Table 1: The 7 strict templates used in this experiment, each with an example partition problem instance. All generated
instances have exactly 14 integers and exactly 105 informational bits, but bits are distributed differently over the integers for
each template.
Strict Template Example instance
26b, 20b, 17b, 13b, 9b, 4b, 3b, 3b, 3b, 3b, 2b, 2b, 1b, 1b 38553645, 832461, 111689, 4981, 357, 14, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
22b, 18b, 15b, 12b, 9b, 6b, 5b, 5b, 4b, 3b, 2b, 2b, 1b, 1b 2614847, 158808, 24310, 2818, 511, 59, 24, 23, 9, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0
17b, 15b, 13b, 11b, 10b, 9b, 7b, 6b, 5b, 4b, 4b, 2b, 1b, 1b 120760, 32272, 8143, 2011, 591, 472, 77, 46, 21, 15, 7, 3, 1, 0
14b, 13b, 12b, 11b, 10b, 9b, 8b, 7b, 6b, 5b, 4b, 3b, 2b, 1b 15411, 6345, 3880, 1947, 783, 469, 202, 110, 40, 16, 13, 3, 1, 0
13b, 12b, 11b, 10b, 9b, 9b, 9b, 7b, 6b, 5b, 4b, 4b, 3b, 3b 4272, 2169, 1294, 682, 440, 316, 276, 66, 52, 31, 10, 8, 6, 5
10b, 10b, 10b, 8b, 8b, 8b, 7b, 7b, 7b, 6b, 6b, 6b, 6b, 6b 808, 703, 564, 221, 188, 133, 122, 86, 72, 63, 59, 53, 46, 40
8b, 8b, 8b, 8b, 8b, 8b, 8b, 7b, 7b, 7b, 7b, 7b, 7b, 7b 251, 246, 229, 225, 198, 166, 146, 118, 116, 109, 93, 89, 84, 81
Karp, 1982; Korf, 1995; Korf, 1998).
It’s actually remarkable that Korf has (apparently)
never attempted to quantify instance hardness for the
partition problem. His earlier work on the asymmet-
ric traveling salesman problem, together with WeiX-
iong Zhang, yielded a tremendous insights on how the
performance of an exact algorithm’s performance de-
pends on the actual numerical values inside the dis-
tance matrix (Zhang and Korf, 1996). We cannot es-
cape the feeling that constrainedly summing up inte-
gers from a matrix such as in asymmetric traveling
salesman problem is very close to the partition prob-
lem, or at least to subset sum.
Zhang & Korf’s work was at least partially in-
spired by an earlier work on instance hardness
for ATSP, namely the investigation of Cheeseman,
Kanefsky and Taylor
(Cheeseman et al., 1991). It
must be the most cited paper in the field, showing
that for ATSP, the standard deviation of the integers in
the cost matrix of an instance was the critical indica-
tor of its algorithmic hardness. Sadly, Cheeseman et
al. were wrong, as they likely overlooked a roundoff
error which was only discovered three decades later,
practically nullifying all these results (Sleegers et al.,
2020). But that’s science, moving ahead by a stride
and a stumble. Still, Cheeseman et al.’s paper in-
flamed the instance hardness discussion like no other.
As once noted by Kevin Leighton-Brown, in-
stance hardness appears to be much better investi-
gated on NP-complete decision problems (Leyton-
Brown et al., 2002). At the root of all decision prob-
lems sits satisfiability, for which a solvability phase
transition, and accompanying instance hardness was
identified in the number of clauses over the number of
variables (Larrabee and Tsuji, 1992; Kirkpatrick and
Selman, 1994; Gent and Walsh, 1994). The Hamilto-
nian cycle problem too, has a solvability phase tran-
sition, through its edge degree, as was demonstrated
by Cheeseman et al. in the same paper as the ATSP-
hardness (Cheeseman et al., 1991). This experiment
One can tell not only from their references, but also
their reported personal communication with Peter Cheese-
was later independently verified in an extended repli-
cation by Joeri Sleegers (van Horn et al., 2018). But
Sleegers moved beyond edge degree, showing not
only these results were valid for all major exact al-
gorithms (Sleegers and van den Berg, 2021; Sleegers
et al., 2022), but also that the hardest existable in-
stances were in a completely different region of the
combinatorial state space (Sleegers and van den Berg,
2020a; Sleegers and van den Berg, 2020b; Sleegers
and van den Berg, 2022). The fact that these instances
do not turn up in random ensembles might be due
to their high degree of (Kolmogorov-)structure, and
has direct implications for our benchmarking prac-
tices (Bartz-Beielstein et al., 2020).
For the partition problem however, recent work
on instance hardness showed that the distribution of
informational bits among the integers play a critical
role in instance hardness
(van den Berg and Adri-
aans, 2021). Their work is rooted in information the-
ory (Adriaans, 2021), but their experiment, though in-
teresting, is fairly small. In our experiments, we will
add three more algorithms, and 100-fold the number
of instances, which we will discuss in the following
For generating partition problem instances, we use
‘strict templates’ containing explicit designations for
informational bits to integers. For example, a strict
template like (4b,3b,2b,1b) could give rise to ran-
domly generated instance such as {14,5,3,1} or
{9,6,2,0}. Here, the first integer containing exactly
4 bits of information, the second containing exactly 3
bits, then 2 bits and finally 1 bit. Note that the value
0 is a borderline case here, as it is discardable as an
input integer for the partition problem, but we leave
it in for generative purposes. A second remark con-
tains the notion of ‘strict’, meaning that e.g. a 4-bit
The authors actually use the more general term ‘subset
sum’, but are practically investigating the partition problem.
The Partition Problem, and How The Distribution of Input Bits Affects the Solving Process