domain, the time factor plays a significant role in
determining user preferences. Therefore, reducing α
implies placing more importance on the time factor in
the process of computing user preference similarity.
Table 4: The average F1-score of each similarity measure
across both experimental datasets at the optimal parameters
(the size of the neighbor set 𝑘 is 50 and the liking threshold
𝛿 is personal). Underline methods are the top 3 best
Movielens Personality
MFPS 0.75949 0.76912 0.76431
RJ 0.75741 0.76562 0.76152
NHSM 0.76002 0.75510 0.75756
JPSS 0.75975 0.75246 0.75610
RJMSD 0.75797 0.75119 0.75458
JLMHUOD 0.75259 0.75415 0.75337
JUOD 0.75278 0.75372 0.75325
JACLMH 0.75452 0.75021 0.75237
TMJ 0.74888 0.74558 0.74723
CTJ 0.74847 0.74307 0.74577
SDC 0.74701 0.74070 0.74386
JAC 0.74717 0.73974 0.74346
RAJRPB 0.71652 0.69756 0.70704
RAJ 0.71420 0.69962 0.70691
MSD 0.59985 0.59398 0.59691
COR 0.52590 0.59984 0.56287
CPC 0.56375 0.43058 0.49716
COS 0.47280 0.42764 0.45022
Figure 10: F1-score with the influence coefficient of time
difference α from 10
to 10
In this paper, we have proposed a similarity measure
named MFPS using the Jaccard principle The
distinctive feature of MFPS is an effective
combination of four key factors in determining the
preference similarity between two users: rating
commodity, rating usefulness, rating details, and
rating time. We conducted experiments on two
datasets, Movielens 100K and personality-2018. The
experimental results showed that MFPS produced
better results than other methods in both datasets.
In reality, user preferences are expressed
through not only ratings but also reviews, user
actions, and item descriptions that they are interested
in. Therefore, in the future, we will aim to combine
these factors into MFPS to enhance its effectiveness.
However, incorporating too much information may
increase the computational cost of calculating user
similarity. Therefore, it is necessary to design an
efficient implementation approach for the proposed
similarity measure.
This research is funded by University of Science,
VNUHCM under grant number CNTT 2022-06.
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