Enhancing Leadership and Management Effectiveness: Leveraging
Actor-Network Theory for Project Risk Mitigation
Arthur Wilson
, Brad Carey
and Amma Buckley
School of Design and Built Environment, Curtin University, Kent Street, Perth, Australia
Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University, Kent Street, Perth, Australia
Keywords: Project Management, Project Leadership, Project Success Factors, Actor-Network Theory, Risk Management.
Abstract: Investment decisions of leaders and managers influence the adoption and use of digital technologies that then
transform their organization’s products, services, and operations. To foster transformation, project
management methods are commonly used. However, project failure rates often exceed success rates
regardless of the industry sector, or project management methodology. While project success has traditionally
been measured in terms of time, cost, and quality, recent research suggests that success includes the dynamic
interaction between multiple actors in diverse networks. Traditional project management methods may not
adequately identify and help mitigate the risks associated with complex and dynamic influence of leadership
and management on project success. This study uses actor-network theory (ANT) to examine opportunities
to enhance the effectiveness of leadership and management in projects and mitigating associated risks. By
doing so, this study aims to provide insights into how organizations can improve project success rates.
According to Burga and Rezania (2017), effective
project management aims to assist organisations
successfully undertake and deliver small to large
initiatives in a manner that considers the time to
undertake the project, that the project is delivered on
budget and within agreed quality parameters with
minimal unplanned disruption to the organisation.
The time, cost and quality criteria is referred by
Hughes, Rana, and Simintiras (2017) as the iron
triangle of accountability that encompasses the
leadership and management of an organization.
Leadership and management influence project
strategic and operational activities to move
stakeholders from a current state to the post project
desired state. To make this transition the
identification and mitigation of risk contributes to
effective project control (Burga and Rezania, 2017)
To assist organisations transition from the current
state to the desired state project management
methodologies are commonly used. However,
previous studies have shown, even with the use of
commonly used project management methodologies,
many organisations find that projects success is
elusive (Baxter and Sommerville, 2011; Bloch,
Blumberg, and Laartz, 2012; Brosnan et al., 2023).
An international sample of over 5,400 large
information technology projects (defined as projects
exceeding US$15 million in cost) had more than
US$66 billion in cost overruns (Bloch et al., 2012).
According to some estimates, the failure rate for
technology implementations exceeds 60 per cent (De
Waal, van Outvorst, and Ravesteyn, 2016; Pflügler,
Malzer, Jäschke, Wiesche, and Krcmar, 2018), and
rework to correct poor software development due to
inadequate development of specifications for
functional and business requirements exceeds more
than US$45 billion annually (Pimchangthong and
Boonjing, 2017).
According to Pflügler et al. (2018), the rate of
failure for digital technology initiatives has not
significantly decreased in the past decade. These
failures have social and economic impacts and can
negatively influence the organisation and people
working within it (Baxter and Sommerville, 2011;
Wilson, A., Carey, B. and Buckley, A.
Enhancing Leadership and Management Effectiveness: Leveraging Actor-Network Theory for Project Risk Mitigation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012153700003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 109-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Bughin, Catlin, Hirt, and Willmott, 2018; Pflügler et
al., 2018).
The high failure rates may be due to myriad
reasons (Hewett, 2023). These reasons include issues
such as more attention allocated to technical
consideration of sociotechnical initiatives, and less
focus on non-technical and social impacts (Brosnan
et al., 2023; Spector and Wang, 2002; Tatnall and
Gilding, 1999).
Therefore, situations can arise in which state-of-
the-art technology can be developed and
implemented, but the initiative may not be considered
a success because the social aspect of the initiative
was not adequately considered, leading to customer
dissatisfaction (Baxter and Sommerville, 2011).
Therefore project success can be considered as
having two perspectives; one focuses on judgements
and perception of the project outcome, the other focus
is relates to the successful delivery of the project
(Jugdev, Perkins, Fortune, White, and Walker, 2013).
According to Burga and Rezania (2017); Floricel,
Bonneau, Aubry, and Sergi (2014) there is a shift in
the academic literature in which projects are
described as a multidimensional social process rather
than an instrumental process. As part of the social
process, project management integrates consideration
of cultural factors, process reengineering, and use of
technologies that evolve. This integration is guided
by organisational leaders and managers often beyond
the responsibility and accountability afforded to
project managers.
This paper argues that the leadership and
management network of actors have a more
influential role then outlined in current project
management methodologies and frameworks. The
leadership and management network of actors
influences risks associated with the availability and
allocation of human and financial resources,
stakeholder feedback, promote incentives, and
reprimand negative stimulus and other factors that
influence project success.
In this study we contribute to the literature on
project management, in particular how leadership and
management influence the success of projects in two
significant ways. First, we offer an informed
description of how leadership and management
influence strategic factors that include project
governance and accountability, activities that
influence organisational culture as well as operational
activities related to processes and technologies that
support the desired state. Second, we offer informed
understanding of how management and leadership is
enacted in projects can influence multiple networks to
contribute to project success.
2.1 Leadership and Management in
Project Management as a Basic
Leadership and management is recognised as an
enabler for fostering knowledge management within
organisations. Additionally, leadership and
management helps develop trust with stakeholders
and helps motivate staff to participate in projects
(Asrar-ul-Haq and Anwar, 2016). In successful,
complex initiatives actions of leaders and managers
develop the culture, the expertise, and change the way
actors and networks interact. To foster changes,
leadership and management develop and implement
strategies and identify the actors to advance them
(Papenbroock and Österberg, 2017). These changes
are often resisted, and not initially embraced
(Alexander and Silvis, 2014; Gurteen, 1999; Hislop,
Bosua, and Helms, 2018). The literature describes
reasons for this resistance, including organisations
leaders and managers providing little clarity about
how the project will achieve the desired change and
neglecting to encourage and support knowledge
sharing across multi- disciplinary networks (Corfield
and Paton, 2016).
Widely used project management methods and
standards such as the Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBoK) and Projects in Controlled
Environments (PRINCE2) are still based on time,
cost and quality (Hughes et al., 2017).
As organisations increase reliance on technology,
the digital competence of leadership and management
actors is essential (Marnewick and Marnewick,
2021). This knowledge can assist increase
understanding of social, economic, and political shifts
that occur as a result of the adoption of digital
technologies within organisations. Furthermore, as
artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, and other
digital technologies evolve and become more
mainstream, there are opportunities for the
competencies to transform governance, thus allowing
opportunities for more efficient delivery of services
(Jones, 2017).
2.2 Actor-Network Theory
Actor-network theory (ANT) was selected as a
suitable research framework as it enables
consideration and examination of dynamic, iterative
and socially constructed phenomenon and how they
interact (Latour, 1987, 1996). The use of ANT in
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
project management provides an opportunity for a
more reflective approach in which to view complex
project activities, including the dynamic interaction
and the transformation of networks involved as
projects evolve. According to Callon (1986), ANT
aligns well with identifying and tracing association
between project human and non-human actors and
A benefit of ANT is its ability to consider and
analyse iterations, or changes to an initiative or
project as it progresses from a starting phase to the
development and a completion stage (Wilson, 2021).
Within the ANT framework, the relationships
between the actants (human, non-human, processes)
and their respective networks interact with the
purpose of resolving conflicts and stability (Callon,
1986; Latour, 1987, 1996; Sage, Dainty, and Brookes,
There are four stages of ANT: problemisation,
interessesment, enrolment and mobilisation. From an
operational perspective, these stages overlap instead
of operating in a sequential manner.
Table 1: ANT stages and descriptions.
Stage Description
Problemisation The initial stage in project
management where relationships
are initially defined and charters are
Interessesment The stage in project management
where operationally the project
exists and relationships among
actors are dynamic in their
enactment of accountability.
Enrolment In the project management context
(Callon,1986) enrolment is the stage
when relationships are translated
successfully by actors through the
use of power.
Mobilisation The methods of leadership and
management are generalised and
able to be mobilized or translated
for use in other similar projects.
Like ANT, project management methodologies
includes stages of change. Depending on the project
management methodology, the following examples
are of PMBOK and PRINCE2 methodologies, the
stages can involve:
Project initiation or conception;
Planning or feasibility;
Executing or implementation; and
Monitoring / controlling or operation
(Skogmar, 2015; Wideman, 2002).
The project management and ANT stages can be
aligned allowing more thorough consideration of
sociotechnical influences. Within their respective
stages, iterations of actions are performed until the
stage is considered complete.
Table 2: Alignment of ANT and project management
Stage: ANT Stage: Project
Problemisation Initiation or
Initial stage,
problem and
Interessesment Planning or
Human and
actors allocated,
engagement and
between actors
Enrolment Executing or
Production of
Mobilisation Monitoring,
controlling, or
activities are
monitor, risk
identified and
It is important to note that ANT has little to do
with the study of social networks but focuses instead
on actor’s interpretations and translations of the
project as it evolves through its various stages of
development. The actor-network determines how the
actor translates activities and influences how it
interacts and involves other actors.
We expect to see that project leadership and
management will follow stages described by (Callon,
1986). During these stages the intentions of
leadership and management is translated through
well-defined organisational governance documents
including risk registers and project methodologies
and frameworks such as the PMBOK and PRINCE2.
Relationships between leaders, manager and actors
evolve through the project stages. We anticipate that
ANT provides a framework to study and verify how
leadership and management are embedded and guide
project progress.
Enhancing Leadership and Management Effectiveness: Leveraging Actor-Network Theory for Project Risk Mitigation
The essence of this paper is the study of the ways in
which five community organisations, based in five
different Western Australian (WA) local government
areas (two rural and three metropolitan areas) use
digital technologies as a primary means of
engagement with residents and to support and extend
the residents’ knowledge of their local communities.
The five community organisations are aligned to three
separate categories: social enterprise, community
enterprise, and local government.
This study considers how leadership and
management actions contribute to project success by
monitoring and mitigating risk related to community
engagement and associated knowledge management
and sociotechnical initiatives. This is done by
investigating the potential opportunities and
limitations of models and frameworks for
transforming how five WA community organisations
engage and manage the knowledge of residents
through digital technologies.
Consideration was given to the possibility that
leadership and management perspectives embedded
within the models and frameworks used to help guide
the transformation of how community organisations
engage and interact with residents through digital
technologies are insufficient. If this is the case, then
the insufficiency may contribute to the high failure
rate of efforts to transform community engagement
and the associated knowledge management process.
3.1 Methodology
This study is an exploratory, qualitative design, in
keeping with the emerging nature of knowledge
development in this area. A key aspect in considering
the integration of community and digital technology
is whether the desired change is sustainable across a
variety of social, economic, and political networks
within a community. To gain some understanding of
how changes have evolved, and the extent to which
these have been durable, the study incorporates a
longitudinal study of comparative cases. The
inductive study design enables divergent experiences
to be documented at each site. This approach will
offer insights into the extent to which local context is
important and identify common elements across the
participating organisations. The longitudinal aspect
of this study enables the researcher to determine the
ways in which sociotechnical integration has evolved
over time, in order to examine its influence upon how
organisations use digital technologies to interact with
community residents. The findings of the
comparative cases will indicate the similarities or
differences of integration approaches and the affects
of such integrations.
3.2 ANT as a Method
As a method, ANT studies follow actors and observes
network creators through whose perspective they
attempt to interpret the process of network
A review of the data collected from primary and
secondary sources suggested that ANT was a useful
theoretical lens as well as a method in which to
analyse, interpret, and explain the data gathered from
the organisations. ANT has also been applied as a
method to identify reasons for IS projects failing in
organisations and then used to guide their recovery
(Pollack and Clegg, 2023). ANT was adopted because
community organisations' engagement with residents
is a relationship-based sociotechnical activity, in
which people, text, devices, and infrastructures take
the form of interdependent networks. ANT focuses on
the ability to trace intricate networks and their
associations with human and non-human networks
(Doolin and Lowe, 2002).
ANT was used in other studies to analyse,
describe and guide complex projects; to foster
changes to organisation practice and behaviour
through digital technologies (Linde and Linderoth,
2006); and to assist people to recognise then consider
the consequences of intended or non-intended actions
and unpredictable behaviour related to digital
transformation projects (Pollack and Clegg, 2023;
Sage et al., 2011). These ANT concepts align well to
the needs identified in this study.
This research, through the framework described
in this study, aims to synthesise risks. These risks
include the complexities concerning interdependence
of the human and non-human actors related to
leadership and management and activities that guide
projects that changes to organisational practice and
behaviours from a current state to a desired state.
3.3 Data Sources
Data sources for this study included primary and
secondary sources. Semi-structured interviews were
the primary source of data. The intention of the
interviews was to help us better understand and
explore opinions, behaviours and experiences of
participants involved in strategic and/or operational
activities of using digital technology as part of the
community consultative process.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Secondary sources included academic articles,
annual reports and other government reports and
publications, research reports, news reports and
commentary, magazine articles, websites, podcasts
and social media. Secondary data sources allowed
this research to consider theories in a broader context
and contribute to strengthening reliability and validity
of existing theory (Bowler, Julien, and Haddon,
2018). Specifically, insight about current and
proposed consultative activities, plans and strategies
of respective organisations’ digital and face-to-face
interaction with their community members.
Table 3: Data types, sources and purpose.
Data source Purpose /
Data links to
Primary Sources
during the
perceive the
with their
past, present
and future
to understand
and explore
Secondary Sources
reports and
about the
leadership and
of events,
and accounts
of events
Secondary Sources
and social
and to
provide links
to past and
Provides a
link to news
and other
3.4 Results
Across each of the five community organisations
networks undertaking projects to change how their
they engaged with residents, there was a lack of
awareness of the potential value that can be gained
from engagement with residents and better managing
their community knowledge. Consequently, there
was little evidence of a documented vision, or
strategic planning, or activities to align and combine
community engagement with knowledge
Processes and technologies to support project
deliverables, including content management systems
and archives seemed to evolve organically and not
through a strategy supported by organisational
leadership and management. Similarly, there was no
specific framework or business model adopted by
leaders and managers with the purpose of engaging
with residents and managing knowledge resulting
from such engagement. A stronger focus on the
creation of networks of actors to for alliances to assist
in promoting community engagement and associated
knowledge management activities would prove
beneficial. These alliances may include actors with
knowledge and experience as content providers,
training providers, researchers, technology providers.
With the exception of one network there was little
evidence of strategic business planning, policies, and
guidelines for aligning community engagement and
community knowledge.
As a result of the lack of a vision, strategic
direction setting, plans for community engagement
and associated knowledge management activities can
continue to evolve organically, including from the
bottom up. The implications can influence the
resources allocated to the initiative, speed of
adoption, the ability to gain support of stakeholders
and form deeper alliances that can support
community engagement and community knowledge
management activities. Such alliances may contribute
to expertise and knowledge to enrich the community
engagement and knowledge and influence residents.
However, these results are beyond the realm of
traditional project managers, project management
models and frameworks. The traditional role of the
project manager consists of ensuring that the project
is completed successfully, on time, and within
budget, to a specified quality, while also managing
stakeholder expectations and maintaining a positive
team dynamic. The risk identified in this study is
beyond the role of the project manager and cannot
easily be delegated from organisational leaders and
Enhancing Leadership and Management Effectiveness: Leveraging Actor-Network Theory for Project Risk Mitigation
ANT as described by Callon (1986) and summarised
by (Floricel et al., 2014) as stages of problemisation,
interessesment, enrolment and mobilisation are
described and dynamically overlap and interact with
each other, while each actor network operates
differently with a common goal being successful
project delivery. During the problemisation stage
actors are engaged through translating actants such as
a project charter and / or a project scope. During
interessesment, deliberations between actors and
through translating actants roles are accountabilities
are refined, the power of leaders and managers are
used to influence, reward, and punish. During the
enrolment the power is applied across multiple
networks to transform from the current state to the
desired state. Finally, through mobilisation the
project is operational and lessons gained can assist
other initiatives.
The leadership and management described
throughout the transformative journey is translated
through actors in a socially constructed environment.
The use of ANT helps identify networks,
relationships between networks and translating actors
through which accountabilities are shaped and
influence the success of projects.
5.1 Power Remains with Leaders and
Managers, not the Project Manager
The delegation of power between networks was
identified as a prominent factor that can influence the
success of sociotechnical solutions. Understanding
the power of actor networks, how the power evolves
through the life of a project and the limits of project
managers power and influence can help reduce the
risk associated with sociotechnical solutions and thus
project failure. In this study, we explored the way the
power of leaders and managers influences strategic
and operational networks activities. How this power
is wielded can impact on, and influence risk
associated with sociotechnical initiatives. A
contentious projection of power, or ill-defined actions
from leadership and management networks can create
animosity that may be difficult for some projects to
5.2 Manage Complexity as a Risk
A key finding in the literature, and supported through
the analysis of interviews, and through observations
of the online presence of organisations and their
operations, is the complexity of their journey
transform community engagement and associated
knowledge management activities. The broad range
of issues, the iterative process of change to internal
and external networks, their cultures, and associated
power dynamics during sociotechnical
transformation can be complex.
Managing the risk of complexity was identified in
the research as a significant reason for the high failure
rate of sociotechnical initiatives such as community
engagement and knowledge management. However,
many of the sociotechnical models and frameworks
did not appear to recognise, or much less,
acknowledge complexity. How leaders and managers
identify and manage risk linked to complex issues can
be able to be identified, better understood and
mitigated. ANT takes into consideration that the
power relationships between the networks are
dynamic; and it is capable of tracing the ebb and flow
of the power dynamics between networks, within and
between changes to stakeholders according to stages
of implementation or events.
5.3 Theoretical Contributions
This study makes two main contributions. First, it
supports the view that it is not just the project
manager or the product owner that's ultimately
accountable for project success. A sustained level of
leadership and management network engagement is
important in the successful delivery of projects. This
includes and is also broader than the traditional roles
of project managers. The analysis of the longitudinal
study reveals that project leadership and management
is not conceptualised in the project management
literature and requires more consideration and
accountability of networks and actors that influence
project time, cost and quality. Activities to influence
these networks and actors are often beyond the
responsibility of the project manager.
Secondly the study demonstrates that project
actions and associated accountability was undertaken
in an ad hoc manner, or not by design. As the project
progresses the plans and actions of leadership and
management evolve to address risks of various
network stakeholders. This results in efforts to create
a stabilised environment from multiple and differing
human and nonhuman networks and artefacts to
influence, gain support for and contribute to the
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
project. From an ANT perspective the project
becomes a collective social activity through which
translation of being accountable is determined by
actor networks. To achieve and progress the project
leadership and management should be conceptualised
as a collaborative activity not just having
accountability vested in the project manager and
project owner.
5.4 Project Management Implications
Leadership, management and accountability are
central to organisational control systems as well as
project governance. Leaders and managers influence
includes more than receiving and providing feedback
on reports related to the project and project status.
The depth of their accountability is distributed across
multiple active and dynamic networks. This role is
often more consequential than the performance of the
project manager and project owner as outlined in
many current project management methodologies and
frameworks. This research seeks to influence
increased consideration of sociotechnical risks within
project management methodologies.
5.5 Limitations and Further Research
In this paper we identify and expand the role and
understanding that leadership and management has
on increasing opportunities for project success. We
demonstrated through ANT how leadership and
management influence traditional projects success
factors identified in contemporary project
management methodologies.
Limitations include risks related to leadership and
management during each project management and
ANT stage can be further explored. Furthermore, the
focus of this study is on the leadership and
management network. Other networks that influence
project success will be the subject of additional
papers. These other networks involve culture,
processes and technologies. Through the
identification, monitoring, managing and mitigating
the risks of these networks, it is believed
opportunities for project success can be increased.
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