Uncovering Flaws in Anti-Phishing Blacklists for Phishing Websites
Using Novel Cloaking Techniques
Wenhao Li
, Yon gqing He
, Zhimin Wang
, Saleh Mansor Alqahtani
and Priyadarsi Nanda
1 b
Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
Chengdu MeetSec Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu, China
Cloaking Techniques, Evasion Techniques, Phishing Blacklists, Anti-Phishing Entities, Phishing Websites.
The proliferation of phishing attacks pose substantial threats to global prosperity amidst the Fourth Indus-
trial Revolution. Given the burgeoning number of Internet users and devices, cyber criminals are harnessing
phishing toolkits and Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) platforms to spawn numerous fraudulent websites. In
retaliation, assorted detection mechanisms, with anti-phishing blacklists acting as a primary line of defense
against phishing sites, have been proposed. Yet, adversaries have contrived cloaking techniques to dodge
this detection method. T his study endeavors to unearth the shortcomings of prevailing blacklists and thereby
bolster the efficacy of detection strategies for Anti-Phishing Entities (APEs). This paper presents an exhaus-
tive analysis of innovat ive and practicable attacks on current anti- phishing blacklists, unmasking potential
weaknesses in these protection mechanisms hitherto unexplored in prior research. Additionally, we divulge
potential loopholes exploitable by attackers and appraise their effectiveness against popular browser blacklists.
Phishing, a prevalent form of cybercrime lever-
aging social engineering, manipulates vic-
tims’ trust to purloin funds or sensitive data
(Pujara and Chaudhari, 2018). Recent years have
witnessed a threefold surge in the incidence of these
attacks (APWG, 2022). As projected by Cyber-
crime Magazine, the global cost of cybercrime is
set to reach $10.5 trillion by 2025 (Freeze, 2018),
manifesting cybercrime as a significant threat to
prosperity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
(World Economic Forum, 2020). Perpetrator s ex-
ecute phishing attacks via diverse channels such
as social media, email, and text messagin g, often
deploying frau dulent websites mimicking legitimate
ones (Gupta et al., 2016). A striking escalation is
evident in the quantity of distinct phishing websites
identified—316,747 in D e cember 2021, up from
a mere 60,926 in December 2017 (APWG, 2017;
APWG, 2022). This trend owes to the expanding
Internet user base and the proliferation of connected
devices, o ffering an ap pealing landscape for crim-
inal activity. Additionally, the advent of phishing
toolkits and PhaaS platforms enable the creation
of numerous phishing websites a t a reduced cost,
requirin g minimal coding expertise (Han et al., 2016;
Alabdan, 2020). Numerous approaches have b een
developed to detect phishing websites, including
blacklist/whitelist-based, visual similarity-based,
heuristic-based, machine learning-based, and deep
learning-based detection (Al-Ahma di et al., 2 022).
These methods function independently or f orm part
of the mechanisms integrated into the anti-phishing
ecosystem, where br owsers w ie ld significant in-
fluence via black lists—access contro l mechanisms
that issue warnings for identified phishing web sites
(Bell and Komisarczuk, 2020). Var ious browsers
rely on distinct feed sources for their blacklists. For
instance, Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox utilize
the Go ogle Safe Browsing (GSB) blacklist, Edge
deploys Microsoft SmartScreen’s (MS SmartScree n)
blacklist, while other browsers may source blacklists
from a combination o f APEs. Despite serving as
critical first-line defenses against phishing web-
sites (O est et al., 2019), these blacklists operate as
Blackbox, employing security crawlers to automate
detection. However, the intrinsic divergence of this
detection method from no rmal user requests has
spurred the development of evasion techniques,
Li, W., He, Y., Wang, Z., Alqahtani, S. and Nanda, P.
Uncovering Flaws in Anti-Phishing Blacklists for Phishing Websites Using Novel Cloaking Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0012135600003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 813-821
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
allowing phishing websites to evade de te ction and
continue luring unsuspecting users. Consequently,
an analysis of the potential shortcomings in curr ent
blacklists can enhance the effectiveness of APEs’
detection strategies and better shield users from
phishing attacks.
In this paper, we explore innovative and practi-
cal attacks against current anti-phishing blacklists to
shed light on an d rectify potential weaknesses in ex-
isting protective mechan isms. We propose and scru-
tinize advanced clo a king techniques hitherto over-
looked, uncovering significant potential deficiencies
in APEs that may be exploited by attackers. T he main
contributions of this paper include:
Comprehe nsive investigation of curre nt cloaking
techniques used by phishing websites, suggest-
ing potential improvements for APEs from an at-
tacker’s perspective.
Proposition and exploration of novel cloaking
techniques aimed at dete cting APEs. We c onduct
preliminar y experiments to under stand APE re-
sponses to our techniques, thereby revealing sev-
eral uncovered flaws in popular APE s such as
GSB, MS SmartScreen, APWG, and ESET.
Presentation of a scheme and design of a frame-
work, supplemented by an experiment evaluat-
ing our clo aking techniq ues against current anti-
phishing blacklists, highlighting potential threats
to Internet users.
Understanding the prevalent cloaking techniques
against anti-phishing blacklists a nd potential strate-
gies, attackers might exploit to avoid APE detection
is crucial. Earlier studies have ca tegorized the cloak-
ing techniques emp loyed by phishing sites as: server-
side cloaking, client-side cloaking, and fingerprinting.
These schemes are implementatio n specific and sub-
divide these categories further into User Interaction,
Fingerprinting, and Bo t behavior ( Zhang et al., 2021).
In this p aper, we f ocus on server-side and client-side
cloaking techniques, bot behavior, and fingerp rinting
as client-side te chniques encompass user interac tion
Server-side cloak ing leverages attributes of HTTP
Requests such as Hostnam e, Referrer, User Agent,
Cookie, and client IP addresses. These attributes al-
low phishers to disting uish between requests from
known anti-phishing entities or security crawlers and
genuine user reque sts. Phishers utilize these attributes
to gain addition a l info rmation about users, enab ling
them to filter or redirect requests server-side to
evade detection (Oest et al., 2018; Oest et al., 2019;
Oest et al., 2020a).
Client-side cloaking entails JavaScript code to
verify user in te raction where verification methods in-
clude sending pop-up alerts, trackin g mouse behavior,
employing reCAPTCHA, or requ iring session initi-
ation or apply obfuscation methods, thereby thwart-
ing static code analysis by APEs. Such methods
aid in filtering out APE detections and luring gen-
uine users (Maroofi et al., 2020; Oest et al., 2020b;
Zhang et al., 2021).
Bot behavior identification metrics encompass
timing and randomization (Zhang et al., 2021).
Phishers may dela y the display of malicious content,
leveraging the fact that bots or human inspec-
tors may not stay on the page long enough for
the content to load. Similarly, discrepancies in
JavaScript execution times c a n indicate bot activity
(Acharya and Vadrevu, 2021). Randomization tech-
niques, like employing a random numb er generator to
determine content display, can further evade detection
by APEs (Zhang et al., 2021).
Basic fingerprinting techniques utilize HTTP re-
quests a nd JavaScript to extract parameters like
User Agent, Referrer, and Cookie, enabling phish-
ers to identify APEs. Advanced fingerprinting tech-
niques deploy web APIs such as Canvas and We-
bGL to collect unique client fingerprints. These
sophisticated methods facilitate m ore precise iden-
tification, enhanc ing phishers’ evasion capabilities
(Acharya and Vadrevu, 2021).
Our research identified two principal stra tegies
employed to elude detection by APEs: identifica-
tion of authentic human users and discer nment of
APEs. In order to comprehend state-o f-the-art cloak-
ing methodologies employed by contemporary phish-
ing sites, we examined multiple PhaaS providers’
sites to investigate their functionalities and poten-
tial evasion capabilities. Our observations revealed
the application of a new function, Virtual Ma-
chine Detection, which potentially aids in evasion.
Phishing sites use numerous features to detect vir-
tual machines, including CPU c ore count, memory
size, WebGL renderer and User Agent information,
Webdriver, the quantity of installed browser plugins,
and language information sourced from WebGL or
JavaScript. We questioned whether this inform ation
could effectively identify APEs. Moreover, we delved
into potential browser and protocol level features that
could enable p recise fingerprinting or assist in APE
identification. Recent privacy resear ch highlighte d
two significant trac king techniques: Cache-based
tracking and the use of Accept-CH headers in HTTP
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
requests (Ali et al., 2023). We questioned if these
tracking techniques could offer additional avenues
for phish ing sites to identify APEs. Subsequently,
we conducted experiments to assess their potential
in evading anti-phishing detectio n and evaluated the
efficacy of these innovative techniqu es against anti-
phishing blacklists.
In our investigation, we introduce three novel tech -
niques and execute three sets of p reliminary experi-
ments to compreh e nd the resp onses of APEs to our
methods. To evaluate this, we select security crawlers
like GSB and MS SmartScreen, which supply black-
list feeds to prevalent browsers including Chrome,
Safari, Fire fox, and Edge, owing to their extensive
user base. We also inc orpora te two critical security
crawlers, APWG and ESET, given their importance in
the anti-phishing ecosystem. PhishTank is excluded
as it is no longer accepting registrations. The aim of
these preliminar y experim e nts is to evaluate the feasi-
bility of usin g the proposed technique s to elude APE
detection, an d expose the potential threats these secu-
rity crawlers present to APEs.
3.1 Virtual Machine Detection
3.1.1 Background
Virtual machine detection, frequently utilized by ran-
somware, trojans, and other malicious software to
differentiate user environments, is a growing con-
cern in the cybersecurity domain. Such software
discerns whether it’s operating within a virtual en-
vironm ent, thus allowing it to modify its behavior,
evade detection , and target real users. Phishing web-
sites now exploit this strategy, gathering environmen-
tal fingerprints to identify virtual machines. They
leverage Web APIs like WebGL and Canvas, as we ll
as JavaScript Objects, to collect visitor-specific data
such as scre en rendering details and color depth. Dark
web PhaaS providers have repor te dly integrated vir-
tual machine detection tools into their services, en-
abling them to filter genuine users. As indicated by
(Lin et al., 2022), numer ous active phishing websites
are emp loying these techniques to h arvest browser
fingerpr int data—an increasingly prevalent practice.
This harvested data enables attackers to circumvent
Two Factor Authentica tion (2FA) and misuse stolen
credentials. Our initial experiment aime d to investi-
gate if techniques related to virtual machine dete c tion
could assist phishers in distinguishing between nor-
mal user requests and security crawlers, thereby po-
tentially evading detection strategies of APEs.
3.1.2 Experimental Set Up
In our survey of existing browser-side virtual machine
detection techniques and prevalent user device inf or-
mation, we selected features such as me mory size,
CPU core count, screen color depth/wid th/height,
User-Agent h e aders, and WebG L-extracted data for
virtual machine detection and subsequent featu re
dataset creation. Figure 1 pr e sents an overview
of the design a spects in our experiment. Initially,
we integrated JavaScript code that gathered feature
informa tion in to our experimental website pages.
These sites were d e ployed on cloud servers and
classified into four gr oups. The URLs of each
group were then individually submitted to GSB, MS
SmartScreen, APWG, and ESET, which a re four
promin ent APE s, to prompt anti-phishin g crawler re-
quests. The JavaScript code executed in APEs’ se-
curity c rawler browsers or during manual inspection,
amassing p ertinent data and re turning it to the expe r-
imental website servers to lo g featur es match ing our
dataset. The backend of these sites processed the data
for storage in a database. Up on data collection com-
pletion, we analyzed these records and the a dditional
database-store d data to evaluate the feasibility of us-
ing browser-side virtual machine detection techniques
to evade detection from APEs.
Return selected Features
Security Crawlers/Bots
visit the Webpage
Save experimental Data
Selected Features
Screen Width
Screen Height
Memory Size
WebGL Info
Report URLs
Deploy Websites
Data Analysis
Figure 1: The Experiment Design of Virtual Machine De-
3.1.3 Observed Results
GSB. Our experiment reveals distinct differences be-
tween the characteristics of GSB’s crawler and those
of typical users, particularly in memory size, num-
ber of browser plugins installed, and screen dimen-
sions. The se findings suggest that virtual machine
detection te c hniques could potentially bypass GSB’s
existing phishing dete ction mechanism. Analysis of
the crawler’s feature data sent to the server, upon re-
moving d uplicates, showed few unique values in the
Renderer feature acquired through WebG L. Notably,
Uncovering Flaws in Anti-Phishing Blacklists for Phishing Websites Using Novel Cloaking Techniques
we observed consistent Renderer information from
crawlers across geographically dispe rsed p hishing
website servers. This concurs with previous findings
on utilizing WebGL to generate hidden images and
compute ima ge hashes (Acharya an d Vadrevu, 2021),
albeit our dire ct method of acquiring renderer infor-
mation via WebGL differs from their schemes.
MS SmartScreen. MS SmartScreen exhib ited sim-
ilar traits to GSB, with clear differences in memory
size, screen dimensions, and WebGL-derived Ren-
derer features c ompared to typical user profiles.
APWG. Crawlers from APWG displayed signifi-
cant variations in screen dimensions, number of
browser plugins, and WebGL-obtained Renderer fea-
tures, compared to an o rdinary user. After removing
duplicates, we noted a paucity of unique renderer in -
formation from APWG as well.
ESET. We observed substantial disparities in the
number of CPU c ores, memory size, User-Agent
headers, number of browser plugins, and Renderer
features obtained via WebGL between ESET and or-
dinary users. ESET also demonstrated a less numbe r
of unique renderer values.
3.2 Cache-based Mechanism
3.2.1 Background
Web cache mechanisms aim to alleviate server re-
quest loads, diminish bandwidth utilization, and en-
hance system perform ance. Prominent w e b caching
technologies encompass database cache, CDN cache,
DNS cache, proxy server cache, and browser cache.
The latter involves a browser storing resources ob-
tained fro m HTTP re quests locally, ena bling direct
access to webpages via cache during subsequent vis-
its and precluding repeated server requests. Typically,
browser caching strategies, implemented via HTTP
header settings, consist of local cache and negoti-
ated cache. The form er relies on resource expira tion
time parameters (i.e. , "expires" and "cache-control"),
while the latter hing es on resource modification status
(i.e., "last-modified," "If-modified-since," "Etag ," and
"If-None-Match"). Both strategies result in client-
side, rather than server-side, resou rce loading. Essen-
tially, when a browser accesses a resource, if the lo-
cal cache matc hes, c a ched content is used; otherwise,
a server re quest verifies a negotiated c ache matc h.
Consequently, we suggested a technique to deter-
mine identity ba sed on security crawler access behav-
ior, and conducted preliminary experiments to assess
whether APEs demonstrate cache behavior consis-
tent with regular browser users when visiting phishing
3.2.2 Experimental Set UP
For this experiment, we constructed a webpage (route:
/index) that incorporated an image (route: /img. jpg),
with the image’s HTTP response header featurin g a
Cache-Control header (max-age=86400), mandating
a 24-ho ur browser cache. To enforce this caching be-
havior, we designed a redirection that compelled mul-
tiple visits to ou r webpage. Clients w e re redirected
to the index page, with varying parameters conveyed
in the URL via the HTML Meta tag, and redirection
was capped at three instances. Consequently, under
default cache strategies employed by Chrome, Fire-
fox, Edge, and Safari, clients would initiate th e fol-
lowing request sequence: /index->/img.jpg (Cached) -
>/index?A->/index?B->/index?C, where, A, B, and C
represent query strings in the URL.
Our experimental websites were deployed on a
cloud server and the URLs were categorized into four
groups, each submitted separately to the four major
APEs: GSB, MS SmartScreen , APWG, and ESET.
The backend of these websites recorded each request
for /index and /img.jp g. During post data collec-
tions, we analyzed requ e sts with URL query strings
named NULL, A, B, and C, along with /img.jpg re-
quests, treating the m as one group. By assessing the
number of /img.jpg requests within this group, we
could gauge the likelihood o f using a browser caching
mechanism to evade detection from APEs.
Impor tantly, we observed during our experiment
that some APEs tended to shift IPs upon redirec-
tion, hindering ou r ability to trace re directions and
tally accesses initiated by a single security crawler.
We thus updated our method with a unique design
(Figure 2) to track specific security crawler reque sts
using a sequence RequestGroupID: [RandomID-1,
RandomID-2, ..., RandomID-N]. Initially, the first Re-
questGrou pID and associated Random ID are g e ner-
ated and the server responds with the RandomID ,
which is subsequently used a s the URLs query string
for the next redirection. Each client visit to the in-
dex pag e generate s a new RandomID related to the
RequestGroupID until the preset re direction limit is
reached. The initial RandomID is used as the URL pa-
rameter for all subsequent image requests, enabling us
to c ount the number of image file reque sts containing
the same RandomID under the same RequestGroupID
in the URL.
3.2.3 Observed Results
GSB. Our experiment revealed that GSB’s anti-
phishing crawlers exhibit d istinc t behaviours when
accessing static website resour ces compared to reg-
ular user browsers, initiating new re quests for re-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
/index page loads an
image with cache policy
/index<img src="img.jpg?RandomID-1">
Cache-Control: max-age=86400
Initial Request
/index?RandomID-N<img src="img.jpg?RandomID-1">
Cache-Control: max-age=86400
N th Request
Redirect to /index?RandomID-1, 2, 3, 4...
Cache-Control: max-age=86400
Report URLs
Deploy Websites
Data Analysis
Save experimental Data
Count the Number of Requests to
Figure 2: The Experiment Design of Cache-based Mecha-
sources that should have been cached. Hence, cache
mechanisms might effectively identify GSB crawlers
and could potentially by pass the current GSB phish-
ing detection process.
MS SmartScreen. The experiment data suggest that
MS SmartScreen crawlers’ be haviour towards cached
resources is identical to tha t of regular user s, imply -
ing cache mechanisms cannot identify these crawlers.
APWG. In this experiment, APWG demon-
strated adherence to cac he policies on some occa-
sions—requesting /img.jpg only once upon the ini-
tial visit and n ot on subsequent redirected requests.
However, instances of non-adherence—requesting
/img.jpg multiple tim es within the same requ e st
set—were also o bserved. APWG’s a nti-phishing
crawlers exhibited varied behaviours, leading to the
discovery of some issues:
In some of APWG’s request data, we fou nd that
APWG’s anti-phishing crawlers could not effec-
tively execute all redirect requests, sometimes
failing to execute the third redirect, eith er only re-
questing the /index page without para meters, or
only executing the /index?A page after the first
redirect, or at most requesting the /index?B page
after the second redirect, which is also signifi-
cantly different from the behavior of normal users.
APWG’s crawlers invariably disregarded page re-
fresh delay times set in HTML, executing all redi-
rects to the /index page and /img.jpg requests far
quicker than the specified refresh time.
ESET. Similar to APWG, ESE T showed partial com-
pliance with browser cache policies during the exper-
iment. Notably, the behaviours of their anti-phishing
crawlers also exposed the same issues as APWG:
In all of ESET’s request data, we found that
ESET’s anti-phishing crawlers c ould n ot effec-
tively execute all redirect requ e sts, these anti-
phishing crawlers always failed to execute the
third redirect, either only requ esting the /index
page without parameters, or only executing the
/index?A page after the first redirect, or at most re-
questing the /index?B page after the second redi-
rect, which is also significantly different from the
behavior of normal users.
Like APWG’s crawlers, ESET’s ignored HTML -
set page refresh delays, executing all possible
redirect /index page and /img.jpg requests much
faster than the allotted refresh time.
Therefore, we postulate that cache mechanisms
can partially identify anti-phishing crawlers from
APWG and ESET. This experiment also unveiled ad-
ditional abnormal behaviours by APWG and ESET
when visiting phishing websites, potentially ex-
ploitable alongside cache mechanisms.
3.3 Client Hints in HTTP Header
3.3.1 Background
The use of Client Hints in th e HTTP header, akin
to browser cache, is a technique employed to opti-
mize perfo rmance and enhance user exper ience. This
method allows clients to actively convey certain char-
acteristics to the server, such as device type, operating
system, and network information. Consequently, the
server can deliver personalized content based on these
characteristics, fostering improved browsing experi-
ences. Upon a user’s webpage visit, the server can
issue an Accept- CH request to the browser, soliciting
Client Hints. The client reciprocates by r eturning the
requested data in the HTTP header. Notwithstanding
the fact that Accept-CH lacks universal browser com -
patibility, it is sup ported by major desktop browsers,
including Chrome, Edge, and Opera. Interestingly, re-
cent cybersecurity and privacy research su ggests po-
tential user tracking v ia this vector (Ali et al., 2023).
Thus, we conducted a preliminary experiment to a s-
certain whether the Client Hints returned by security
crawlers differ fro m those of regular users, there by
exploring the feasibility of identifying APEs using
Client Hints.
3.3.2 Experimental Set Up
Figure 3 depicts the design of this experiment,
wherein we crafted a single-page website featuring
an image. When /in dex was acc essed from a reg-
ular user’s browser, it would automatically solicit
/img.jpg. The resp onse returned encompassed the
Accept-CH direc tive, incorporating all hints that the
server sought. Desktop browsers co mpatible with
Accept-CH appended some or all of the listed client
hint headers in sub sequent requests. We launched
these websites on a cloud server, categorizing the
URLs into f our groups for submission to the four key
APEs: GSB, MS SmartScreen , APWG, and ESET.
Uncovering Flaws in Anti-Phishing Blacklists for Phishing Websites Using Novel Cloaking Techniques
The backend of these websites logged all ac quired
data, including HTTP headers. Following data col-
lection, we scrutinized the HTTP headers in requests
related to the Client Hints we outlined in Accept-CH
and contrasted these with data fr om real user browsers
supporting Client Hints. This facilitated an assess-
ment of the potential for utilizing Client Hints in re-
quest hea ders to evade detection by security crawlers.
responds with Accept-CH
and loads img.jpg
Report URLs
Deploy Websites
Data Analysis
Save experimental Data
Analyze HTTP Headers
GET /img.jpg HTTP/1.1
Host: exmaple.com
Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform: "Windows"
Downlink: 9.8
Figure 3: The Experiment Design of Client Hints.
3.3.3 Observed Results
GSB. Our exper iment reveals that GSB’s anti-
phishing crawlers fully support Accept-CH in relation
to browser type and versio n. However, the se crawlers
inconsistently adhere to the Accept-CH directive, of-
ten n eglecting to incorporate all spec ified Client Hints
in subsequ e nt requests. A noticeable omission is all
User Agent Client Hints (UA-CH) beginning with
Sec-CH-UA. This discrepancy results in a near 50%
reduction in Client Hints in the HTTP request headers
compare d to norma l users u nder identical Accept-CH
specifications. This significa nt difference suggests
that Client Hints could serve as an effective identi-
fier for GSB, potentially offering a method to by pass
current phishing detection mec hanisms.
MS SmartScreen. The performance of MS
SmartScreen’s anti-phishing crawlers clo sely mirrors
that of n ormal users in terms of Client Hints’ content
and items in HTTP req uest headers. Consequently, it
is not possible to distinguish MS SmartScre en based
solely on Client Hints.
APWG. A majority of APWG’s anti- phishing
crawlers sup port Client Hints, with a mere 2% of re-
quests originating from unsupported browsers. The
complianc e of th ese crawlers with Accept-CH closely
aligns with that of GSB, primarily ignoring UA-CH
headers beginning with Sec-CH-UA. Interestingly, a
subset of APWG’s crawlers return NULL values for
these headers, differing from typical user behavior.
This information suggests that Client Hints can serve
as an effective identifier for APWG, p otentially offer-
ing a method to bypass its current phish ing detection
ESET. Our study of ESET reveals a diverse array of
clients with varying degrees of Client Hints support.
Approximately 10% of these clients exhibit beh av-
ior consistent with typical users in th eir adherence to
Accept-CH. The remaining majority disp la y behavior
similar to GSB or APWG, either ignoring Sec-CH-
UA starting UA-CH headers or returning NULL val-
ues. This suggests that Clien t Hints can be effectively
used to identify ESET crawlers, providing a poten-
tial method to bypass their existing phishing dete ction
3.4 Summary
Upon conducting preliminary investigations into Vir-
tual Machine Detection, Cache-based Mechanisms,
and the use of Client Hints from HTTP requests, we
posit that these me thods offer innovative avenues for
APE identification and evasion, to varying degrees.
This analysis also uncovers the potential vulnerabili-
ties these four APEs might enc ounter. Here, we enu-
merate the primary risks:
GSB crawlers clearly indicate virtualization tech-
nology usage. Throug h the use of Web APIs and
JavaScript code, po te ntial attackers may identify
specific browser a nd device features, thereby dis-
tinguishing GSB crawlers and evading GSB de-
tection. The range of Renderers obtained via We-
bGL for GSB crawlers is significantly limited,
permitting attackers to acquire this information,
construct a feature dataset, a nd subsequently iden-
tify GSB crawlers. Lastly, GSB crawlers do not
adhere to browser caching policies and do not
fully adher e to the Accept-CH directive of Client
Hints when visiting websites. The se distinctive
behaviors could be exploited by attackers to filter
GSB requests and dodge detection.
MS SmartScreen crawlers display user-like be-
havior when visiting phish ing websites, posing
challenges for identification and evasion through
the cache-based mechanism or Client Hints. De-
spite this, M S SmartScreen does reveal limita-
tions in handling virtualization feature detection
and Renderer diversity. These shortcoming s pro-
vide potential avenues for detectio n evasion.
APWG crawlers em ulate real-user behaviors
when accessing phishing websites, in cluding par-
tial adherence to browser cache behaviors. This
similarity confers a degree of resistance to cache-
based mechanisms. However, APWG’s defense
against virtual machine detection and the use
of Client Hints is inadequate. Additionally, its
handling of web page redirection and d elayed
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
page refresh diverges from typical user behav-
ior. These disparities allow attackers to identify
APWG crawlers and evade detection by employ-
ing multiple redirec ts or delayed webp age load-
ESET has a more obvious use of virtualization
technology, with similar resilience as APWG in
virtual machine detection techniques and use of
Client Hin ts in HTTP requests. I t also has incon-
sistent behaviors in resourc e consumption activi-
ties (redirection and delay e d pa ge refresh) com -
pared to the behavior of real user. Attackers can
exploit these flaws to evade detection from ESET.
Table 1 presents a comparative analysis of the
effectiveness of three potential cloaking techniques
against APEs. To further evaluate these methods
against anti-phishing blacklists and to assess their po-
tential risks to Internet users, we have designed an
additional experimen t to observe the real blacklisting
behavior of mainstrea m browsers against these tech-
Table 1: The comparison of effectiveness of potential cloaks
against APEs
MS SmartScreen
Virtual Machine Detection
Cache-based Mechanism
Client Hints
Potential Cloaks
-> More effective -> Less effective × -> Not effective
1. Configure the Phishing
Website Per Experiment
2. Deploy the Phishing
Websites on the Cloud
3. Configure Domains for
Phishing Websites
4. Report the URLs of
Phishing Websites to APEs
5. Monitor Blacklisting on
our designed Platform
6. Disable the Websites &
Analyze the Data
Figure 4: The overview process of the experiment.
Figure 4 offers an overview of our experim ental pro-
cedure. Initially, we developed co rresponding simu-
lated phishing web sites incorporating the aforemen-
tioned techniques. 2 0 such web sites including three
experimental groups and one control were deployed
on the cloud, featuring independent domain names
and uniqu e random paths to circumvent any effects
of unrelate d internet scanning or accidental c rawling.
Given that no primary browsers publicly acknowl-
edge the use of APWG and ESET for their blacklist
data, we focused on GSB and MS SmartScree n whose
blacklists extend to do minant browsers such as Safari,
Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. This allowed our results
to reflect the broa d impact of cloakin g techn iques on
internet users.
Subsequently, we scrutinized the blacklisting be-
havior on Windows desktop b rowsers and macOS
platforms over a 72-hour period. In line with past
research citing an average phishing website lif e span
of around 21 hours (Oest et al., 2020a), we deemed
this timeframe sufficient. Post monitoring, we dis-
continued these simulate d websites and analysed the
obtained data.
To automate o ur process, we engineere d a sys-
tem that chiefly embraces a BS/CS hybrid architec-
ture, f eaturing five modules: Control Nod e, Monitor-
ing Node, Task Manager, Clo ud Server Manager, and
Visualized Management Platform (illustrated in Fig-
ure 5). This system enables automated deployment of
simulated phishing websites, scheduled monitoring of
blacklisting behavior, and data visualization. Operat-
ing in a distributed fashion, it offers scalability, flexi-
bility, and a utomated data and resource adjustment.
OCR Module
Cloud Server
Monitoring Node
Task Manager
Visualized Management Platform
Cloud Server
Control Node
Node control
Open Friefox...
Close Firefox...
Simulated Phishing Websites
Data Analysis
Cloud Server Manager
Figure 5: The modules and workflow of proposed system.
We conducted an experiment encompassing three ex-
perimental and one contr ol group to evaluate the ef-
ficacy of three poten tial cloaking techniques against
anti-phishing blacklists: virtual machine detection,
the cache-based mechanism, and the application of
Client Hints in HTTP headers. Each experimental
group utilized one technique to simulate five identi-
cal phishing web sites.
Experiment A Baseline: The websites in Exper-
iment A imitated Facebook’s login page without any
cloaking techniques. This group served as a blacklist-
ing effectiveness baseline in comp arison to the other
groups that utilized cloaking tech niques.
Experiment B Virtual Machine Detectio n: This
experiment’s web sites used virtual machine d etec-
tion techniques. Leveraging the limited diversity o f
Uncovering Flaws in Anti-Phishing Blacklists for Phishing Websites Using Novel Cloaking Techniques
the WebGL Renderer noted in the prelimina ry ex-
periment, we processed previously collected WebGL
Renderer data to compile a feature dataset. These
features, along with other detection features from
the dataset, wer e integrated into the phishing web-
site using the GoFrame framework. The backend re-
ceived various data from crawlers through frontend
JavaScript code and compared these fea tures with the
dataset. Requests initially landing on a benign page
were classified based o n their match with the data set,
and according ly, directed to either a benign or phish-
ing webpage.
Experiment C Cache-based Mech anism: This
groups websites employed a Cache-based Mecha-
nism. Based on crawler beh avior observed in th e pre-
liminary experiment, we implemented two redirects
on the we bsites with an imag e on the pag e. Similar
to the preliminary experiment m ethod, we identified
requests initiated by the same crawler and logged th e
image request frequency on the backend. After an ini-
tial landing on a benign webpage, the image request
count determine d the subsequent re direction, either to
a benign or phishing webpage.
Experiment D Utilization of Client Hints: Based
on preliminary experiment data, we developed a set
of rules for Client Hints in HTTP headers and im-
plemented them in the backend of all Experiment D
websites. Clients initially accessed a benign landing
page, receiving a server response with Accept-CH,
specifying required client hints for the HTTP headers.
If no match was found with our rules set, the client
was redirected to a phishing webpage . Conversely, a
match identified the client as a security crawler, redi-
recting it to a benign webpage to avoid detection.
For 72 hours, our monitoring platfor m observed six
desktop browsers, each acc essing five URLs per ex-
periment, culminatin g in a total of 30 monitored
URLs per experiment. Figure 6 r eveals that all phish-
ing websites from Experiment A were blacklisted
within 12 hours by Chrome and Firefox on Windows,
and by Chrom e, Firefo x, and Safari on ma c O S. In
contrast, three websites from Experiment A re mained
unblack listed by Edg e o n Windows at the end of our
observation period. Remarkably, the simulated phish-
ing websites in Experiments B and D, employing vir-
tual machine detectio n techniques and HTTP Client
Hints headers respectively, evaded blacklisting by all
browsers th roughout the experiment. As depicted in
Figure 7, only th ree websites from Experiment C, uti-
lizing a cache -based mechanism, were blacklisted by
Edge on Windows after 7 to 7.5 h ours; all others re-
mained unblacklisted.
Figure 6: Number of blacklisted websites in all browsers of
test over the submission ti me.
Figure 7: Number of blacklisted websites in all browsers of
Cache-based Mechanism over the submission time.
Our findings suggest that b oth virtual machine
detection techniques an d the use of Client Hints
in HTTP headers can effectively evade detection
from G SB and MS SmartScreen crawlers, thereby
avoiding blacklisting and potentially exposing Inter-
net users to risk. Similarly, the cache-based mech-
anism de monstrated substantial evasion capabilities
against GSB crawlers and to a lesser extent against
MS SmartScreen, posing potential risks to users.
Anti-phishing blacklists constitute a critical mecha-
nism for safeguarding Internet users from phishing
websites and are extensively integrated into a multi-
tude of browsers. This paper explores c ontemporary
cloaking techn iques deployed by phishing websites,
shedding light on vu lnerabilities and potential hazards
inherent in current anti-phishing blacklists. We pro-
pose three novel cloaking strategies that have adeptly
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
circumvented detection from mainstream APEs and
assess their efficacy using a bespoke framework. This
paper a lso underlines poten tial strategies for bypass-
ing APE detection. Future studies could further delve
into these avenues, investigating real-world ap plica-
tion of these cloaking techniques or conducting large-
scale evaluations of these methodologies.
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Uncovering Flaws in Anti-Phishing Blacklists for Phishing Websites Using Novel Cloaking Techniques