Decision Support System for Corporate Reputation Based Social
Media Listening Using a Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis Engine
R. E. Loke
and S. Pathak
Centre for Market Insights, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Keywords: Consumer Reviews, Decision Support System, Social Media Channels, Opinion Mining, Social Media
Listening, Sentiment Analysis Engine.
Abstract: This paper presents a Decision Support System (DSS) that helps companies with corporate reputation (CR)
estimates of their respective brands by collecting provided feedbacks on their products and services and
deriving state-of-the-art key performance indicators. A Sentiment Analysis Engine (SAE) is at the core of the
proposed DSS that enables to monitor, estimate, and classify clients' sentiments in terms of polarity, as
expressed in public comments on social media (SM) company channels. The SAE is built on machine learning
(ML) text classification models that are cross-source trained and validated with real data streams from a
platform like Trustpilot that specializes in user reviews and tested on unseen comments gathered from a
collection of public company pages and channels on a social networking platform like Facebook. Such cross-
source opinion analysis remains a challenge and is highly relevant in the disciplines of research and
engineering in which a sentiment classifier for an unlabeled destination domain is assisted by a tagged source
task (Singh and Jaiswal, 2022). The best performance in terms of F1 score was obtained with a multinomial
naive Bayes model: 0,87 for validation and 0,74 for testing.
Decision Support Systems (DSSs) is the area of
information systems (IS) that focuses on assisting and
improving managerial decision making. A DSS is an
information system that assists a company in making
decisions that need judgment, determination, and a
sequence of tasks. The information system aids an
organization's mid- and high-level management by
processing large amounts of unstructured data and
accumulating information that can help in issue
solving and decision making. A DSS can be human-
powered, automated, or a hybrid of the two. A DSS
supports rather than replaces decision makers. It
addresses problems involving varying degrees of
structured, nonstructured (unstructured or ill-
structured), and semi-structured tasks, and prioritizes
effectiveness over efficiency of decision processes
(Eom and Kim, 2006). To be more specific, a DSS is
an interactive computer-based information system
that is designed to support solutions on decision
problems. Distinguished from traditional
management information systems, a DSS is decision
focussed, user initiated and controlled, and combines
the use of models and analytical techniques with
traditional data access and retrieval functions (Liu et
al., 2010).
We propose a DSS for social media (SM) listening
in the approach of (Ducange et al., 2019) that allows
businesses to use the rich insights shared over SM to
generate effective, long-term business plans that
comply to their digital marketing initiatives.
Commercial entities can utilize the suggested system
to monitor user comments posted on public SM
accounts. At the system's core is a Sentiment Analysis
Engine (SAE) that analyses texts retrieved from
various sources of data, specifically from a set of
pages and channels on a SM platform with the goal to
detect polarity in opinions. A DSS helps businesses
analyse their SM streams, evaluates on the success of
marketing initiatives, is promptly notified of any
unexpected changes, and responds properly to any
unfavourable events or trends. Even though DSS has
several important functionalities (Ducange et al.,
2019), this paper mainly focuses on the needed SAE
Loke, R. and Pathak, S.
Decision Support System for Corporate Reputation Based Social Media Listening Using a Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis Engine.
DOI: 10.5220/0012136400003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 559-567
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that is commonly application domain dependent and
most difficult to engineer and setup in a new domain.
An important aspect of information-gathering
behaviour has always been to find out what other
people think. As seen by the increased availability
and popularity of opinion-rich resources such as
online review sites and personal blogs, new
opportunities and challenges arise as people can, and
do, actively use information technologies to seek out
and understand the opinions of others. Sentiment
analysis (SA), also known as opinion mining,
examines people's opinions and emotions toward
entities such as products, organizations, and the
attributes that are associated with them. In the modern
world, SM is crucial for providing information about
any product through various blogs, reviews, and
comments. Different machine learning (ML)
approaches are used by academics and professionals
to derive useful information from people's sentiments
(Liu, 2012). SA has a wide range of applications. For
example, in question-answering systems, knowing
the opinions of various sources can help users find
better answers (Stoyanov et al., 2006). It is a valuable
tool for a variety of problems in psychology,
education, sociology, business, political science, and
economics (Hutto and Gilbert, 2014), as well as
research domains like natural language processing,
data mining, and information retrieval (Zhang et al.,
2014). SA may also help firms automate decision
making by assisting them in better understanding the
effects of specific issues on people's views about their
products or services and correctly responding to these
effects through marketing and communication
(Sauter, 2014).
There are numerous ways to do SA and there are
different methods for automatically classifying data.
Lexicon-based, ML-based, and hybrid approaches are
used to analyse texts based on their sentiment
(Dhaoui et al., 2017). ML approaches work by first
training a model to an example dataset with specific
inputs and known outputs before using it later to a real
dataset that has new and unknown data (Devika et al.,
2016). Although lexical methods do not rely on
labeled data, it is hard to create a unique lexical-based
dictionary that is applicable in different contexts
(Gonçalves et al., 2013) and that’s why in this paper
a ML approach is adopted. ML approaches for
sentiment classification are gaining interest because
of (A) their ability to model many features and in
doing so, capturing context, (B) their easier
adaptability to changing input, and (C) their ability to
measure the degree of uncertainty by which a
classification is made. The most widely used models
in the ML approach are supervised ones that learn
from examples that have been manually categorised
by people in an a priori process (Boiy and Moens,
Recent studies have focused heavily on ways for
classifying sentiment across several domains (Singh
and Jaiswal, 2022; Bollegala et al., 2015) or across
several sources within a single domain (Ducange et
al., 2019). In the latter approach a set of readily
available labeled texts in a first rich source is
abundantly exploited for learning required system
parameters of a sentiment classifier that is generisable
to another source that is much shallower (Ducange et
al., 2019). In this study, the approach that has been
laid out in Ducange et al. (2019), will be followed in
which a ML based approach is taken for opinion
mining that regards SA as a standard classification
problem. The following list from Devika et al. (2016),
includes some of the most well-known ML-based
models that can be employed in the approach: support
vector machine; n-gram SA; naïve Bayes method;
maximum entropy classifier; k-nn and weighted k-nn;
multilingual SA; feature driven SA.
Whereas in Ducange et al. (2019) the scenarios
are those of restaurants and consumer electronics
online shopping with source websites TripAdvisor
and Amazon and target websites Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter, we deliberately pick a
broadband scenario with source website Trustpilot
and target website Facebook that is relevant for
corporate reputation (CR) based SM listening in the
telecommunication domain.
Application of the framework of Ducange et al.
(2019) in this domain yields some challenges that
need to be tackled. Firstly, as noted in Fazzolari et al.
(2017) and Valdivia et al. (2018), there can be
discrepancies between the sentiment assessment of
the review texts and the corresponding user ratings in
online reviews. One strategy to possibly deal with this
issue is that only the reviews at the extremes of the
evaluation scale are chosen to be used in training to
achieve a high chance that the language of the reviews
is coherent with the assessment label.
Secondly, datasets that have a highly imbalanced
class distribution present a fundamental challenge in
ML, not only for training a classifier, but also for
evaluation (Raeder et al., 2012). Although it has been
observed that in some domains or for some datasets,
for example the Sick dataset, standard ML algorithms
can induce good classifiers, even using highly
imbalanced training sets (Guo et. al, 2008),
imbalanced datasets typically lead to classification
problems because the classes are not represented
equally. Using the right tools and techniques might
help in developing better classification models (Nabi,
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
2018). Regarding evaluation, when optimal model
performance metrics are chosen for classifiers,
models are most likely to yield the best performance
by a considerable margin (Forman, 2003).
Importantly, F1 score, precision and recall have been
noted to be effective metrics for information retrieval,
where the imbalance problem exists (Guo et. al,
We approach to support decision making by
analysing the sentiments of SM posts that are related
to broadcom products and services offered by telecom
companies on Facebook in combination with those of
reviews on Trustpilot. The data required for our
analysis has been collected for the telecommunication
company Vodafone UK as well as some SMEs found
on their SM channels (Facebook) and Trustpilot. The
use of a SAE for the processing of SM data in a DSS
is not new, see e.g., Cresswell et al. (2020). However,
it is the first time that this is done with CR
measurement objectives for companies in mind.
The organization of the paper is as follows. The
next section, background, will reflect on the
importance of DSSs in relation to SM listening to
monitor CR. The third section consists of a concise
description of the research methodology and data
used. The fourth section comprises the results.
Finally, the last section consists of a discussion and
conclusion as well as the limitations and scope of
future research.
2.1 Social Media (SM) Listening
Internet has not only changed the way people buy
music, organize vacations, and research school
projects, but it has also affected how we interact
socially. People can exchange photos and videos,
share news headlines, post their ideas on blogs, and
participate in online discussions via SM. SM allows
individuals, companies, organizations, governments,
and parliaments to interact with many people. In
conjunction with the increase in online activity, there
are certain concerns about the ways in which the
personal information that is shared via the SM of
users may be collected and analysed. The term SM
refers to a variety of internet and mobile services that
allow users to engage in online conversations,
contribute to user-generated content, and join online
communities (Mayfield, 2008).
SM is because of its ease of use, speed, and
outreach rapidly transforming public discourse in
society and defining trends and agendas in topics
ranging from the environment and politics to
technology and the entertainment sector. The
enormity and high variability of information that
spreads via large user groups on SM gives an
interesting potential for harnessing that data into a
form that allows for specific predictions about
specific outcomes without the need for market
mechanisms. Models can also be built to aggregate
the collective population's opinions and get useful
insights into their behaviour as well as predict future
trends. Furthermore, getting information on how
people talk about specific products can be useful for
creating marketing and advertising campaigns (Asur
and Huberman, 2010).
The amount of information and user-generated
SM content is growing quickly in the digital age, and
it is likely to continue to do so in the near future,
driven by the current generation of web applications,
the nearly infinite connectivity, and an insatiable
desire for information sharing, particularly among
younger generations. People using the web are
constantly invited to share their opinions and
preferences with the rest of the world and it has
sparked an explosion of opinionated blogs, product
and service evaluations, and comments on just about
anything. The significance of this kind of web-based
content as a source of information for various
application domains is becoming more widely
acknowledged (Schouten and Frasincar, 2015).
A typical metaphor for online behaviour is
listening. In fact, online engagement is sometimes
confused with providing a ‘voice’. Participation in
online spaces such as blogs, wikis, news sites, and
discussion boards has become synonymous with
‘speaking up’ (Bruns, 2008). SM creates a strong
listening subject by bringing together the disparate
areas of modernity in one place but also creating a gap
between ideal and what is humanly manageable. For
example, a Twitter user can effectively manage an
online presence for friends, family, and co-workers as
well as voters or customers. However, there are
complex ramifications for how this capacity can be
managed across one’s working life, family and social
life, and political life. There are gaps between what
users are technically capable of and the constraints
imposed by their schedules, desires, and bodies
(Crawford, 2009).
The corporate sector was quick to recognize the
value of using SM to build stronger relationships with
clients, obtain product information, and improve
public personae. While some politicians require their
people to update their Twitter accounts, many
businesses delegate this responsibility to their
employees. SM can be used in many ways by
Decision Support System for Corporate Reputation Based Social Media Listening Using a Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis Engine
businesses, for example, some companies pay
professional micro bloggers to help them establish an
online presence. When professionals are paid to
imitate a company's or a celebrity's online presence,
communications are frequently degraded to the level
of an impersonal, one-way marketing broadcast. The
advantage of being able to listen to consumers'
opinions, reply quickly to their comments and
concerns, and obtain insight into how the firm is
discussed, is drastically diminished. Delegated
listening is not a perfect substitute for being present.
In 2008, to improve its products and services, The
Land of Nod, a division of Crate and Barrel that sells
children's furniture, started monitoring comments
submitted on its ratings and review pages (Stribling,
2008). This is just an example, but the point is that
these days, SM is a common way for businesses to
gather data and information and use it to analyse their
Overall, to understand public opinion better, an
increasing number of Fortune 500 firms,
governmental organizations, and political campaigns
are using SM. As a result, a whole cottage industry of
software and platforms for SM listening has emerged
(Hofer-Shall, 2010).
A lot of marketers use listening platforms to
compile comments left on various SM sites. They
sometimes combine the data to create simple
averages. In other instances, they do not integrate the
insights across venues and instead report venue-
specific metrics such as the number of retweets or
Facebook likes (Schweidel and Moe, 2014).
User opinions posted on SM are often about
services and products of specific companies and
brands. This huge amount of user viewpoints might
be effectively mined and exploited as a powerful
source of information in business for steering
marketing strategies according to what people really
think about their products and services (Balazs and
Velásquez, 2016).
The importance of SM listening and customer
relationship management (CRM) in current society
has been discussed in Stewart et al. (2017) for
2.2 Corporate Reputation
CR refers to social cognitions about an organization
that exist in the minds of external observers, such as
information, impressions, perceptions, and beliefs. It
is sometimes characterized in terms of how well a
firm satisfies social expectations, such as those
relating to the quality of products and services,
industry leadership, and social impact (Li et al.,
2013). What makes CR so vital and interesting, is that
it is the first thing individuals want to know more
about when deciding whether they want to invest
more time, energy or other resources in an
organization, and reputation is the one thing that
everyone understands. Everybody can tell whether a
company is good or bad based on this one factor
(reputation), so you don't need to be an expert in
accounting, finance, engineering, innovation, or
ethics. When determining whether to work for the
company, buy its products, invest in its stock, or
collaborate with it, this is the first thing that people
want to know. Knowing an organization's reputation
is different from knowing about an organization's
reputation. People stop looking for additional
information about an organization once they feel like
they know it. In general terms, the concept of CR can
be defined as the combination of all views, decisions,
and ideas of people about an organization, the belief
in the organization and reliability of the organization
(Karabay, 2014). There are many stakeholder groups
that are related to a company that benefit from a good
CR (Carroll, 2016). CR has been increasingly
significant in business and plays a more decisive role
in sustaining businesses' expanding market presence
and long-term survival. A company's reputation is
shaped, built, or destroyed during its operations in its
community and market. The reputation of a corporate
entity has an impact on its operations and the
interactions it has with numerous other organizations.
Therefore, keeping a strong reputation should be seen
as a crucial aspect that will contribute to an
organization's ability to create value to build a lasting
reputation through time and prevent reputation
erosion. Contrary to popular belief, restoring a
company's reputation after a setback will not be easy
to compensate (Barnett et al., 2006).
Numerous marketing researchers already
acknowledged in the early days the importance of
corporate image and CR in customers' purchasing
behaviour (Barich and Kotler, 1991). They are still
often thought of as two separate constructions that are
closely linked. Given the premise that image and
reputation are two socially constructed things
generated mostly from a customer's view of a
corporation, this relationship is intuitively appealing.
Most of the studies have analysed corporate image
and CR separately. At a most guarded level, some
authors have expressed a potential link between the
two concepts (Porter, 1985). In the present
competitive environment, CR and corporate image
are acknowledged as having the potential to impact
on customer loyalty toward the firm. The precise
nature of the relationships that exist between CR and
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
corporate image and the understanding of their effect
on customer behaviour remains a key challenge for
both academia and management alike. The degree of
customer loyalty tends to be higher when perceptions
of both CR and corporate image are strongly
favourable (Nguyen and Leblanc, 2001).
Nowadays, an important factor in improving CR
is listening to the feedback of consumers and
constantly working on improving products and
services by using that very feedback.
The importance of CR, reputation management
and big data in current society has recently been
discussed in Westermann and Forthmann (2021) for
2.3 Importance of DSS for CR-Based
Social Media Listening
In the three decades of its existence, DSS has moved
from a radical movement that altered how businesses
perceived information systems to a widespread
commercial IT movement in which all organizations
participate (Arnott and Pervan, 2015). Personal DSSs,
group support systems, executive information
systems, online analytical processing systems, data
warehousing, and corporate intelligence are all
examples in terms of modern professional practice
that are dedicated to assisting and enhancing
managerial decision making. Organizational
decisions are vital to organizational development and
DSSs support organizations in decision making and
business activities and combine useful information
from documents, raw data, personal knowledge, and
business models to find and solve business problems.
Organisational digital technologies are characterised
by their ability to serve the personalised needs of the
customer and to go beyond their borders, by
impacting products, business processes, sales
channels, and supply chains (Hess et al., 2016). The
digital transformation of organisations is required
given the expanding global population and the use of
more digital technologies to implement predictive
analytics and artificial intelligence (Heavin and
Power, 2018).
The quality of a decision depends on the adequacy
of the information available, the quality of the
information, the number of options, and the
appropriateness of the modelling effort available at
the time of the decision. While it is not true that more
information or even more analysis is better, however,
it is true that more of the appropriate type of
information and analysis is better. In fact, one may
argue that improving the information collection and
processing processes is necessary to improve the
decision-making process (Sauter, 2014).
Most decision processes rely not only on the
preferences of the decision maker but also on public
opinions about possible alternatives. Therefore, user
preferences have been heavily considered in the
multi-criteria decision-making field. A DSS can offer
different trends, scenarios, and statistics within a
period and it can address structured, semi-structured
and unstructured decisions (Ballouki et al., 2017).
Online SM platforms are now extremely valuable
resources for supporting important business
intelligence applications thanks to the development of
Web 2.0 apps. The knowledge gathered from SM has
the potential to help create new services that are better
tailored to users' demands while also achieving the
goals of the companies who provide them. Online
customer views, reviews and feedback are a crucial
component of SM content. When consumer
evaluations are properly analysed, they not only offer
useful data to support customers' buying decisions but
also help retailers or product manufacturers in better
understanding overall consumer attitudes toward
their products in order to improve marketing
The importance of CR related constructs such as
corporate control and corporate sustainability and
DSSs and big data in current society has recently been
discussed in Grander et al. (2021) for example.
Figure 1: Scheme of the cross-source sentiment analysis;
adapted from Ducange et al. (2019).
To build and apply our cross-source SAE, two data
streams were used: (1) English review texts, and
ratings extracted from the website and
(2) English text comments from SM channels on
Decision Support System for Corporate Reputation Based Social Media Listening Using a Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis Engine
563 Fig. 1 shows the data flow in the
engine; it was first trained and validated on Trustpilot
data and then tested on Facebook data.
To collect the data from Trustpilot a web scraper
in python with scrapy was developed. In contrary,
although automatized solutions are of course
preferable for social listening to datastreams at scale,
the Facebook data were for practical constraints
manually collected from a registered user account.
Importantly, to enable measurement of system
performance, the Facebook comments were visually
evaluated and manually rated fairly by two human,
third-party experts in a three-class representation task
with the following categories: (1) negative, (3)
neutral, and (5) positive.
In our study, we focused on products and services
in the telecommunication domain in the UK by
scraping 1165 text reviews and ratings of Vodafone
UK on Trustpilot and 250 text comments coming
from SM channels on Facebook of five different
telecom service providers and companies in the UK:
Vodafone, Touch Telecom, virgin Mobile, Telecom
world and Kinex Broadband. The distrubution of the
rating scores in the Trustpilot dataset was as follows:
120, one star, 278, two stars, 220, three stars, 274,
four stars and 273, five stars. And in the Facebook
data: 156, one star, 76, five stars, 18, three stars.
In the text preprocessing and feature selection,
stop words were systematically removed and
lemmatization and count vectorization were
algorithmatically applied (Khan et al., 2010). A total
of 2504 features were extracted in the system that
performed best (see Results section).
All ML classifiers were trained, validated, and
tested using the vectorized training corpus by
incorporating it into the classifier’s code in the python
sklearn library. The main task that they had focus on
in the training and validation was assigning a rating
score to the computed features of a review text and in
the testing assigning a rating score to the computed
features of a text comment.
In the training and validation phase, the selected
items in the Trustpilot dataset were split into two parts
with test_size in sklearn set to 0.2 and random_state
to 101 to reproduce if needed. In the testing phase, all
items in the Facebook dataset were used.
Since it is known from literature that there is no
model that fits all, it made sense to apply several
classifiers to see which one performed best in the
given situation and dataset that we had under
consideration. From literature we knew on the one
side that random forests could possibly outperform
logistic regression models in large-scale
benchmarking experiments (Couronné et al., 2018)
but also on the other side that there was no proof that
ML algorithms performed better than logistic
regression models (Christodoulou et al., 2019). We
noted that the datasets in our case were rather small
which suggested to us that algorithms that require a
large dataset to work well, like neural networks,
might not be suitable. We implemented the following
classifiers in our workbench: Multinomial Naive
Bayes (MNB), Random Forest, Decision Tree,
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gradient Boosting,
K Neighbor (KNN), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP).
It is known that a model's behaviour can be
controlled using model parameters, also known as
hyperparameters (Passos and Mishra, 2022).
Therefore, the parameters that could be controlled
when we deployed the models using sklearn were
systematically varied to determine their best settings.
E.g., for random forest, the values for n_estimators,
max_depth, min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf,
max_features and bootstrap were optimized using
random and grid search in sklearn.
The following macro averages that measure
generalized performance irrespective of a respective
class were used as metrics: precision, the fraction of
true positives that are predicted as positives; recall,
the fraction of true positives which are actually
positives; F1 score, the weighted harmonic mean of
precision and recall (Chen et al., 2016); accuracy, the
proportion of correct predictions i.e., the overall
effectiveness of the classifier (Canbek et al., 2017).
All classifiers were run multiple times to achieve
the overall unbiased estimation of performances.
Results based on macro averages have been obtained
in a series of three modeling experiments. The first is
when, there were equal number of reviews (120 for
each of the ratings 1 and 5) in the dataset. The second
is where the numbers of reviews of the extreme
ratings (1 and 5) is not equal and the third one is
where, reviews with three ratings (1, 3 and 5) were
used to train the classifiers.
In the first experiment models performed much
better than those in the second and third experiment
based on the F1 score macro average that is most
relevant in our case. The highest performing
classifiers during validation (see Table 1) were MNB,
Random Forest, Decision Tree, Gradient Boosting
and MLP with the precision of 0.88, 0.80, 0.86, 0.85
and 0.86, whereas the recall was 0.87, 0.78, 0.87, 0.83
and 0.84 for each model respectively. This means that
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
these classifiers were able to differentiate very well
between text reviews with high or low rating scores.
When the top-5 performing classifiers of the
validation phase were subsequently tested on the SM
data, only two classifiers performed well and were
able to predict the accurate ratings that were given by
the expert panel (see Table 2). Specifically, the MNB
and MLP performed with a precision of about 0.72
and with a recall of about 0.75. Note that we carefully
manually rechecked the predicted ratings in the
dataset to confirm the precise accuracy of the
In the second and third experiment, again, MNB
and MLP performed better than the other models
based on F1 score; respectively, 0.82 and 0.78 for
validation and 0.63 and 0.55 for testing in the second
experiment and 0.72 and 0.67 for validation and 0.46
and 0.38 for testing in the third experiment.
Table 1: Results from validating the models based on macro
averages, sorted on F1.
Model Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
MNB 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.88
0.86 0.87 0.85 0.85
MLP 0.86 0.84 0.85 0.85
0.85 0.83 0.81 0.81
0.80 0.78 0.78 0.79
SVM 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73
KNN 0.80 0.57 0.50 0.62
Table 2: Results from testing the models based on macro
averages, sorted on F1.
Model Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
0.73 0.75 0.74 0.76
0.71 0.74 0.71 0.72
The above comparison of the performance of the
several classifiers in the three modeling experiments
proves that to achieve high probability that the text of
a review is coherent with its evaluation label, only the
extreme ratings (1 and 5) should be considered
because online reviews can have inconsistencies
between the sentiment evaluation of the texts and the
correspondent user ratings (Valdivia et al., 2017).
When the neutral sentiments (ratings=3) were used in
a three-category classification task, results were
worse when compared to two class classification.
Although in the research conducted by Ducange et al.
(2019), a three-category classification was used by
using additional comments with neutral opinions
from an additional independent dataset, we followed
a two-class strategy because of the imbalancedness in
our datasets. As mentioned by Ahmed et al. (2017) in
their research of a customized SA tool for code
review interactions, converting three-class dataset
into two-class dataset, improved the performance in
an imbalanced dataset. Importantly, test results are
expected to increase when neutral center texts with
respective labels will be offered to our classifiers
because all neutral comments (18 out of 250) will
obviously in the current situation logically result in
incorrect predictions in the current situation (7.2%).
Furthermore, it is worth noting that the testing
results are slightly lower than the training results.
Commonly, classifiers are usually trained using data
that was collected within a specific time interval.
Then, yielding models are used for classifying new
instances of data that are being received in online
streaming such as new reviews that are being left by
customers. Since the characteristics of the
phenomenon under observation (in this case, reviews
of telecom service providers) can change during the
time elapse, the performance of the classification
models may deteriorate, due to so called concept drift.
Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised
learning scenario when the relation between the input
data and the target variable changes over time (Gama,
et al., 2014).
This study focuses on broadcom products and
services provided in the telecommunication domain
(by focusing on the Vodafone UK company on which is a website that contains online
user reviews on products and services that generally
include a text that expresses the domain and a score
that may be used to label the text). Several
classification models have been trained, compared,
and tested to identify the most suitable ones. The best
performing classification models were embedded as
SAE in the respective DSS and in that role were
applied to classify any text comment, extracted from
related Facebook SM channels of Vodafone UK and
a few other local service providers in the UK to
support decision makers in understanding the
implications of a particular option. In today's
competitive business environment, such models are
used to help clarify what and how to improve CRM.
In the future, review data from the point of sale might
Decision Support System for Corporate Reputation Based Social Media Listening Using a Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis Engine
be collected for all clients in a CRM, and data mining
technologies might be used to create consumer
profiles for both protected company and public online
data. Such profiles might then offer managers
information on trends, allowing them to change
marketing campaigns or perhaps create new ones.
To test the ML models, the several models that
were trained and validated with the best combination
of parameters on Trustpilot data were used to predict
the sentiments for SM posts in Facebook that the
models were never confronted with, i.e, never had
seen before. Our state-of-the-art cross company, cross
source approach guarantees that external SM target
data, that was never used in the setup, definition, and
training of any models, can be effectively analyzed,
and explored without requiring any time-consuming
labeling or expensive annotation process. For
building and engineering the classifiers with the
source dataset, merely the reviews at the extreme
values were used to maximize the correspondence of
review texts with evaluation labels. Thus, a precise
set of classifiers were trained and compared, each of
them carrying out a 2-class classification task,
tagging positive, negative opinions, and, ignoring
neutral opinions.
The proposed DSS can be used by Vodafone (UK)
or any other telecom company that operates within
the same domain to monitor unseen, novel comments
posted by their users on their public SM pages.
In the future, we aim to extend our SAE prototype
for Vodafone with the use of larger datasets,
implement the complete DSS around the prototyped
SAE, and apply to other domains than telecom.
This paper has been inspired on the MSc project of
Shubham Pathak who was involved via the master
Digital Driven Business at HvA. Thanks go to D. Dey
and M. Wollaert as well as several anonymous
reviewers for providing some useful suggestions to an
initial version of this manuscript. Rob Loke is
assistant professor data science at CMIHvA.
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Decision Support System for Corporate Reputation Based Social Media Listening Using a Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis Engine