pute realist routes for agents in terrains with varied to-
pographic characteristics. Moreover, many complex
search problems can rely on heuristics that compute
suboptimal solutions for many reasons (e.g., (Spies
et al., 2019), where computing better quality agent
routes has a fundamental role in maintaining the real-
ism and fluency of the many virtual simulations.
Recent works (Takahashi et al., 2019) (Jindal
et al., 2017) (Wang et al., 2019) (Ariki and Narihira,
2019) (Li et al., 2016) (Kirilenko et al., 2022) (Neisse
et al., 2022) (Weber et al., 2022) investigate the ex-
ploration of DNNs as heuristic functions for the res-
olution of path planning problems in different appli-
cations. Although relevant proposals have been pre-
sented, exploring DNN in pathfinding for ABMS ap-
plications is not a mature research field. To approach
this issue, this work investigates the computation of
paths in terrain maps with different relief character-
istics (Ganganath et al., 2014) (Chen et al., 2009)
(Chagas et al., 2022), permitting the evaluation of the
effectiveness of alternative path planning approaches
based on the DNN-based learning of heuristic func-
The pathfinding algorithm’s heuristic functions
guide the map node analysis during the path search
in simulated topographic terrain maps. Therefore, the
more the DNN-based heuristic function approximates
the shortest distance between two terrain map nodes,
the fewer nodes need to be analyzed by the pathfind-
ing algorithm. Most importantly, these functions can
learn the topographic characteristics of a set of simu-
lated terrain maps to better estimate relief-aware dis-
tances between start and destination positions. This
work details a DNN architecture and how to prepare
the path information to train it so that the DNN learns
the heuristic function to be used by topographic path
planning algorithms. Experimental results presented
in this work are computed using two distinct A
pathfinding algorithms, where alternative forms of
training and using the DNNs in the heuristic compu-
tations are investigated. This work assesses the pro-
posed approach in terms of the number of expanded
nodes, execution time, and path cost (distance). The
various pathfinding results computed in different ter-
rain maps are also statistically analyzed.
The work is organized as follows: Section II starts
reviewing pathfinding techniques. Then it discusses
approaches for topographic path planning and the ex-
ploration of DNNs as heuristic functions for pathfind-
ing; Section III details the DNN-based topographic
pathfinding approaches investigated in this work; Sec-
tion IV details how the proposed techniques were ex-
perimentally analyzed. Then it discusses the obtained
testing results; Section V presents final remarks and
directions for future work.
Path planning algorithms (Abd Algfoor et al., 2015)
are based on alternative criteria to find a route for
agents to move in a virtual terrain map. For this,
a movement cost value should be considered from
the different topographic characteristics of a terrain
map. These cost computations can involve charac-
teristics such as path distance, travel time, agent en-
ergy required for the movement, travel limitations re-
lated to the agent’s physical capacities, logistic agent
issues, and many other application-oriented factors.
Although this work focuses on the computation of
paths for agents to better move through the terrain re-
lief, it actually aims to investigate how to learn char-
acteristics like these in DNNs so that they are not
lost/underused in heuristic path search computations.
Path search algorithms can work with or without
heuristic functions composing the travel cost com-
putations. A heuristic estimates the cost between
any node and a destination on the map representa-
tion structure, being zero when applied to the destina-
tion. This estimate assists the pathfinding algorithm
in choosing the next node to be analyzed during the
search, indicating the most promising map node in re-
lation to finding a path that leads to the destination.
Dijkstra’s algorithm (Frana and Misa, 2010) does
not use such a heuristic function. However, it is usu-
ally a first choice in developing many simulation sys-
tems because it has a straightforward implementation,
good performance level, and calculation of the mini-
mum path cost between nodes representing the virtual
terrain map. The A
algorithm (Hart et al., 1968) and
others derived from it differ from Dijkstra in using a
heuristic function for prioritizing the choice of nodes
that should be better than others during the search.
With this, the A
-family of algorithms significantly
reduces the processing time of the path search.
The Bi-Directional A
algorithm (BiA
) (Pohl,
1971) is a version of graph search algorithms that, us-
ing a heuristic, does the search from the start node
towards the destination node, while simultaneously
searching from the destination node towards the start
node. The path is returned when one of these searches
finds a node opened by the other search. Because of
that, the algorithm sometimes ends up finding subop-
timal paths, as it can finish the execution without hav-
ing examined less costly nodes. That is not a problem
for many simulation applications since these subopti-
mal paths are much more efficiently computed, where
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications