collaborative development of ML-based systems. We
propose a set of good practices for defining interfaces
of communication and technical designs for creating
autonomous pipelines that can help to streamline the
development process and improve the scalability and
maintainability of ML-based systems.
In order to address the challenges encountered
during the collaborative development of our ML-
based system, we structured our difficulties under a
series of challenges. We then designed solutions to
these challenges based on other state-of-the-art exper-
iments and practices that exist in the literature. Our
aim was to combine the knowledge gained from a sur-
vey of proposed practices with our own experiences,
to design more general and standardized practices
that could be applied successfully in future projects.
The solutions we proposed were based on careful
consideration of the unique needs and constraints of
our project, as well as the broader context of indus-
trial ML development. We believe that our approach
can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of collaborative ML development efforts, while also
contributing to the development of more robust and
scalable ML-based systems.
This research was partially supported by DataSEER
project, financed through POC 2014-2020, Action
1.2.1, by European Commission and National Gov-
ernment of Romania (Project ID: 121004).
The authors express their gratitude to the indus-
trial partner, OPTIMA GROUP SRL, for their collab-
oration and valuable information exchange.
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Towards Good Practices for Collaborative Development of ML-Based Systems