approach when quantum computers reach "quantum
supremacy" in the coming years.
In this paper, we have proposed a generic iPaaS
architecture fully composed of open-source solutions.
This shows that this solution can work at very low
cost even if some tasks will be a bit heavier to
manage. All technologies used could, of course, be
replaced by proprietary solutions. We could see that
the architecture allows to satisfy the requirements of
integrability, interoperability and extensibility.
To optimize the complex regression case results,
it’s essential to increase the data preprocessing
methods to achieve formidable performance for
diverse problems. Therefore, some robust techniques
will be introduced to the system for this purpose, e.g.,
data imputation using linear regression. Second, it
will be fundamental to optimize the hyperparameters
of the algorithms to obtain desired results, this last
will be possible by implementing the Grid-Search
Moreover, this work presents an alternative to the
existing options reviewed throughout state of the art,
including machine learning methods in its quantum
version to address binary classification tasks. The
latter approach was possible to deploy by using IBM
quantum resources. Moreover, the properties of
entanglement and superposition provided a speedup
to determine the number of burners needed to dry a
production batch, with exceptional accuracy and
minimal training.
This architecture allows for a simple integration
of the DDDSS which makes it adaptive and that will
clean and standardize the data and define the most
suitable decision models. The models will be able to
be evaluated, adjusted and used simultaneously to
support the decision-making process or to make it
directly while providing auditable results. The
objective is to acquire as much knowledge as possible
to compensate for the retirement of experts who are
not necessarily replaced and are becoming
increasingly rare, particularly in certain fields such as
grain drying and agriculture in general. The
collaboration of these models will bring a strong
adaptability and robustness to future CPS. The
integration of quantum decision models is also not to
be excluded in the coming years. Finally, in the
future, an evaluation of the scalability and elasticity
of the solution will be performed in a multi-tenant
scenarios context.
We thank Pierre Lestage, Olivier Sourbets and the
silo managers for sharing their expertise in the field
of agriculture and more specifically in the drying
process. More generally, we also thank
MAÏSADOUR and UPPA for their financial and
institutional support in this research project.
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