resources and the main page. To ensure the authen-
ticity of the DNS records, DNS-based Authentication
of Named Entities (DANE) is used. However, un-
like WEBAPPAUTH, SecureBrowse does not require
the key to be kept outside of the web server’s con-
trol and thus does not consider a compromised first-
party web server. Beyond DANE, SecureBrowse does
not protect from a compromised DNS, for example if
an attacker manages to remove or replace an existing
DNSSEC key and set an own DNS nameserver for
the domain. Furthermore, unlike WEBAPPAUTH, Se-
cureBrowse is unable to protect from attackers who
are able to control the DNS for multiple days, includ-
ing the capability to manipulate DNSSEC keys. In ad-
dition, SecureBrowse does not allow to exclude assets
from protection, which makes it unsuitable in some
scenarios that are covered by WEBAPPAUTH, such as
dynamic generation of HTML or media files.
Varshney and Shah (2021) analyze the threat
of client-side manipulation of web application code
through browser extensions. They propose a DNS-
based security policy framework that enables the
browser to detect such manipulation. Their architec-
ture provides hashes of important pages of the web
application via DNS TXT records, which the browser
can compare with the hashes of the actual pages.
In this paper, we proposed WEBAPPAUTH that can
protect from very strong attackers who have full con-
trol over all web servers and the domain DNS. It re-
lies on signing client-side code with a private crypto-
graphic key, which the web application operator must
store in a secure location, such as on air-gapped de-
vices. Two independent key registration authorities
verify domain ownership and maintain a public reg-
istry containing the public keys of all domains. These
public keys can then be used by clients to verify
the authenticity of the web application. WEBAPP-
AUTH requires the transmission of only a relatively
low amount of extra data and can be deployed in a
way that does not cause additional delays when load-
ing a web application. It is robust to attackers fully
controlling an attacked domain for a limited time.
As future work, we intend to research server-
side authenticity within our threat model, e. g., using
trusted hardware.
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SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography