et al., 2012, Figure 5) to verify that both outputs
from garbled circuit are the same. All benchmarks
without downloading boolean circuits were ran in a
single-threaded on an Intel i5 CPU 2.3GHz and 16GB
2133MHz LPDDR3 of RAM in the 13-inch (2018)
macbook pro.
Table 1: Basic information of circuits: f
, f
, and f
Total number of gates 847,420 796,827 507,581
Total number of wires 850,558 799,676 510,463
Table 2: Time consuming for running 20 samples.
Fast time 7.181s 2.688s
Slow time 7.748s 2.839s
Avg time 7.374s ± 0.14s 2.739s ± 0.04s
The bit-length of seed = 512, n = 33, and Paillier public key = 2048;
The number of base OT = 128; The half-gates scheme uses the
Hash function
(ref. (Guo et al., 2020, Section 7.3))
with the ideal cipher AES-128.
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