Impact of Inventory Management Policies on Supply Chain
Resilience at RiRiShun Logistics
Edward Meredith, Nikolaos Papakostas
and Vincent Hargaden
Laboratory for Advanced Manufacturing Simulation & Robotics (LAMS), School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering,
University College Dublin, D04 V1W8, Ireland
Keywords: Supply Chain Risk & Resilience, Simulation Modelling, Inventory Management, RiRiShun Logistics.
Abstract: Using one year's transaction level data from a large logistics service provider, this paper employs discrete
event simulation to assess various inventory policies for managing supply chain risks and developing
resilience. Datasets from a large Chinese Business-To-Consumer firm (RiRiShun Logistics) specialising in
the order fulfilment of household appliances were provided. Using the datasets, a discrete event simulation
model of RiRiShun's distribution supply chain in two customer regions was developed using anyLogistix
simulation software. A series of experiments were carried out to analyse the impact of inventory management
policies on the performance of its supply chain in the face of disruptions. Results showed that decentralised
inventory performed better when dealing with disruptions, while centralised inventory performed better when
dealing with demand uncertainty.
Table 1: List of abbreviations.
ALX an
B2B Business To Business
B2C Business To Consume
CDC Central Distribution Centre
CSV Comma-Se
arated Values
DC Distribution Centre
DES Discrete Event Simulation
LMH Last Mile Hub
LTC Local Transfer Centre
RDC Regional Distribution Centre
SKU Stock Kee
TTR Time to Recove
TTS Time To Survive
Modern supply chains are highly complex, with those
firms engaged in the supply and distribution of
business to consumer (B2C) products tending to have
multi-echelon networks, often with centrally located,
larger warehouses outside urban districts and then
smaller order fulfilment facilities located closer to
clusters of customers. Such multi-echelon
distribution networks present supply chain design and
management challenges, where inventory location,
product availability and speed of order fulfilment to
end customers are key issues. Firms must manage the
trade-off between holding inventory at large upstream
warehouses, the transportation cost and order cycle
time to end customers. In the wake of the COVID-19
pandemic, there is additional focus on designing
resilient supply chains, with one approach being to
hold increased safety stock, but which comes with
increased inventory costs.
This paper employs simulation modelling and
uses transaction level data from a large B2C firm
(RiRiShun Logistics) to analyse the resilience of its
downstream distribution network, with particular
focus on the role of inventory management policies.
The analysis focuses on where best to store inventory
to lower network costs while maintaining service
levels to customers when the network is subject to
disruptions and increasing levels of demand variation.
Previous research (e.g. Berman et al., 2011) shows
that storing inventory at higher echelons mitigates
Meredith, E., Papakostas, N. and Hargaden, V.
Impact of Inventory Management Policies on Supply Chain Resilience at RiRiShun Logistics.
DOI: 10.5220/0012146800003546
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2023), pages 159-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-668-2; ISSN: 2184-2841
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
against downstream disruptions such as stochastic
demand, while storing inventory at lower echelons
better protects against supply uncertainty.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 summarises the findings from the
relevant literature. A description and preliminary
analysis of the datasets provided by RiRiShun
Logistics is provided in Section 3. Section 4 describes
the development of the simulation model and the
experiments that are carried out. Results from the
experiments and a discussion are in Section 5.
Conclusions, limitations and future work are outlined
in Section 6.
This section provides a summary of the relevant
literature related to inventory management policies,
with particular focus on supply chain risk, as well as
the analytical approach employed in the paper
(Discrete Event Simulation).
2.1 Inventory Management & Supply
Chain Risk
Previous research focusing on the minimisation of
inventory costs includes Üster et al. (2008), which
identifies four dominant pillars of inventory costs:
stock-out, holding, transportation and opportunity
costs. While Üster et al. (2008) focus on minimizing
system-wide transportation costs, the research
described in our paper focuses on the role of
inventory allocation policies within a pre-existing
distribution network to enhance resilience. Initial
allocation of inventory is crucial and several methods
for initial allocation are discussed in Liu (2016) and
Catalán et al. (2012). Liu (2016) utilises the same data
set as our paper and explores the impact inventory
allocation has on transhipment and replenishment
policies. The distance between distribution centres
was identified as a crucial factor in the success of
inventory policies and in lowering overall logistics
costs. Catalán et al. (2012) explore how best to
categorise Stock Keeping Units (SKU) so those often
sold together are located at similar locations. The
allocation of SKUs in different echelons is also
discussed in Nozick & Turnquist (2001), Mao et al.
(2019) and Li et al. (2021). The first two of these
explain that less popular SKUs should be stored at a
higher echelon. There, they will accumulate lower
holding costs. This negates the additional cost they
incur when they are ordered. These papers also
emphasise the need to study the lower echelons of
supply chain networks as their inventories are more
critical to the network's profitability. Li et al. (2021)
focus on the most popular SKU from the most popular
client, an approach which significantly decreases the
complexity of the real-world problem.
Risk-pooling is a common inventory management
tactic in the context of supply chain risk management.
Risk pooling means concentrating stock in centralised
locations, while risk diversification in this context
means spreading inventory across multiple
distribution centres (DCs) to lower the impact of
Supply chain resilience refers to "the ability of a
system to bounce back from a setback" (Schmitt &
Singh, 2012). The necessity for a closer examination
of supply chain resilience has intensified since the
COVID-19 pandemic (Ivanov & Dolgui, 2022).
Firms no longer see disruptions as exceptional events
but rather as part of ongoing business planning,
leading to increased focus on designing resilient
supply chains.
Schmitt & Singh (2012) discuss the outcomes of
holding inventory higher or lower in the supply chain.
If a disruption occurs and the majority of inventory is
held upstream, the downstream DC's inventory will
deplete and will not be easily replenishable.
Alternatively, if a disruption occurs when inventory
is held further downstream, upstream production
output will have to be reduced unless alternative
storage facilities are available. Schmitt et al. (2015)
investigate the applicability of risk pooling and risk
diversification depending on the stochasticity of both
demand and supply. It is generally accepted that
under deterministic supply and stochastic demand, a
centralised inventory is preferred as the demand
variance of each demand can be pooled together,
lowering operational costs. Conversely, if supply is
stochastic and demand is deterministic, a less
centralised approach is favourable as disruptions will
impact the entire system less. Berman et al. (2011)
found that holding inventory centrally was beneficial
when stochasticity was introduced to a supply chain.
This research found that low variations in demand
favoured the centralised method by allowing it to
maintain adequate service levels at higher levels of
variation. At 50% variation, however, the benefits of
risk pooling ceased as the system entered a " complete
shutdown" regime. Tomlin (2006) and Park et al.
(2010) also discuss the effects of risk pooling and risk
diversification in the face of disruption, with Tomlin
(2006) arguing that risk diversification lowers
transport costs and also stating "Firms that passively
accept the risk of disruptions leave themselves open
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
to the danger of severe financial and market-share
2.2 Discrete Event Simulation
Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a method of
modelling the operations of a system in which each
action or event that takes place changes the state of
the system and occurs at a particular time. These
times and changes are recorded within the simulation
(Law et al., 2007). DES has several advantages as an
analytical modelling approach. It enables the creation
of a complex network of interrelated operations and
the performance of various 'what-if' experiments
(Jahangirian et al., 2010). In recent years, it has been
used increasingly in supply chain management. For
instance, Haque et al. (2022) utilise DES to lower
logistics costs, Papakostas et al. (2019) to design
dynamic manufacturing networks, Liu et al. (2016) to
optimise inventory allocation and transhipment
policies and Chu et al. (2015) to sustain adequate
fulfilment rates. Furthermore, while mathematical
programming and optimisation techniques (e.g.
Linear Programming) produce a single point result,
DES provides the decision maker with a range of
results, often in the form of a distribution and
confidence interval. DES also allows for
stochasticity. The user can introduce agents
(products) into the system at a specified time or a rate
with a specified distribution. This control allows the
user to see the impact of an increased demand
variance and add a certain level of randomness,
capturing the true nature of unpredictable real-world
DES has also seen increased adoption and
application recently to model supply chain risk and
resilience. A range of studies demonstrating the
usefulness of applying this technique to disruptions
have been carried out (Ivanov, 2017; Ivanov &
Rozhkov, 2020; Ivanov & Dolgui 2022). These
studies all demonstrate how simulation allows the
user to experiment with different transportation and
stocking policies in the face of disruptions to examine
their impacts on lead times, financial outcomes and
network efficiency.
This section will provide an introduction to RiRiShun
Logistics (RRS) and its operations. In addition, it will
describe the transaction level data sets that were used
in this research.
3.1 Research Context: RiRiShun
RiRiShun (RRS) Logistics is a Haier Group
subsidiary and a leading logistics service provider
focusing on home appliance delivery and installation
in China. RRS has created a distribution network that
can deal with bulkier household appliances (e.g.
cookers, refrigerators, washing machines etc.) which
require special handling and installation. In 2021,
RRS supported the Institute for Operations Research
and Management Science (INFORMS)
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
(MSOM) Society's "Data-Driven Research
Challenge" by providing MSOM members with a
single year's actual logistics operational-level data.
The data include over 14 million orders from 149
consigners with deliveries to an estimated 4.2 million
customers in China and handles 18,000 SKUs.
The RRS distribution network is designed in a
hierarchical manner. At the top are seven national
central distribution centres (CDCs). Below are 26
regional distribution centres (RDCs); at the lowest
level there are 100 local transfer centres (LTCs).
These are serviced by more than 6,000 last-mile hubs
(LMHs), which deliver directly to the end customers.
A high level outline of the network is illustrated in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: RiRiShun Distribution Network (Guo et al.,
Typically, the logistics for each Chinese province
in RRS' service area are provided by one CDC or
RDC. However, due to the uneven population
distribution, some provinces have more than one
RDC, while others might not have any and be served
by a neighbouring province. RRS provides both
Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to
Impact of Inventory Management Policies on Supply Chain Resilience at RiRiShun Logistics
Business (B2B) operations, but for the focus of the
research challenge, the focus is only on its B2C
supply chain.
3.2 Data Description
RRS data consist of seven CSV files, each containing
information on a particular logistics segment. The
tables in each file describe details on individual
orders, the products being delivered, appointments
made by customers, granular delivery details, and the
customers themselves. The data sets are linked by a
standard primary key (order_no). The purpose of the
key is to provide a way to join the data from different
tables or data sets into a single table or data set. The
key matches up rows in different data sets with the
same value so that the corresponding data can be
combined into a single row. Each table also has a
foreign key to distinguish between each row of their
respective tables. Table 2 depicts the Delivery_details
data set with examples of each value.
Sometimes when a SKU is ordered, it must be
transhipped through each echelon of the distribution
network and even go through a LMH before being
delivered to a customer. Each sub-process is detailed
in the Delivery_details table. Of course, the order to
which each sub-process is a part of is detailed in the
order_no column, and the unique identifier for each
row in the table is given in the rrs_pool_node_info_id
column. When an order is placed, a DC is assigned to
track and ensure that the order is delivered. That DC
is specified through operation_center_code. As the
SKU moves closer to the customer, the warehouse
that it departs is shown in orig_code and that it enters
is dest_code. To clarify, the locations possible in the
orig_code column are origin centres, transfer centres,
destination centres and LMHs. The values possible in
the dest_code column are transfer centres, destination
centres, LMHs and the GB codes for specific Chinese
districts (Postcodes). The type of operation between
the two locations is detailed in the node_code column.
The example given in Guo et al. (2021) is "QS",
meaning "signed". This means that the orig_code and
dest_code is the name of an LMH and the customer's
location, respectively.
The Appointment_details and SKU_details tables
describe how long each order took to be delivered and
product-specific information, respectively. These
tables were merged through the order_no column to
create a table that described all transactions between
warehouses pertaining to the most frequently sold
SKU with the mean lead time of those orders. In this
way, our paper follows the methodology proposed by
Li et al. (2021) that focuses solely on the most popular
RRS SKU to reduce processing times.
3.3 Data Cleaning
To create an accurate simulation model of the RRS
network, the locations of all DCs were required.
However, RRS did not provide this information.
Instead, they provided a supplementary
Distance_information table, which contains a matrix
detailing the distances between all 103 warehouses.
Guo et al. (2021) also provided a blank map of China
depicting the locations of the CDCs and RDCs. The
locations of the LTCs were found through
triangulation. To find one LTC, circles were drawn
digitally around three known locations. The radii of
each circle were given as the distance between the
three known locations and the LTC's location. Where
these three circles intersected was determined to be
the approximate location of the LTC. Figure 2
illustrates the locations of all RRS DCs and LTCs.
The CDC icons are navy, the RDC icons are blue and
the LTC icons are green.
Figure 2: Location of RRS distribution centres.
Table 2: Description of the Delivery_details table.
Data Type Sample Value
order_no varcha
operation_center_code varcha
orig_code varcha
dest_code varcha
node_code varcha
node_operation_date datetime 2019-06-04 23:59:59
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
3.4 Data Construction
To create a model that accurately represents the RRS
network, the number of times each DC sent a product
to and received a product from another DC had to be
known. Since RRS only provided the locations of
DCs and not LMHs, this paper will only focus on
interactions between the top three echelons of the
network. Consequently, the model will treat all LTCs
as customers, whereas CDCs and RDCs will be
treated as DCs. To generate the number of times each
DC sent and received a product from another DC, the
Delivery_details data set required cleaning. All rows
where the sender and the receiver of the product were
not named had DCs deleted. Moreover, the
Delivery_details documented processes that did not
involve two DCs, but rather a process that started and
finished within the same DC. Rows, where the sender
and the receiver were the same, were also deleted.
Table 3 depicts the top five rows of the data frame
created (using Python) during the data construction
phase. The data represents only the most frequently
sold SKU (1936c558) in the busiest quarter of the
year (June to August). Each combination of sender
and receiver was created and counted. This data frame
also showed that, within the top three echelons of the
network, LTCs rarely sent SKUs, while CDCs and
RDCs seldom received SKUs. This demonstrates that
modelling the first two echelons of the network as
DCs and the LTC echelon as customers is
Table 3: Top five rows of the “combinations count” data
Index Sende
- Receive
0 RRSZX081 - RRSZX083 5,867
1 RRSZX033 - RRSZX021 4,949
2 RRSZX083 - RRSZX086 4,059
3 RRSZX043 - RRSZX048 3,802
4 RRSZX074 - RRSZX079 3,429
In this section, an outline of the simulation modelling
approach will be provided. Based on this, an
experimental test design will be generated, so that
different questions in relation to the impact of
inventory management policies on supply chain
resilience can be answered. Section 2 previously
discussed the appropriateness of DES to analyse
supply chains (e.g. Chu et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016;
Papakostas et al., 2019; Haque et al., 2022 all used
this modelling approach to generate results for their
respective research). As previously mentioned, DES
has advantages over other approaches: its ability to
consider stochasticity, disruptions and real-time
monitoring of a supply network. Li et al. (2021)
asserts that DES allows an entire network to be
considered and optimised rather than one specific
aspect. The modelling software used by Li et al.
(2021) was AnyLogic. In 2014, AnyLogic created a
spin-off product to deal specifically with simulation
modelling of supply chains called anyLogistix™
(ALX). ALX allows users to create a digital twin of
supply chains of any size to design and optimise
network features and strategies. ALX has been
previously used to model disruptions and to analyse
what-if scenarios (Ivanov, 2017; Ivanov & Rozhkov,
2020; Ivanov & Dolgui 2022).
4.1 Simulation Model Development
ALX enables the creation of a simulation model to
simulate and test supply chain scenarios for RRS to
evaluate its supply chain performance, with particular
focus on inventory management policies and their
impact on supply chain resilience. The model is
designed to focus on metrics such as service levels,
lead times, inventory costs and transport distances.
The model's features include the DCs/factories,
customers, locations, demand data, suppliers and
vehicles. The locations of each DC and customer are
based on real DCs in the RRS network and are
connected automatically in the ALX model using
accurate road network data. The demand for each
customer was found by analysing the RRS data for
the busiest quarter of the year and a demand
coefficient was applied to each month based on the
number of transactions done per month. The lead time
for product 1936c558 was found to be 42 hours,
which was chosen as the expected delivery time, and
orders were dropped if delivery was not possible
within this period.
4.2 Experimental Design
ALX functionality provides a range of experiments to
run. The most basic, “Simulation Experiment”,
simply simulates the model that the user creates.
