LCC, ) allows the redesign of business processes in
an organization. This integration of techniques al-
lows to analyze activities and related resources, time,
and cost, and evaluate delay and bottleneck (Martinho
et al., 2016; Mans et al., 2015; Fern
andez-Llatas et al.,
2011); all based on real data stored in the information
System (IS) (Amantea, 2022).
In the following section, we introduce our
methodology. In the third chapter, we contextualize
the Court of Cuneo, its processes activities on pa-
per, its digitalized activites and the simulated process
with the data analysis results. The two different busi-
ness process will be discussed. In the last section, we
provide our concluding remarks with some consider-
ations about future work.
The methodology is made of three different phases:
• Context and Data Analysis: the analysis of the
context aims at understanding what the current sit-
uation is and what could be the needs for improve-
ments at different levels: organizational, techno-
logical and legal level. This stage aims at setting
the overall strategic scenario relevant to the com-
pany and determine the functional components re-
lated to the processes under analysis setting some
KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators), like cycle
times, costs, resource allocation, etc., in order to
measure the process performance (Van Looy and
Shafagatova, 2016).
• Process Analysis and As-Is Model and Simula-
tion: the goal is to create a visual model of pro-
cess by determining the sequence of activities and
the various crossroads (gateways), which lead to
different routes depending on choices made. The
process is then reconstructed as it is in the current
situation, formalized in BPMN language and thus
validated by Court officers. The process diagram
is then integrated with information concerning re-
sources (and their capabilities), execution time of
the activities, costs, queue policy management,
and other features that allow to build a virtual rep-
resentation of reality that is as accurate as feasible.
The model must be simulated with the real work-
load of the process extracted from the IS, thus ob-
taining an evaluation of the KPI to be compared
with the current values of these indicators and al-
lowing the model validation. The model obtained
in this way is called the As-is model of the process
under analysis.
• Process Reorganization and To-Be Model: the
objective is to introduce in the As-Is model of one
or more corrective actions in order to show dif-
ferent evolutionary scenarios (and the respective
models). This stage includes solutions for restruc-
turing the process, improving the detection and
the understanding of inefficiencies, bottlenecks,
constraints and risks (Mans et al., 2015). The sim-
ulation, with the same workload, of the different
scenarios (What-if analysis) allows comparing the
scenarios among themselves and with respect to
the starting As-Is model. The comparison is made
on the KPI of the scenarios and of the As-Is model
until an acceptable solution is reached. In this
way, a new model of the process (To-Be model) is
obtained, and it should be therefore implemented.
In particular, we are interested in monitoring the
business performance related to the throughput
time and costs between the activities performed
in the chancellor’s office in the As-Is on paper
process and the To-Be telematic model. Thanks
to iGrafx simulator it is possible to use monitors.
Monitors are elements that can be placed on cer-
tain activities, thus allowing the time from one ac-
tivity to another to be measured. When during the
simulation the token will pass through the activ-
ity with the monitor, the monitor will be activated
and will detect the time traveled by the token from
the starting monitor to the arrival monitor (includ-
ing waiting for resources, bottlenecks and time for
various activities). By inserting various monitors
during the process, it will be possible to measure
only the cross-sections of the process that involve
all the administrative tribunal stuff activities, ex-
cluding the not-optimizable times foreseen by the
complaint for the performance of specific activi-
ties or parts of the process.
At European and at Italian level there have been many
norms in order to improve the efficiency and produc-
tivity of judicial offices and courts. At a more prac-
tical level some rules have imposed the telematiza-
tion of files of Civil Litigation and of Labour sections.
Despite this, the e-dossier is still not implemented in
the majority of the tribunals. A virtuous example of
a Court that was able to telematize, and sometimes
dematerialize all of these files is the Court of Cu-
neo. The process of telematization-dematerialization
started in 2010/2012 and developed slowly until re-
cent years (2021/2022).
In order to support these changes we will show
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications