If X = (x
) represents a point in the n-
dimensional design space, and multiple runs of the the
stochastic simulation model estimate some average
performance metric f (X), then the meta-model g(X )
is an (ideally smooth and significantly faster to eval-
uate) function which approximates f . It can be con-
structed by measuring f at only a few points in the de-
sign space and performing some form of interpolation
or regression between them. As the number of mea-
surement points increases, the meta-model typically
becomes more and more accurate unless it suffers
from over-fitting (leading to drastic overshoots or os-
cillations in the meta-model surface in-between mea-
sured points). Continuous gradient-based optimiz-
ers can then be applied over the meta-model surface
g to quickly identify promising areas in the design
space for further exploration. Although meta-models
can assist in the optimization process, the process of
choosing the right meta-model type, the number of
data points to build the meta-model and the right op-
timizer can be non-trivial and can significantly affect
the results. Response Surface Models (RSM), Ra-
dial Basis Functions, Kriging (Gaussian Process Re-
gression), and Neural Networks (NN) are some meta-
models types that are used in various application do-
mains. Kriging, also known as Gaussian Process Re-
gression (GPR) is a spatial correlation meta-model
(Kleijnen, 2009; Ankenman et al., 2008). It uses a
kernel function to represent the correlation between
different input parameter values. Gaussian kernel,
Radial Basis Function (RBF), and periodic RBF are
some examples of kernel functions used in Kriging).
A Neural Network meta-model is built using a neu-
ral network architecture (for example, a multi-layer
feed-forward network) with the measured points as
training data to learn and mimic the input-output re-
lation. It is then used to approximate the performance
measures of the system at a given point. The pro-
cess of selecting the meta-model type, tuning it and
selecting the right optimizer for optimizing over for it
are nuanced and problem-dependent choices. While
there exist several commercial tools (such as Any-
Logic, FLEXSIM, Arena, IBM Supply Chain solu-
tions), there is a dearth of open libraries in popular
programming languages for supply chain design and
optimization. General-purpose discrete-event simula-
tion frameworks such as Python’s SimPy library (Sim,
2020) can be used for building simulation models of
supply chains. However, validation constitutes a sig-
nificant fraction of model development time. Having
an open library of validated parameterized component
models can be very useful in rapid modeling and de-
sign space exploration. In a similar vein, while there
exist open, general-purpose optimization packages,
an open tool-set specifically designed for design ex-
ploration and optimization of supply chains can have
wide utility.
This paper presents the design overview and
work-in-progress status of InventOpt - a Python-
based open library and tool-set for supply chain and
inventory systems simulation and meta-model based
optimization. InventOpt primarily consists of a li-
brary of component models for simulating supply
chains. These component models are built using
Python’s SimPy library, and can be instantiated, con-
figured and connected together to model complex
supply chains. In addition, InventOpt includes a GUI-
based tool for guided design-space exploration, meta-
model tuning and optimization. To make suitable de-
sign choices for InventOpt (such as the meta-model
type, number of measurement points relative to the
size of the design space, and the choice of the op-
timization algorithm) that are specifically suited for
simulation-based optimization of supply chains, we
present a detailed case study. The case study focuses
on modeling and simulation-based optimization of in-
ventory threshold levels in a particular supply chain
system. The case study illustrates some of the com-
ponents in InventOpt that are already built and those
that can be generalized further, and serves as a val-
idation for the meta-model based approach. Most
importantly, in this case study we perform optimiza-
tions using a wide set of meta-models and optimiz-
ers and compare the solutions to those generated us-
ing a more exhaustive search, as a means of arriv-
ing at design choices for InventOpt. The observations
from the case study lead us to design choices such as
the best meta-model type and parameters, the choice
of optimizer and the number of simulation runs for
a accuracy-versus-computational cost trade-off. The
rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2,
we present a summary of related work and existing
tools for supply chain simulation and optimization.
We then present an overview of InventOpt and dis-
cuss its proposed features and implementation plan in
Section 3. Lastly, Section 4 presents the detailed case
study and a summary of the observations, insights and
conclusions gained from the case study towards the
implementation of InventOpt.
Anylogic (AnyLogic, 2022), FlexSim (Flexsim,
2022), and Arena (Arena, 2022) are some examples
of popular commercial tools that support supply chain
simulation. AnyLogic and FlexSim also support op-
timization, which is built on top of the OptQuest
An Open Tool-Set for Simulation, Design-Space Exploration and Optimization of Supply Chains and Inventory Problems