Table 2: Communication overhead analysis.
Ref. No Costly operations for Communication overhead Communication overhead in bits
(Wang et al., 2018) 4|G| + |m| 4608 bits
(Liu et al., 2021) 3|G| + |m| 3584 bits
(Zhang et al., 2022) 4|G| + |m| 4608 bits
(Zhu et al., 2018a) 3|G| + |m| 3584 bits
Proposed 3|q| + |m| 752 bits
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that the ABAC scheme using blockchain combined
with a lightweight Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystem
(HCC) is well suited for secure deployment in IoT.
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that are raised by the practice of storing access histo-
ries on a blockchain. We will look into a more ad-
vanced privacy-preserving technique that offers the
benefits of blockchain technology without compro-
mising user privacy.
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SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography