Detecting Anomalies on Cryptocurrency Markets Using Graph
Agata Skorupka
Collegium of Economic Analysis, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: Graph Embeddings, Anomaly, Anomaly Detection, Cryptocurrency.
Abstract: The low level regulation of cryptocurrency market as well as crucial role of trust and digital market specificity
makes it a good environment for anonymous transactions without identity verification, therefore fraudulent
activities. Examples of such anomalies may be failing to fulfil transaction, as well as different forms of market
manipulation. As cryptocurrencies are incorporated in more and more investment portfolios, including big
companies accepting payment by this means, anomalies on cryptocurrency may pose significant systemic
risk. Therefore there is a need to detect fraudulent users in a computationally efficient way. This paper presents
usage of graph algorithms for that purpose. While most of the literature is focused on using structural and
classical embeddings, this research proposes utilizing nodes statistics to build an accurate model with less
engineering overhead as well as computational time involved.
In 2019 global economic cost associated with
fraudulent activities was estimated around $5.12
trillion (Gee, 2019). The emergence of unregulated
markets, such as cryptocurrency exchanges, often
perceived as a “lawless territory”, where one can
perform activities which will be illegal anywhere else
(Félez-Viñas, 2022), has elevated that number even
higher (to the extent which is not always possible to
determine due to the diffused nature of
cryptocurrencies). Examples of such activities may
include black-market trading (Foley, 2019), money
laundering and terrorist financing (Fletcher, 2021),
insider trading (Fratrič, 2022), market manipulations
such as wash trading (Cong, 2020) and pump-and-
dump schemes (Kamps, 2018) or just improper
performance of obligations stemming from the sales
contract (Kumar, 2018).
According to Félez-Viñas (2022), insider trading
is estimated to occur in even 25% of listings at the
largest cryptocurrency exchange in the US -
Coinbase. Despite general lack of regulation of the
cryptocurrency market, US Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) already commenced the first
prosecution regarding insider trading on that market,
estimating the value of illegal profits for more than
$1.1 million in that case (Fratrič, 2022). Apart from
insider trading, one can also enumerate other types of
fraudulent activities contributing to the global
economic cost, such as market manipulation -
especially wash sales (Victor & Weintraud, 2021) and
pump and dump (Chen, 2019) are common practices
on cryptocurrencies market. Both are coordinated
actions to artificially increase the market price (or
mislead investors in a different manner) in the short
run, but in wash sales, both seller and buyer is the
same market actor (Hamrick, 2019; Li, 2018).
Besides monetary cost, there also exists significant
systemic risk to the financial sector and to the entire
economy associated with cryptocurrency volatility
(Fratrič, 2022). Initially serving as a medium of
exchange or a niche asset for a relatively small
number of market actors, now cryptocurrencies are
incorporated in more and more investment portfolios,
including big companies accepting payment by this
means (Robleh, 2014). Naturally, this kind of cost is
more difficult to measure directly and even estimate.
Risk modeling in portfolios has been approached in
recent studies by methods such as multi-objective
feature selection (Kou, 2021), clustering (Li, 2021)
and network analysis (Anagnostou, 2018).
Taking the above mentioned into account, there
exists a need to detect fraudulent activities in both
computationally effective and relatively fast way.
Traditionally, fraudulent activities on financial
markets were examined by the regulatory organ
Skorupka, A.
Detecting Anomalies on Cryptocurrency Markets Using Graph Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0012133900003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 504-509
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
manually in an individual (case by case) manner. This
approach requires gathering official documents,
transaction reports, interviewing witnesses and
therefore is time consuming (Dhanalakshmi, 2019).
As an example here may serve SEC investigation
With the advent of digitalisation and big data, as
well as developments in software and computing
power, machine learning techniques gained more
popularity for the purpose of detecting fraudulent
activities on financial markets (Kou, 2004; Nagi,
2011). In particular, neural networks and SVM
algorithms for outlier detection were used (Ogut,
2009), hidden Markov chains (Song, 2012), analysis
and Bayesian techniques regarding updating beliefs
(Holton, 2009). What is worth bearing in mind, not
all types of digital markets have text data just as
information markets, hence such methods will not be
always appropriate for analysis. Dhanalakshmi and
Subramanian (2014) proposed usage of the clustering
method, while Golmohammadi (2014) conducted an
in-depth survey using methods such as decision trees,
k-nearest neighbors analysis and Bayesian methods.
Nevertheless, usage of classical machine learning
techniques has been recently criticized in the
literature for not taking into account the complexity
of the structure of the financial market and
conducting analyses (Liu, 2019). For that purpose,
graph methods were proposed (Tamersoy, 2016;
Rayes and Mani, 2019). Although recent literature on
anomaly detection using graphs is developing at a fast
pace, it focuses mostly on anomalies in citation
networks, product networks (fake reviews), not
financial markets or social networks (Zhao, 2019;
Liu, 2021; Zhang, 2022; Wang, 2021).
On the other hand, fraud detection is a relatively
new topic in cryptocurrency research (Victor &
Weintraud, 2021; Chen, 2019) and most of research
focuses on simulating effects of fraudulent activities
using agent-based modeling (Luther, 2013; Bornhold,
2014; Cocco; 2017 and 2019, Pyromallis, 2018;
Zhou, 2017; Shibano, 2020; Bartolucci, 2020; Fratrič,
2022) or classical machine learning methods, as
Random Forests (Baek, 2019) or Support Vector
Machines (Sayadi, 2019).
The following paper aims to cover this gap focusing
on graph anomaly detection methods, as well as
mitigate another challenge often raised when
detecting anomalies using graph data: lack of
extensive dataset with included labels (ground truth).
For that reason, mostly unsupervised techniques were
developed (Zhao, 2019; Liu, 2021; Zhang, 2022;
Wang, 2021). These have significant drawbacks, i.e.
injecting synthetic fraudulent users according to the
definition of developed algorithm, as in Liu (2021).
In that way, authors ensure that their algorithm will
outperform others, as it was designed specifically for
that problem.
Classical anomaly detection algorithms were
based on the network characteristics, however
training models can be as good as data provided.
Cryptocurrencies networks do not gather as much
data about users as e.g. social networks. On the other
hand, graph data is relatively easy to obtain even in
case of sparsity of users’ characteristics, as long as the
network can be represented as a graph, which is the
case with cryptocurrency market: users are
represented by nodes, whereas transactions by edges.
First category of graph features relatively easy to
obtain is to compute nodes’ statistics, such as number
of neighbors (centrality) as well as a variety of
importance measures (centralities). These features
will be further referred to also as “graph features”. On
the other hand, state of the art in the literature is to use
embedding algorithms, which, using deep learning
techniques map nodes to the vector space. The idea
behind it is to keep similar nodes close to each other
in vector space. There are two ways of interpreting
similarity: being neighbors of each other (node or
classical embedding) and having an equivalent type
of neighborhood (structural embedding). It is a
common consensus in the literature that this type of
sophisticated, deep learning based algorithms is a
better predictor than simple node statistics. On the
other hand, graph embeddings are not always
computationally efficient, which is of a special
importance with the constant increase of users in
underlying graph networks representing markets and
social networks. Furthermore, embeddings require
careful choice of type of embedding as well as
embedding dimension.
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the
literature on anomaly detection on the cryptocurrency
market in order to detect fraudulent transactions in an
accurate and computationally efficient way.
Especially the latter is of a particular importance
given the ever-growing number of market actors and
transactions performed. The following research aims
to propose a computationally efficient graph
algorithm for anomaly detection based on node
statistics and to test hypotheses if the proposed
Detecting Anomalies on Cryptocurrency Markets Using Graph Algorithms
algorithm can outperform state-of-the-art approaches
based on graph embeddings.
The following research examines anomaly detection
algorithms on two datasets representing Bitcoin
transaction markets: Bitcoin OTC
and Bitcoin
. These networks can be represented as
directed graphs, with nodes denoting users and edges
denoting transactions between them. Weights of
edges are representing rating by a particular user,
which can happen only after a transaction and can
take values from -10 (full distrust) to 10 (full trust).
The ratings were rescaled between -1 and 1. Benign
users were determined in the following way: platform
founders, as well as users rated positively (at least 0.5
after rescaling) by them. Fraudulent users, also
referred to as anomalies, were considered as those
who were rated negatively (at most -0.5 after
rescaling) by a benign user group. Table 1 represents
statistics of both datasets.
Table 1: Statistics of Bitcoin datasets.
Bitcoin OTC Bitcoin Alpha
Number of nodes 5881 3783
Number of ed
es 35592 2418
e de
ree 12 13
Minimum de
ree 1 1
Maximum degree 1298 888
Number of
4 5
Size of the largest
5875 3775
Number of isolated
0 0
One advantage of these datasets is that the graph
represents the whole network, as sometimes it may be
hard to obtain one and therefore graph sampling
methods are used (Stella, 2019; Feng, 2021;
Dehghan, 2022). This procedure can negatively
influence accuracy of results. Another value Bitcoin
datasets are providing is the existence of dataset
labels based on objective criterion, rather than manual
annotation by human using expert knowledge (Stella,
2019; Feng, 2021), which is also a significant factor
able to influence model performance and possibility
of generalizations.
On the basis of two Bitcoin datasets the following
models detecting fraudulent users were built: one
group using embeddings and second one using node
statistics such as degree centrality, harmonic
centrality, pagerank, closeness and betweenness
centrality, as well as local clustering coefficient. For
the first group of models, following embeddings were
used - each with its own model: two classical
(node2vec and DeepWalk) and two structural (RolX
and Struc2vec). Following dimensions of
embeddings were used: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 in order
to determine the best performing dimension.
Furthermore, all embeddings having dimension
above 64 were additionally compressed using PCA
and UMAP algorithms in order to examine if noise
reduction can help in model performance, or, in case
of UMAP, taking non-linearity into account. In the
case of UMAP, three versions were prepared with
three different seeds to ensure that the algorithm is
Models for two dataset features were chosen using
AUC metrics among Random Forest, XGBoost and
Generalized Linear Model as well as two ensemble
models: one built on the top of all models and second
built on the top of best models of their own class using
AUC metrics. AutoML parameter tuning with 5-fold
cross-validation on the test dataset was used. Then,
the best model built on the top of embeddings was
compared with the best model built using nodes’
statistics using F-1 metrics.
All models were built using h2o and xgboost
python libraries. Results were presented in Tables 2
and 3. For brevity purposes, only ten best models
were shown.
There are following conclusions from the
comparison of anomaly detection graph algorithms:
first of all, nodes’ statistics perform almost as good as
the best model based on embeddings. In the case of
the Bitcoin Alpha dataset, h2o model based on nodes’
statistics achieved a 0.83 F-1 score compared to 0.86
in the case of h2o model based on Struc2vec with 32
dimensions. In the case of Bitcoin OTC, h2o model
built on the top of nodes’ statistics achieved 0.91 F-1
score outperforming h2o RolX of dimension 128,
compressed to 16 using PCA. That means that similar
results can be achieved by far less computational and
engineering time. The latter refers to the choice of
type of embedding, as well as its dimension. Each
machine learning task requires a specific choice of
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 2: Comparison of anomaly detection model performance on Bitcoin Alpha network.
Rank Embedding Library F1 Accuracy MCC Dimension Compression Original
1 struc2vec
h2o 0.857 0.833 0.679 32 no NA
2 nodes’
h2o 0.829 0.805 0.615 NA no NA
3 struc2vec
h2o 0.827 0.805 0.611 16 no NA
4 struc2vec
h2o 0.825 0.805 0.611 64 no NA
5 nodes’
xgboost 0.825 0.805 0.611 0 no NA
6 struc2vec
h2o 0.825 0.805 0.611 128 no NA
7 struc2vec
h2o 0.820 0.805 0.609 8 no NA
8 rolx (128) h2o 0.820 0.805 0.610 128 no NA
9 struc2vec
h2o 0.818 0.777 0.580 4 no NA
10 rolx
h2o 0.814 0.792 0.585 8 no NA
Table 3: Comparison of anomaly detection model performance on Bitcoin OTC network.
Rank Embedding Library F1 Accuracy MCC Dimension Compression Original
h2o 0.913 0.916 0.832 NA no NA
rolx (128 to
16), PCA
h2o 0.886 0.894 0.789 16 PCA 128
h2o 0.878 0.873 0.759 128 no NA
h2o 0.872 0.873 0.750 32 no NA
h2o 0.869 0.873 0.747 8 no NA
rolx (128 to
16), UMAP
h2o 0.860 0.863 0.728 16 UMAP 128
rolx (128 to
16), UMAP
h2o 0.860 0.863 0.728 16 UMAP 128
rolx (32 to
16), PCA
h2o 0.860 0.863 0.728 16 PCA 32
9 rolx
h2o 0.857 0.852 0.717 128 no NA
rolx (128 to
16), UMAP
h2o 0.857 0.863 0.726 16 UMAP 128
embeddings. Nevertheless, there is no specific
principles or rule of thumb how to choose it, so either
engineer choose embedding arbitrarily with a low
chance of outperforming nodes’ statistics algorithm,
either will they build number of embedding types in
different dimensional variants, which is very time
consuming, especially when size of graph is
Secondly, regarding types of embeddings,
structural embeddings are performing significantly
better than classical ones. There is not even one
classical embedding in top ten models in the case of
both Bitcoin Alpha and Bitcoin OTC. It is worth to
note that with the first dataset the advantage of
Struc2vec among others is prevalent, however it does
not happen with Bitcoin OTC, as we can see both
RolX and Struc2vec among top ten models. Another
Detecting Anomalies on Cryptocurrency Markets Using Graph Algorithms
Table 4: Comparison of the model performance of the best model of the given class embedding on the Bitcoin Alpha market.
Embedding Dimensi
F1 Accur
MCC Compression Original
struc2vec 32 h2o 0.857 0.833 0.679 no NA
nodes statistics NA h2o 0.829 0.806 0.615 no NA
rolx 128 h2o 0.821 0.806 0.610 no NA
node2vec 8 h2o 0.740 0.653 0.347 no NA
128 h2o 0.712 0.597 0.227 no NA
Table 5: Comparison of the model performance of the best model of the given class embedding on the Bitcoin OTC market.
Embedding Dimension Library F1 Accura
MCC Compression Original
NA h2o 0.913 0.916 0.832 no NA
16 from 128
h2o 0.886 0.895 0.789 PCA 128
struc2vec 128 h2o 0.878 0.874 0.760 no NA
16 from 64
h2o 0.804 0.780 0.613 UMAP 64
16 h2o 0.727 0.726 0.453 no NA
conclusion is that it is difficult to determine if
dimensionality reduction help, as in the case of
Bitcoin Alpha no compressed features found
themselves in the top ten models, whereas in the case
of Bitcoin OTC half of the best embedding models
were characterized by compression (both UMAP and
PCA). This means compression is task and dataset
specific and adds engineering overhead to the model
building. Tables 4 and 5 are presenting comparison of
the model performance of the best model in the case
of given class embedding, on the Bitcoin Alpha and
Bitcoin OTC markets respectively.
In this work, graph anomaly detection methods were
examined on the basis of cryptocurrency markets: two
over-the-counter Bitcoin markets, namely Bitcoin
OTC and Bitcoin Alpha. It was determined that
although state-of-the-art embeddings have strong
predictive power, they are often computationally
inefficient, especially in the case of large graphs.
Furthermore, they require case-by-case choice of type
of embedding, as well as its dimension. Sometimes
there is a need to determine if to use dimensionality
reduction techniques, which adds engineering
overhead and can be even more time consuming, as
the choice of the embedding can either be random or
informed after building a number of embeddings. On
the other hand, anomaly detection models based on
nodes’ statistics turned out to be almost as good as the
best model among embedding-based, while providing
simplicity and computational efficiency. Presenting
results on the two datasets show that results can be
generalized, however, there is a need to extend the
research on other datasets for further check of results
stability. Another interesting research direction in the
future is to build specific algorithms using nodes’
statistics, e.g. involving dimensionality reduction or
statistics for node neighbors.
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Detecting Anomalies on Cryptocurrency Markets Using Graph Algorithms