number of components, especially the number of dis-
tributors that define new branches in the system, as
well as the length of the longest feasible valid path.
The application of this approach allows a time and
effort reduction in configuring learning units in VR-
As a groundwork for BES simulation, this paper in-
troduced a workflow for automatically identifying the
network structure of medium transport systems as part
of BES models. The approach includes a suitable
object model with model elements required to de-
scribe the network structure and medium flow direc-
tion. The workflow is divided into three steps: (i)
identifying connected components, (ii) determining
valid medium transport paths, and (iii) determining
the correct initialised medium transport direction.
For validation, this approach was deployed as a
functional extension of the VR educational environ-
ment VRLab4BES and evaluated with multiple test
heating systems varying in device count and network
complexity. The tests show a positive outcome and a
significant reduction in effort in developing new vir-
tual reality learning units based on BES simulation.
This approach allows learners to freely create
and modify BES systems and apply simulation to
each component, rather than dealing with the time-
consuming and error-prone manual definition of
medium transport direction. For these use cases, re-
search into suitable interacting mechanisms in vir-
tual reality to ensure user-friendliness (e.g. 3D-grid
for auto-snap component placement) and the balance
between immersiveness and handiness of component
placement mechanism during complex system defini-
tion is required. Furthermore, due to the scope of this
paper, additional details about the hydraulic and ther-
mic simulation of a heating system in VR will be dis-
cussed in a subsequent publication.
The procedure of determining medium transport
direction based on the shortest distance to the network
starting point presented in this paper can be used to
other systems using other medium such as air, refrig-
erant, or electrical energie. Specific implementation
and considerations will be required depending on the
chosen trade.
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Network Structure Identification for Medium Transport in a Virtual Reality Environment