A Blockchain Self-Sovereign Solution for Secure Generation, Exchange
and Management of User Identity Data
Nicolae Ghibu
, Augustin Jianu
, Alexandru Lupascu
and S¸tefan Popescu
Certsign, Romania
University of Bucharest, Romania
Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity Scheme, Authentication of Identity.
In this day and age the need for a secure and easy to use communication system between individuals and
service providers has grown past the point of it being a matter of comfort and has entered the field of necessity.
The traditional paradigm for such a system used to be a centralized digital model, where the platform owner
was the main trusted 3rd party and maintained a log for each individual. This manner of providing and
exchanging identity data, through centralized digital entities, is inefficient in terms of duplication, at best, and
it presents considerable risks for the users, at worst. The proposed system aims to be a practical solution to
these problems, being a self-sovereign identity scheme that can be used by governments, businesses, and users
that need to make a claim verification alike.
Digital identity authentication guarantees that indi-
viduals are who they claim to be or that they have
the necessary credentials to access a service. Sub-
ject authentication, along with protecting key infor-
mation, are two main objectives in identity manage-
ment. To avoid stealing and manipulating credentials
or having to reveal unnecessary information, some
service providers implement solutions that require
multi-factor authentication (Nagaraju and Parthiban,
2016), which further complicates the system. This
type of approach also allows the control and own-
ership of data to remain in the hands of the service
One alternative to having service providers en-
trusted with the storage and management of identity
data is for the owner of the actual data to be entrusted
with storing and managing their own credentials using
a personal or company device and only revealing the
necessary information required for a given direct in-
teraction with a service provider. This model is called
”Self-Sovereign” identity.
One of the main difficulties that needs to be ad-
dressed is the absence of any standard way to verify
digital credentials. Trusting third parties with your
data carries the risk of misuse or susceptibility to in-
tegrity threats. The blockchain is becoming the most
often used alternative in domains such as IoT security,
healthcare, business, and many others, where users do
not trust third parties and are aware of data collection
and its usage (Syed et al., 2019). Studies (Sharma
et al., 2020; Leka et al., 2019) have shown that smart
contracts over the blockchain have become increas-
ingly used in areas such as healthcare and education.
In their white paper (Sovrin Foundation, 2018),
the Sovrin Foundation proposed ”A Protocol and
Token for Self Sovereign Identity and Decentral-
ized Trust”, an open-source blockchain protocol with
an accompanying token that tackles the problem of
sovereign identity. They do this by firstly creating a
standard format for digital credentials that can eas-
ily be automated, and secondly by creating a standard
way to verify the source and integrity of said digital
credentials. For the second objective, they propose
a private/public key pair system - the first used for
signing the document and the second used for ver-
ifying the signature. A blockchain, whether public
or private, seems to offer some of the desired advan-
tages, like being a decentralized root of trust that is
not owned by anyone but can be used by everyone or
every registered user, and thus seems ideal for serv-
ing as a decentralized self-service registry for public
Some (Lupascu et al., 2021) have identified cer-
tain problems with the specific implementation pro-
posed by the Sovrin Foundation. Namely, their de-
sign as a ”public global utility” requires the usage
Ghibu, N., Jianu, A., Lupascu, A. and Popescu, Å
A Blockchain Self-Sovereign Solution for Secure Generation, Exchange and Management of User Identity Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012148800003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 744-750
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of their Sovrin Blockchain, which has been designed
only for identity claims and for their own Sovrin To-
ken. This requires any organization that would like to
implement this solution to alter its business model for
compatibility reasons, such as accommodating crypto
assets like the Sovrin Token. Another identified prob-
lem is that an identity claimed verified by a third party
cannot be unilaterally revoked before the expiration
date by said third party. For example, a driver’s li-
cense or student pass cannot be revoked by the state
issuer or by the university, respectively.
In this paper, based on certSIGN’s patent appli-
cation (Lupascu et al., 2021), we present a novel
and flexible solution to the self-sovereign identity
problem that not only addresses the core challenges
but also introduces the possibility of implementing
smart contracts between users. Our approach builds
upon existing an existing implementation and lever-
ages blockchain technology to create a secure and de-
centralized framework for identity management. The
project is currently in late stage development.
In the following sections, we will begin by provid-
ing essential background information about the pro-
posed solution, outlining its specific benefits, and of-
fering practical examples to illustrate its functionality.
We will present an in-depth overview of our proposed
approach, starting with a basic use-case scenario and
addressing the potential challenges that can arise and
will delve into the roles and responsibilities of each
participant within the network, highlighting their in-
teractions. We will provide a chronological list of data
transactions within a generalized scenario, illustrating
the sequence of events and data flow among the par-
ticipants. For better clarity, we will showcase a step-
by-step interaction between the different entities and
how they engage with the system. Finally, we will
draw conclusions based on our findings and discuss
potential avenues for future work.
2.1 Overview
The solution (Lupascu et al., 2021) claims to meet
the self-sovereign identity requirements in a more
business-friendly way. Specifically, it can be imple-
mented over any type of blockchain, whether pub-
lic or private, and does not require the acquisition of
any specific crypto asset. While the proposed solu-
tion refers to Bitcoin as the blockchain in use for con-
venience purposes, it can be applied to any generic
blockchain. Because blockchains are immutable,
storing personal data on a blockchain is strongly dis-
couraged, even if said data is in encrypted form. Peo-
ple can reveal their private keys by mistake, and dig-
ital information can get leaked, so good practice dic-
tates that all the information stored on the blockchain
has to be hashed, and only the hashes are stored on
the blockchain. It is also assumed that blockchain
users carry digital identifiers that are used to iden-
tify them by way of digital signatures that accompany
each transaction they take part in. User identity infor-
mation can be hashed and then encrypted to be stored
on the blockchain at the time of enrolling the user on
the platform. Management trust is provided by a root
user/ platform owner that authorizes new users and
user roles, such a the role of a trusted third-party, by
recording their authorization on the blockchain.
Users have the ability to create their own digi-
tal identifiers and trusted third-party users can en-
roll identity owners (users who will use the plat-
form for their ID authentication) by collecting their
data in a secure way such as face-to-face verifica-
tion, and storing encrypted hashes of the data on
the blockchain alongside the user’s digital identifier.
Each data exchange between users must be authorized
by the trusted third-party that verified the user’s at-
tributes. This authorization process involves a multi-
stage verification protocol that accesses information
stored on the blockchain. These interactions between
users, or between users and trusted third-parties are
also archived on the blockchain.
By utilizing information stored on the blockchain
and a user identifier (ex: the user’s public key) pro-
vided by the user, a computing device can obtain a
particular assertion from the multiple proofs recorded
on the blockchain. The assertion obtained by the com-
puting device can be checked by using information
provided by the user, alongside a secret key, via the
blockchain, from a trusted third-party. The secret key
is generated based on two public keys: one associated
with the computing device that wants to check the as-
sertion and the other based on the computing device
controlled by the trusted third-party. This approach
allows users to choose which aspects of their identity
they want to share with information consumers.
For example, a student accessing a virtual library
might want to share a proof that containing their name
and university status, but not their home address. In
this scenario the library acts as the information con-
sumer, the student as the user, and the University that
emitted the student license as the trusted third-party.
The library wants to check the assertion that the user
is a student, and based on the user’s identifier, infor-
mation stored on the blockchain, and after a exchange
of information with the University via the blockchain
with the aid of a secure communication protocol it can
A Blockchain Self-Sovereign Solution for Secure Generation, Exchange and Management of User Identity Data
confirm, with a high degree of assurance, that the user
is actually a student or not, without learning any other
information about them.
One of the specific benefits of the solution, de-
scribed later on in detail, is its independence of the
type of blockchain used and that it provides methods
by which a trusted third-party, that has verified the
identity claim of a user in the past, can revoke any
assertion that is based upon said past verification.
The system architecture is specifically designed
to address the self-sovereign identity problem where
a reference dataset is associated with a user’s identi-
fier (e.g., public key) and two computing devices are
involved. The first device stores the identifier along
with a high assurance level that a first dataset accu-
rately represents the reference dataset, without stor-
ing the first dataset itself. The second device stores
the identifier with a second dataset that represents a
subset of the reference dataset. Without disclosing
the second dataset to the first computing device, the
second device needs to verify, with a high degree of
certainty, that the first dataset accurately represents a
subset of the reference dataset.
2.2 A Basic Use-Case Scenario and the
Problems that Can Appear
We present the following working scenario: An iden-
tity owner needs to provide specific data attributes to
an online service provider, who acts as a a data con-
sumer, in order to be provided a particular service..
The data attributes can be static, such as a social num-
ber, or dynamic, such as a residency, or the place
of work. When the data consumer requests the au-
thentication of a set of attributes claimed by the iden-
tity owner, the request is recorded on the blockchain
and then answered by one or more special attributed
”trusted third-party” users. This request is also asso-
ciated with identifiers for both the identity owner and
the trusted third-party, permitting the option of pay-
ment between the two for each such request. The re-
quest transaction can include additional information
that can be used by the trusted third-party to create a
secure mode of communication.
The role of the trusted third-party is essential be-
cause without them, data consumers would not be
able to verify, with a high degree of accuracy, that the
data attributes presented to them are authentic. On the
other hand, identity owners couldn’t easily share just
the parts of their data attribute that are relevant to the
service they want to access, without revealing a mul-
titude of other information. The solution presented
can overcome such challenges by allowing the iden-
tity owner to encrypt only specific data attributes to be
shared with a data consumer, providing the data con-
sumer with a secret key via a secure communication
protocol alongside the encrypted data attributes that
are needed for the service. The secret key can be en-
crypted with the data consumer’s public key. Further-
more, the blockchain can be an ideal system for shar-
ing these encrypted attributes and for the data con-
sumer to receive information on the assurance level
of said data attributes. The trusted third-party also
gets to share said information to the data consumer
without having to store copies of the data attributes in
2.3 The Composition of the Computing
The computing system comprises a network of inter-
connected computing nodes that are associated with
at most one platform owner, at least one trusted third-
party, and a various number of data consumers and
identity owners. The platform owner has the ini-
tial role of authorizing network participants to verify
identities, giving them the status of a trusted third-
party, and defining the types of data attributes that are
verified, shared, and validated. For example, the plat-
form owner can authorize a network participant, such
as a university, to verify identities for their students
and define such data attributes as a string representing
a student ID number, a date representing the year the
student enrolled, etc. But the platform owner might
not define information such a the home address of the
The trusted third-parties are the network partici-
pants that verify the identity of other network partici-
pants with a high level of assurance.
The identity owners in the network are the partici-
pants that make their identity data attributes available
for distribution over the network.
The data consumers in the network refer to the
participants that receive data attributes over the net-
work and need to check their validity. Therefore, they
request and receive information regarding the assur-
ance levels of the identity assertions received over the
network. Depending on the implementation, a user
can have a single role in the network or multiple roles.
For example, a participant that has authorized other
participants as trusted third-parties might himself act
as a trusted third-party in certain situations, or even
an identity owner.
The blockchain ledger is composed of records
of all the transactions related to the digital identi-
ties of the participants, and the data attributes that
have been verified and distributed. These transac-
tions are recorded in chronological order and include
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
authorizations granted by the platform owner, at-
tribute verification proofs submitted by trusted third-
parties, and authentication requests submitted by ser-
vice providers which act as data consumers.
In certain implementations, the ledger may also
contain executable programs known as ”smart con-
tracts. These programs automate several aspects of
data sharing transactions, and they can be used to fa-
cilitate the performance of tasks such as identity and
data validation.
Overall, the blockchain ledger serves as a repos-
itory of all activity within the network which is both
secure and transparent It ensures that all participants
have access to the same information, and that all
transactions are executed in a trustworthy and ac-
countable manner.
2.4 Chronology of the Data
Transactions Being Submitted to the
Transactions with a ledger always include at least the
public identifier of the issuer, alongside a digital sig-
nature of the owner of said public identifier. An il-
lustration regarding the following steps can be seen in
Figure 1.
The first transaction on the ledger is performed
by the platform owner, in which they define what
identity data attributes are acceptable on the platform.
This should include a data payload consisting of data
attribute definitions that can also serve as reference
points in the ledger for other transactions made by
Another type of transaction performed by the
platform owner is to submit a data entry, designat-
ing other participants as an authorized trusted third-
parties. These transactions may also include the pub-
lic identifier of the trusted participant, thus informing
other participants that the designated participants can
now act as a trusted third-parties.
A trusted third-party can submit a transaction that
stores on the ledger proofs of data attributes associ-
ated with the public identifier of an identity owner.
The data attributes in question must be of the types
defined by the platform owner.
A data consumer can receive one or more data at-
tributes from an identity owner and then issue an au-
thentication request by submitting a transaction on the
ledger. To initiate such a request, the data consumer
needs firstly identify the transaction on the ledger
where a trusted third-party stored data attribute ver-
ification proofs regarding the identity owner in ques-
tion, and then direct that request to the specific third-
party. Another approach would be associating the
identity owner’s public identifier with a ”smart con-
tract” so that only the issuer of data attribute (a spe-
cific trusted third-party) is allowed to respond to the
the data consumer’s request. These types of transac-
tions may also include payments from the data con-
sumer to the trusted third-party.
The trusted third-party can respond to the request
submitted by the data consumer with their own trans-
action on the ledger. The response does not reveal any
of the data attributes of the identity owner but can be
used by the data consumer to prove, with a high level
of assurance, the authenticity of said data attributes.
Moreover, as mentioned before, the trusted third-
party can revoke previous transactions that verify the
data attributes of an identity holder. Verification
proofs can also be revoked, which is useful in in-
stances where one or more data attribute definitions
become deprecated or are totally revoked.
2.5 Step-by-Step Illustration of
Interactions Between the Devices
Controlled by Network Participants
In this section, we will describe briefly how each par-
ticipant interacts with each other, starting with the
attribution of roles, the definition of data attributes,
and the verification of a particular data claim made
by an identity owner. An illustration of the steps is
presented in Figure 2.
The first stage is when the platform owner defines
the particular data attributes that can be made avail-
able for distribution. The definition of a data attribute
should include at least an identifier and one data type.
The computing device associated with the platform
owner records these definitions on the ledger as a first
transaction, which can be used as a reference point for
future transactions.
In the next stage, the platform owner enrolls a
trusted third-party in the network, enabling them to
verify, with a high degree of certainty, authentication
claims and record verification proofs. At this point the
platform owner records a transaction on the ledger,
making all other participants aware of the newly au-
thorized trusted third-party. This may sometimes in-
volve recording a public identifier of the trusted third-
party. In other cases, the enrollment may require
recording several public identifiers, which may all be
authorized to act on behalf of the newly appointed
trusted third-party.
At the third stage, an identity owner uses their
computing device to generate a digital identifier that
will be used throughout the network. In some imple-
mentations, this identifier can be a public-private key
pair that will be further used to encrypt, decrypt, and
A Blockchain Self-Sovereign Solution for Secure Generation, Exchange and Management of User Identity Data
Figure 1: Generic transactions stored on the ledger by network participants.
sign data.
At the fourth stage, the identity owner presents ev-
idence of their data attributes to the trusted third-party
for verification. This step requires a physical interac-
tion between the two involved parties. The identity
owner uses their computing device and the identifier
generated in the previous stage to create a signed con-
sent for data attribute verification and data processing,
and sends it to the trusted third-party.
At the fifth stage, the trusted third-party generates
the resulting verification proofs and stores them on the
ledger, alongside the identity owner’s consent. Some
variations of this step involve hashing each individual
data attribute and then encrypting them before storing
them on the ledger. The encryption is done by gen-
erating a secret key that the trusted third-party stores
in a tamper-resistant key manager on their computing
system. This same key will be used later on, at stage
nine, to decrypt the data attribute hashes.
In stage six, the identity owner’s computing de-
vice generates and signs an identity claim that in-
cludes their public identifier generated in stage three,
as well as one or more attributes required to access
a service. This type of interaction is advantageous
in scenarios where the data owner does not wish to
disclose all of their attributes, but only the necessary
In stage seven, the identity owner sends the gener-
ated identity claim to a data consumer who is respon-
sible for identifying users requesting a particular ser-
vice. This stage usually involves establishing a shared
secret over an insecure channel.
In stage eight, the data consumer’s computer de-
vice generates an identity request that is stored on the
ledger. The request consists of the identity owner’s
previously obtained public identifier and the identi-
fiers of the claimed attributes. In this type of proto-
col, the data consumer does not disclose to the trusted
third-party that will be charged with verifying the
identity claims the values of the attributes received by
the identity owner. The authentication requests also
includes information necessary to establish a secure
channel of communication between the two.
In stage nine, the computation device of a trusted
third-party responds to the previously generated re-
quest. The computation device checks the attribute
identifiers included in the request and extracts only
specific verification proofs out of all the ones gener-
ated at stage five. If the request includes identifiers
for which there is no verification proof, or that said
proofs have been revoked, then the request is met with
a failure to authenticate. Otherwise, the trusted third-
party confirms the attributes of the identity owner us-
ing a secure communication protocol with the data
At the tenth stage, the trusted third-party records
the verification result on the ledger. This is necessary
in cases where there needs to be an unalterable record
of access to identity data without recording the actual
identity data or anything that might be used to recon-
struct it.
In stage eleven, the data consumer receives the re-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 2: Step-by-step interaction of platform participants.
sult of the previous stage and determines the authen-
ticity of the identity claim received at stage seven.
The computing device of the data consumer reads the
response recorded on the ledger in the previous stage
and uses that information to build a secure commu-
nication protocol with the trusted third-party. Over
this secure communication system, the identity claim
is confirmed by the trusted third-party via the recon-
struction of a message authentication code recorded
on the ledger in encrypted form at the previous stage.
This protocol is useful because, in this way, the data
consumer is left with unalterable proof that the trusted
third-party actually confirmed the authenticity of the
identity owner’s claims.
At the last stage, the computing device of the data
consumer triggers the sending of a message to the
identity holder, informing them of the results. This
technique is useful in the scenario where the iden-
tity owner needs to receive a service over an untrusted
channel, but the data consumer needs to trust the data
provided by the identity owner.
The solution described in this paper offers a some-
what original approach to addressing the self-
sovereign identity problem. It provides a flexible and
secure solution for communication between all net-
work participants via a blockchain alongside a pub-
lic/private key communication protocol. This allows
for a more secure information exchange between net-
work users, which is important when dealing with
identity attributes.
A main advantage of their proposed solution is the
flexibility it grants, as it is independent of any specific
blockchain or crypto asset. This means that it can
be adapted to work with any blockchain, thus being
a significant advantage for companies and organiza-
tions that already have a specific blockchain in place.
The solution is also able to offer a payment mech-
anism for each proof generated, which provides in-
centive for users to participate in the network and gen-
erate proofs only when necessary. This is important
because it helps ensure that relevant attributes are the
ones being checked. This can improve efficiency and
reduce error risk.
Most importantly, the solution is designed to work
under a zero-knowledge framework, which means
that it does not require the disclosure of any unneces-
sary information, thus ensuring the privacy and confi-
dentiality of the identity users.
The use of a blockchain framework also pro-
vides significant benefits, namely it allows for the
secure distribution of data attributes among indepen-
dent users and service providers. This helps ensure
security, transparency, and access right management,
which are all critical factors when dealing with sensi-
tive information.
Another notable advantage of the proposed solu-
tion is its ability to record binary files on the ledger,
which can act as ”smart contracts” between network
participants. This allows for some more complex in-
teractions between network users, which greatly in-
creases the practical scenarios where it can be uti-
Overall, the solution proposed offers a flexible and
secure approach to addressing the self-sovereign iden-
tity problem, with the potential to provide significant
benefits to organizations across a range of industries.
The main challenge with this approach lies in devel-
oping a governance framework that reaches a balance
between decentralized control and centralized over-
sight, fulfilling the needs and interests of the partici-
pants while ensuring compliance with legal and ethi-
cal standards.
Regarding future work, the proposed solution is
A Blockchain Self-Sovereign Solution for Secure Generation, Exchange and Management of User Identity Data
currently in its developmental stage and will undergo
various testing and refinement as it reaches its beta
stage. Continuous collaboration with the develop-
ment team will be crucial for further enhancements
and improvements.
This research was supported by the European Re-
gional Development Fund, Competitiveness Oper-
ational Program 2014-2020 through project IDBC
(code SMIS 2014+: 121512)
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ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies