Towards the Creation of a Holistic Video Analytics Platform for
Retail Environments
Christian Daase
, Daniel Staegemann
, Anastasija Nikiforova
, Victor Chang
Johannes Hintsch
, Matthias Volk
and Klaus Turowski
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Operations and Information Management, Aston Business School, Aston University, U.K.,
Keywords: Video Analytics, Retail, Design Science Research, Artificial Intelligence.
Abstract: Retail is expected to be one of the industries that will benefit most from advances in artificial intelligence
(AI) in the future. One branch of AI is video analytics, which is used to analyze the behavior, flow, and
interactions of customers in a store. Properly implementing features to optimize store operations, prevent theft,
or provide targeted advertising can increase a store's profitability and reduce shrinkage. This paper proposes
an adaptation and specification of an action design research approach that forms the basis for implementing a
holistic video analytics platform that could potentially incorporate a variety of identified beneficial features.
In addition, the challenges in this regard are explained and an outlook on the future realization of such a
platform is provided.
When disruptive scientific or technological means
emerge, history has shown that their impact is not
limited to the application of that technology, but is
also reflected in social structures, moral codes, and
laws (Jiang et al., 2022). One of the ubiquitous
technologies today is artificial intelligence (AI), as it
penetrates almost every aspect of our daily lives,
including education, the economy, commerce,
healthcare, public administration and governments
(Kaplan and Haenlein, 2019). In synergy with
humans, AI-related technologies, connected sensor
systems as well as underlying processing capabilities
form the basis of a new societal concept called Society
5.0 also known as a super smart society or society of
imagination (Carayannis and Morawska-
Jancelewicz, 2022; Muslikhin et al., 2021; Nair et al.,
2021), where the above are expected to serve the
needs of this form of society.
A study by McKinsey & Company revealed that
across 19 industries AI is likely to have the biggest
impact on the retail sector (Guha et al., 2021). The
range of possible applications for AI in retail is
manifold, including trend analysis through social
media, targeted marketing, implementation of virtual
and augmented reality (VR and AR, respectively) so
that customers can experience products more vividly,
automating customer service via chatbots, or ensuring
e-commerce applications recommend products
(smarter recommendation systems) that
disadvantaged people can afford (Alexandrova and
Kochieva, 2021; Bellis and Johar, 2020; Chang et al.,
2023; Daase et al., 2023; Ferracuti et al., 2019; H.
Zhang et al., 2020). One of the prominent areas for AI
in retail is video analytics (VA), either in-store or by
Daase, C., Staegemann, D., Nikiforova, A., Chang, V., Hintsch, J., Volk, M. and Turowski, K.
Towards the Creation of a Holistic Video Analytics Platform for Retail Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0012148600003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 216-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
analyzing online video content. VA can help
understand customer behavior and intentions by
examining their movements (for in-store scenario) or
shopping cart contents (for online scenario) (Kaur et
al., 2020; Liciotti et al., 2017). However, almost all
tasks that typically require humans (workers) to
monitor in-store cameras are of interest for VA in
retail. For example, the prevention of loss due to
shoplifting is a key component of in-store camera
utilization and is now expected to be facilitated by
VA. Another use of knowledge gained through VA is
to present products to customers that are believed to
be of particular interest to them based on prior
behavior, which can be summarized under the
designation of targeted advertisement (S. Zhang et al.,
2021). All in all, VA in retail is seen as an enabler for
smart retail business (Chandramana, 2018).
This article presents a methodological approach
to constructing a holistic platform for in-store VA by
adapting the action design research (ADR) approach
proposed by Sein et al. (2011), which is a
methodology from the field of design science
research (DSR). DSR is a research discipline whose
methodologies can be used to create usable IT
artifacts to solve organizational problems (Hevner et
al., 2004). Holistic, in this regard, means that a
modular platform is envisioned that can be extended
by integrating any generic VA use case while relying
on the same input data mode in a consistent context
(i.e., visual data in a retail environment). According
to Sein et al. (2011), a distinctive / differentiating
aspect compared to other DSR methodologies is that
ADR specifically addresses the issue that the creation
of an artifact must be guided not only by the
intentions of the researchers, but also by the
interaction with the context of its application. Since
VA in retail is highly dependent on the individuals
involved (i.e., customers), and human behavior is a
factor of uncertainty for IT system developers, the
design of a VA platform should be informed by active
instantiation. However, the approach describes in the
original work on ADR proposes a rather generic
approach, which needs to be adapted to the specific
research endeavor. This paper aims to provide a
design and development proposal for a VA platform,
but the adapted methodology could also be used for
other business scenarios involving external
participants and multiple stages of internal and
external implementation. In the light of the above and
the existing body of knowledge on the topic, the
research question is:
RQ: How can the activities of the action design
research methodology be adapted and specified to
propose a suitable approach for creating a holistic in-
store VA platform in retail?
