Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence: An Industry and Literature Survey
Ciprian Paduraru
, Augustin Jianu
and Alin Stefanescu
University of Bucharest, Romania
Certsign, Bucharest, Romania
Blockchain, AI, Frameworks, Integration, Vehicular Networks Communication, 5G/6G Wireless Networks,
Training Algorithms.
The requirements of today’s applications and their users set high demands and expectations. AI is a part of
these and has played an important role recently. However, the credibility of AI methods is controversial in
many cases, as is data security and user privacy. On the other hand, Blockchain is a trending technology
that offers security and privacy as required by many enterprise applications. The presentation will provide an
overview of how AI and Blockchain can be integrated for mutual benefit: (a) using Blockchains to make AI
systems more trustworthy and private data secure, (b) using AI to improve Blockchain related operations and
internal algorithms. The presentation includes examples from the literature, established research in the field,
and practical examples from industry.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and Blockchains are two
of the most tending technologies used in various ar-
eas of software (Zhu et al., 2023). While AI is unde-
niably an area that can be used in almost every sec-
tor today, blockchains spread their use through many
applications that require increased security, such as
enterprise applications (Bandara et al., 2021), finance
(Jain et al., 2021), Internet of Things (IoT) (Sham-
mar et al., 2021), safety of automated vehicles (Alladi
et al., 2020), (Narbayeva et al., 2020), home secu-
rity (Ratkovic, 2022), medical systems (Abd-Alrazaq
et al., 2021), metaverse (Huynh-The et al., 2023), sup-
ply chain management (Dutta et al., 2020), and many
other areas as mentioned in the literature.
A blockchain (Shrimali and Patel, 2022) is, at its
core, an immutable ledger that stores transactions.
The main advantage of this technology is that the
ledger is not stored in a centralized node, but is repli-
cated across a group of peers and kept in sync at
all times. Transactions between users are recorded
and grouped into a linked list of blocks. The dis-
tributed and replicated ledger can store and exchange
data in a cryptographically secure manner. The va-
lidity and security of data operations is ensured by
so-called mining nodes. It has been proven both theo-
retically and empirically (Guo and Yu, 2022) that the
data stored in the blockchain ledger has a high level
of integrity and robustness and is almost impossible
to manipulate. Due to features such as immutability,
decentralization, cryptographic security, verifiability,
etc., it has been used by various sectors. It started
with applications for cryptocurrencies and financial
applications in general, and then was adopted by sec-
tors such as healthcare, Internet of Things (IoT), sup-
ply chain management, agriculture, etc. Smart con-
tracts are pieces of software that can perform se-
cure, programmed, and well-controlled actions on
the blockchain. There are three main classes of
blockchains: (a) Permissioned or Private blockchain
c, 2017): the platform can define and select
participants and their roles. Generally used by indus-
tries and for private personal use. (b) Permissionless
or Public (Bozic et al., 2016) blockchain: typically
open source environments where any user can par-
ticipate, e.g. Bitcoin, (c) Consortium blockchain (Li
et al., 2017): a combination of the previous ones, usu-
ally used by a group of organizations that collaborate
together on common projects or solutions. Each orga-
nization has its own access and rights attributes.
The goal of this paper is to analyze the research
and applications presented in both academia and in-
dustry to find concrete examples of the merging of
the two technologies, AI and Blockchains. There are
three main research questions that we aim to answer
in our work:
1. Can AI operations gain more trustworthiness and
better train/query security by using blockchain as
a foundation?
2. What is the friction/interface between merging
AI and Blockchain operations in today’s applica-
Paduraru, C., Jianu, A. and Stefanescu, A.
Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence: An Industry and Literature Survey.
DOI: 10.5220/0012147200003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 712-719
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
3. Can the internal processes of blockchain tech-
nologies and frameworks be improved with the
help of AI?
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 presents already implemented
projects from industry that combine the two men-
tioned technologies. Section 2 presents ongoing re-
search from the literature that answer our research
questions but have not yet been implemented in prac-
tice. However, they provide an isolated and trustwor-
thy evaluation. The final section provides discussion,
conclusions, and some identified research gaps.
(Bohr and Memarzadeh, 2020), (Tagde
et al., 2021), is a Microsoft AI technology that uses
artificial intelligence to analyze existing health data
and make recommendations. The method used is to
process and store data collected from medical records
to identify and suggest possible remedies for patients.
The underlying method first analyzes the patient’s
personal health history information and then relates it
to medical research publications. The output consists
of general recommendations, therapies, treatments,
etc. In this application, the blockchain acts as a plat-
form for data storage and management. The patient
data and the information obtained are then crypto-
graphically secured and can be used by distributed
systems for both consumption and storage in a secure
In the same area, the pharmaceutical industry is
using blockchain and AI to ensure that products are
not counterfeited (Balan et al., 2022). Companies
such as Sanofi, Pfizer, and Amgen are reportedly us-
ing a combination of these technologies to test, track,
and ensure the security of their drugs’ production
chain from the research and development phase to
market. Each drug is assigned a serial number, and
any change or movement of that number is recorded
in the general ledger. In this way, each unique serial
number becomes fully traceable.
In agriculture, blockchain and AI are reported to
be used for supply chain and decision-making system,
as is the case with Heifer International
. The system
behind this combines the predictive power of AI with
data collected from geospatial, weather, environmen-
tal, and sensors connected as an Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem. The AI systems are then able to
provide future weather information, optimal cropping
patterns by area, prices in different markets and re-
gions, etc. The blockchain is able to collect and store
the data in a decentralized manner, provide proof of
origin for the produce, and ensure data security.
Financial services such as banking (Cucari et al.,
2022) and cryptocurrency tracking applications in
general (Yadav et al., 2022) were the first propo-
nents of blockchain technology to ensure the secu-
rity of their operations. In addition, the link between
AI and blockchains is also being reported by invest-
ment and trading companies such as Webull: Invest-
ing and Trading
, and Robinhood: Commision-free
Stock Trading & Investing
. In this area, the security
of data, identities, and transactions is provided by the
blockchain. On the other hand, with the development
of AI methods based on blockchain technology, there
is greater confidence in the resulting automated pro-
cesses, assessments, and recommendation engines. In
this area, it is important to know that both data and
AI models are stored on the Blockchain to ensure the
security and traceability of the processes.
Another interesting use case of AI and blockchain
working together is reported by IPwe
. The com-
bination of these two technologies has helped them
build an automated, transparent global patent registry
(GPR). The purpose of this registry is to remove bar-
riers to the collection, understanding, trading, and
management of intellectual property (IP). Blockchain
helps in two ways: (a) for records, data storage and
smart contracts based automation services over the
underlying IP assets, (b) to increase trust in the auto-
mated processes, assessments, and recommendations
of AI systems.
This section presents several suggestions and research
from the literature that have been empirically tested
but not yet applied in practice. We believe these are
also important as they may suggest future use cases
and attract industry partners and founders.
Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence: An Industry and Literature Survey
3.1 An Architecture for the
Convergence of AI and Blockchain
In the work of (Muheidat and Tawalbeh, 2021) au-
thors define an architecture that combines AI and
Blockchain operations along with stakeholder con-
tributions and roles. A sketch of their proposals is
shown in Fig. 1. The proposed architecture consists
of three layers. In the Contributors Layer, stakehold-
ers can collaborate and share datasets and AI mod-
els, and provide validation, analysis, and prediction
tools. A concrete example from the medical domain
might be that the stakeholders are a consortium of
different hospitals. The different facilities can then
add their data and records on patients and treatment
correlations, which can be further used by predictive
models to discover similarities and patterns for better
decisions, research and recommendations in the fu-
ture. The second layer, Blockchain layer, is a service-
based layer that handles data storage, ledger manage-
ment and transaction management, communication,
connections between miners, role management, en-
cryption of data, etc. These functions typically associ-
ated with the blockchain are encapsulated (hidden) in
this layer to ensure separation of concerns from other
stakeholders. The third layer, User layer, contains
the users who are allowed to interact with the system.
Following the example from the medical domain, the
stakeholders in this case can be physicians, patients,
and others who can access the datasets, models, and
AI-based tools provided by the system.
3.2 Autonomous Vehicles Safety
Recent trends show a growing interest for Vehicular
ad-hoc networks (VANET) and Vehicular Social Net-
works (VSN) (Lee and Atkison, 2021), (Azam et al.,
2021). The main goal of vehicular communication
systems is to enable peer-to-peer communication be-
tween vehicles, connect them to smart cities and sen-
sors, and then use AI-based predictive algorithms to
reduce traffic congestion and increase driver safety
(Figure 2).
However, this growing interest in vehicular com-
munication systems has raised several potential at-
tack methods aimed at modifying the content sent
between vehicles or from the smart city to the ve-
hicles in a way that disrupts predictive capabilities.
In this sense, recent literature has made an interest-
ing progress in this field, as shown by the works of
(Bendiab et al., 2023), (Hammoud et al., 2020) and
(Pokhrel and Choi, 2020). The solutions used by
the authors generally combine AI prediction capabil-
ities and algorithms with blockchains to secure intel-
Figure 1: A foundation architectural proposal for the con-
vergence of AI and blockchain solutions based on the work
presented by (Muheidat and Tawalbeh, 2021).
Figure 2: An illustration of how vehicles communicate
within a smart city (V2X). They can communicate either
directly, peer to peer (P2P), or with the urban infrastructure
through the Road Side Units (RSU). All the data coming
from the vehicles and the sensors installed in the city (cam-
eras, traffic lights, etc.) can be stored in the cloud, processed
and used by the authorized users.
ligent automated vehicles (AVs). Secure messaging
that combines these two technologies is also proposed
in the work of (Malik et al., 2020).
Various types of attacks can occur in these sce-
narios, and a comprehensive list can be found in the
work of (Azam et al., 2021). Common examples can
be seen in Fig. 3. Data manipulation-based attacks,
where the attacker gains authorized access to AVs to
compromise data integrity and violate their privacy,
are also very common in practice. Each AV is identi-
fied with a unique identifier that can help identify AV
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
and the flow of messages sent, but false identities can
be created by attackers to influence the prediction re-
sults of the AI-based method (Bendiab et al., 2023),
(Pokhrel and Choi, 2020).
From the existing research on these AV commu-
nication problems, we conclude that the intersection
of blockchain and AI technologies can offer two main
The ability to protect users’ private data from cy-
Decentralized access to data as it might be needed
for the efficiency of AI systems.
An architecture in this sense is presented in (Ham-
moud et al., 2020), and outlined in Fig. 4. Vehi-
cles can communicate directly or through a master
node. Road data and sensors are generated and ag-
gregated by the nearest RSUs (data generation layer).
Finally, all communication at this layer is stored, pro-
cessed, and validated by the nearest cluster where
a blockchain ledger infrastructure is deployed (edge
layer). This data is passed to the cloud layer, where
predictive AI models are stored and continuously
trained with new data. These models are sent back
through the hierarchy to the data generation layer so
that vehicles, traffic lights, and other entities can work
together to reduce traffic congestion and ensure road
As mentioned in the literature review, for the con-
sortium of blockchain architecture deployed in the
edge layer it is recommended to use the Byzantine
Fault Tolerance protocol (Li et al., 2021) for consen-
sus. The smart contracts that operate between the two
lower layers are classified into three categories:
Participant Authentication.
Data Storing: collecting and storing data.
AI models management between entities.
Training Automated Vehicles. In the same area, we
identified the work in (Gandhi and Salvi, 2019) dis-
cussing a possible method for safely training auto-
mated vehicles. As noted in the paper, autonomous
vehicles typically learn to drive using a variety of
reinforcement learning methods. Vehicles could be
connected to a shared public ledger to collect and
share experiences (e.g., pairs of observations, re-
wards, and/or actions performed by a human expert)
in a safe and reliable manner.
The conclusion of this study on vehicle communi-
cation is that the use of a blockchain layer would bring
two main benefits to the AI systems built on top of it:
(a) increasing the trust and reliability of the collected
experience data, (b) better explaining the decisions of
the AI algorithms, since the data can be stored and
tracked in the blockchain.
3.3 5G/6G Wireless Networks and IoT
The architectural proposals presented in the previ-
ous section are continued in the work of (Li et al.,
2020), (Dai et al., 2019), which further extends the
concepts, architecture, and algorithms to combine AI
and blockchain in the context of 5G and future 6G
networks. The key foundation of their work is the ob-
servations that: (a) Blockchain is capable of provid-
ing a secure and decentralized resource sharing envi-
ronment for different participating entities, (b) AI can
solve specific problems in this domain involving un-
certainty and time-varying characteristics, (c) finally,
the integration of both can improve the performance
of wireless networks.
An important architectural change from the pre-
vious one, shown in Fig. 4, is the caching mech-
anism, where the edge layer servers not only pro-
vide AI-based distributed intelligent wireless com-
putation and routing, but also provide a caching
mechanism to store computationally intensive and
delay-sensitive applications (e.g., emergency situa-
tions, news, weather reports, etc.). The motivation for
the caching mechanism is that the content generated
by sensors, multimedia applications, traffic lights,
etc., grows exponentially and challenges the transmis-
sion and processing capacity of the networks. In this
sense, two roles are assigned: (a) a caching requester
- e.g., a personal mobile device that needs to be no-
tified from time to time in order for the owner to in-
teract with a smart city environment, (b) a caching
provider - a device capable of processing caching re-
sults or even receiving computing power. The edge
layer servers have an AI algorithm (based on rein-
forcement learning) that is able to predict the com-
munication patterns between the cache requestors and
providers to optimize the overall process.
The blockchain is tasked with recording and val-
idating all transactions generated in the wireless net-
work, which in turn can enhance the security and pri-
vacy of the wireless ecosystem. As with the other
examples shown previously, it also enables trustwor-
thiness in AI data mining processes and decisions.
For example, in the caching mechanisms presented
above, each caching request or response generates
a transaction that is then written to the blockchain.
The blockchain receives these transactions and uses
them to create blocks that are stored in the immutable
ledger data structure. This would also allow providers
to securely market different services in a smart city.
Indoor Positioning With 5/6G Wireless Networks.
An interesting application of wireless networking is
indoor positioning and pathfinding, such as a person
in a shopping mall. Ideally, you would like to see
Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence: An Industry and Literature Survey
Figure 3: Common attacks in V2X scenarios, where the black vehicle is the attacker while the victims are colored green.
The left figure shows a Denial of Service attack (DoS), where the attacker blocks wireless communications through message
flooding and radio jamming. In the middle figure, a fake identity is created to send fake messages (Sybil attack). The figure
on the right contains an example of creating fake entities such as vehicles, cameras, or pedestrians to send false or disrupted
information to the victim.
Figure 4: A vehicle communication network as a typical
IoT system, with three layers: the data generation, edge and
cloud layers.
where you are on the map of the mall and how to
get to specific locations inside (Wang et al., 2020).
There are many known algorithms for indoor posi-
tioning and pathfinding using AI methods. However,
in general, AI methods operate in a centralized man-
ner, while in this case the required operations are de-
centralized. The main research question in this con-
text is how a system can solve the queries from differ-
ent users in a safe and decentralized world.
The chosen solution is to integrate AI and
blockchains. There are two roles in this system:
(a) The requester: a set of people who request lo-
cation information, e.g., by sending locations with
their phones and trying to find specific areas, (b) The
worker: can provide localization and pathfinding ser-
vices to requesters. An important note is that re-
questers should be able to provide feedback on the
services they receive.
The key principles in the implementations are as
Define requests for a set of workers that can per-
form localization and pathfinding services.
For each request, have an algorithm that selects a
set of trusted workers to perform the operations.
Use the blockchain to prevent malicious attackers
(e.g., workers who try to create false identities or
provide false information).
As shown in the architecture of the system in Fig.
5, the blockchain platform works as an intermediate
layer between requesters and workers. It first solves
the problem of decentralized data storage. Then,
both entities can agree through transactions on the
blockchain, which are added to blocks and stored in
the ledger for traceability and auditability. The trusted
authority (TA) designed for the blockchain platform is
responsible for authorizing and validating the regis-
tration identities of participants without compromis-
ing privacy. This component would then allow the
Blockchain to store data and transactions in a secure
manner. The Fog server in this architecture, is play-
ing the role of the computational node for blockchain
operations such as consensus algorithms (i.e., it man-
ages the group of miners), process feedbacks, and se-
lects trusted workers based on their current reputation
value (AI can help in this direction through regression
or recommendation systems).
Figure 5: An architectural system of blockchain and AI
working together to provide indoor localization and navi-
gation services.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
3.4 Using AI to Optimize Internal
Blockchain Operations
As mentioned in Section 4, we believe that there
are important research opportunities to leverage AI
in the internal algorithms and mechanisms of the
Blockchain. At the moment, we have noted two
works in this area. In (Wang et al., 2021), the au-
thors use reinforcement learning (RL) methods to op-
timize the mining strategy for a particular Bitcoin-
like blockchain. The mining problem is modeled as
a Markov decision process (MDP) and the RL agent
trains on it. However, blockchain networks and pa-
rameters can change rapidly over time, which in gen-
eral breaks the assumption that an MDP can be de-
fined. The agent would then use policies learned
based on incorrect/old data. The work in (Chen et al.,
2018) proposes a neural network to select a set of
nodes to participate in the consensus mechanism for
each query. However, the proposal has not yet been
formally proven or demonstrated by robust empirical
AI algorithms and methods must use data or infor-
mation to learn, interpret, and then draw conclusions.
When this data comes from secure and trusted chan-
nels, machine learning algorithms can perform better
and present their decisions with more credibility. This
result is achieved by using blockchains as the under-
lying technology for data storage and management,
which creates a secure, immutable, and decentralized
system needed to improve AI methods that typically
need to collect, store, and use sensitive data (IBM,
2023). Without blockchain support, it will be diffi-
cult to trust the data and decisions that come from AI-
powered methods. Generally speaking, from a high-
level architecture perspective, by building AI methods
on top of blockchain technologies architecturally, the
design and specification are moving from the tradition
ones, as shown in Figure 6, to the specification given
in Figure 7.
Smart contracts can enable both automated data
retrieval and analysis using machine learning algo-
rithms. The security of the underlying data and min-
ers makes the results of their operations highly trust-
As shown in the wireless network and vehicular
communication studies in Section 2, the integration
of the two technologies can enable intelligent decen-
tralized autonomous agents (DAOs) to validate data
Figure 6: The traditional, centralized way of using AI meth-
ods for training, queries, and user interactions.
Figure 7: Combining AI and Blockchain technologies at
a high level, in a departure from the traditional methods,
as shown in Figure 6. The potential benefits would be de-
centralized AI services, more data security, trustworthiness,
easier explanation and traceability of the results of AI meth-
and asset transfers, as well as AI-based predictive ca-
pabilities in IoT environments.
In this sense, we believe it may be a matter of time
before the current research is applied in practice to
obtain a better and more secure communication envi-
ronment between people, smart cities, and vendors in
general. In the gaps and research opportunities iden-
tified, we found that there is a lack of AI methods be-
ing used to improve operations within the Blockchain.
We believe AI can also be used for optimized con-
sensus mechanisms, predictive methods for selecting
miners, and other internal entities involved in lower-
level blockchain operations.
This research was supported by the European Re-
gional Development Fund, Competitiveness Oper-
ational Program 2014-2020 through project IDBC
(code SMIS 2014+: 121512).
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Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence: An Industry and Literature Survey