However, other experiments exist that focus on safety
stock and risk analysis. Ivanov (2017) used the basic
“Simulation Experiment” to assess the performance
of different inventory policies. When running one of
these experiments, the user can specify a start and end
date, create dashboards to show the simulation results
and when imposing demand stochasticity, specify
how many iterations of the experiment to run. The
Impact of Inventory Management Policies on Supply Chain Resilience at RiRiShun Logistics
user can then adjust the model, rerun the simulation
and compare the results. The experiments described
in our paper were focused on two of RRS's customer
regions in China: Foshan and Chengdu.
This research aims to answer two primary
questions regarding the impact of inventory
management policies on supply chain resilience. The
first question is whether RRS supply chain network
performs better if most of its stock is centrally held at
a higher echelon of the supply chain or if the stock is
held in decentralised locations at a lower level of the
supply chain network. While prior literature
discussed appropriate safety stock levels and
inventory policies to deal with disruptions (e.g.
Schmitt et al., 2015), it appears none to date have
investigated whether keeping stock upstream or
downstream makes supply chains more resilient. Two
important metrics of supply chain resilience are Time
To Survive (TTS) and Time To Recover (TTR)
(Simchi-Levi et al., 2014; Nguyen, 2021). TTS is the
length of time a supply chain can maintain adequate
service levels after a disruption, while TTR is the time
it takes a supply chain to achieve normal service
levels after the drop caused by the disruption.
The second research question is how stochastic
demand affects the performance of RRS supply chain
network. Prior research has shown that holding
inventory centrally can better cope with the
stochasticity of demand when supply is deterministic,
due to the risk-pooling effect where the variance of
all customers is pooled together to create one demand
variance rather than several (Schmitt et al., 2015).
However, when demand is deterministic and supply
is stochastic, a decentralised network where the
inventory is more dispersed is better suited. While
some authors have explored these findings, there has
been little examination of how networks with
centralised and decentralised stock cope with demand
variance. Although ALX software makes varying
demand easy, it is more difficult to add stochasticity
to supply. Another previous study found that a central
system could perform well at higher levels of demand
variation, but at a certain threshold, the benefits of
holding inventory centrally become negligible as the
system naturally holds no safety stock (Berman et al.,
Assumptions for each model variation are
discussed in the following sub-sections. By
configuring the model in this way, it is possible to test
different scenarios and accurately record the key
performance indicators (KPI) of the supply chain.
4.2.1 Upstream Versus Downstream
It was decided that the model would have a capacity
of 6,000 units. To differentiate between a centralised
and decentralised network, these 6,000 units would be
separated in different ways. For the centralised
network, 60% of the capacity was allocated to the
CDC. The remaining 40% were dispersed based on
demand. The capacities for each DC in the Upstream
model can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Product flow – upstream model.
The decentralised model more evenly dispersed
the 6,000 units. Two DCs were allocated 30% of the
6,000 units while the other two DCs were allocated
20% each (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Product flow – downstream model.
Both models only allow the products to move
downwards through the distribution network and the
LTCs act as customers. The red lines in Figures 3 and
4 indicate the impact of the disruption. The first
experiment is examining each model's reaction to a
full DC closure where no products can flow into or
out of the closed DC. The disruption will last 30 days
and, in both cases, will impact 60% of the capacity of
the network. Therefore, the CDC in the Upstream
model carrying 60% network capacity will close,
while two RDCs carrying 30% of the network
capacity will close in the Downstream model. An (r,
Q) was used for the DCs in both scenarios where r
was one-third of the DC capacity and Q was two-
thirds of the DC capacity.
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
4.2.2 Demand Variance
This experiment introduces downstream disruptions
in the form of varying the demand of each customer.
A sensitivity analysis was performed to do this. In the
Upstream and Downstream models with disruptions,
the customers were given a demand with a triangular
distribution. The former weekly demand was the
mode value. In contrast, the minimum and maximum
values were changed for each experiment since
Berman et al. (2011) found that the benefits of risk
pooling became negligible at 50%, the minimum
values were chosen to be 80%, 60%, and 40% of the
mode value. In contrast, the maximum values were
chosen to be 120%, 140%, and 160% of the mode
value. This range should indicate how demand
variation affects both models while triggering the
threshold at which the models enter the “Complete
Shutdown” regime.
