Migrating Applications to Post-Quantum Cryptography:
Beyond Algorithm Replacement
Alexandre Augusto Giron
1,2 a
Graduate Program in Computer Science – Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florian
opolis-SC, Brazil
Federal University of Technology – Parana (UTFPR), Brazil
Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), Hybrid PQC, Network Security.
Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) defines cryptographic algorithms designed to resist the advent of the quan-
tum computer. Most public-key cryptosystems today are vulnerable to quantum attackers, so a global-scale
transition to PQC is expected. As a result, several entities foment efforts in PQC standardization, research,
development, creation of Work Groups (WGs), and issuing adoption recommendations. However, there is a
long road to broad PQC adoption in practice. This position paper describes why migrating to PQC is necessary
and gathers evidence that the “hybrid mode” can help the migration process. Finally, it stresses that there are
risks yet to be considered by the literature. Quantum-safe protocols are being evaluated, but more attention
(and awareness) is needed for the software and protocols at the application layer. Lastly, this position paper
gives further recommendations for a smother PQC migration.
The Internet Society (IS) (Society, 2023) is a global
initiative that often expresses the benefits of an open,
accessible, cryptographically secure Internet. IS
strives against opposition trying to weaken cryptogra-
phy mechanisms on the Internet. Weakening the most
effective protection mechanism would leave applica-
tions and systems vulnerable to an adverse scenario,
such as mass surveillance. Therefore, web applica-
tions exchanging data through the Internet require ro-
bust security protocols. Otherwise, they are suscep-
tible to eavesdroppers, depending on how the appli-
cations implement cryptography mechanisms. The
strong cryptography is the mechanism that prevents
attackers from disclosing and modifying transmitted
data. Although strong cryptography is not permitted
everywhere, fortunately, most cryptography schemes
today give Internet users sufficient security guaran-
However, since Shor’s algorithm, widely used
Public-Key Cryptosystems are vulnerable to the
Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computer
(CRQC) (Mosca and Piani, 2022). In the somewhat-
near future, experts predict the CRQC’s capability
of breaking current cryptography schemes. As a
result, vulnerable schemes leave the Internet insecure
against such a quantum attacker. Regarding the
attacker’s capabilities, Bindel et al. (Bindel et al.,
2019) define the record-now-decrypt-later, in which
the attack starts today (or it is already started) by
secretly capturing data in transit and storing it for
decryption when a CRQC is available. Such a
threat is worrisome and limits confidentiality on the
Researchers started addressing this issue with the
so-called Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) (Bern-
stein and Lange, 2017). Also called quantum-safe
or quantum-resistant, PQC is built with mathematical
problems with no efficient solution by both quantum
and classical computation. The purpose of PQC is to
protect users of today’s computers against attackers
with quantum algorithm capabilities. Therefore, PQC
enables solving the quantum threat by replacing vul-
nerable algorithms, thus protecting users even before
the CRQC arrives.
Although it looks like a simple substitution, the
PQC migration is considered to be complex, non-
trivial and time-consuming (Kampanakis and Lep-
oint, 2023). The main reasons include the widespread
usage of public-key cryptography, complex charac-
teristics of Public-Key Infrastructures (PKIs), Hard-
ware support requirements, compliance with regula-
tions, and, more specifically, the confidence in the se-
Giron, A.
Migrating Applications to Post-Quantum Cryptography: Beyond Algorithm Replacement.
DOI: 10.5220/0012138800003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 857-862
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
curity of PQC schemes. PQC schemes do not have the
same scrutiny and study level as classical schemes. In
the same comparison, PQC schemes can significantly
increase byte cost requirements.
At the time of this writing, several research ef-
forts address the PQC migration challenges (Paquin
et al., 2020; Sikeridis et al., 2020). The NIST PQC
standardization process is considered a leading effort,
with plans to give PQC standards by 2024 (NIST,
2016). In addition, Working Groups (WGs) were cre-
ated to study PQC in different Internet-related pro-
tocols, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and
Certificate Management Protocol (CMP). However,
as time passes, PQC migration needs additional at-
tention and increased urgency. While the migration
urgency is increased due to the record-now-decrypt-
later threat, the time required to change several net-
work protocols and implementations also contributes
to this urgency.
Avoiding abrupt changes is ideal since confidence
in PQC security has yet to be fully established.
