prove the detection of the adaptation needs. The
context is represented by parameters from any
type of contexts defined in Rosemann’s taxonomy.
• It recommends well modeling the knowledge re-
quired for the adaptation need detections, as al-
lowed by the two levels of BPMN4V-Context
• It recommends (i) the use of sensors and the push
mode to support a real-time monitoring of the op-
erating environment of processes, (ii) the context
changes filtering in order to only analyze signif-
icant changes, and (iii) the reasoning on context
parameters to enhance the current situation.
• It allows comparing the operating environment of
process model versions and the use conditions of
these versions. Therefore, it serves as a basis for
identifying adaptation needs.
• It ensures the translation of the context parame-
ters values related to units and synonyms before
analyzing. This translation makes it possible to
avoid divergences of representation of these val-
ues in the current situation and in the use con-
ditions, and thus to improve decision-making for
process adaptations.
However, our approach can be improved. As future
work, we plan to incorporate ontologies to better cap-
ture the semantics of the current situation of running
processes and take advantage of semantic aspects. In
addition, we plan to study how to structure and exploit
historical data and how to conduct predictive analysis
of the current situation of the operating environment
in order to predict the future adaptation needs before
they arise. Moreover, we have to evaluate the usabil-
ity of our contributions.
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A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection