.175 93.812
Recall 91.961 92.642 91.846 92.292 92.057
F1-score 93.296 93.374 93.436 92.728 92.926
Overall Precision 94.460 94.486 94.610 93.926 94.115
Recall 94.455 94.484 94.586 93.926 94.119
F1-score 94.443 94.477 94.571 93.922 94.110
CrisisNLP Informative Precision 84.249 85.099 88.877 84.075 84.270
Recall 87.342 86.747 85.825 85.735 86.184
F1-score 85.764 85.879 87.297 84.888 85.202
Not-informative Precision 82.586 82.256 82.279 80.823 81.372
Recall 78.593 79.994 85.861 78.690 78.882
F1-score 80.533 81.042 83.993 79.725 80.083
Overall Precision 83.530 83.868 86.022 82.667 83.015
Recall 83.556 83.824 85.840 82.686 83.023
F1-score 83.500 83.786 85.867 82.654 82.986
CrisisBench Informative Precision 88.919 88.036 89.452 87.916 86.830
Recall 89.777 90.543 90.708 89.622 91.168
F1-score 89.336 89.270 90.057 88.755 88.944
Not-informative Precision 84.526 85.244 85.872 84.041 85.740
Recall 83.243 81.601 83.956 81.572 79.321
F1-score 83.857 83.377 84.862 82.776 82.399
Overall Precision 87.158 86.917 88.016 86.362 86.393
Recall 87.158 86.959 88.002 86.395 86.419
F1-score 87.140 86.908 87.975 86.358 86.320
Table 5: Experiment results for tweet humanitarian task for the CrisisLex datasets, for each class and the overall weighted
metrics, with the best value of each metric displayed in bold within each row.
Classes Metrics Models
LSTM Bi-LSTM Bert CapsNet s CapsNet d
Affected individual Precision 85.366 83.053 85.221 82.065 83.216
Recall 78.591 81.697 86.023 83.250 82.917
F1-score 81.727 82.358 85.603 82.632 83.041
Caution and advice Precision 64.732 66.500 72.484 67.972 66.109
Recall 64.777 59.784 71.660 64.642 66.801
F1-score 64.639 62.956 72.042 66.257 66.388
Donation and volunteering Precision 76.334 76.660 81.233 78.492 77.573
Recall 79.181 76.678 77.702 75.313 76.451
F1-score 77.650 76.624 79.408 76.832 76.987
Infrastructure and utilities damage Precision 55.944 56.238 66.348 61.407 65.504
Recall 67.747 62.037 58.642 46.450 43.364
F1-score 61.112 58.378 62.140 52.864 52.158
Not humanitarian Precision 97.910 97.308 97.543 96.555 96.239
Recall 97.554 97.855 97.861 97.984 98.359
F1-score 97.731 97.577 97.702 97.264 97.286
Sympathy and support Precision 79.863 81.578 82.079 79.516 81.764
Recall 80.827 77.882 84.586 77.506 75.000
F1-score 80.330 79.581 83.276 78.464 78.232
Overall Precision 92.341 91.911 92.984 91.500 91.442
Recall 92.054 91.881 93.071 91.808 91.822
F1-score 92.145 91.850 93.008 91.609 91.539
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 6: Experiment results for tweet humanitarian task for the CrisisNLP datasets, for each class and the overall weighted
metrics, with the best value of each metric displayed in bold within each row.
Classes Metrics Models
LSTM Bi-LSTM Bert CapsNet s CapsNet d
Caution and advice Precision 74.861 69.971 77.631 66.060 70.450
Recall 52.188 62.626 57.407 56.061 50.673
F1-score 61.410 65.862 65.869 60.364 58.713
Displaced and evacuations Precision 52.648 55.889 64.369 61.226 33.492
Recall 40.530 41.288 59.470 29.925 18.939
F1-score 45.375 46.983 61.188 39.650 24.019
Donation and volunteering Precision 73.526 61.887 78.905 64.779 62.500
Recall 65.816 77.873 73.688 70.142 71.986
F1-score 69.205 68.824 76.007 67.285 66.708
Infrastructure and utilities damage Precision 69.048 75.072 76.910 76.248 63.742
Recall 65.222 62.667 67.000 61.667 68.222
F1-score 67.029 67.970 71.473 67.924 65.743
Injured or dead people Precision 82.086 83.200 86.100 82.294 82.242
Recall 88.030 86.464 88.674 80.019 79.374
F1-score 84.944 84.785 87.328 81.093 80.662
Missing and found people Precision 44.868 44.762 55.407 54.939 54.550
Recall 39.583 39.583 42.083 33.750 21.250
F1-score 41.956 41.949 47.798 41.606 28.776
Not humanitarian Precision 83.013 84.561 85.820 81.686 81.529
Recall 92.688 91.566 94.656 92.857 92.222
F1-score 87.575 87.923 90.005 86.912 86.526
Requests or needs Precision 13.333 2.564 45.707 0.000 0.000
Recall 2.299 1.149 13.793 0.000 0.000
F1-score 3.922 1.587 20.880 0.000 0.000
Response efforts Precision 38.067 40.133 49.081 42.209 32.486
Recall 17.949 17.496 37.255 8.145 6.033
F1-score 23.549 23.719 41.376 12.472 9.932
Sympathy and support Precision 68.210 74.843 81.522 63.531 65.120
Recall 52.349 48.164 58.462 49.084 47.692
F1-score 59.196 58.085 67.925 55.273 54.961
Overall Precision 76.474 77.237 81.523 75.272 73.446
Recall 78.326 78.494 82.234 77.544 76.586
F1-score 76.784 77.089 81.300 75.302 73.991
CrisisNLP dataset). For the CrisisBench dataset, the
order is LSTM, Bi-LSTM, CapsNet-s and CapsNet-
d (with F1-scores of 87.140, 86.908, 86.358, and
86.320, respectively). As for the performance on the
classes of this task, we observe a similar behavior,
with BERT model still having the highest F1-score for
both classes and for all three datasets (with F1-score
of 95.393, 87.297, and 90.057 for Informative class
and 93.436, 83.993, 84.862 for Not-informative class
for CrisisLex, CrisisNLP, and CrisisBench datasets,
respectively). LSTM and BiLSTM models typically
rank in the second or third positions (with compara-
ble F1-scores), while CapsNet-s and CapsNet-d usu-
ally occupy the third or fourth positions (with simi-
larly close F1-scores).
For the crisis tweet humanitarian category, the
F1-scores of the BERT models are 93.008, 81.300,
and 86.708 for CrisisLex, CrisisNLP, and Crisis-
Bench datasets, respectively. As for the crisis tweet
informativeness tasks, these scores are higher than
those of the other four models for the correspond-
ing datasets. For this classification task and for the
dataset of CrisisLex, the order of other models, is
LSTM, Bi-LSTM, CapsNet-s and CapsNet-d (with
F1-scores of 92.145, 91.850, 91.609, and 91.539, re-
spectively), while for the other two datasets, the or-
der is Bi-LSTM, LSTM, CapsNet-s and CapsNet-d
(with F1-scores of 77.089, 76.784, 75.302, 73.991,
respectively, for CrisisNLP dataset and 83.988,
83.528, 81.778, 81.757, respectively, for CrisisBench
dataset). BERT outperforms other models in terms
of F1-scores on all classes in CrisisNLP and Crisis-
Bench datasets. In CrisisLex, LSTM leads only in the
“Not humanitarian” class with an F1-score of 97.731,
while BERT is close behind with a score of 97.702.
For the rest of the classes in CrisisLex, BERT still
outperforms other models. BERT’s classifications of
instances in different classes can be better understood
through the confusion matrices (CM) in Figures 1, 2,
and 3 for the three datasets. As can be seen in these
A Comparison Study for Disaster Tweet Classification Using Deep Learning Models
Table 7: Experiment results for tweet humanitarian task for the CrisisNLP datasets, for each class and the overall weighted
metrics, with the best value of each metric displayed in bold within each row.
Classes Metrics Models
LSTM Bi-LSTM Bert CapsNet s CapsNet d
Affected individual Precision 78.190 75.118 80.910 81.212 77.536
Recall 74.422 76.975 78.372 66.281 68.160
F1-score 76.105 75.838 79.587 72.931 72.509
Caution and advice Precision 67.865 62.683 70.034 66.864 64.088
Recall 59.023 66.724 70.783 57.126 59.713
F1-score 63.041 64.445 70.349 61.605 61.702
Displaced and evacuations Precision 52.226 50.211 64.992 29.580 41.667
Recall 35.690 38.384 55.892 7.744 2.020
F1-score 42.206 42.958 59.485 12.272 3.639
Donation and volunteering Precision 73.573 76.623 76.708 70.138 68.442
Recall 77.135 74.885 82.048 78.007 79.270
F1-score 75.308 75.637 79.254 73.860 73.456
Infrastructure and utilities damage Precision 73.320 66.841 73.555 65.263 68.253
Recall 58.634 65.930 67.864 63.554 60.576
F1-score 64.944 66.240 70.518 64.367 64.125
Injured or dead people Precision 82.823 82.616 82.860 78.888 76.657
Recall 78.295 80.083 84.551 74.120 76.923
F1-score 80.450 81.323 83.572 76.420 76.731
Missing and found people Precision 54.618 47.643 63.193 39.958 70.000
Recall 29.126 38.511 39.482 9.385 1.618
F1-score 36.850 42.509 48.595 14.259 3.128
Not humanitarian Precision 88.379 90.170 91.615 87.765 88.190
Recall 94.804 93.639 94.535 94.258 94.081
F1-score 91.476 91.865 93.051 90.892 91.029
Requests or needs Precision 89.681 90.957 94.112 87.298 89.368
Recall 85.359 85.017 90.414 82.748 81.552
F1-score 87.269 87.833 92.220 84.868 85.274
Response efforts Precision 35.116 36.993 48.832 13.889 0.000
Recall 18.703 16.139 30.317 0.754 0.000
F1-score 23.226 21.325 37.374 1.431 0.000
Sympathy and support Precision 80.494 75.628 82.361 75.047 73.356
Recall 60.713 64.475 69.085 59.739 62.091
F1-score 69.171 69.268 75.140 66.307 67.199
Overall Precision 83.536 83.956 86.679 81.381 81.483
Recall 84.217 84.413 87.000 82.953 82.992
F1-score 83.528 83.988 86.708 81.778 81.757
Figures, for the CrisisLex dataset, the model seems to
have difficulties in correctly identifying instances that
relate to “Infrastructure and utilities damage”, with
the accuracy of 0.59. For CrisisNLP, most of the
instances of “Requests or needs” and “Response ef-
forts” classes (with the lowest accuracy of 0.14 and
0.37, respectively) have been mis-classified as “Not
humanitarian”. Similarly, in CrisisBench, most of
the instances of “Response efforts” class (with the
lowest accuracy of 0.30) have been mis-classified as
“Not humanitarian”. Based on these results, we can
conclude that BERT is the best model for classifying
crisis-related tweet datasets, while CapsNet models
(with both static and dynamic routing) have the worst
performance. Therefore, the properties of CapsNet do
not seem to benefit much the task of classifying crisis-
related tweet datasets.
Our second research question was to compare two
routing algorithms used in CapsNet models, mainly
static and dynamic routings, for classifying crisis-
related tweets in terms of informativeness and human-
itarian category using the three datasets considered in
our study. For the crisis tweet informativeness task
and for two datasets (CrisisLex, CrisisNLP), the per-
formance of CapsNet-d is better than that of CapsNet-
s (with F1-scores of 94.110, 93.922, respectively, for
the CrisisLex dataset, and 82.986, and 82.654, re-
spectively, for the CrisisNLP dataset). For the Cri-
sisBench dataset, the F1-score of CapsNet-s (86.358)
is higher than that of CapsNet-d (86.320). However,
for the tweet humanitarian category task, for all three
datasets, CapsNet-s outperforms CapsNet-d, with F1-
scores of 91.609 versus 91.539, respectively, for Cri-
sisLex, 75.302 versus 73.991, respectively, for Cri-
sisNLP dataset, and 81.778 versus 81.757, respec-
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
tively, for the CrisisBench dataset. However, in all
cases, the F1-scores of the two routing algorithms are
pretty close to each other. Based on the results, we can
conclude that when classifying crisis-related tweets
both in terms of informativeness (binary classifica-
tion) and humanitarian category (multi-class classifi-
cation), both static routing and dynamic routing algo-
rithms have similar performance
Overall, based on the obtained results, BERT
emerges as a stronger candidate compared to Cap-
sNet for disaster tweet classifications. The superior
performance of BERT can be attributed to several
key factors. Firstly, BERT’s pre-training on exten-
sive data enables it to acquire a deep understanding
of complex patterns and contextual information. Ad-
ditionally, its utilization of the attention mechanisms
and transformer architecture empowers BERT to cap-
ture long-range dependencies in language, resulting
in a better comprehension and generation of natural
language. While CapsNet shows promise in specific
image-related tasks, thanks to its equivariant property
that preserves spatial relationships between compo-
nents, it has not attained the same level of success as
BERT in the field of natural language processing.
In this study, we compared CapsNets (with static
and dynamic routing algorithms) with BERT mod-
els, as well as LSTM/Bi-LSTM on crisis-related tweet
classification tasks, specifically tweet informativeness
(binary classification), and tweet humanitarian cate-
gory (multi-class classification), using three datasets,
specifically, CrisisLex, CrisisNLP, and CrisisBench.
The results show that the BERT models have the best
performance for classifying crisis-related data, while
CapsNet models (with both static and dynamic rout-
ing) have the worst performance. Also, for both In-
formativeness task and Humanitarian task, both static
routing and dynamic routing would result in a similar
For future work, based on the superior perfor-
mance of the BERT model over the CapsNet model,
our intention is to explore the potential of more recent
transformer-based models for disaster tweet classifi-
cation. Additionally, we aim to investigate the effec-
tiveness of transformer-based architectures in disaster
image classification. Furthermore, we plan to apply
these models to a dataset that contains both textual
and visual modalities, with the objective of develop-
ing a multi-modal model based on transformer-based
architectures for classifying disaster-related posts,
Figure 1: BERT’s CM for humanitarian task on CrisisLex.
Figure 2: BERT’s CM for humanitarian task on CrisisNLP.
Figure 3: BERT’s CM for humanitarian task on Crisis-
since sometimes the information conveyed in a text
and its corresponding image can be complementary,
and leveraging both modalities simultaneously may
lead to enhanced performance.
A Comparison Study for Disaster Tweet Classification Using Deep Learning Models
We thank the National Science Foundation and
Amazon Web Services for support from grant IIS-
1741345, which supported the research and the com-
putation in this study.
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