The article is structured as follows: the following
section presents the overall methodology for this
article and describes an exploratory systematic
literature review (SLR) that is conducted to identify
VA use cases for their further integration into the
platform in more detail. Section 3 focuses on
explaining the choice of implementable use cases.
Section 4 is dedicated to the assembly of an adapted
ADR approach to implement a holistic VA platform
in retail. Potential challenges for VA are explained in
more detail. Finally, section 5 summarizes and
provides suggestions for further research, as well as
the aspired realization of the VA platform.
This section presents the research methodology. First,
a general approach to the research is presented, as
well as those parts that are planned to be implemented
in the future are presented. Second, the review
protocol for the explorative SLR is presented,
including the used databases, search queries, and
inclusion / exclusion criteria.
2.1 Overall Approach
This research can be divided into three stages. First,
the research is motivated and narrowed down by the
exploratory SLR to identify VA use cases in retail that
will constitute the knowledge base and serve as an
input for the later stages. Second, the ADR
methodology (Sein et al., 2011) is purposefully
adapted and extended to provide a foundation for a
scientifically sound, i.e., evidence-based, real-world /
practical implementation of a holistic VA platform in
retail. These two phases are addressed in this paper.
The third stage, envisioned for the future, is the stage
of the implementation of the respective artifact, at
which a prototype implementation of such a platform
is expected to be proposed and validated. The overall
research process is shown in Figure 1.
2.2 Exploratory SLR
To establish a knowledge base and examine how the
topic under question has been reflected in the
literature over the years, we studied all relevant
literature covering this topic. In order to identify
relevant literature, the SLR was carried out to form
the knowledge base. This was done by searching
for relevant studies covered by Scopus and Google
Towards the Creation of a Holistic Video Analytics Platform for Retail Environments
Figure 1: Overall research endeavor.
Scholar, which index most well-known publishers of
peer-reviewed literature, thereby allowing us to
ensure the knowledge base is as rich as possible. The
search query was defined as a combination of the
terms video analyticsand retail”. We limited the
scope of the search to the article title, keywords, and
abstract in order to limit the number of articles to
those where these topics were the primary object of
study, rather than mentioned in the body, for example,
as future work. By following this approach, Scopus
retrieved six articles, while Google Scholar yielded
23 papers.
Figure 2: Exploratory SLR search process.
From the initial body of literature of 29
publications, 19 were excluded at the first stage of
review when reading the abstracts. Eight out of 19
articles were found to be duplicates, and another
eleven articles were either not written in English or
were not available for further investigation. In the
second stage, the remaining articles were read to
retrieve potential use cases and applications of
intelligent in-store video systems. Of the ten
remaining articles, four were identified as either
technical reports or unavailable sources. Finally, six
articles serve as the basis for an exploratory review to
describe a selection of VA use cases. Figure 2 shows
the exploratory review process.
In order to harness the opportunities that video
analytics can provide for the retail sector, it is
necessary to be aware of them. Therefore, the
following elaborations are intended to give an idea of
what capabilities can be realized with a holistic VA
platform as it can be built using the methodology
described in the following sections. Since this paper
presents VA use cases mainly from a technical point
of view, the legal requirements have to be taken into
account depending on the local law under which a
platform such as the one proposed here is to be
operated. In addition, it should be noted that strict
privacy and data security regulations, as applicable in
the European Union, may cause that some of the use
cases cannot be realized without extensive
anonymization and data security measures.
3.1 Applications from the Literature
This section briefly describes three overarching terms
for potential VA application scenarios in retail. These
include the use of VA to optimize store operations,
safety and loss prevention, and merchandising, which
we will discuss in more detail in further subsections.
3.1.1 Store Operations
The first application area of VA can be summarized
under the designation of store operations. It
encompasses various strategies for optimizing the
physical store in ways that increase employee
productivity / performance and revenue. Cameras can
be used to monitor store traffic, queues, and shoppers
/ customer behavior in general (Connell et al., 2013;
Pletcher, 2023; Senior et al., 2007). Moreover,
assistance through video cameras can be used to
analyze not only customers, but also employees
working in the store, for example, in order to optimize
their positioning or adjust the number of active staff
in the store area (Musalem et al., 2015). By
monitoring the entrance and exit of a store, retailers
can estimate the conversation rate, which stands for
the percentage of customers who buy items divided
by all people entering the store (Connell et al., 2013;
Senior et al., 2007).
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Unlike individual customer observations, an
alternative with VA is to detect shopping carts and
items based on specific patterns (Rai et al., 2011). In
this regard, when products are part of the analysis
intent, VA can also help optimize shelf layouts
(Pletcher, 2023). Especially when considering the
interplay of / interaction between customers and
products, the following application areas for VA
show potential.
3.1.2 Safety and Loss Prevention
The loss prevention refers to several scenarios in
which a retailer’s revenue is reduced due to illegal
actions such as shoplifting and employee theft,
returns fraud, and tag switching, but it also refers to
unintentional shrinkage such as accounting errors
(Senior et al., 2007; Singh, 2018). Connell et al.
(2013) categorize three types of loss prevention:
store-floor (i.e., detecting shoplifters in the public
area of a store), back-of-store (i.e., detecting theft and
unusual behavior in the warehouse area), and front-
of-store (i.e., detecting theft and criminal behavior at
the check-out area by employees or customers). VA
can help identify shoppers who do not scan all their
items properly before payment, switch the tags
between items, or when cashiers are involved in such
Another related application scenario for VA in
retail is to improve security and safety in case of
emergencies or criminal acts that are not directly
related to the retail store (Connell et al., 2013). VA
systems can be used to detect accidents, technical
misbehavior, dangers or hazards, and medical
3.1.3 Merchandising
A third area of physical retail where VA can be
purposefully applied is merchandising, also related to
targeted advertising and product promotion (Pletcher,
2023; Rai et al., 2011; Singh, 2018). In this regard,
the estimation of the locations of customers in the
store can be a component of such targeted
promotional offers. Spots where customers spend an
unusual amount of time, or places that attract a lot of
customers, can lead to hot zones and dwell times for
customers (Connell et al., 2013). Heat map
visualizations of in-store places with increased traffic
flow can also help retail managers to optimize
spontaneous advertising (Senior et al., 2007). Pricing
strategies can also play a role in promotional
campaigns when it comes to setting prices based on
previously identified trends. If an increased flow of
customers is expected based on previous seasonal
experience, a retailer may decide to adjust prices
while promoting a particular product or group of
In addition to observing physical movements for
location-based merchandising, the psychological
behavior of customers can also be assessed using VA.
One example is tracking eye movements using gaze
analysis to identify which products or information
attract the most attention from individual customers
(Connell et al., 2013). Knowing this, shelves can be
optimized, and promotional calls can be placed
nearby (Pletcher, 2023).
3.2 Further Potential Applications
In addition to the above discussed, we think that
further potential applications of VA could be
harnessed to provide value to retailers.
For example, like (Musalem et al., 2015), we
believe that VA could be useful for monitoring not
only customers / clients, but also staff / personnel.
However, we think that it can serve not only the
purpose of their allocation but also seek to evaluate
the quality of assistance they provide to consumers.
This would potentially allow the business owner to
find pain points, best and worst practices that could
be further converted / transformed into training and
policies, as well as identify problems in the respective
business process (or its specific activities).
Improvements based on the above would further
improve the image of the business (in the long term).
Similar to what was discussed in 3.1.3 and based
on a suggestion by Connell et al. (2013), gaze analysis
can be potentially applied to inspect the overall
planning / layout of the sales areas, identify areas that
are of greater interest to customers (due to their
physical location), where then promotions or other
types of products or services in whose popularity the
business owner is interested most should be located
avoiding spots that are typically overlooked by
customers, or triggering the redesign activities. Here,
however, not only gaze analysis, but also heat maps
could be useful, or, preferably, a combination of both,
thereby seeking an increased accuracy and validity of
the results.
Additionally, with today’s technologies,
predictive analytics and (near) real-time VA-based
predictions / forecasts, in particular, are seen as an
emerging trend that has the potential to further
contribute to the overall business success. For
example, reducing the waiting times between
analyses of “as-is” and “to-be” models based only on
historical data is possible, thereby allowing business
owners to make adjustments to their marketing
Towards the Creation of a Holistic Video Analytics Platform for Retail Environments
strategies faster. This is also in line with (Ghose et al.,
2022). This is of particular importance also for daily
activities such as the number of cashiers needed at
this moment and expected to be needed in one hour
based not only on the historical data, meaning the day
of the week or season, but considering the actual
situation of the given day. Of course, in this example,
historical data is used as well, but rather as
complementary source and not as primary input (also
in line with (Anderson, 2022).
