The Explainability-Privacy-Utility Trade-Off for Machine
Learning-Based Tabular Data Analysis
Wisam Abbasi
, Paolo Mori
and Andrea Saracino
Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy
Data Privacy, Data Utility, Explainable AI, Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis, Trustworthy AI.
In this paper, we present a novel privacy-preserving data analysis model, based on machine learning, applied to
tabular datasets, which defines a general trade-off optimization criterion among the measures of data privacy,
model explainability, and data utility, aiming at finding the optimal compromise among them. Our approach
regulates the privacy parameter of the privacy-preserving mechanism used for the applied analysis algorithms
and explainability techniques. Then, our method explores all possible configurations for the provided pri-
vacy parameter and manages to find the optimal configuration with the maximum achievable privacy gain and
explainability similarity while minimizing harm to data utility. To validate our methodology, we conducted
experiments using multiple classifiers for a binary classification problem on the Adult dataset, a well-known
tabular dataset with sensitive attributes. We used (ε,δ)-differential privacy as a privacy mechanism and mul-
tiple model explanation methods. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in selecting an
optimal configuration, that achieves the dual objective of safeguarding data privacy and providing model ex-
planations of comparable quality to those generated from real data. Furthermore, the proposed method was
able to preserve the quality of analyzed data, leading to accurate predictions.
The volume of data generated and collected across
various domains and industries has been increasing
exponentially (Jaseena et al., 2014), accompanied by
an impressive advancement in data analysis meth-
ods aimed at providing deep insights and revealing
hidden patterns and correlations for better decision-
making. However, as data becomes high-dimensional
and analysis methods are of increasing complexity,
they may expose sensitive data and/or make unfair or
wrong decisions (Jakku et al., 2019). Thus requiring
privacy-preserving and explainable analysis models.
A privacy-preserving and explainable model en-
hances the analysis function by protecting sensi-
tive data from being disclosed while providing ex-
planations for the predictions made. Various data
anonymization methods have been proposed in the lit-
erature to ensure privacy and prevent re-identification,
like the (ε,δ)-differential privacy (Dwork, 2008)
mechanism. Decision explainability implementation
in machine learning-based data analysis models has
also become a hot topic (Rasheed et al., 2021), be-
ing a key requirement for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
systems to be trustworthy from ethical and technical
perspectives, as pointed out in the EU proposal for the
Artificial Intelligence Act
(Budig et al., 2020).
However, adopting any of these concepts may
compromise the others. For example, decision ex-
plainability may cause security breaches like infer-
ence and reconstruction attacks (Shokri et al., 2019),
and privacy-preserving techniques may compromise
explainability (Budig et al., 2020). Therefore, it is
crucial to consider all these elements in a comprehen-
sive research approach (Hleg, 2019).
To address this, we propose a machine learning-
based data analysis model applied to tabular data,
which defines a general Trade-Off criterion for Data
Privacy, Data Utility, and Model Explainability
aimed at finding the optimal compromise among
them. In detail, the model explores all possible con-
figurations for the provided privacy parameter values
and finds the best configuration with the maximum
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament
and of the Council Laying Down Harmonised Rules on Ar-
tificial Intelligence:
Abbasi, W., Mori, P. and Saracino, A.
The Explainability-Privacy-Utility Trade-Off for Machine Learning-Based Tabular Data Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012137800003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 511-519
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
achievable Privacy Gain and Explainability Similar-
ity causing the least harm to Data Utility. Specifically,
our approach defines the metrics of Privacy Gain, Ex-
plainability Similarity, and Utility Loss with a gen-
eral optimization Trade-Off criterion and compatibil-
ity matrix.
The proposed methodology is validated through
experiments for tabular dataset classification using
multiple machine learning models and the (ε,δ)-
differential privacy (DP) mechanism. The approach
regulates the privacy parameter and measures the ob-
tained Privacy Gain, Utility Loss, and Explainability
Similarity to find the best Trade-Off score. It can be
extended to other data types and analysis methods.
This paper provides the following contributions:
we propose a novel approach to trade-off Data
Privacy and Model Explainability while maintain-
ing Data Utility in ML-based tabular data analy-
we define and explain the concepts of Privacy
Gain, Explainability Similarity, and Utility Loss,
which are extracted from the implementation of
(ε,δ)-differential privacy , model performance,
variable importance, partial dependence profiles,
and accumulated local profiles;
we define a Trade-Off criterion for privacy, ex-
plainability, and Data Utility optimization, which
combines Privacy Gain, Explainability Similarity,
and Utility Loss to find the best Trade-Off score;
we evaluate the proposed approach through exper-
iments on a tabular dataset, where the privacy pa-
rameter is regulated, and the effect on the Trade-
Off score is measured to reach the optimal score.
The paper’s structure is as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of privacy-preserving mechanisms
and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). Section
3 presents privacy, explainability, and Data Utility
measures, Section 4 outlines the proposed methodol-
ogy. Section 5 reports conducted use cases and exper-
iments, with results discussion. Section 6 compares
related work, while Section 7 concludes the paper.
This section covers background concepts of privacy-
preserving mechanisms and explainability methods.
2.1 Data Privacy Preserving Techniques
Data privacy-preserving techniques aim to protect
sensitive data while being shared or analyzed. These
methods perform anonymization operations on the
data to satisfy the privacy requirement, including
Generalization, Suppression, Anatomization, Pertur-
bation, and Permutation operations (Fung et al.,
2010). Some of the most well-known anonymization-
based techniques that exploit these operations are
k-anonymity (Samarati, 2001; Sweeney, 2002), t-
closeness (Li et al., 2007), l-diversity, Distinct
l-diversity, Entropy l-diversity, Recursive (c,l)-
diversity (Machanavajjhala et al., 2007), differential
privacy (Dwork, 2008), and Generative Adversarial
Networks (GANs). We will focus on the last two tech-
niques in this work.
(ε,δ)-differential privacy (DP) is a privacy-
preserving technique that protects individual data
from being identified or reconstructed by ensuring
that the output of a differential private analysis on two
datasets differing by only one record is indistinguish-
able. Thus, individual records do not contribute to
the results in a way that causes the model to remem-
ber identifying individual instances, and the original
data cannot be reverse-engineered from the analysis
results. DP incorporates random Laplace or Gaus-
sian distribution noise to data. The degree to which
these data are indistinguishable depends on the sensi-
tivity parameter
sensitivity and the privacy budget
parameter ε. DP formula is shown in Equation (1)
(Dwork, 2008).
) S] Pr[R(D
) S] × exp(ε) + δ (1)
Where Pr is the probability, ε is the privacy bud-
get, δ is the failure probability, R is the randomized
function that incorporates (ε,δ)-differential privacy
for datasets D
and D
which differ in at least one
record, and S Range(R).
For privacy analysis, we use the moments accoun-
tant privacy budget tracking method (Abadi et al.,
2016), which uses a Differential Private Stochas-
tic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) algorithm with an
additive Sampled Gaussian Mechanism (SGM) to
add Gaussian noise to randomly sampled elements
(Dwork et al., 2006; Raskhodnikova et al., 2008) as
defined in Equation (2) for a real-valued function f
mapping subsets of D to R
R(D) f (D) + N(0,S
) (2)
Where D is a dataset from which a subset is ran-
domly sampled with a sampling rate 0 < q 1 to be
used by the algorithm f . N(0, σ
) is the Gaussian dis-
tribution of the noise added with a mean equals to 0,
and σ is the noise added with S
standard deviation
of the noise bounded to
The accounting procedure of the moments ac-
countant allows to prove that an algorithm is (ε,δ)-
differential private for appropriately selected config-
urations of the parameters for any ε < c
T and for
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
sensitivity > 0 if the noise multiplier σ was
defined as in Equation (3) proposed in (Abadi et al.,
σ c
T log(1/δ)
where c
and c
are constants so that given the sam-
pling probability q = L/n, L is the sampling ratio, n is
the size of the dataset, and T is the number of train-
ing steps, and T =
and E is the number of epochs.
The relationship between the noise multiplier and the
privacy budget ε is negative, which implies better pri-
vacy protection when increasing the value of the noise
2.1.1 DP-WGAN
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are used
to generate synthetic data with a similar distribution
of original data, but with high quality (Goodfellow
et al., 2014). Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) is a variant of
GANs, which was proposed to generate data with bet-
ter training performance by minimizing the distance
between the original data distribution and the synthe-
sized distribution considering using the Wasserstein-1
distance concept (Arjovsky et al., 2017). Differen-
tial Privacy is used to protect the privacy of synthetic
data generated using this method, resulting in the DP-
WGAN variant (Xie et al., 2018).
2.2 Explainable Artificial Intelligence
As AI algorithms get more complex, it becomes chal-
lenging for humans to interpret their predictions, lead-
ing to a lack of trust in the model’s accuracy and trans-
parency. On the one hand, some AI models are inter-
pretable by design (inherently interpretable), mean-
ing that their results can be easily explained due to
their simple structure, such as decision trees (Weis-
berg, 2005). These models are called glass box mod-
els and intrinsic models (Biecek and Burzykowski,
2021). On the other hand, more powerful ML algo-
rithms are less interpretable due to their complexity.
To address this, Explainable AI (XAI) has emerged,
aiming to produce human-level explanations for com-
plex AI models (Rai, 2020). XAI techniques are ap-
plied pre-model, in-model, or post-model, and can be
model specific or model agnostic, producing either lo-
cal explanations or global explanations (Linardatos
et al., 2021).
Our focus is on model agnostic, global, and
post-model XAI methods, which examine the model
used for the entire dataset. These techniques aim
to produce dataset-level explanations (Biecek and
Burzykowski, 2021) and are applied at different levels
such as Model Performance exploration techniques
using the performance measures of Recall, Precision,
F1 Score, Accuracy, and The Area Under the Curve
(AUC) (Biecek and Burzykowski, 2021). Moreover,
Variable Importance explanations are used to quan-
tify the impact of each variable on the final prediction
made by the model (Breiman, 2001). Finally, explain
Model prediction dependency on variable changes
using Partial Dependence (PD) Profiles and Accu-
mulated Local (AL) dependent Profiles (Biecek and
Burzykowski, 2021).
This work uses DP with WGAN to generate differ-
ential private synthetics, as presented in Section 2.1.
The Privacy Gain refers to the level of data uncer-
tainty introduced by modifications to the real dataset
D to produce a sanitized dataset D
. The degree of
privacy is controlled by the sensitivity parameter
sensitivity= 1e 5 and the Gaussian noise variance
multiplier, which varies between 0 for no privacy and
1 for full privacy (maximum degree of privacy). Pri-
vacy Gain measures privacy added by the Differen-
tial Privacy mechanism. It is quantified based on the
privacy budget ε obtained from the privacy parame-
ter σ. A lower privacy budget implies better privacy.
Gained privacy PG(D,λ ) for dataset D and classifier
λ is calculated using Equation (4).
PG(D,λ) =
Following the approach applied in (Jayaraman and
Evans, 2019), the loss of Data Utility is calculated
by comparing the accuracy of the model applied to
the original dataset and the accuracy of the model ap-
plied to the anonymized dataset. Thus, Utility Loss
is represented for dataset D and classifier λ in Equa-
tion (5). The value of the Utility Loss is in the interval
[1,1], where 1 is the minimum Utility Loss if the
accuracy of the model for the anonymized dataset is
1 and the model accuracy of the original dataset is 0.
And 1 is the maximum Utility Loss if the model ac-
curacy for the anonymized dataset is 0 and the model
accuracy of the original dataset is 1.
UL(D, D, λ) = Acc(λ(D)) Acc(λ(D)) (5)
This work aims to provide explanations for predic-
tions made by analysis models applied to datasets,
particularly in terms of how and why a certain de-
cision has been made. The goal is to ensure that the
model is fair and not making predictions based on dis-
criminatory parameters such as gender or race. Var-
The Explainability-Privacy-Utility Trade-Off for Machine Learning-Based Tabular Data Analysis
ious XAI methods presented in Section 2.2 are em-
ployed to provide these explanations.
Adopting a privacy mechanism may affect the
quality of the explanations produced by XAI meth-
ods. Thus, we assess the similarity between expla-
nations generated from the analysis model applied
to the original dataset and those from the differen-
tial private dataset with varying levels of privacy. A
higher similarity indicates a better situation, where
the explainability degree is less affected by the pri-
vacy mechanism. We use the Pearson correlation co-
efficient (PCC) to quantify the similarity between ex-
planations, as shown in Equation (6).
Where x
is the ith value of the variable x, y
is the
ith value of variable y, µ
the mean of all x variable
values in the dataset, and µ
the mean of all y vari-
able values in the dataset. The similarity assessment
is performed per XAI method as summarized below:
1. Model performance Similarity: Correlation as-
sessment between model performance parameters
with and without privacy constraints
2. Variable Importance Similarity: Correlation
assessment of variable importance between
anonymized and original datasets
3. Partial dependence Profiles Similarity: Cor-
relation assessment between PD profiles of
anonymized and original datasets
4. Accumulated Local (AL) Profiles Similarity: Cor-
relation assessment between AL profiles of
anonymized and original datasets
This section covers the privacy preservation and ex-
plainability techniques and the proposed strategy for
their implementation.
4.1 Problem Statement and
We use a scenario (Figure 1) where a stakeholder col-
laborates with an aggregation server to process and
share datasets from multiple entities. The server is
secure but untrusted, so a privacy-preserving mecha-
nism is needed to protect data and enhance trust. Ad-
ditionally, an explainability mechanism is needed for
transparent and trustworthy predictions. The model
architecture starts with a privacy mechanism that pro-
duces a differential private synthetic dataset. The san-
itized dataset is then shared with the server and ana-
lyzed using a machine learning classifier. The pre-
dicted result is explained using an explainer based on
the specified explainability method.
Figure 1: Privacy-preserving Tabular Data Classification
To implement privacy and explainability mecha-
nisms in a single solution, we must carefully consider
all possible configurations and degrees of privacy to
get the maximum possible Privacy Gain and Explain-
ability Similarity while minimizing the Data Utility
loss. This is achieved by formulating the problem
as linear optimization. However, stakeholders may
have specific requirements that do not necessarily re-
sult in the best Trade-Off score, so they can request
a configuration that fits their needs. To achieve this,
a compatibility matrix is used to find a suitable con-
figuration for all stakeholders. To measure the Pri-
vacy Gain, Explainability Similarity, and Utility Loss
as discussed in Section 3, we utilize them as below:
Privacy Preserving for Classification. Using Dif-
ferential Privacy, sensitive dataset attributes are pro-
tected, with the degree of privacy controlled by the
Gaussian noise variance multiplier. The noise multi-
plier is an input parameter that ranges between 0 and
1 in increments of 0.1, where 0 represents no privacy
and 1 represents maximum privacy. The Privacy Gain
is calculated as 1/ε.
Model Explanation and Similarity for Classifica-
tion. Our approach uses tabular datasets as input and
provides different types of explanations for the pre-
dictions made by analysis functions, such as model
performance explanations, variable importance ex-
planations, PD profiles, and AL profiles. Since pri-
vacy enforcement affects explainability, a similarity
assessment is conducted to compare the explanations
of the original dataset and the differential private
dataset. A higher similarity value indicates a better
result, meaning that the explanations for the private
data are similar to those of the original data.
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Data Utility Loss for Classification. The Utility Loss
is measured as the model’s accuracy difference be-
tween the original and sanitized datasets.
4.2 Compatibility Matrix and
Trade-Off Score Optimization
Privacy techniques improve Privacy Gain in classifi-
cation models, but they may reduce Data Utility and
Explainability Similarity. To address this, we use a
Trade-Off formula (Equation (7)) to optimize the Pri-
vacy Gain and Explainability Similarity while min-
imizing Utility Loss and obtain the best Trade-Off
score T (D,D
,λ). The Trade-Off formula allows us to
balance these different objectives by combining them
into a single score. The numerator represents the de-
sirable objectives of privacy and explainability, while
the denominator represents the undesirable objective
of Utility Loss. By dividing the desirable objectives
by the undesirable objective, we obtain a Trade-Off
score that reflects the balance between the different
objectives. The Trade-Off formula and linear opti-
mization offer a systematic and objective method for
balancing conflicting objectives like Utility Loss, Pri-
vacy Gain, and Explainability Similarity in model de-
velopment. By combining these objectives into a sin-
gle score, the equation enables the optimal balance of
these objectives by considering a broad range of val-
ues for each objective, and linear optimization finds
the best Trade-Off score that meets all requirements
and constraints.
T (D, D, λ) =
PG(D,λ) + ES(D,λ)
2 +U(D,D,λ))
where PG(D,λ) is the Privacy Gain, ES(D,λ)
is the Explainability Similarity, U(D, D, λ) is the
Utility Loss, D is the original dataset and D is the
sanitized dataset, whilst λ is the analysis model. To
determine the optimal values for these parameters, we
formulate the following linear optimization problem:
Maximize T (D, D, λ) subject to:
PG(D,λ) PG(D,λ)
ES(D, λ) ES(D,λ)
U(D, D, λ))
U(D,D,λ)) U(D, D, λ))
The Trade-Off between the privacy mechanism,
explainability techniques, and analysis models on
a dataset is computed by Equation (7). A tri-
dimensional A compatibility matrix utilizes the result-
ing Trade-Off scores and aligns them with the stake-
holders’ requirements to achieve the optimal Trade-
Off score (Sheikhalishahi et al., 2021), as illustrated
in Figure 2. The x-axis of the matrix reflects the pri-
vacy mechanism degrees, the y-axis reports the ex-
plainability techniques and the z-axis represents the
used datasets from different stakeholders with differ-
ent privacy and explainability requirements. For each
classification model used, a compatibility matrix is
constructed with Trade-Off scores for all possible de-
grees of privacy and explainability mechanisms on all
datasets. If the privacy degree of dataset D
does not
meet the requirements set by the owner, the corre-
sponding element on the compatibility matrix is set
to 0. This means that it is impossible to compute a
Trade-Off score for that configuration.
Figure 2: Tri-dimensional compatibility matrix.
For a classification model λ, the optimal Trade-
Off score is selected based on Equation (8), where for
each degree of privacy on the x-axis and the explain-
ability mechanism on the y-axis applied to a specific
dataset on the z-axis, a Trade-Off score for each con-
figuration is presented in a cell of the compatibility
matrix. The optimal configuration is the one with the
maximum averaged Trade-Off score over all datasets.
T (
D,λ) =
T (D
,λ) (8)
Each Trade-Off score in the weighted average cal-
culation has a weight of 1 divided by the count of
datasets used, denoted as w
In another scenario, where specific requirements
have been defined, the Trade-Off score is selected by
choosing the defined privacy degree to be equal to
or greater than a specific threshold with the preferred
explainability mechanism and gets the related Trade-
Off score based on the compatibility matrix. To im-
plement the Trade-Off scoring and compatibility ma-
trix, we consider a scenario with two stakeholders,
where only one satisfies the specified privacy degree
and explainability mechanisms. This results in a tri-
dimensional matrix with 10 degrees for privacy and 6
options for explainability mechanisms on the x and y
axes, respectively, and 1 input dataset. The resulting
compatibility matrix would be of size 10 × 6 ×1. The
The Explainability-Privacy-Utility Trade-Off for Machine Learning-Based Tabular Data Analysis
scores can be compared to the Trade-Off score when
no privacy mechanism is applied.
This section presents experiments on a tabular dataset
using privacy-preserving and explainability tech-
niques to achieve high model accuracy while pre-
serving data privacy and model explainability: model
performance explainability, variable importance ex-
plainability, PD profiles, and AL profiles. DP-WGAN
is used as the privacy mechanism, and multiple meth-
ods are utilized for model explainability. The experi-
ments measure Privacy Gain, Explainability Similar-
ity, and Utility Loss. The Trade-Off score is then cal-
culated for all possible settings, and the configuration
with the best Trade-Off score or the predefined pri-
vacy degree is selected.
The UCI Machine Learning Repository’s Adult
dataset (Blake, 1998) has been used to test our ap-
proach as a binary classification problem. It consists
of 14 categorical and integer attributes with sensi-
tive social information and 48,842 instances. The in-
stances have been split into 75% for training and 25%
for testing. The dataset aims to predict whether an
individual earns more than 50K a year.
Experiments involve classification with varying
levels of privacy using DP-WGAN as a differen-
tial private generative model, implementing a private
Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
with the noisy gradient descent moments accountant.
The privacy parameter σ ranges from 0 to 1, where 0
denotes no privacy and 1 is maximum privacy.
sitivity is set to 10
for privacy guarantee. Multiple
explanation mechanisms were also used.
5.1 Model
The study utilized three classification models: Logis-
tic Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP),
and Gaussian NB. The original dataset was trans-
formed with DP-WGAN using the Private Data Gen-
eration Toolbox
. to produce the differential private
dataset with varying levels of privacy. Multiple σ val-
ues are defined to control privacy, and the model re-
turns the privacy budget ε. The DALEX framework
is used for explanatory model analysis, providing
methods for global explanations such as model per-
formance, variable importance, and variable impact.
The approach computes Privacy Gain, four models
explanation assessments, and Utility Loss for the de-
fined privacy. Six Trade-Off scores are calculated for
each privacy value, and an optimal Trade-Off score
is selected using a compatibility matrix for each ex-
plainability method/averaged explainability and each
classification model. The Trade-Off score for aver-
aged explainability is computed among Privacy Gain,
Utility Loss, and Explainability Similarity, which is
averaged between model performance, variable im-
portance, and PD/AL profiles.
5.2 Differential Privacy with
Explainability Results
This sub-section reports the results of experiments
using the DP-WGAN mechanism and explainability
methods presented in Section 2.2. Models results are
represented by the Trade-Off score, Privacy Gain,
Explainability Similarity, Utility Loss, and Accuracy.
Logistic Regression classifier results are shown
in Figure 3. The Trade-Off scores in sub-figure 3a
with the privacy parameter σ reported on the x-axis
and the Trade-Off scores reported on the y-axis for
each explainability method and the average Trade-Off
score for three explainability methods in one Trade-
Off score each of them represent 1/3 score weight.
The Trade-Off scores generally increase with an in-
crease of the privacy degree, and the highest score at
maximum σ = 1, followed by the Trade-Off score at
σ = 0.8, except for the variable importance explain-
ability method with the highest Trade-Off score at
σ = 0.8. All parameters involved in the Trade-Off for-
mula are shown in sub-figure 3b on the y-axis with the
σ on the x-axis. Privacy Gain increases with no effect
on other parameters, while the Utility Loss and model
performance correlation have a negative relationship
due to the decrease in model Accuracy as σ increases,
leading to an increase in Utility Loss.
Figure 4 shows the results of the Gaussian NB
classifier. The Trade-Off scores in sub-figure 4a have
a positive relationship with the privacy parameter,
with the highest score at σ = 1, except for the variable
importance and model performance methods which
fluctuate. Sub-figure 4b represents all parameters of
the Trade-Off formula, where the Privacy Gain in-
creases with the privacy parameter value, and the Util-
ity Loss and model performance correlation have a
negative relationship with the model Accuracy.
The MLP classifier yields the Trade-Off scores
presented in Figure 5a Similar to the Logistic Re-
gression classifier results, the figure demonstrates a
generally positive relationship between the Trade-Off
scores and the privacy parameter, with the highest
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
(a) Trade-off Results.
(b) Parameters Correlation values.
Figure 3: Logistic Regression Results.
scores achieved at σ = 1. In order to gain further in-
sights into these results, the individual parameters of
the Trade-Off formula are analyzed in Figure 5b. The
Privacy Gain is shown to increase proportionally with
the privacy parameter. Furthermore, the figure reveals
the negative relationship between the Utility Loss and
the model performance correlation, which can be at-
tributed to the inverse relationship between the Utility
Loss and the Accuracy parameters.
The compatibility matrix presents results from
applying DP-WGAN and explainability mechanisms
and is used to select the best configuration with the
highest Trade-Off score for each classifier or a pre-
ferred degree of privacy and explainability mech-
anism. With 10 privacy degrees, 4 explainability
mechanisms, 2 combinations of explainability mech-
anisms, and one dataset, the Trade-Off Equation (8)
has a weight of 1, and the matrix dimensions for each
classifier are 10 × 6 × 1.
Logistic Regression Classifier: the compatibility
matrix is represented in Table 1 with the privacy de-
grees in the rows, explainability mechanisms in the
(a) Trade-off Results.
(b) Parameters Correlation values.
Figure 4: Gaussian NB Results.
columns, and their Trade-Off scores (TO) in the cells.
The table displays the Trade-Off scores (TO) for 10
privacy degrees, 4 explainability mechanisms, and 2
combinations of explainability mechanisms. The best
(maximum) overall Trade-Off score is obtained at
σ = 1 with model performance explanation of 0.89.
Additionally, the best Trade-Off score per explain-
ability mechanism is also reported. Specific config-
urations can be selected, as explained in the problem
formulation, such as σ = 0.8 with all explainability
mechanisms, which yields a Trade-Off score of 0.65.
Table 1: Logistic Regression Classifier Results.
σ TO (Model Perf) TO (Var Imp) TO (PD) TO (AL) TO (All PD) TO (All AL)
0.1 0.02 0.22 0.34 0.31 0.19 0.19
0.2 0.45 0.20 0.36 0.38 0.34 0.34
0.3 0.45 0.04 0.36 0.34 0.28 0.28
0.4 0.05 0.25 0.29 0.27 0.20 0.19
0.5 0.53 0.19 0.42 0.40 0.38 0.37
0.6 0.12 0.35 0.44 0.41 0.30 0.29
0.7 0.28 0.26 0.50 0.50 0.35 0.35
0.8 0.73 0.58 0.62 0.65 0.65 0.65
0.9 0.44 0.51 0.59 0.62 0.52 0.53
1 0.89 0.56 0.79 0.78 0.75 0.74
MLP: the compatibility matrix is represented in Ta-
ble 2. The best Trade-Off score occurs at σ = 1
The Explainability-Privacy-Utility Trade-Off for Machine Learning-Based Tabular Data Analysis
(a) Trade-off Results.
(b) Parameters Correlation values.
Figure 5: MLP Results.
with model performance explanation of 0.84. The
best Trade-Off score per explainability mechanism is
shown in the dark blue cells. All the best Trade-Off
score scores occur at the highest privacy degree.
Gaussian NB: the compatibility matrix for the Gaus-
sian NB Classifier is in Table 3. The best Trade-Off
score is at σ = 1 with model performance explana-
tion and variable importance explainability method
with a score of 0.75. The best Trade-Off score per
explainability mechanism is in the dark blue cells and
all occur at the maximum value of the privacy degree.
The Logistic Regression classifier has the best
Trade-Off score for model performance explanation
at σ = 1, while the MLP classifier has the best Trade-
Table 2: MLP Classifier Results.
σ TO (Model Perf) TO (Var Imp) TO (PD) TO (AL) TO (All PD) TO (All AL)
0.1 0.05 0.04 0.28 0.26 0.12 0.12
0.2 0.41 0.25 0.37 0.39 0.35 0.35
0.3 0.39 0.28 0.33 0.35 0.33 0.34
0.4 0.09 0.27 0.32 0.31 0.23 0.22
0.5 0.47 0.24 0.42 0.41 0.38 0.37
0.6 0.16 0.21 0.40 0.38 0.26 0.25
0.7 0.62 0.51 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57
0.8 0.68 0.38 0.66 0.68 0.57 0.58
0.9 0.34 0.48 0.52 0.55 0.45 0.46
1 0.84 0.80 0.80 0.83 0.82 0.82
Table 3: Gaussian NB Classifier Results.
σ TO (Model Perf) TO (Var Imp) TO (PD) TO (AL) TO (All PD) TO (All AL)
0.1 0.38 0.07 0.29 0.29 0.25 0.25
0.2 0.21 0.12 0.34 0.33 0.22 0.22
0.3 0.40 0.34 0.32 0.29 0.35 0.34
0.4 0.20 0.19 0.37 0.42 0.25 0.27
0.5 0.25 0.43 0.44 0.40 0.37 0.36
0.6 0.50 0.31 0.44 0.39 0.42 0.40
0.7 0.36 0.46 0.59 0.59 0.47 0.47
0.8 0.44 0.32 0.63 0.67 0.46 0.48
0.9 0.55 0.58 0.68 0.73 0.60 0.62
1 0.75 0.75 0.71 0.72 0.74 0.74
Off scores for Variable Importance explanation, PD
Profiles explanation, AL Profiles explanations, Aver-
aged Trade-off with respect to PD Profiles, and Aver-
aged Trade-off with respect to AL profiles at σ = 1.
These results suggest that DP does not significantly
impact data utility, the Accuracy of the model, and
the explainability of the model for these classifiers.
In (Harder et al., 2020), a method for privacy-
preserving data classification using DP and provid-
ing model explainability using Locally Linear Maps
was proposed. However, adding more noise to pre-
serve privacy can negatively affect prediction accu-
racy, leading to a trade-off between the two. To ad-
dress this, the authors used the Johnson-Lindenstrauss
transform to decrease the dimensionality of the Lo-
cally Linear Maps model. Tuning the number of
linear maps allowed for a reasonable trade-off be-
tween privacy, accuracy, and explainability on small
datasets. Future work could investigate the trade-off
on larger datasets and more complex representations.
The privacy-preserving data analysis model pro-
posed by (Patel et al., 2020) lacks global explana-
tions, Data Utility measurement, and an optimization
criterion to balance privacy, explainability, and accu-
racy metrics. While various privacy-preserving mech-
anisms, like federated learning with local explainabil-
ity, have been proposed in the literature, some of these
approaches do not consider Data Utility or provide
an optimization criterion, and no experiments were
conducted. Theoretical methods without optimization
techniques have been proposed, such as the method
described in (Ramon and Basu, 2020).
Our work proposes a new method for privacy-
preserving data analysis that balances data utility and
model explainability with privacy. It also defines a
Trade-Off criterion for the use of these measures in
an optimal manner. Thus, we provide accurate results
without compromising data privacy or model explain-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
ability. We validate our approach on the Adult dataset
using three classification models, demonstrating the
potential for trustworthy data analysis while control-
ling privacy levels. In future work, we aim to ex-
tend our approach to other types of datasets (i.e. non-
tabular) and analysis techniques using various privacy
preservation techniques.
This work has been partially funded by the EU-funded
project H2020 SIFIS-Home GA ID:952652.
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The Explainability-Privacy-Utility Trade-Off for Machine Learning-Based Tabular Data Analysis