Evaluation of Space Measurement Radar Maintenance Support
Capability Based on System Dynamics
Qing Xu
Space Engineering University, Beijing 102206, China
Keywords: Space Measurement Radar, Maintenance Support, System Dynamics, Capability Evaluation.
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the causal relationship between the space measuring radar maintenance support
ability of the system, the system dynamic simulation flow graph is established by the system dynamics
method, and the simulation experiment is carried out by the maintenance cycle as the boundary.
The space measurement radar is widely used in the
outer ballistic measurement of the aircraft. The
measurement radar maintenance capability
assessment is carried out through the small sensor
device to realize the various kinds of data
information collection, and use the various reasoning
algorithms and intelligent models to monitor, predict
and manage the state of the system, evaluate the
system's own health status, and combine the various
available resources and the beam conditions to create
the best maintenance strategy. This paper studies the
operation of the space measuring radar maintenance,
establishes the quantitative model by means of the
system dynamics method, and reveals the feedback
mechanism between the factors between the factors
in the system, and then evaluates the maintenance
and maintenance ability, and provides the
Suggestions for the decision department.
The method of studying dynamic systems is based
on structural function simulation method, which is
modeled by the microstructure of the system, and the
dynamic behavior of the system is simulated and
analyzed by the basic operation structure of the
tectonic system, which is suitable for the
closed-system system that the research behavior has
defined, the feedback cycle, balance and
consolidation of the main research system, and the
determination of the stock and flow of the system.
The space measurement radar maintenance
guarantee can be regarded as a complex system that
has a structural order, counterguard object and
maintenance change, and has a complex system that
has certain self-organizing ability in the maintenance
task, and the system dynamics method provides the
possibility for solving the problem of maintenance
and maintenance (Craigw, 1998). The system
dynamics method is as follows:
1) system analysis. The main contents include:
understand the law of the maintenance and safety of
the space measurement radar; To analyze the
composition of the maintenance and the composition
of the maintenance and the environment, parameters
and effects of the maintenance and safety tasks; This
paper analyzes the basic contradictions and main
contradictions, variables and main variables of the
maintenance and operation of the space
measurement radar maintenance, and can describe
the state of the system.
2) structural analysis. The main contents include:
the system level and the substructure, the gradual
decomposition system, the key analysis system is
generally with the local feedback mechanism, the
feedback loop and the coupling, the causal analysis,
the causal mechanism, the drawing of the causal
diagram; Analysis of the relationship between
system variables and variables, the dominant circuit
of the definition system and its properties, the
possibility of dynamic transfer of the main circuit.
3) establish a model. The main content includes:
state variables, flow rate variables, and other
auxiliary variables on the basis of the causal diagram.
The mathematical equations of state variables, rate
variables, auxiliary variables and constants are
established, and the relationship between qualitative
and semi-qualitative variables is described, and the
Xu, Q.
Evaluation of Space Measurement Radar Maintenance Support Capability Based on System Dynamics.
DOI: 10.5220/0012150400003562
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Processing, Control and Simulation (ICDPCS 2023), pages 122-125
ISBN: 978-989-758-675-0
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
equation parameters are determined. Assign the
initial value equation, the constant equation and the
table function. In the process of construction, we
should pay attention to the problem of nonlinear and
4) simulation and analysis. The main contents
include the simulation experiment of the simulation
software platform, and the graph table of the result
diagram is plotted. To find out the decision of
solving problems, obtain more abundant information,
and find new contradictions and problems. Modify
the model structure or parameter and simulate the
experiment repeatedly.
5) model test. The main contents include: the
rationality of the system feedback loop; To test the
equation of the description function variable; Verify
the simulation results.
System dynamics is a specific problem to solve, not
the whole system. The purpose of modeling is to
help determine the system boundary and variable
relationship, strengthen the understanding and study
of the internal feedback structure and dynamic
behavior relationship of the system. The use of
system dynamics to study the ability of radar
maintenance and maintenance of the space
measurement radar is characterized by the following
1) the evaluation of radar maintenance and
maintenance is a kind of complex time-varying
system problem of nonlinear, high order, variable
quantity and multiple feedback, and its system itself
has not only clear, determined relationship, but also
a fuzzy and random factor (Rehak, 2006).The simple
qualitative analysis is floating on the surface, the
complete mathematical description and the accuracy
and the overall failure of the whole side is not
guaranteed and the defect, the combination of
qualitative analysis and quantitative research of the
system dynamics, and the simulation realizes the
interaction between the human-computer can be
convenient and effective.
2) the measurement radar maintenance and
maintenance ability assessment is difficult to
quantify, but the system dynamics model is a kind of
structural dependent model, which focuses on the
dynamic and behavior of the system's internal
structure, and the analysis of the data is not high,
which is suitable for the research of the maintenance
and maintenance ability of the space measurement
3) the system dynamics can be tested and tested
repeatedly by the space measurement radar
maintenance and maintenance ability assessment. In
this paper, the model is consistent with the actual
situation, and the parameters of the system are
controlled, the simulation experiment is carried out,
the dynamic behavior and the changing trend of the
system are observed, and the optimal system
structure and parameters can be designed, and the
optimal system function is obtained, and the
scientific development of the evaluation of the space
measurement radar maintenance and maintenance
ability is promoted.
The main variables of important relationship
between the selection and the space measurement
radar maintenance ability are evaluated as the typical
representative of the description system. The
relationship diagram of 7 flow levels is obtained by
qualitative analysis, as shown in figure 1. The main
variables are described as follows:
1) the growth of funds invested is influenced by
the original foundation, and the more emphasis is
attached to the construction of radar maintenance
and maintenance, the more money is invested
(Benigno, 2005). At the same time, the higher the
overall level of the space measurement radar
maintenance and safety capability, the lower the
urgency of construction, the smaller the investment.
2) the growth of talent is influenced by the
original foundation. Through personnel training
input, also can cultivate some information-based
talents. At the same time, a good talent policy
environment can also attract and retain a large
number of informationized talents.
3) information resources are related to the
original basis, while a large amount of information
resources development investment, good talent
support, higher technical means, and improved
information resource development environment have
important influence on the change of information
4) the improvement of technical means is related to
the original basis, and the higher the cost of
technology development and technology
procurement, the higher the technology, the higher
the talent index, the higher the degree of application
of information technology, the better the technical
environment, the better the policy environment, the
better the development and application of the
Evaluation of Space Measurement Radar Maintenance Support Capability Based on System Dynamics
Space measurement radar
maintenance support
Personnel quantityL2(t)
Total information
Infrastructure constructionL6(t)
Technological meansL4(t)
Environmental supportL5(t)
Positive feedbackDegenerative feedback
Figure 1: The space measurement radar maintenance and safeguard ability causality diagram.
Figure 2: The environment supports full situation simulation results.
5) the growth of environmental support is
affected by the original level, and the higher the
maintenance and maintenance of personnel, the
higher the capacity and efficiency of the
environment. At the same time, the higher the
overall level of the space measurement radar
maintenance and maintenance capability, the
demand for environmental support will decline.
6) the infrastructure construction level of the
equipment management information system of the
infrastructure construction team, which has increased
with the investment of the equipment management
information construction fund, and has its own
depreciation (Nyhuis, 2005).
7) the overall level of the space measuring radar
maintenance and maintenance ability is the result of
the common role of information technology,
information technology application, information
resource development and utilization, construction
environment and infrastructure level.
ICDPCS 2023 - The International Conference on Data Processing, Control and Simulation
Figure 3: Simulation results of environmental undersupport.
In order to verify the validity of the test model, this
paper analyzes the dynamic model of the system
dynamics model by using the vensim simulation
software, and the simulation platform is shown in
figure 2. Vensim is a visual modeling tool based on
the window interface, which provides the graphical
editing environment, which is the advantage of the
software to realize the concept of the research target
system and the visualization of the text, and the
simulation results show that the intuitive and
function equation programming is convenient.
Simulation simulation time is 12 months, the
simulation step is 1, the unit is the month. The
simulation experiment sets two situations: case 1, the
environmental support is sufficient, the simulation
results are shown in figure 2; The simulation results
are shown in figure 3.
From figure 2, the increase of environmental
support will lead to the increase of capital input, the
quantity of talents and the means of technology,
which will improve the overall level of the
maintenance and maintenance of the infrastructure
and the space measurement radar maintenance. After
introducing the impact of risk interference, the
overall horizontal growth rate of the space
measurement radar maintenance and maintenance
ability slows, and gradually becomes stable.
From figure 3, Reducing environmental support
will lead to a decline in the overall level of the space
measurement radar maintenance and maintenance
capability. The amount of money, talent, technical
means and information resources are decreased. In
terms of degree, the number of talents is the most
influential, and the next is the investment, the
smallest effect is the total information resource.
The system dynamics dilemma provides some
reference for the operation of quantitative
maintenance system. Through the analysis of the
simulation results of the space measurement radar
maintenance and maintenance ability, the system
dynamics is a feasible and effective method for
evaluating the ability of radar maintenance and
maintenance. The next step will be to analyze the
influence factors of the maintenance and
maintenance of space equipment more
comprehensively, and to further verify the rationality
and scientific nature of the method in practice.
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Evaluation of Space Measurement Radar Maintenance Support Capability Based on System Dynamics