based to GraphQL-based schemas. They mainly con-
verge to solutions that require additional effort or con-
tent transfer to a server-side due to the high request
over the network infrastructure. Moreover, the ap-
proaches deal with migration that not involves the
non-experimented user or, even more, any optimal
synchronization on the client side.
We focus our approach on two main objectives.
First, propose an enhancement on the Pool Area of the
CUBE architecture, with a more clear mathematical
formalism to make it easy to develop and integrate so-
lutions on the already defined architecture. After that,
we focused on evaluating the user experience and net-
work latency, mainly on the non-experimented user.
We successfully migrated social media services in
a multiple devices environment with positive results
regarding the latency in a network system while or-
chestration runs on the user side. On average, the
client-side orchestration provided by the CUBE al-
lows for a faster service migration experience, with
68,68% faster over the server side. Moreover, it is
possible to notice on the client-side graphic that la-
tency is more balanced, opposite to the latency of
the server side, which demonstrated a higher variation
due to network infrastructures.
We partially achieved online meeting service mi-
gration in the same environment. Thus, we saw that
achievement not as a failure but as a positive achieve-
ment that required more investigation and perspec-
tives on the user side development. Therefore, we ad-
vocate synchronization on the client side as an alter-
native to the classic server-side synchronization. This
approach’s main advantages rely on having REST and
GraphQL running simultaneously without interoper-
ability or data integration issues, as we found in our
test with thirty-five users. Furthermore, infrastructure
failures could lead to fewer network requests without
service disruption. Consequently, we can assume a
reduction in energy consumption of network servers
We also realized that The CUBE could be scal-
able, where a higher number of devices can be added
to its microsystem to perform service migration with-
out compromising performance. Moreover, since we
successfully added it to the operating system, its fea-
tures can be used for a more extensive set of devices
from different users. It will require some assessments
of the architecture to provide such a feature.
Finally, as future works, we are considering tack-
ling challenges raised during the migration on the on-
line meeting, such as those we performed in Teams.
The CUBE architecture worked with some limita-
tions. Thus, we considered starting to notate services
and devices to create an ontology-based notation to
propose to the non-experimented user a better migra-
tion to a given device of a given service. Addition-
ally, we can enhance user devices to provide some
services, particularly those using IA. Therefore, the
federated learning area raises a challenge when the
synchronization goes on the user side. Moreover,
scaling The CUBE over devices from different users
opens the possibility of applying The CUBE architec-
ture on Smart City applications spread over the FOG
and EDGE infrastructure.
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Beyond Traditional Web Technologies for Locally Web-Services Migration