Therefore, experts recommend the “hybrid mode”
for the PQC migration, where classical cryptography
schemes are combined with PQC (Bindel et al., 2019).
This combination is performed to keep security as
long as one of the combined parts is secure. Using hy-
brids as the PQC migration strategy gives more time
to assess PQC security and performance impacts be-
fore replacing classical schemes.
In this context, this work discusses about PQC
migration strategies, including the hybrid mode, em-
phasizing the challenges and research gaps for PQC
adoption. The contributions of this paper are:
it emphasizes why carefully adopting PQC is nec-
essary, discussing quantum threats and known hy-
brid mode strategies;
it discusses challenges for further research, con-
sidering different PQC adoption approaches for
it gives insight about the lack of PQC aware-
ness in application-layer protocols and applica-
tions, showing that, otherwise, the migration strat-
egy can fail to mitigate quantum threats; and
it gives takeaways for readers with PQC adop-
tion recommendations, inviting further engage-
ment regarding quantum threat awareness.
The text is organized as follows. Section 2 dis-
cusses the need for PQC migration. Section 3 shows
the recommended strategies and challenges for mi-
grating. Section 4 argues about additional risks in ap-
plications yet to be fully considered by the literature.
Lastly, Section 5 gives final remarks and takeaways.
Considering that public-key cryptosystems are often
used for authentication, non-repudiation, and Key Ex-
change (KEX), when vulnerable, they allow the fol-
lowing attacks:
Impersonation: having access to the victim’s pri-
vate key sk in a digital signature system, the at-
tacker can impersonate by signing messages with
sk. If the private key of a web server is compro-
mised, the attacker can create a “fake” server, and
then every user will think that their connection is
legitimate. The server’s impersonation allows fur-
ther attacks, such as disclosing user data and com-
Violate confidentiality: having access to the pri-
vate key in a KEX process, the attacker obtains
knowledge of symmetric encryption keys used in
the user’s communication. Therefore, the attacker
can disclose the contents of the encrypted traffic.
In theory, a CRQC executes the Shor algorithm
and gives the capability to a quantum attacker to re-
cover a private key from the victim’s public key. As
of today, there is no publicly-known CRQC available.
So, public-key cryptosystems used for authentication
can not be exploited for impersonation until a CRQC
arrives. Experts estimate that a CRQC will eventually
be available, so such cryptosystems will have to be re-
placed (Mosca and Piani, 2022). Given the complex-
ity related to authentication on the Internet, such as
X.509 PKIs and the uncertainty of when a CRQC will
be operational, applications and systems must be pre-
pared in advance to prevent impersonations by quan-
tum attackers.
In regards to KEX mechanisms, the quantum
threat imposes additional concerns. KEX aids appli-
cations to provide confidentiality with symmetric en-
cryption. For example, a typical KEX is the Elliptic-
Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH), where the parties’
public keys are exchanged in the communication
channel. This exchange generates a shared secret that
is later used for deriving symmetric encryption keys.
However, a quantum attacker could capture the whole
KEX process and obtain the private keys from the ex-
changed public keys, thus allowing to generate the
same symmetric keys. Therefore, attackers can ex-
ploit KEX mechanisms vulnerable to quantum com-
puters to break confidentiality.
Vulnerable KEX mechanisms are worrisome be-
cause they are susceptible to a record-now-decrypt-
later attack. Given that KEX is widely used in net-
work protocols, such as TLS and SSH, quantum com-
puters threaten the confidentiality of today’s commu-
nications. Besides, Grover’s quantum algorithm is an-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
other threat to confidentiality (Bernstein and Lange,
2017). It weakens symmetric encryption algorithms
by offering a quadratic speedup over (classical) struc-
tured search in a brute-force attack. However, experts
say Grover’s algorithm is difficult to apply in practice.
Additionally, a simple mitigation to Grover would be
to double the security parameters (such as key length)
of symmetric primitives, keeping the original security
The immediate solution to the quantum threat is a
replacement of vulnerable algorithms by PQC. Some-
times called “PQC Drop-in replacement” or “PQC-
only deployment”, the vulnerable KEX and authenti-
cation mechanisms are replaced solely by PQC alter-
natives. Applications equipped with PQC can resist
quantum threats, but there are still threats imposed
by classical computation. For example, Rainbow was
a promising PQC algorithm candidate, but now it is
considered vulnerable to classical attacks (Beullens,
2022). Therefore, migrating to PQC must be handled
with care. In other words, a drop-in replacement of
PQC should be done after the confidence in its secu-
rity is well established. Instead, the hybrid mode is
recommended for an early (and smoother) adoption.
Hybrid PQC is an approach of adopting PQC in im-
plementations, which supports Post-Quantum Cryp-
tography (PQC) but maintains compatibility with the
classical cryptography algorithms. Hence, the secu-
rity of the construction holds until at least one algo-
rithm is not broken. In practice, hybrids are being
proposed as follows:
Concatenation of KEX objects (Stebila et al.,
2020): two (or more) KEX mechanisms exe-
cute in parallel, but the exchanged public keys
(or ciphertexts) of the KEX parties are concate-
nated before sending. Each KEX will produce
a shared secret concatenated prior to symmetric
key-derivation. In this way, symmetric keys are
produced with seeds from a classical and a PQC
algorithm. An attacker would need to break each
KEX to obtain the symmetric keys.
Dual signatures: For authentication with digital
signatures, the same data can be signed twice but
using different signing keys (a PQC and a clas-
sical one). The verifier checks the two signa-
tures for authenticating the data. Legacy imple-
mentations can be compatible but will check only
the classical signature. Regarding the PKI infras-
tructure for authentication, there are three pos-
sibilities (Ounsworth, 2023): (i) Composite hy-
brid, simple to implement in practice, where two
(or more) cryptographic objects are concatenated,
such as two signatures or two public keys; (ii)
“Catalyst Hybrid”, where the PQC algorithm ob-
jects are added through X.509 extensions, but us-
ing them as non-critical extensions to avoid dam-
aging legacy implementations; and (iii) Parallel
PKIs, where the implementation deals with a sec-
ond and post-quantum PKI. Adding a second PKI
probably incurs into a new set of certificates to be
handled by the implementation (called certifica-
tion paths or certificate chains).
The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) Project (Ste-
bila and Mosca, 2016) is a notorious effort to pro-
vide a cryptographic library for use by the com-
munity. In addition, OQS provides example imple-
mentations and programming language bindings for
broad adoption. In their implementations, the hybrid
mode is recommended. Other implementations, such
as the Bouncy Castle (Factor, 2023), CIRCL (Faz-
andez and Kwiatkowski, 2019), and OpenSSH
(OpenSSH, 2022), in this case, provide hybrid modes
for KEX operations. Table 1 summarizes implemen-
tations and applications using hybrid modes. The in-
dustry’s interest in hybrid modes is evident, consid-
ering the Google, Cisco, and Cloudflare experiments
(Braithwaite, 2016; Westerbaan, 2021; Kampanakis,
2020), and Internet Engineering Task Force standard-
ization drafts (Stebila et al., 2020). They focus on the
hybrid KEX for PQC adoption.
Several reports suggest small performance penal-
ties when comparing hybrids to PQC-only replace-
ments (Paquin et al., 2020). For example, Sikeridis
et al. (Sikeridis et al., 2020) experimented with hy-
brids in TLS and SSH protocols. Their work shows
that the average latency of hybrids is less than 2%
compared to PQ-only instances. Combining efficient
elliptic curve operations with the PQC alternatives in
a hybrid mode results in a good performance, consid-
ering computation time and byte costs.
Unfortunately, PQC significantly increases the
sizes of cryptographic objects, such as public keys
and signatures. Building a hybrid instance requires
Table 1: Popular cryptographic implementations and its
PQC support features (if present).
Hybrid mode?
OQS-OpenSSL 1.1.1 Present
OpenSSL 3.1.0 Not present
OpenSSH 9.0 Default
Bouncy Castle 1.73 Present
Wolf SSL 5.6.0 Present
Mbed TLS v3.4.0 Not present
CIRCL v1.3.2 Present
Migrating Applications to Post-Quantum Cryptography: Beyond Algorithm Replacement
adding at least one PQC algorithm (called ingredient)
to the classical scheme, so it increases the number
of cryptographic objects being transmitted between
parties, and it requires a cryptographic combiner that
has to combine the algorithms securely (i.e., keeping
the security properties of the combined ingredients)
(Bindel et al., 2019).
