Taking into account all the limitations found in
scheduling problems and the high level of organisa-
tional complexity that a hospital currently has, we
consider this approach a possible solution to SSP
problems, of which the organisation of surgeries on
time and the necessary cost control, crucial to opti-
mise all management processes, always prevail. SA
presents extremely satisfactory results, nullifying the
number of surgeries with a penalty, i.e., surgeries with
a scheduled date higher than the deadline. Further-
more, this algorithm provides a nearly optimal solu-
tion, reaching a stabilisation point after 100 iterations,
something that does not happen in the HC and that
may justify the fact that it does not allocate a greater
number of surgeries.
In the first phase of this research, new perspec-
tives were obtained on how an approach based on AI
heuristics can translate into a solution capable of au-
tomating and improving this process. However, some
scenarios could be further explored as future work:
1. Testing this study in other healthcare specialities
will be the first step to understanding if the suc-
cess of implementing this logic is well achieved
in different environments.
2. A deeper study on the nullification of the schedul-
ing penalty may be equated. While the hospital
would like to pay the least amount of costs related
to surgeries scheduled after the deadline, it may
be pertinent to identify whether a proposal with
a higher penalty will better serve the hospital’s
scheduling interests.
3. A new constraint can be added, always consider-
ing that there are urgent cases to be executed. De-
spite in this study only surgeries from the waiting
list were considered, it is possible to complement
the scheduling constraints with an additional rule,
always leaving space in an OR for urgent cases;
4. Improving the efficiency of the optimization
method by exploring new models and their con-
figurations (only local search algorithms were ad-
dressed, but there is some scope for development
for population-based, blind search or even multi-
objective search algorithms).
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Optimization of Surgery Scheduling Problems Based on Prescriptive Analytics