A platform for VA in retail that integrates a suitable
set of the aforementioned capabilities and more
requires a tailored design methodology. In this
section, ADR is adapted to provide a starting point for
constructing such a platform. A multistep approach is
taken, starting from scientifically grounding the
design to implementing it in artificial scenarios and
later real-world environments.
4.1 Action Design Research (ADR)
The adoption of ADR with its focus on organizational
contexts for the set goal of creating an adaptive
reference architecture may seem partially
contradictory. The focus on organizational contexts
may indicate the existence of a rather precise
scenario, while the goal of providing a universal
reference architecture aims at an artifact for multiple
use cases. However, considering that the design part
in DSR is the “purposeful organization of resources
to accomplish a goal” (Hevner et al., 2004), and
assuming that the most positive arrangement of
integrable tools is revealed only when the context is
known, this discrepancy can be resolved by
specifying that different levels of detail can be
defined for the same reference architecture. Sein et al.
(2011) also recognize the disparity of inherent
challenges in ADR, noting that the artifact building
process must incorporate the influence of users and
contextual use in the same way that it must
incorporate theoretical precursors and researcher
intent. In the following, ADR is presented in a
specially adapted version that describes the individual
steps required to develop an applicable holistic VA
platform in a real business context.
4.2 Adapted ADR to Realize Video
Analytics Platform
The first stage of the research process, the problem
formulation, is founded on input derived from reliable
sources such as experienced practitioners or
researchers, the study of existing technologies, and
the review of prior research. In this article, this sub-
stage of selecting and investigating related references
is considered as an initial exploration phase, covered
in section 3. In order to position the envisioned VA
platform in a scientific context, the findings impact
the formulation of precise RQs that are in turn
decisive for the assembly of appropriate search
queries for an SLR. As a second sub-stage for the first
part of the adapted ADR approach, insights gained
from an extensive SLR in the future research process
represent the main source for design decision support.
Furthermore, a solid groundwork will be laid by
conducting a comprehensive SLR to justify the
research objective, examine comparable approaches
to the targeted artifact, and identify key technologies
with their potential interplay for a prototypical
Shaping the subsequent entire research process,
Sein et al. (2011) note that the critical elements in
conceptualizing the workflow are, firstly, that the
long-term commitment of participating
organization(s) must be secured and, secondly, that
the problem to be solved should be defined as an
instance of a broader class of problems. Regarding the
aspired VA platform with several capabilities
integrated, the involved organizations might be retail
companies, store owners, or malls in general.
Furthermore, the instance of a problem can be the
implementation of a subset of VA capabilities, while
the class of problems is the broader domain of VA in
general. By relying in the first iteration of the research
process on simulated placeholders whose behavior is
based on insights from the SLR, both critical elements
are addressed. On the one hand, the constancy of the
instance setup is ensured. On the other hand, the level
of detail of the organizations can be seamlessly
adjusted so that both an instantiated specific problem,
as well as the superordinate class of problems it
belongs to, can be described. The methodological
guidelines propose two principles for this stage. First,
practice- or problem-inspired research should be
pursued to solve a specific problem and generate
generally applicable knowledge for the problem class.
Second, the targeted artifact should be theory-
ingrained, meaning that the initial design is driven by
theory and later reshaped by organizational practice.
Both principles are met here by reviewing the
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
scientific literature and considering the contextual
implications for the relevant research activities. In an
elaborated version of the ADR process model,
Mullarkey and Hevner (2019) remark that problem
formulation further depends on which iteration of the
research is concerned, as the original stages of ADR
can be applied with different scopes, starting with a
phase of diagnosis of the research objective and
progressing to a phase of evolution (i.e., refinement
and further development of the final artifact).
The second stage is a potentially cyclical
combination of building the artifact, its intervention
in the organization, and the evaluation (BIE). The
result of this stage is usually an approved variant of
an artifact realization that has undergone a continuous
and partially repetitive process of designing,
evaluating, and redesigning. Sein et al. (2011) present
two perspectives from the edges of the ADR
spectrum: an IT-dominant BIE process and an
organization-dominant one. The former can be
summarized as striving for an innovative
technological design, creating early designs and alpha
versions that are light-weight interventions in an
organizational context with limited scope,
continuously instantiating the artifact and testing it
repeatedly, and finally applying it in a wider
organizational setting. The second perspective takes a
closer connection to the organizational context, as the
inherent design knowledge is mainly oriented to the
organizational intervention itself. This present
research adopts an IT-dominant BIE process. In the
early research stadium, theoretical contributions from
the literature are translated into a practical
manifestation of the holistic VA platform with
placeholders that is artificially tested in a controlled
environment. The results are subsequently used to
extract design knowledge and, if necessary, influence
the redesign for a repetition of the previous step. If
the design seems sufficient, it is then adapted for a
concrete use case scenario, leading to a specific
instantiation. In case this specific instance does not
comply with the organizational requirements, a new
iteration of the adaptation process can be initiated.
Once the specific instance has been successfully
applied in the realistic scenario, the design proposal
is returned to the research team to abstract the
approved design as a reference architecture. Sein et
al. (2011) state three principles for this stage. First,
the principle of reciprocal shaping emphasizes the
consideration of the influence the artifact has on the
organizational context and vice versa. The
methodology employed here recognizes these
interdependent relationships by integrating two
potential cycles between activities related to
theoretical research and practical applications of the
artifact. On the one hand, the original artificial
manifestation commissioned by practitioners is
evaluated from the research perspective and proven
design knowledge is extracted, whereupon the
artificial instantiation is either redesigned and
recommissioned or forwarded for adaptation to a
concrete application scenario. On the other hand,
once the concrete adaptation is taken into an end-user
context as a specific instantiation, it is either returned
for a refined adaptation if the design is not approved
by the end-user, or it is forwarded to the research team
to be abstracted into the final reference architecture
for different use cases, meaning the integration of a
wide range of VA capabilities. The second principle,
mutually influential roles, refers to the assignment of
individuals to different roles, such as theoretical
researchers, practitioners, and end-users, which is
related to the respective areas of experience. The third
and last principle for this stage, authentic and
concurrent evaluation, emphasizes the evaluation of
the artifact directly during the building process rather
than afterwards. However, since a new version must
be fully built before its value to the organization can
be assessed, short build-evaluate cycles are chosen in
this study instead of an actual concurrent evaluation
The third research stage, reflection and learning,
is conducted as a parallel process to the first two
stages. According to the ADR methodology, the
encompassed tasks relate to mental work such as
reflecting on the design, evaluating the adherence of
the artifact to certain principles, and analyzing the
intervention results compared to the goals. Therefore,
the only stated principle for this stage, guided
emergence, refers to the integration of acquired
knowledge during the conduction of activities of the
BIE process into further design, evolution, and
The last ADR stage is the formalization of
learning, which targets the development of a
generalized solution based on the findings that could
be gained by addressing a specific problem. This
stage overlaps with the final activity of the BIE
process, which is the abstraction of a specific
instantiation into a reference architecture suitable for
different levels of detail. In the methodological
guidelines, the outcomes of this stage are termed as
design principles or, after refinements, theories. The
only principle here is to aim for generalized
outcomes. Sein et al. (2011) recognize that this poses
a challenge for the research endeavor since ADR
outcomes are usually organization context-specific.
However, the abstraction of the solution (i.e.,
Towards the Creation of a Holistic Video Analytics Platform for Retail Environments
Figure 3: Adapted ADR methodology for VA platform realization.
translating a specific instantiation into a reference
architecture) is possible if the problem is
simultaneously translated into a broader class of
problems. This procedure is considered in the
corresponding step in the overall research process.
In this paper, the problem formulation stage,
including an exploratory SLR is conducted. In the
next section, potential challenges for implementing
capabilities of VA are explained in more detail.
Figure 3 illustrates the entire research process
envisioned with respect to the design and construction
of a holistic VA platform in retail environments. The
activities are structured as in the original ADR
methodology by Sein et al. (2011) and connected to
the respective principles. The flow between the steps
and additional feedback loops are visually provided.
4.3 Potential Challenges
It should be noted that there are potential challenges
which can surface during implementation. The first
one, which applies to VA in a general case, is related
to data privacy in terms of two types of risks legal
and ethical, since it is seen to fall into grey area. More
specifically, this is about unconsented video taking
and analytics, which is the case for VA in retail. The
customer who visits the store does not provide his or
her consent to be filmed with further analysis of this
information. Moreover, the customer not only does
not provide such consent but is not even asked about
it, and thereby does not have an “opt-out” option. A
question that arises here is also the ownership of the
recorded material, meaning whether the retailer
becomes the legal owner of the video footage or
whether the customer reserves the right to have access
to the recorded data and delete it upon request. While
recording the video in the retail area is something the
customer tends to be warned about when entering the
area through the respective signs on the doors, it is not
mentioned that these data are then used for analytic
purposes. This might be incompliant with the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Thus, although
technologies can be available and frameworks can be
developed, the risk of data being illegal to be used
remains. VA in retail on-site retail stocks can incur
costly legal expenses and risk damage to their brand
(Pletcher, 2023). However, while providing an
information about cameras and further VA of the
material being filmed (including face recognition,
biometric surveillance etc.) could be at least a partial
solution, it was found by (Garaus et al., 2021) that the
retailer most probably will not give a preference to
this option since the value of the data, when the
customer is aware of being filmed, reduces (i.e., the
behavior movements, emotions etc. changes and are
not intuitive and natural anymore). While retailers
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
heavily rely on cameras for surveillance, it is
sometimes not appreciated when customers perform
so-called sousveillance, meaning the recording of
activities from their perspective (Mann, 2017). Due to
multidimensionality of this issue, it is currently a hot
topic, where the predominant body of literature just
admits this issue and rather makes a call to action
(Gregorczuk, 2022; Pletcher, 2023).
In addition, this technology acceptance by the
customers tends to be seen as low. For example,
Garaus et al. (2021) found that when the customers
were informed that they had been served up
advertisements based on an algorithm and their
pictures, the customers felt manipulated and
discouraged. Hence the need for further investigation
of how to find the balance between the benefits VA
brings to both the business and its customers, who
beforehand VA are targeted with products and
services aligned with their interests, and trust in both
VA and the result it brings through the technology
acceptance theories.
Another challenge comes from the technologies
that VA is associated with, namely, machine learning
(ML) models and computing power. The first ML
models-related requires the development of
appropriate models (including requirements such as
being sufficiently accurate, unbiased, preferably
transparent / white-box etc.) and their availability for
more mass use in order to ensure that each business
owner does not have to have its own ad-hoc ML
model in place with an employee with the relevant
knowledge and skills responsible for their
development, deployment and maintenance. This is
even more important considering that the VA in retail
depends heavily on the ability to analyze people
properly, however, today’s ML models often fail
when race and ethnicity serve as crucial parameters,
which, however, in the case of the retail should be
treated accurately. In addition, value-adding VA
should employ a variety of different techniques and
methods to get the most profit and benefit of VA,
including but not limited to deep neural networks,
facial recognition, gesture analytics, and motion
analytics, emotion mining that preferably should also
be combined with audio gathering and processing
along with video etc. The latter, in terms of
computing power, however, is more related to the
amounts of data a VA are expected to deal with. In
other words, the larger the amount of data being
processed and the closer the idea is to real-time
analytics, the more computing power may be needed.
Depending on the approach, the amount of data being
processed can increase from day to day as they
accumulate cumulatively. This, in turn, leads to the
need for constant monitoring of the available and
required for the near future computing power, as well
as the need to assess the feasibility of the selected
approach periodically.
An apparent challenge also comes from security
and privacy as follows. First, the platform will need
advanced technologies to block unauthorized access
and have a full access control and authentication to
ensure only authorized users can have access. Second,
network security will need to be enhanced to ensure
VA can be broadcast and disseminated on secure
network platforms and protect the network and users’
safety and privacy. Third, additional technologies and
functions will be developed to identify any
impersonators and deep fake technologies to prevent
identity theft and the use of deep fake to damage the
service and reputation of the VA platform. AI-
enabled security can be used to monitor the network
and user activities, detect any abnormalities and
provide feedback to the VA system, which can then
enable security functions, such as authentication,
access control, identify management, intrusion
detection, quarantine and blockage of any
unauthorized uses of VA system.
This article examined the current trend of
implementing AI technologies in the retail industry,
with a focus on video analytics. In the future, this area
is expected to help retailers increase store profitability
and reduce shrinkage. An adaptation and
specification of the action design research
methodology were proposed that could be used to
develop a holistic VA platform that integrates a
variety of the capabilities presented here. The next
methodological steps of the overarching research
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Towards the Creation of a Holistic Video Analytics Platform for Retail Environments