This section outlines the results obtained through the
experimentation process and discusses their findings.
5.1 Upstream Versus Downstream
Before comparing how the Upstream and
Downstream models coped with 60% capacity
disruptions, the two scenarios must be compared
performing without any issues. Table 4 contains
results from the four simulations that were run for this
experiment. The first thing to note is that both models
had an almost perfect service level. The Upstream and
Downstream models dropped two and one order,
respectively, out of a total of the 210 that was
expected. In both cases, the service level remained
above 90% the entire time.
Schmitt et al. (2015) state that a network structure
that holds its inventory downstream in more
decentralised locations will be better adapted to
handle disruptions. It would appear from the
simulation results that is accurate. Upon a 60%
capacity disruption, the TTR value for the Upstream
model was 175 days compared to 91 days in the
Downstream equivalent. This suggests significantly
higher resilience. The Total Service Level of each
model reinforces this point. The mean service level of
the Upstream model fell from 99% to 91%, almost
twice as great a decrease as the Downstream model.
It can be seen in Figures 5 and 6 that the service level
of both models reaches approximately 65% by day
30. However, where the Downstream model recovers
after that, the Upstream model continues to fall
another 10% by day 45. This indicates that the
disruption impacts the Upstream model more
aggressively and enforces a longer recovery time.
Schmitt et al. (2015) argued that by "Not putting
all the firms' eggs in one basket" a supply chain would
be less affected by disruptions, "although the same
number of eggs may be destroyed, they are not all
destroyed at once". When the majority of stock is held
at one location, the other locations are worse prepared
to deal with a sudden increase in demand.
Based on the results from this experiment, it is
suggested that inventory should be held downstream
in decentralised locations if there is a risk of
disruptions. The lesser impact sustained and quicker
recovery times suggest that holding stock at
RiRiShun's RDC levels increases its supply chain's
resilience and maintains higher levels of customer
Figure 5: Service level of upstream model with disruptions.
Table 4: Results from upstream and downstream simulations (with & without disruptions).
Scenario Upstream Downstream
Version No Disru
tion Disru
tion No Disru
tion Distru
Distance Travelled
158,583 151,499 208,805 202,229
ed Orders 2 19 1 10
Total Service Level 0.90 0.91 0.995 0.952
Days Below 90% Service Level 0 175 0 91
Impact of Inventory Management Policies on Supply Chain Resilience at RiRiShun Logistics
Figure 6: Service level of downstream model with
5.2 Demand Variance
Berman et al. (2011) and Schmitt et al. (2015) found
that holding inventory in a central location rather than
several decentralised locations was beneficial when
the demand from multiple customers had variation.
The reason for this was based on the work done by
Chen & Lin (1989) emphasising the benefits of risk
pooling. If one DC serves multiple customers with
demand stochasticity, all variations can be combined
to mitigate risk.
According to the results in Table 5, the effects of
demand variation are handled better in the Upstream
model. The number of dropped orders decreases as
the demand stochasticity increases. This contrasts
with the Downstream model where the number of
dropped orders increases slightly. Total Service Level
is inversely proportional to the number of dropped
orders in a network which explains the increasing
service level in the Upstream model and the
decreasing service level in the Downstream model.
While the Upstream model performs better,
neither system appears to be affected significantly by
the demand variation as much as expected. The
Upstream model appears to perform better as the level
of variation increases. Berman et al. (2011) stated that
a centralised system could operate at normal levels
for more extreme variation. However, that research
also suggested a threshold at which the benefits of
risk pooling would diminish. That threshold was
found to be 50%. However, the results from this
experiment show that at 60% variation, the benefits
of risk pooling are even more evident.
One explanation for this could be how Berman et
al. (2011) define the "Complete Shutdown" regime
where holding inventory centrally no longer realises
a benefit. In that paper, the model stops holding safety
stock due to the variation in demand. As the inventory
in each DC is 0, all met demand is that which is back-
ordered. Since no back-ordering is allowed in the
ALX model, the only demand that can be met is
orders with the required stock. The CDC in the
Upstream model has a larger reserve of stock
throughout the simulation and, therefore, can handle
larger orders. As the demand fluctuates, larger orders
that high-capacity DCs can meet become more
common. Since the Downstream model spreads its
inventory more evenly across the four DCs, those
larger orders that occur at 60% variation are less
likely to be met. This can explain the higher number
of days with an inadequate mean service level in the
Downstream model.
Building on previous literature, the results of the
simulation experiments suggest that supply chains
that see large demand fluctuations would be better to
hold stock centrally. Holding stock in fewer locations
makes infrequent large orders more likely to be met.
The benefit of risk pooling was also identified in this
experiment. Supply chains that are prone to risks and
demand stochasticity require a more detailed
examination, as the results from the first two
experiments in this thesis promote two different
inventory strategies.
This section summarises the findings of the
simulation experiments based on RiRiShun data for
Table 5: Results from the demand variance experiment.
Scenario Upstream Downstream
Version Disruption +
- 20% +
- 40% +
- 60% Disruption +
- 20% +
- 40% +
- 60%
17,080 19,186 16,575 20,838 17,993 18,152 18,244 17,994
19 17 17 5 10 10 11 12
0.91 0.919 0.919 0.976 0.952 0.952 0.948 0.943
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
two of its regions in China. In the scenario where
disruptions are probable or where risk analysis of its
supply chain is in the early phases, decentralised
inventory storage is preferred. This option leaves
customers with more options from which to receive
demand. Disruptions, particularly ones where DCs
close entirely, impact supply chains with inventory
held Upstream more severely and impose a longer
TTR. While decentralised networks are advantageous
for disruptions higher in the network hierarchy,
centrally held stock takes advantage of risk pooling to
mitigate the risks associated with demand variations.
This results showed that an increase in the volatility
of demand had little effect on the Upstream model
while having greater and negative impacts on the
Downstream model.
The results from the simulation experiments align
with those of Schmitt et al. (2015) in suggesting that
supply chains with decentralised inventory are better
equipped to deal with disruptions. With more non-
disrupted DCs to complete orders, there is a higher
order completion rate. However, Upstream models
are more adept at coping with demand fluctuations.
The results also agree with the work done by Berman
et al. (2011), citing risk pooling as the reason for this.
There were differences in the results of the
simulation experiments to those described by Berman
et al. (2011), who outlined the demand variance
threshold at which Upstream supply chains no longer
had an advantage over Downstream models. The
results from our experiments suggested that Upstream
models would become increasingly effective at
dealing with demand fluctuations. As the spread of
order sizes increases, there will be more orders that
large stores of inventory can only fulfil.
There were a number of limitations to the research
described in this paper. RRS provided the datasets to
the MSOM Data-Driven Research Challenge to
facilitate academic researchers to carry out a range of
analytical studies. However, no direct contact was
provided by either RRS or MSOM to aid researchers
in improving these policies or to provide valuable
context to some of the data. One aspect of the supply
chain that could have used clarification is whether
orders could be split between two DCs to meet
demand. This was highlighted as beneficial to supply
chain performance but was not implemented in the
ALX model.
Both the Upstream versus Downstream and
Demand Variance experiments focused on how
supply chains with centralised and decentralised
inventory react to disruption in the form of DC
closures and demand fluctuation. However, there was
an experiment to investigate the optimal location of
stock when both types of disruptions are introduced.
A suggestion for further research would be to
introduce a variety of disruptions and apply them in
specific combinations to see where the inventory
should be held in each of those scenarios.
Additionally, RRS provides a good framework to
experiment with different supply chain structures.
While the research described in this paper focused
initially on two of RRS regions in China, there are a
further five regions with different geographies and
structures. It would be interesting to apply disruptions
to all seven regions and examine the effects of
network geography on supply chain resilience.
Further progress in this area might lead to the
development of a framework whereby supply chain
decision makers can decide what the best national
inventory strategies are solely by examining the
structure of the supply chain network.
Access to the datasets used in this paper was provided
through the partnership between RiRiShun Logistics
(a Haier Group subsidiary) and the Institute for
Operations Research & Management Science
(INFORMS) Manufacturing & Service Operations
Management (MSOM) Society for the 2021 Data
Driven Research Challenge.
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SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications