Closer: A Tool Support for Efficient Learning Integrating Alexa and
Dan-Cristian Alb
and Camelia S
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes
Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Efficient Learning, Virtual Assistants, Cloud Computing, Infrastructure as Code, ChatGPT.
In a society in continuous change due to the astonishing speed with which science and technology develop,
the educational system must keep up with these changes and meet the students with effective learning methods
integrated in intelligent platforms. In this respect, the paper proposed an e-learning platform whose underlying
educational framework is built upon three studied principles that lead to efficient learning, namely: elabora-
tion, retrieval practice and feedback. Furthermore, the core functionalities of the proposed tool consist of a
question proposal system and quiz taking system, elements shaped based on active and collaborative learning.
Nevertheless, the proposed tool’s learning authenticity is ensured by the dedicated voice assistant powered by
Alexa and the integration with ChatGPT, an OpenAI product. As for the validity of the proposed solution, an
ongoing study is in place. The study consists of integrating the proposed tool as part of the didactic activity
for the Data Structures course taken by 1st year students enrolled in the Mathematics and Computer Science
undergraduate program offered by Babes¸-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
In a dynamic and ever-changing society, learning
methods must adapt to meet the needs of modern
learners. The education system plays an important
role in equipping future generations with the knowl-
edge and skills necessary to navigate an uncertain
world. To accomplish this, educators must utilize ef-
fective teaching approaches that engage and empower
learners, enabling them to actively participate in the
educational process.
It is suggested that education theory should shift
towards a more student-centered approach that em-
phasizes active learning, as supported by various
sources including (Bishop et al., 2014), (Doyle,
2008), (J., 2011), (Rich et al., 2014), (Serban and Ves-
can, 2019), and (Freeman et al., 2014). This approach
plays a crucial role in fostering students’ creativity
and competence in their studies. Essentially, active
learning places the onus of learning on the students
and assigns the teacher the role of facilitator.
The approach outlined above aims to give the
learner a primary role in the learning process and al-
lows them to ”discover” knowledge at their own pace
or in groups, having a minimal guidance from the
lab instructor, who provides support and encourages
imagination and creativity. This approach, as sug-
gested by sources including (Bishop et al., 2014),
(Doyle, 2008), and (Rich et al., 2014), is also de-
signed to foster the development of communication
and teamwork skills, conflict resolution abilities, and
time management competencies that can assist stu-
dents in regulating their learning and achieving their
goals. The student-centered paradigm is based on var-
ious principles of effective learning that have been ro-
bustly supported by research in cognitive and educa-
tional psychology over the past few years.
The current paper proposes to design an e-learning
platform based on three principles of an efficient
learning and to test its efficiency on students’ learn-
ing performances in a real teaching context. The plat-
form’s design was based on three principles of effec-
tive learning, namely elaboration, retrieval practice,
and feedback, which have been firmly supported by
The support platform has two core functionalities:
multiple choice question proposal system and quiz
taking system. But the authenticity of the proposed
learning system comes from the following compo-
nents which are integrated in our system: dedicated
voice assistant powered by Alexa and integration with
Alb, D. and ÈŸerban, C.
Closer: A Tool Support for Efficient Learning Integrating Alexa and ChatGPT.
DOI: 10.5220/0012147500003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 720-727
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ChatGPT, an OpenAI product. In this respect, we
enhance the user experience by allowing interaction
with the platform by means of voice commands and
we acknowledge the power that artificial intelligence
(shortly AI) powered tools can have in the learning
experience, rather than denying their usage.
As for the validity of the proposed solution, an on-
going study is in place. The study consists of integrat-
ing the proposed tool as part of the didactic activity
for the Data Structures course taken by 1st year stu-
dents enrolled in the Mathematics and Computer Sci-
ence undergraduate program at Babes¸-Bolyai Univer-
sity. Validation of the proposed model will be based
on 2 surveys handed to students and will aim to un-
derstand the student experience of using the proposed
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 builds an overall image over the trends of
research done in the area of E-Learning in the re-
cent years. Section 3 reflects the way the proposed
tool abides the principles of an effective learning,
while Section 4 describes the Collaborative learning
strategy integrated by our proposed tool. Section 5
presents the proposed E-Learning software system, its
architecture, the main functionalities and its elements
of authenticity. Section 6 presents our conclusions
and future development possibilities of the proposed
The use of computer-based tools to promote active
learning in higher education has gained increasing
attention in recent years, as noted by (Weinstein
et al., 2018b). Various studies, including (Mays
et al., 2020), (Weinstein et al., 2018b), and (Greving
et al., 2020), have examined the efficacy of such tools
in enhancing student engagement and learning out-
comes. This section provides a summary of two re-
lated computer-based tools to facilitate active learning
among students.
Moodle (Devi and Aparna, 2020) is a widely used
open-source learning management system (LMS) de-
signed to facilitate online learning and course man-
agement. It provides a range of features such as
course creation, content management, assessment
tools, and communication tools. It allows to create
and customize course content, track student progress,
and communicate with students in real-time.
Educational institutions of various types, includ-
ing kindergarten through grade 12 (or K-12) schools,
universities, and corporate training programs, utilize
it to provide online and blended learning experiences.
Overall, Moodle is a versatile platform that enables
educators to create and deliver effective online learn-
ing experiences.
Canvas (Fern
andez et al., 2017) is a cloud-based
LMS that provides a user-friendly interface and a
range of course design and customization tools, in-
cluding multimedia support, quizzes and assessments,
and interactive discussions. Canvas also includes
features for tracking and analyzing student perfor-
mance, facilitating communication between educators
and students, and supporting collaborative learning.
Overall, Canvas is a comprehensive LMS that en-
ables educators to create engaging and effective on-
line courses.
Other tools such as Google Meet, Zoom, Mi-
crosoft Teams (Alameri et al., 2020) are also being
used for educational purposes. Zoom and Google
Meet are mainly used for video live streaming, there-
fore enabling online lecture streaming. Whereas, Mi-
crosoft Teams also brings features specific to LMS
tools such as assignment management, grading man-
agement and even quiz taking through forms. More-
over, Microsoft Teams is taking the game to next
level through its rich available applications integra-
tion within the platform (e.g. Microsoft 365)
In relation to existing approaches, the proposed
tool engages students in active learning and collab-
oration by allowing them to propose multiple choice
questions based on studied class concepts. The ques-
tion design process involves students not only creat-
ing a question, but also providing the rationale for the
answer choices. Teachers and certified class review-
ers supervise the entire process, and collaborative re-
views are conducted to improve question quality, if
required. Thus, the proposed tool introduces a new
approach to enhance the learning process through ac-
tive learning and collaboration.
Over the past few years, significant progress has been
made in the science of learning, enabling us to gain a
better understanding of effective teaching and learn-
ing principles. Through rigorous research, we now
have compelling evidence and specific recommenda-
tions regarding the strategies that educators and learn-
ers can employ to gain learning efficiency, as high-
lighted in (Agarwal and Henry L. Roediger, 2018),
(Dunlosky et al., 2013), and (Weinstein et al., 2018a).
As for the scope of this research activity, three learn-
ing strategies - elaboration, retrieval practice, and
feedback are integrated into the proposed e-learning
Closer: A Tool Support for Efficient Learning Integrating Alexa and ChatGPT
platform with the aim of enhancing the student learn-
ing process in their formation as professionals.
3.1 Closer Abides to Elaboration
Elaboration refers to the process of generating an ex-
planation for why a given fact or concept is true, as
noted in (Dunlosky et al., 2013). This approach helps
connect new information with existing knowledge,
thereby enhancing learning. However, research sug-
gests that it is crucial for students to check their an-
swers with available class materials or teachers when
using this technique, as poor elaboration content may
hinder learning (Clinton et al., 2016).
Our proposed platform, Closer, is used by stu-
dents to elaborate multiple choice questions for as-
sessment tests based on a specific to be learned con-
cept. The elaboration questionnaire format for adding
questions includes different fields such as: question
field, correct answer/s field, elaboration field, cov-
ered concepts and syllabus fields, difficulty level field.
The course’s instructor analyses the proposed ques-
tion and sends individual feedback to each student. In
this way, by using the designed platform, students are
challenged not only to process the content in order to
develop specific questions for a test, but, at the same
time, they are challenged to elaborate the rationale on
which the questions and the correct answer are based
on, following in this way the elaboration principle of
effective learning.
3.2 Closer Abides to Retrieval Practice
The retrieval practice learning strategy, also known
as practice testing, involves recalling information in
low or no-stakes contexts for formative purposes. It
includes also various forms of testing that students
can engage with independently. This strategy not
only shows knowledge of the information, but also
strengthens and expands it. The efficacy of testing as
a learning tool is based on numerous studies, such as
(Runquist, 1983), (Henry L. Roediger and Karpicke,
2006) and (Zaromb and Roediger, 2010). Moreover,
research states that testing a subset of information can
also impact memory for related but untested informa-
tion (Chan, 2009), (Chan, 2010), (Chan et al., 2006),
(Cranney et al., 2009), (Dunlosky et al., 2013).
The Closer platform was designed to offer a con-
text for students by self-testing the learned content.
The tests consist of multiple choice questions de-
veloped by students and analysed and approved by
teachers. The platform allows the combination of
these questions using different criteria level of dif-
ficulty, the specificity of the content. In the valida-
tion phase of the platform, the students practice self-
testing, where each practice test is accompanied by
feedback involving the presentation of the correct an-
3.3 Closer Abides to Feedback Principle
The feedback strategy improve learning by reveal-
ing students about their strengths and weaknesses and
also helps them to become more aware of their own
learning process (Agarwal and Henry L. Roediger,
2018). In addition, it is strongly advised to incor-
porate feedback into practice testing as research in-
dicates that it can protect students to repeat errors
when responding to practice tests (Butler and Roedi-
ger, 2008).
Feedback is another strategy on which our pro-
posed platform was built on. Thus, the Closer plat-
form was designed so that students obtained feed-
back in different moments along their learning pro-
cess: when the multiple choice questions were final-
ized, individualized feedback was delivered by teach-
ers in order to help students to refine their questions;
at the end of each self-test practice, feedback was of-
fered regarding correct answers, the quantity of cov-
ered content, the position of student in his/her group
hierarchy based on his/her testing results.
The term of collaborative learning can be found in
a variety of activities where students, or both teach-
ers and students involve their powers in solving prob-
lems, understanding new concepts or developing new
products (Smith and MacGregor, 1992). Collabora-
tive oriented learning environments no longer aim for
individual performance, but rather focus on fostering
a culture of teamwork, cooperation and team growth.
In this respect, collaborative learning contributes on
shaping students on two dimensions: information
gaining and social skills development (Johnson and
Johnson, 1984).
Given the benefits of collaborative learning, this
section concentrates in presenting two collaboration
mechanisms: student-teacher and student-student col-
laboration, and their integration as part of the pro-
posed E-Learning software system. Although it is
described in more depth as part of Section 5, one of
the core features of the proposed platform is the ques-
tion proposal system. Through this feature, students
can contribute to their course by proposing multiple
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
choice questions which, once accepted, are added to
the course question data-pool.
4.1 Student-Teacher Collaboration
The first collaborative aspect of the question proposal
system is built upon the student-teacher collaboration.
Once a student proposes a new question, the ques-
tion review process begins. Among the persons in-
volved in the review process are the course coordi-
nators (involved actors described also in Subsection
4.2). Hence the first collaborative process is inte-
grated as part of the proposed E-Learning software
system. Through the question proposal system, be-
sides the class contribution aspect, the solution also
aims for students to develop their skills and abilities
in terms of writing on the studied topic in a profes-
sional manner. In this respect, students collaborate
with teachers in order to achieve the best version of
a question before it gets added to the course question
Once a student submits a question for review,
teachers can view the course pending questions on the
Question Data-Pool section from the course dedicated
page within the web platform. Regardless if a student
proposed is directly accepted (without further mod-
ifications required), or not, the student will receive
feedback from teachers. However, the collaborative
mechanism is put in place when a question requires
modifications before it gets added to the course data
pool of questions (illustrated in Figure 1).
Figure 1: Teacher-student Collaboration.
4.2 Student-Student Collaboration
Up until now, the student-teacher collaborative com-
ponent of the question proposal system has been pre-
sented. In this respect, throughout this part the focus
will shift towards the second collaborative compo-
nent of the question proposal system: student-student
collaboration. In a similar fashion, certain students
can review and send feedback to questions proposed
by their classmates. This collaborative process is in-
spired by the peer review which happens in software
development teams (and not only), when a team mem-
ber will perform code review for a task implemented
by another team member. As part of designing an ef-
ficient collaborative process of type student-student
one should ask himself/herself the following: Should
all students be reviewers? and What makes a student
suitable to become a reviewer?. Therefore, as part of
creating an efficient learning environment, the ques-
tion proposal system of the proposed software system
is designed based on the following concepts: course
eligibility criteria and enforced reviewer mode.
The course eligibility criteria is a mechanism
through which teachers decide the minimum require-
ments for a course participant to become a reviewer.
Teachers are allowed to build their criteria according
to their liking, being able to create simple conditions
such as: ”student should have at least one accepted
proposed question”, to more complex conditions con-
taining conditionals. As for what an eligibility criteria
can be, the proposed solutions features the following
options: Points Criteria, Proposed Questions Criteria
and Compounded Criteria (using the logical opera-
tors: and, or). All of this is available in the Class
Customization page of the a coordinated course.
The idea that there is no one-size-fits-all type of
system is also valid for the proposed solution, there-
fore the course eligibility criteria may not be suit-
able for all students. In this respect, the enforced re-
viewer mode is enabled for special cases. Through
this feature teachers can make some of their students
reviewers, even if they do not yet fully meet the el-
igibility criteria. Based on observation, teachers can
see whether some students already have the necessary
skills required for performing a good question review.
In this respect, teachers are allowed to enforce the re-
viewer quality for a student on a course. In order to
design a fail safe mechanism, teachers are also pro-
vided with the possibility of withdrawing the enforced
reviewer status of a student.
The student-student collaboration process can in-
crease the culture of teamwork and help students in
developing social skills and abilities that will serve
them later in life. Besides the long term benefits,
through this system the overall waiting times for a
question to be added to the course data pool could
also be reduced. Nevertheless, the course data pool
is constantly updated, which means that students can
generate tests based on a wider range of questions.
Closer: A Tool Support for Efficient Learning Integrating Alexa and ChatGPT
As part of this paper a possible solution to be used
in higher education (but not only) as an E-Learning
software system is being presented. This section will
cover the key features of the proposed E-Learning
tool, delve into the platform’s architectural aspects,
and outline the essential elements that contribute to
an authentic learning experience.
5.1 Closer Overview
The proposed E-Learning software, Closer, is built
upon the concepts of active learning (Freeman et al.,
2014; J., 2011) and collaborative learning. The plat-
form is built based on the following ideology: each
organization (in this scenario: universities) has affili-
ated teachers and students registered on the platform.
Each teacher can create courses and let other teach-
ers join their course as coordinators, while students
enroll in the taken university courses. Courses have
their syllabus attached, bringing transparency for stu-
dents and each lecture is present in the platform as a
module. Each module has a list of attached keywords
through which a student can easily understand the
main covered topics of that module. The collabora-
tive aspect of the platform has already been described
in more depth as part of Section 4 and it consists of
the multiple choice question proposal system. The
platform comes as a helping tool for students in their
preparation for exams, in this respect each student
or teacher proposed question is gathered in a ques-
tion data pool from which students can generate tests.
Each question from the data-pool has an attached list
of keywords describing the main covered topics and at
the quiz generation step, students can customize tests
to cover desired class covered topics.
5.2 Closer Architecture
The proposed E-Learning system is entirely hosted
on cloud, making use of the Amazon Web Services
(AWS) cloud provider services. However, as part
of this subsection the focus will be centered on pre-
senting the main application components, making
abstraction -as much as possible- of the cloud ser-
vices involved in building the application. Figure 2
presents a simplified view over the system’s architec-
ture, which is composed of: web client, data layer (or
the API), serverless component and the storage layer.
By far, the most important component is the data
layer, which consists of a Django based REST API
application and is the core of the proposed software
system. Through this layer, the web client is provided
with all the required information and functionalities.
The data layer assures data persistence by communi-
cating with the Postgres database and object storage
through an AWS S3 dedicated bucket. This layer also
handles the integration of the system with other sys-
tems, such as OpenAI and the serverless component.
More about the serverless component is described as
part of Subsection 5.4 and the OpenAI integration is
described as part of Subsection 5.5.
Figure 2: Closer: Simplified Architecture Diagram.
5.3 Closer Infrastructure Overview
When talking about a software system such as the
proposed one, another important aspect to be men-
tioned is the underlying infrastructure and the exist-
ing deployment processes. As part of Subsection 5.2,
it was mentioned that the proposed E-Learning soft-
ware system is cloud based, however the underlying
used cloud services were not mentioned. In this re-
spect, through Figure 3 the services and processes in-
volved in creating a production ready ecosystem for
the proposed system are emphasized.
Figure 3: Closer: Infrastructure & CI/CD Processes.
Before jumping into the particularities of some in-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
frastructure components, one of the main problems
that arise in infrastructure building is the problem
of efficient infrastructure management. In this re-
spect, some DevOps best practices from the industry
are integrated in the proposed software system: In-
frastructure as Code (IaC) and Continuous Integra-
tion/Continuous Development (CI/CD) pipelines. In
a more formal way, one could understand by IaC as
the process whose aim is to achieve infrastructure au-
tomation by means of techniques used in software de-
velopment (Morris, 2016). This underlying used tool
for IaC is Terraform, through which the infrastructure
corresponding to the proposed system is configured
via HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) con-
figuration files. HCL is similar to JSON and is the un-
derlying configuration language used by Terraform.
By using the Terraform tool, one could easily manage
the infrastructure for a cloud based application, while
spinning up an entire environment in cloud is as done
via a simple terraform apply command.
As for the underlying CI/CD involved processes,
the proposed system present three main pipelines: In-
frastructure Deployment Pipeline, Back-End Deploy-
ment Pipeline and Front-End Deployment Pipeline.
The first pipeline has the role of creating/updating
the underlying cloud infrastructure, while the last
pipelines build and deploy on cloud the REST API
and web client. In this respect, through CI/CD prac-
tices one could enhance the speed of delivering new
features by means of automating some steps, such
as software delivery and testing (Fitzgerald and Stol,
2017; Kumar and Mishra, 2016).
Nevertheless, some other particularities that come
across the infrastructure of the proposed software sys-
tem are the following: dockerized back-end appli-
cation and serverless component. Docker is a Plat-
form as a Service product which enhances the devel-
opment of a software product. Through virtualization
the application run inside a docker container becomes
platform independent, thus a more efficient develop-
ment process is created. As for the serverless compo-
nent, the proposed solution runs a Python script inside
an AWS Lambda Function. Serverless components
take out the responsibility of infrastructure manage-
ment, while it also enhances easiness in scalability
and lower response times. Thus, the serverless com-
ponent contributes to a better overall user experience
and faster development.
5.4 An Authentic Learning Experience
Voice assistants have rapidly become part of our daily
lives, providing convenience and ease in performing
various tasks. From controlling lights to making calls,
these voice-powered devices have simplified our rou-
tines. In this respect, the focus will now shift towards
one of the most important components of the pro-
posed E-Learning software system, namely the Closer
Voice Assistant, which is powered Alexa (Amazon
powered voice assistant).
The decision of integrating a voice assistant as
part of the proposed E-Learning system was born
based on the desire of creating a learning experience
that is more relaxant and appealing for students. Tra-
ditional web applications are mostly based on visual
interaction and user manual input, which can be in-
convenient for simple actions. In this respect, by in-
tegrating the platform with the Alexa voice assistant,
students can now obtain their desired information by
means of simple voice commands.
Given its current state, the commands available
through the voice assistant can be classified into two
categories based on their scope: general class com-
mands and quiz taking commands.
The first category of commands, the general class
commands, are commands through which the stu-
dents can quickly get information with respect to
their academic status. Such commands include list-
ing taken courses, next class on a day’s schedule, or
retrieving current study level on a class (element of
gammification). Through such commands students
reduce unnecessary interaction with the web platform,
enhancing the overall learning experience and reduc-
ing time spent on finding desired information.
The second category of commands consists of
integrating the examination system with the Alexa
voice assistant. The quiz generation flow is illustrated
through figure 4. However, students can not fully cus-
tomize Alexa generated tests, which is possible on the
dedicated web platform. In this respect, as a way of
overcoming the earlier mentioned drawback, a new
set of commands have been introduced and allow stu-
dents to take through Alexa platform generated tests.
Figure 4: Closer Voice Assistant: Quiz generation flow.
Besides bringing an authentic learning experience,
the quiz taking via Alexa can help students in getting
more comfortable with the oral exams, which were
more common during the pandemic times.
Closer: A Tool Support for Efficient Learning Integrating Alexa and ChatGPT
5.5 Acknowledging the Power of AI
Regardless of ones personal preferences, artificial in-
telligence is experiencing a rapid surge in popularity
and utilization across various domains. In this re-
spect, it is important to acknowledge the benefits that
AI usage can have in education. Thus, the question
proposal system is integrated with the engine that also
powers the newest miracle of AI: ChatGPT, an Ope-
nAI product launched in late November 2022.
The integration of the proposed E-Learning soft-
ware system with OpenAI aims to enhance the stu-
dent skills in question proposal, helping them to un-
derstand how to classify a question based on a de-
fined difficulty scale, understand the covered topics
of a question and many more. This feature enables
the concept of personalized tutoring (Baidoo-Anu and
Owusu Ansah, 2023) with instant feedback, which al-
most impossible in asynchronous activities such as
the one modeled through the question proposal sys-
tem. It is important to allow students to explore what
the world has to offer, rather than restricting them in
a rigid system.
On a technical level, ChatGPT uses a Genera-
tive Pre-training Transformer model, which is a deep
learning neural network usually used for natural lan-
guage processing and it proves to be efficient for text
generation, language translations and many others
(Haleem et al., 2022). However, no AI product is per-
fect, and ChatGPT is no exception. Among some of
the acknowledged problems of ChatGPT one can spot
biased responses (due to training data set containing
biased data) and bad responses on simple questions.
Thus, usage of such a tool requires increased atten-
tion from the user.
Given the benefits that such an integration brings
to the proposed E-Learning software system, it is time
to shift the focus towards what this integration actu-
ally consists of. The proposal of a new question con-
sists of 3 steps: selecting the target modules covered
by the question, building the question statement and
answer building step. In this respect, the last two steps
were the ones that have been integrated with OpenAI.
As part of the question creation step, students have
to complete the question statement, assign a level of
difficulty for that question and select the main cov-
ered topics based on a provided list of keywords. If
the student did not overuse the OpenAI integration,
a message stating the possibility of using that feature
will be shown. If enabled, the system will automati-
cally generate live suggestions regarding the suitable
level of difficulty for that question and the covered
topics (based on the available topics). Furthermore,
if the proposed question is vague and the system can
not clearly state a level of difficulty, the system will
automatically suggest a list of possible answers for
which the proposed question has the suggested diffi-
culty level. In a similar fashion, the OpenAI integra-
tion can be used during the answer creation step.
The rapid increase in technology development comes
with specific environments for educational purposes.
Events such as Covid-19 forced the education system
to change the way of teaching. These constraints cre-
ate gaps between how teachers transfer knowledge to
students and how students acquire that knowledge.
To counter these limitations, both student-centered
teaching methods and educational platforms that in-
tegrate these methods are needed.
The proposed solution takes into consideration the
three main principles that lead to efficient learning
and models active and collaborative learning through
the question proposal system and the quiz taking sys-
tem. Moreover, the authenticity of the platform and
the overall learning experience is given by integrating
the Alexa voice assistant and empowering students to
use, in a controlled environment, some of the func-
tionalities provided by ChatGPT, an OpenAI product.
As for the future work with respect to this solu-
tion, one important step will be marked by validating
the proposed solution based on the ongoing research
study by analysing data gathered from the handed
surveys. Moreover, integrating the platform through
multiple university classes, would be another target
with respect to the future of this project.
Lastly, further developing the proposed learning
model is also an aspect to be considered for future
work. In this respect, one possible addition would be
enabling students to collaboratively build questions
within the platform.
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Closer: A Tool Support for Efficient Learning Integrating Alexa and ChatGPT