There are general challenges to adopt PQC in
practice. For example, some PQC schemes need state
management (e.g., control of how many signatures
can be performed). Other schemes must deal with
decryption failure and error sampling mechanisms.
From a high-level perspective, some protocols and
systems lack crypto-agility, with hard-coded parame-
ters. Few cryptographic libraries support PQC (Table
1), but they must be integrated into existing software.
The NIST PQC standardization process can help
developers concerning which PQC algorithms they
can use in their applications (NIST, 2016). For
Key-Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs), NIST an-
nounced Kyber as a primary choice for KEM to be
standardized until 2024. For Digital Signatures, NIST
announced Dilithium as a primary choice but added
Falcon and Sphincs+ as alternatives. Table 2 allows
comparing sizes of selected PQC algorithms and clas-
sical algorithms. Noteworthy, other organizations are
also putting efforts in PQC: the standards being pro-
posed by the IETF and the recommendations issued
by European agencies such as ENISA, ETSI, BSI,
and ANSSI (Ounsworth, 2023). Besides, NIST has
recently started a migration project to help the PQC
adoption awareness (NIST, 2023). Except for NSA,
most agencies recommend or allow the hybrid mode.
Decreasing cryptographic payloads is beneficial
for the performance of network applications. Still, the
increased-size challenge remains open. For example,
the NIST PQC process has an open call for new sig-
nature schemes with smaller sizes. Although hybrids
share the same problem, Table 2 shows that adding the
size of classical schemes to PQC does not increase the
overall size significantly.
In summary, this paper takes a position in favour
of a hybrid strategy for the PQC migration for the
Table 2: Comparison of classical and some PQC schemes
(at level 1) selected by the NIST process. Type stands for
(S)ignature or (K)EM/KEX.
Public Key
size (bytes)
Ciphertext or
Signature size
NIST P256 64 64 K
800 768 K
64 64 S
897 690 S
1312 2420 S
32 7856 S
following reasons. First, a non-disruptive transition
to PQC: the negotiation process should allow back-
ward compatibility to avoid denying access to ser-
vices, depending on internal policies. Secondly, the
confidence in traditional cryptography: algorithms
such RSA and DH has been studied for many years.
Some PQC algorithms and their cryptographic as-
sumptions are more recent compared to others. Users
may have more confidence in traditional cryptogra-
phy regarding its security. Third, for regulatory and
compliance requirements: government and industry
use cases of cryptography may have to obey specific
regulations or compliance with published standards.
Lastly, the level of scrutiny of implementations: the
wide variety of available cryptographic implementa-
tions indicates that this scrutiny can take many years.
Similarly to the algorithms scrutiny time, the imple-
mentations also need scrutiny time to increase the
confidence in PQC usage in practice.
In preparation for the PQC migration, awareness of
the quantum threats is essential. Given the urgency of
record-now-decrypt-later attacks, this need requires
increased attention.
Although deploying hybrids is recommended, this
work argues that it may not be enough for quantum-
safe protection from the application’s perspective.
The main reason is due to the sensitive data that some
applications have to manage. Such sensitive data
could be further explored by quantum attackers, even
if the application has already migrated to PQC.
Due to the record-now-decrypt-later attack, long-
term confidential information can be exploited after
an application’s PQC migration. For a complete mi-
gration to the post-quantum era, PQC algorithm re-
placement might not suffice if confidential (or long-
term) user data can allow future interactions with the
application. As a result, applications must manage
user data considering what knowledge quantum ad-
versaries can get. A “quantum risk assessment pro-
cess” should include policies and security measures
to protect against the quantum threat.
Considering concrete examples, in this case,
application-layer protocols and software, Table 3
summarizes the risks under the record-now-decrypt-
later attack. Each application requires a confidential
channel, often provided by TLS. Since secure chan-
nel providers can be vulnerable to quantum threats,
applications exchanging confidential data face differ-
ent risks. Having these concrete examples, this po-
sition paper emphasizes that applications need PQC
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: Application-layer risks under a record-now-decrypt-later threat (not exhaustive).
Risk Description
Basic HTTP
RFC 7617 TLS User Credentials
Exchanged long-term credentials can allow access to server’s resources
after breaking TLS with a quantum computer
OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749 TLS Refresh token
RFC leaves to implementations to explicitly define expiration time; an
example of refresh token expiration time is one year (Restrepo, 2022).
Attackers could obtain valid tokens exchanged with classical TLS.
OIDC/OAuth 2.0 (Sakimura et al., 2023) TLS
ID Token,
Refresh tokens
Similar to OAuth 2.0 (already pointed out by (Schardong et al., 2022))
Kerberos V5
(with kinit)
RFC 4120,
RFC 4556
N/A Renewal Ticket
In theory, ticket-granting tickets exchanged with classical cryptography
combined with a long-lifetime ticket renewal policy (from 0 to 99,999
days) (Long et al., 2023) could be exploited by a quantum attacker.
Email Protocols RFC 8314 TLS User Credentials
RFC 8314 recommends TLS for IMAP, SMTP and other email protocols.
Quantum attackers could exploit long-term user credentials exchanged
with TLS.
WebRTC (W3C, 2023) DTLS
WebRTC specifies different authentication methods, if long-term
passwords are used, a quantum attacker could recover the password
after breaking the DTLS session.
Rsync over SSH (Tridgell et al., 2022) SSH Server password
Rsync allows sharing files over SSH for security. A quantum attacker
could decrypt SSH tunnels and recover exchanged rsync passwords.
algorithms and risk analysis for the PQC migration.
Noteworthy, updating application-layer protocols
to PQC can require a significant effort. However,
the efforts are increased when dealing with the risks
shown in Table 3. Therefore, each application proto-
col might need specific analysis and further changes
for complete protection. For example, by limiting au-
thorizations and access token duration time, enforcing
a policy for long-term confidential data usage, and re-
voking past actions performed with classical cryptog-
raphy. The main drawback is that developing such
measures in the application increases the PQC migra-
tion efforts (and time).
Using SSH as an example, Table 1 showed that
OpenSSH already deployed PQC in hybrid mode,
thus mitigating quantum attacks. Therefore, quan-
tum attackers could exploit applications on top of
OpenSSH if (a) the application has not yet updated
OpenSSH and the quantum attacker has captured the
encrypted communication data; or (b) if the applica-
tion has updated but the user data (e.g., passwords)
have a long-term lifetime, so past communications
that exchanged it makes the record-now-decrypt-later
attack still valid for further exploitation. Although
OpenSSH already supports hybrid, researchers noted
the absence of a PQC working group (WG) for SSH
(Kampanakis and Lepoint, 2023). This work corrob-
orates this need but expand it to application-layer pro-
tocols like those presented in Table 3.
In summary, this position paper discussed the need for
migrating applications to PQC. It emphasized hybrids
as the recommended mechanism for an easier tran-
sition. Additional risks were discussed when appli-
cations had already migrated to PQC. In such a case,
this work showed that applications would require spe-
cific risk analysis and implement security measures
for complete protection against quantum threats.
Given the PQC migration challenges, this position
paper issues the following takeaways.
Consider hybrids as the recommended PQC mi-
gration strategy, given the favourable scenario re-
garding performance comparisons and security
confidence in PQC. Remember that adopting PQC
is still challenging for some applications, e.g., due
to increased sizes.
Take a specific approach for analyzing how is the
best option for PQC migration. Note that it does
not only need a PQC algorithm selection that best
suits the application’s needs. The PQC migration
strategy should include risk analyses related to
long-term confidential data and other information
that quantum-capable attackers could explore.
Call for improving participation in PQC adoption
Work Groups (WG), also creating new WGs, aim-
ing at increasing the awareness of the quantum
threats for general applications. Such WGs would
foment new risk analyses for other protocols, such
as the application-layer protocols that were not yet
analyzed elsewhere.
Migrating Applications to Post-Quantum Cryptography: Beyond Algorithm Replacement
Hybrid modes for the post-quantum transition
may be a temporary approach. However, this does
not necessarily mean that it will be a short period. On
the contrary, Hybrid PQC can be present in network
communications for an extended period, for as long
as needed to gain full confidence in PQC security.
Additionally, the awareness of the effects of quantum
threats and how to mitigate them helps to build a se-
cure post-quantum world.
The author would like to say thanks to Ricardo
odio, the Federal University of Technology -
Parana (UTFPR/Brazil), and the Technology Innova-
tion Institute (TII/UAE) for their support.
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SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography