Discovering Potential Founders Based on Academic Background
Arman Arzani
1 a
, Marcus Handte
1 b
, Matteo Zella
2 c
and Pedro Jos
e Marr
1 d
University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Krefeld, Germany
Knowledge Transfer, Founding Potential, Researcher Profiling, Innovation Identification.
Technology transfer is central to the development of an iconic entrepreneurial university. Academic science
has become increasingly entrepreneurial, not only through industry connections for research support or transfer
of technology but also in its inner dynamic. To foster knowledge transfer, many universities undergo a scouting
process by their innovation coaches. The goal is to find staff members and students, who have the knowledge,
expertise and the potential to found startups by transforming their research results into a product. Since there
is no systematic approach to measure the innovation potential of university members based on their academic
activities, the scouting process is typically subjective and relies heavily on the experience of the innovation
coaches. In this paper, we study the discovery of potential founders to support the scouting process using a
data-driven approach. We create a novel data set by integrating the founder profiles with the academic activities
from 8 universities across 5 countries. We explain the process of data integration as well as feature engineering.
Finally by applying machine learning methods, we investigate the classification accurracy of founders based on
their academic background. Our analysis shows that using a Random Forest (RF), it is possible to successfully
differentiate founders and non-founders. Additionally, this accuracy of the classification task remains mostly
stable when applying a RF trained on one university to another, suggesting the existence of a generic founder
Universities play an important role in adding social
impact through teaching and education. Also, their in-
teraction with industry is essential to innovation and
to a knowledge-based economy. While universities
dominate the principle of knowledge-based commu-
nities, industry represents the primary institution in
industrial societies, therefore remaining a key factor
as a locus of production. By comparison, one crucial
advantage of universities over industry as knowledge-
producing institutions, is the cluster of students, grad-
uates and post-graduates. While industrial research
and development (R & D) units of government and
firm laboratories tend to solidify over time due to the
lack of continuous flow of human capital, the univer-
sities profit greatly from it.
Today, many universities are extending their tra-
ditional role from education and research towards re-
search transfer. Research transfer is the joint devel-
opment and dissemination of knowledge as a prod-
uct that has social contributions such as sharing, com-
munication of experience, building contacts and in-
novation networks. According to surveys, 55% of
spin-offs draw on tacit knowledge acquired at the uni-
versity, whereas only 45% use codified research find-
ings from the university (Karnani, 2013). Moreover,
research transfer also capitalizes on the knowledge
and human base, by conveying research results to a
broader audience, which is particularly useful for peo-
ple who want to start their own companies.
The universities that practice research transfer
want to support potential founders, start-ups and inno-
vation. Providing effective support requires the uni-
versities to identify the potential founders within their
organization. In many universities, this scouting pro-
cess is done by innovation coaches. As part of the
process, the innovation coaches manually monitor the
research activities at their university and conduct in-
terviews. Since there is no systematic approach to
measure the innovation potential of university mem-
bers based on their academic activities, the scouting
process is typically subjective and relies heavily on
the experience of the innovation coaches.
In this paper, we study the problem of discover-
ing potential founders to support the scouting pro-
Arzani, A., Handte, M., Zella, M. and Marrón, P.
Discovering Potential Founders Based on Academic Background.
DOI: 10.5220/0012156200003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 117-125
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
cess using a data-driven approach. We create a novel
data set by integrating the founder profiles of Crunch-
base with the academic activities using Dimensions.
Thereby, we generate large data set with more than
11.000 founders and non-founders from 8 universities
across 5 countries that encompasses more than 4 mil-
lion publications, 3 million patents and 80.000 grants
including the relations among them.
While most of the related work focuses on either
success rate prediction of startups, i.e., venture capi-
tal prediction or researcher profiling inside the univer-
sity, we apply machine learning methods to support
the discovery of potential founders.
The main contributions of our paper are:
Creating a novel dataset by joining Crunch-
base and Dimensions data sources, that contains
founders as well as non-founders with their aca-
demic metadata
Extracting features based on the academic
meta-data and performing classification on the
founders/non-founders dataset
Providing quantitative evidence for the existence
of a generic founder profile across multiple uni-
versities and countries
Academic entrepreneurship has played an important
role in fostering regional economic development and
defines the process of commercialization of science
at the universities, as well as other patterns of tech-
nology transfer that focus on licensing, patenting and
start-up activity. Moreover, universities around the
world increasingly encourage the involvement of their
academics in the transfer of knowledge to the market-
place through spin-off activities which enhances eco-
nomic growth and regional competitiveness (Siegel
and Wright, 2015, Gonz
ıa et al., 2013).
In order to support reproducibility in knowledge
transfer, many researchers have studied the process
of creating university spin-offs (Pirnay et al., 2003,
Van Burg et al., 2008). Authors of (Pirnay et al.,
2003) suggested a topology for university spin-offs
which was lacking depth at the time by underly-
ing studies. In their work they presented a two-
dimensional system that stimulates academic spin-
offs, including the status of the person and the area
of knowledge. Additionally, to further understand un-
derlying processes in academic spin-offs and improve
the performance of the incumbent university, the au-
thors of (Van Burg et al., 2008) described a case study
of Eindhoven University of Technology. They in-
troduced and argued on how two design principles,
namely research-based (tacit knowledge of conver-
sion of key agents in university) and practice-based
principle (practices and experiences of the agents)
stimulates academic spin-offs. Both of the previous
works are limited to sketching the theoretical founda-
tion of academics and apply empirical studies.
Other than defining the general structural back-
bone of academic spin-offs, some related work also
focused on specific factors of successful academic
entrepreneurship (M
uller, 2010, Backes-Gellner and
Werner, 2007). Authors of (M
uller, 2010), focus on
analyzing time lag of startup creation. By provid-
ing empirical results through a survey, they argued
that spin-offs are done years after the academics had
left the academic institutions, since the founders need
time to gather practical experience by working in in-
dustry. This was contradicted by (Backes-Gellner and
Werner, 2007) that investigated the educational sig-
nals of academics. Their evidence showed that the
academics who finished their university degree faster
than others and have patents, have a higher chance
of starting their venture. Furthermore, some works
suggested that the innovation capabilities and systems
are different across countries and regions (Wright,
2007, Rothaermel et al., 2007). While this might be
true in general, the results of our quantitative evalu-
ation suggest that the founder profile remains mostly
stable for the (international) set of universities cov-
ered by our data.
Most machine learning methods regarding en-
trepreneurship and startup success revolve around
entrepreneurial finances and the prediction of the
success rate for the startup phase (Ferrati et al.,
2021,Sharchilev et al., 2018,
Zbikowski and Antosiuk,
2021). Only few related works deals with the iden-
tification of entrepreneurs in various context (Mon-
tebruno et al., 2020, Chung, 2023) using machine
learning. Based on data from historical British en-
trepreneurs, the authors of (Montebruno et al., 2020)
proposed a model that was able to classify employ-
ment status and could identify entrepreneurs from
workers. This work used self-reported data in the
Victorian censuses over 1851-1911 and investigated
whether a trained classifier on later censuses can iden-
tify entrepreneurs in the early censuses using fea-
tures such as age, district, marital status, number of
servants, etc. Following this approach, the authors
of (Chung, 2023) developed a classification pipeline
based on the data of the Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor. The study included survey data on adult
population and their entrepreneur characteristics, as
well as their social attitudes towards entrepreneur-
ship. The authors also considered primary individ-
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
(a) Data model of Crunchbase. (b) Data model of Dimensions.
Figure 1: Crunchbase and Dimensions data sources.
ual characteristics such as age, gender, education
as well as environmental attributes to train classi-
fiers that could identify potential entrepreneurs. In
another study (Sabahi and Parast, 2020), the au-
thors developed classifiers to predict an individual’s
project performance based on entrepreneurial fea-
tures, such as founding attitude, social self-efficacy,
appearance self-efficacy, and cooperativeness, and en-
trepreneurial orientation such as proactiveness.
Whereas previous studies depend on surveys and
empirical results from individual institutions, our
work takes academic activities into consideration,
since our primary focus relies on improving knowl-
edge transfer in the context of innovation scouting at
universities. In addition, our approach is automatable
since the data on academic activities of staff mem-
bers such as bibliometrics and scientometrics are of-
ten already collected by universities for other pur-
poses. To our knowledge, none of the related work
in knowledge transfer have tried to tap into the aca-
demic information of researchers to identify existing
entrepreneurial activities and have considered the use
of academic features in investigating the founder’s
profile. In this paper, we propose a novel and au-
tomatable approach to support innovation coaches,
that uses machine learning classifiers to identify po-
tential entrepreneurs inside universities. To apply ma-
chine learning, we introduce a set of features derived
from the academic activities of the staff members, in-
cluding their publications, patents, and grants as well
as their impact. This allows us to take advantage of
bibliometric and scientometric data of the researchers,
which is often already available or can be gathered
from online data sources.
To study the discovery of potential founders in uni-
versities based on their academic activities, we use
Crunchbase (, 2007) and Dimensions
(Hook et al., 2018) as our data sources. In the follow-
ing, we first provide details on both data sources. We
then explain, how we integrate their data into a sin-
gle data set consisting of founders and non-founders.
Thereafter, we introduce a set of features, which we
extract for further analysis and outline the reasoning
for choosing them. Finally, we describe the concrete
details of the data generation process resulting in the
data that is used for further analysis.
3.1 Data Sources
3.1.1 Crunchbase
To gather information about founders, we received
access to the Crunchbase database
. Crunchbase
(, 2007) is a data as a service platform
with business information about private and public
companies, founders, or people in leadership posi-
tions, investors and founding rounds. Crunchbase was
originally a database to track the startups featured in
the TechCrunch website
. At the time of writing, it
encompasses more than 2 million organizations. The
database consists of multiple tables that can be joined
by unique identifiers. A simplified entity-relationship
diagram (ERD) is shown in Figure 1a.
The organizations table includes information
about companies as well as investors and universi-
ties which are differentiated by type. The table con-
tains fields such as name, address, number of em-
ployees and the status of the organization (active,
closed, acquired). The people table describes indi-
viduals who are founders, investors, or employees of
one or more organization(s). This table includes the
person’s name, gender, address, social media account
links, organization, and job position within the orga-
nization. The job position belongs to the jobs table
as well. The information about an individual’s educa-
tional background is held in the degrees table. Each
Discovering Potential Founders Based on Academic Background
record contains details about the subject of the ac-
quired degree, date of matriculation and graduation,
as well as the institution awarding the degree. The
institutions are addressable through the organizations
Since we are interested in analyzing the startup
spin-offs by academics, we perform an exploratory
data analysis (EDA), by joining the degrees, organiza-
tions, and people tables. Using the organization type,
we filter the organizations to only select the univer-
sities. To only focus on founders, we utilize the job
type from the jobs table to exclude employees as well
as other operational job titles. At this stage, by join-
ing people, degrees and organizations and adjusting
the query on a specific university, we can extract the
information of the founders who have studied or are
currently studying at a specific university.
3.1.2 Dimensions
To gather information about academic activities, we
received access to Dimensions. Dimensions (Hook
et al., 2018) is a modern data infrastructure for dis-
covery and research. It provides access to over 2.9
million grants, 121 million publications, citations and
140 million patents among others.
The publications of the Dimensions database con-
sist of journal articles, pre-prints, books/book chap-
ters with full text search available through their API
access for more than 160 publishers (PubMed, arxiv,
Crossref, etc.). Furthermore, the publications are
highly contextualized with linked related grants, pub-
lication references, citing publications and related
patents as shown in Figure 1b. This is a significant
difference of Dimensions in comparison to its coun-
terparts such as Scopus or Web of Science that makes
it possible to analyze the relationship of patents, pub-
lications, or grants that reference each other at some
point in time. Furthermore, the grants hold project
funding in the private, federal as well as national sec-
tor which are either crawled directly from the funders
websites or extracted through their APIs. The patent
data covers over 100 jurisdictions, with the informa-
tion containing inventions, bibliometrics and the orig-
inal institutions that funded the patents.
To access the data, Dimensions provides a rich set
of APIs for full-text queries that we primarily used
to perform keyword searches for all the instances of
a term in a document or group of documents. Using
the full text API of Dimensions, specific sections of
a document, such as abstract, full text, authors can be
targeted and due to the links between different data
types, it is possible to create complex filters.
3.1.3 Data Integration
With data integration we pursue two goals: First,
we need to connect the data on founders available in
Crunchbase with the academic activities of each in-
dividual founder in Dimensions. Second, since we
want to apply machine learning for founder discov-
ery, we also require corresponding non-founders data
in a similar quantity as the founder data.
To fulfill the first goal, we start with the extracted
founder records from Crunchbase that include the
founder’s name, degree and university name. Using
the name of a founder, we could try to identify rel-
evant documents by running full-text queries against
the Dimensions API and collecting the results with
matching author names. However, the results of such
queries would likely contain many false positives,
since person names are often not unique. In practice,
this problem is further amplified by the large scale of
Dimensions and by very common family names such
as Xu or Zhu.
To mitigate this problem, we take the founder’s
university into account. To do this, we start by map-
ping relevant organizations of Crunchbase to organi-
zations in Dimensions. To identify organizations, Di-
mensions relies on the unique organization IDs of the
Global Research Identifier Database
is a free online database that provides information
about research organizations and addresses the prob-
lem of messy and inconsistent data on research in-
stitutions, ensuring that each entity is unique. GRID
stores the type of institution, geo-coordinates, official
website, Wikipedia page and name variations of insti-
tutions for each ID and offers an online search tool to
lookup IDs by name. Since the data volume is low, we
perform the mapping manually using the online tool.
Given the GRID ID for organizations in Crunch-
base, we can refine the full-text queries issued to Di-
mensions to only include matches of researchers that
exhibit the desired ID. However, since researchers
may change their jobs over time, the same person may
belong to multiple organizations over time. Taking
this into account, we formulate the queries such that
they select matching person names whose organiza-
tions include the target ID.
While this greatly reduces the number of false
positives, it does not prevent them. An example for
this would be two persons with the same name that
worked at some point in their careers at the same uni-
versity. To eliminate such cases, we gather the full
dataset for each university and then perform a statis-
tical outlier detection on the data to remove the re-
sulting anomalies. Since the problem can only gener-
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 1: Extracted and generated features for model training.
Category Name Feature Description Type Dimensions Crunchbase
Name full name Person’s name String
Founded is founder Whether the person is founder Boolean ×
Publications pub count Number of publications Integer ×
Mean citation pub citation mean Average citations Float ×
I10-index i10 index I10 index of citations Integer ×
H-index h index H index of citations Integer ×
G-index g index G index of citations Integer ×
Industrial research industry collab research Number of papers with industry Integer ×
Innovation impact research innovation impact Number of linked patents Integer ×
Affiliations org affiliation Number of institutional affiliations Integer ×
Patents pat count Number of patents Integer ×
Mean citation pat citation mean Average citations Float ×
Grants grant count Number of Grants Integer ×
Research impact research impact Research output of grants Integer ×
Grant innovation impact grant innovation impact Number of linked patents Integer ×
ate too much data, we can focus the outlier removal
on cases with an unlikely high number of data items.
While this process reduces the data quantity by reduc-
ing the set of founders, it ensures that the quality of
the remaining data stays high. Given that the outlier
removal generally affects less than 4% of the data, we
think that this process is a reasonable trade-off.
To address our second goal of generating a set
of non-founders for each organization, we can build
upon the mapping of Crunchbase organizations and
GRID IDs. As a first step, we use the GRID ID of
a university to generate a list of researchers belong-
ing to the organization in Dimensions. Thereafter, we
randomly pick researchers that are not contained in
the Crunchbase database for the organization, and we
start issuing the same queries against the Dimensions
API as for the founders. The resulting datasets in-
clude university-specific founders and non-founders
records along with their publications, patents, as well
as grants information and their linked metadata.
3.2 Feature Extraction
The data integration of Crunchbase and Dimensions
generates sets of founders and non-founders from dif-
ferent universities together with their academic activi-
ties, i.e., publications, patents and grants. We hypoth-
esize that the latent founding potential lies beneath
the academic profile of the founders and can be trans-
formed into a predictive model. Since we already
know whether the persons have founded a company
or not, we can apply supervised machine learning al-
gorithms to train a classifier. For the classification to
be effective, we also need to identify a set of features
that we can extract from the data and that might be
useful to differentiate founders and non-founders.
The data available for each person can be classi-
fied into four categories, namely person, publication,
grant, and patent. Table 1 shows a detailed listing of
the features extracted for each category including a
feature name, description, data type and origin.
In the person category, we use Crunchbase to ex-
tract founder information that contains the name of
the founder. For non-founders, we only store the
person’s name which we get from Dimensions and
only use the founded feature that differentiates non-
founders and founders.
In the publication category, we extract the num-
ber of publications as a basic metric for researcher
productivity. However, since knowledge transfer is
a cumulative process that happens through research
and practical work, we also want to capture the im-
portance, significance, and broad impact of a scien-
tist’s cumulative research contributions. To do this,
we extract the citation information for each publica-
tion and derive several scientometric features, includ-
ing the average number of citations, the I10-index,
the H-index and the G-index. Although these fea-
tures share the common goal of quantifying the re-
search productivity and impact, each of these features
emphasizes a different aspect. For example, the I10-
Index, which is used by Google Scholar, only counts
publications that received a minimum of 10 citations.
In contrast to this, the H-index (Hirsch, 2005) stresses
the importance of citations, since a researcher has the
index h, if their n paper has at least h citations each
and the other n papers have no more than h citations.
The G-index is an even more developed version of H-
index and aims to improve H-index by giving more
weight to highly-cited papers. Given a set of publica-
tions ranked in decreasing order of the number of ci-
tations that they received, the G-index is the (unique)
largest number such that the top g articles (together)
received at least g squared citations (Bihari and Pan-
dia, 2015).
In addition to productivity and overall impact in
the research community, we also want to capture the
relevance of publications to the industry. To do this,
we extract the number of publications that are linked
to patents as a way to estimate the innovation impact
and count the number of papers published in collab-
oration with industrial partners as a way to identify
industrial research. Finally, as our last feature in the
publications category, we count the number of affili-
Discovering Potential Founders Based on Academic Background
Table 2: Numbers and statistics of the extracted data.
Founder(Company) Non-founder
Institute Country Abbrev. Total Publication Patent Grant Total Publication Patent Grant
Stanford University U.S. SU 1785 400719 299706 8571 1785 1265472 940805 16784
University of California, Berkeley U.S. UCB 1193 421114 261916 7690 1193 619310 463897 13039
Harvard University U.S. HU 1065 356078 223908 6776 1065 573964 452765 8994
University of Oxford England OU 597 179273 32670 4332 597 257776 219040 4587
Tel Aviv University Israel TAU 626 27771 25841 485 626 162934 6341 3069
University of Toronto Canada UofT 421 95995 81516 3009 421 195503 176289 4205
Technical University of Munich Germany TUM 244 29020 21313 759 244 89064 80692 1304
University of Duisburg-Essen Germany UDE 20 875 557 13 20 5791 646 105
Figure 2: Data generation pipeline.
ations of each person as a simple metric to track the
person’s career path.
With the patent category, we try to capture the
practical applicability of academic activities as basis
for innovations. There, we simply extract the number
of patents and in addition, we calculate the mean cita-
tion of the patent documents to estimate the potential
impact of a researcher’s patent portfolio.
Finally, the grants category can be seen as a tool
for fostering knowledge acquisition and transfer. For
this category, we first extract the number of research
grants. For each grant, we then determine the re-
search impact by extracting the number of scientific
publications linked to the grant and then we deter-
mine the grant innovation impact by extracting the
number of linked patents. This completes the triangle
of publications, patents, and grants and embeds their
influence on each other.
3.3 Data Generation
To generate the data set, we implement the data in-
tegration and feature extraction logic described previ-
ously as a processing pipeline using Python. The gen-
eral flow through the pipeline is depicted in Figure 2.
When started, the pipeline first downloads a snapshot
of Crunchbase in CSV format and generate an SQLite
database. Thereafter, it extracts the sets of founders
for a set of target organizations and then it generates
a set of non-founders using Dimensions. Using the
resulting list of persons, the pipeline issues queries
against the Dimensions API to retrieve the data re-
quired to compute the features. Due to the high num-
ber of queries, we locally store their results so that
re-executing the pipeline will not cause duplicate API
calls. Once the data is available, the pipeline com-
putes the features for each person and performs the
outlier detection and removal described previously.
The result are two datasets for each organization that
contains the features for founders and non-founders.
To generate the data used for the analysis, we use
the daily snapshot of the Crunchbase database from
October 18, 2022. We pick eight universities across
the US, England, Israel, Canada, and Germany. To-
gether the universities cover the whole size spectrum
with respect to the total number of founders with
Stanford University being among the universities with
the largest number of founders and the University of
Duisburg-Essen being among the lowest ones. The
goal here is not to necessarily pick top universities.
Instead, based on the exploratory analysis, we tried to
pick universities with a varying number of founders
to get more meaningful results when investigating the
differences between founders and non-founders. The
data set also includes some universities that exhibit a
lower ranking such as Duisburg-Essen and Toronto.
In total, this selection results in 5951 founds which
we augment with an equal-sized set of non-founders
using Dimensions. Using the Dimensions API, we
download the academic activities for the resulting
11902 researchers. In total, this results in 4,680,659
publications, 3,287,902 patents, 83,722 grants includ-
ing their linked metadata as depicted in Table 2.
Given the generated data set described in the previ-
ous section, we utilize data analysis to answer the
two questions: First, is it possible to accurately clas-
sify founders and non-founders using features derived
from their academic activities? Second, are there sig-
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 3: F1 Scores for decision tree (DT) and random forest (RF): Training with one institute and validation using others.
SU 0.73 0.78 0.75 0.76 0.74 0.77 0.83 0.83 0.73 0.76 0.71 0.74 0.74 0.77
UCB 0.76 0.78 0.72 0.73 0.72 0.77 0.86 0.84 0.73 0.75 0.71 0.72 0.74 0.77
HU 0.78 0.79 0.75 0.78 0.74 0.78 0.82 0.81 0.75 0.75 0.71 0.76 0.82 0.85
OU 0.77 0.79 0.76 0.77 0.74 0.75 0.80 0.82 0.72 0.75 0.75 0.76 0.85 0.87
TAU 0.73 0.71 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.70 0.66 0.71 0.69 0.76 0.76 0.85 0.77
UofT 0.75 0.77 0.74 0.75 0.71 0.73 0.71 0.74 0.84 0.80 0.71 0.71 0.77 0.79
TUM 0.74 0.74 0.70 0.72 0.71 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.84 0.85 0.68 0.69 0.79 0.85
UDE 0.61 0.74 0.58 0.71 0.57 0.71 0.56 0.70 0.62 0.78 0.58 0.69 0.58 0.75
nificant differences between the founders at different
universities? To this end, we address this question us-
ing machine learning methods which can recognize
patterns based on the input data. To implement the
analysis, we rely on Python and use the Pandas and
Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011) libraries.
With classification, we first determine whether it
is possible to accurately classify founders and non-
founders using features derived from their academic
activities. To do this, we use the features contained
in our data set (c.f. Table 2) as an input to generate a
classifier using a machine learning algorithm.
To decide on the type of machine learning algo-
rithm, we considered generative as well as discrimina-
tive algorithms. Generative algorithms such as Naive
Bayes work under the assumption that no feature cor-
relation exists. This assumption, however, does not
hold for our data set. For example, the higher the
number of publications, the higher are the number of
citations in most cases. For this reason, we choose
discriminative algorithms.
Since the explainability of the results and model’s
simplicity play a significant role in the context of this
paper, we choose Decision Tree (Kotsiantis, 2013)
(DT) and Random Forest (Breiman, 2001) (RF) clas-
sifiers. Benchmark studies have demonstrated that RF
and DT classification algorithms are among the best
classifiers for many real-world datasets (Fern
Delgado et al., 2014, Olson et al., 2017) and both are
conveniently interpretable. While DTs work with a
single tree, RFs avoid and prevent overfitting by bind-
ing multiple trees. This often results in a higher accu-
racy and more generalizable models.
For several machine learning algorithms such as
regression tasks and neural networks, it is necessary
to bring the range of all numerical variables to a com-
mon scale. This ensures that each feature will re-
ceive an equal importance during the time of train-
ing. However, for DT and RF this type of scaling
is not necessary since they do not compute distances
between features but rather identify thresholds in in-
dividual features. As a split scoring function, we use
entropy information gain for both DT and RF classi-
fiers, therefore normalization is not required (Li and
Zhou, 2016). In addition, by preserving the scale of
the numerical values we can analyze the partitions of
the raw features to have a better image of the quantity
of involved features in founding potential. For ex-
ample, it would be easy to answer whether a specific
number of publications or patents are needed to have
a higher founding potential.
Before training, we apply hyperparameter tuning,
to reach a higher accuracy while avoiding model over-
fitting. To do this, we run a grid search on a subset
of predefined parameters. For decision trees we esti-
mate maximum number of levels, minimum number
of samples for node splitting and minimum number of
samples for a leaf node. The grid search for random
forests parameters also encompasses these parameters
but in multiple trees. In addition, we determine the
estimated number of trees and whether bootstrapping
is needed. Bootstrapping is the process of randomly
sampling subsets of a dataset over a given number of
iterations and a given number of variables. These re-
sults are then averaged together to obtain the final re-
sult. The best hyperparameters are selected from the
grid search and passed to the corresponding classifier.
Finally, to ensure that the accuracy scores are robust,
we perform a 10-fold cross validation (CV).
As a first step, we take 50 percent of the data of
each university for the classifier training and we use
the remaining 50 percent of the data to compute an
accuracy score. While splitting the dataset, we ap-
ply stratified sampling to ensure that the number of
founders and non-founders remains balanced in both,
the training and the validation set. After hyperparam-
eter tuning and with a 10-fold CV, this process yields
an F1 score of 76% for the DT classifier. For the RF,
the F1 classification accuracy is slightly higher with
79%. Given these scores, we can conclude that fea-
tures extracted from the academic activities can in-
deed be used to properly identify a significant number
of founders. However, we also note that the classifica-
tion accuracy is not perfect. Given that innovative re-
search results are probably not the only relevant deci-
sion criteria when founding a company, the imperfect
outcome does not seem to be overly surprising. To
clarify this consider that there are several other fac-
tors such as family wealth, risk disposition or coun-
try’s economic situation that also play an important
role during a career decision. Since these factors are
not captured by the academic background, we would
Discovering Potential Founders Based on Academic Background
assume that our dataset cannot explain all differences
between founders and non-founders. To further test
this assumption, we have experimented with a num-
ber of more advanced classification techniques such
as XGBoost and feed-forward neural networks. The
accuracy of these approaches is generally similar or
Given the high accuracy scores for the identifica-
tion of founders at individual universities, we con-
tinue the analysis by determining the sensitivity of the
classification model with respect to the university. To
do so, we take the full dataset of each university as
an input to train a classifier. Thereafter, we apply this
classifier to the full dataset of all other universities.
Given that we are training a DT as well as a RF, this
results in 112 (2*8*(8-1)) accuracy scores of 16 clas-
sifiers. Table 3 shows the results and highlights the
highest and lowest scores for the DT and RF classi-
On average, this experiment results in an accuracy
score of 73% for the DT and 76% for the RF. Over-
all, the worst classification performance is yielded by
the classifier trained on the data of the UDE which
also exhibits the lowest performance (56% for DT and
58% for RF). When looking at the performance of
the other classifiers on the data of the UDE (last two
columns), however, it becomes apparent that the low
performance is rather an artifact of the low number of
input values (20 founders and 20 non-founders) than a
systematic difference between the UDE and other uni-
versities. To justify this, consider that the classifiers
of other universities are able to classify the data of the
UDE with an accuracy of at least 74%. Thus, it is safe
to assume that the UDE data is simply insufficient to
determine the proper thresholds during decision tree
The remaining classifiers exhibit an accuracy be-
tween 66% and 87% with most scores lying around
75%. Given that the universities cover 5 different
countries, we found this result to be surprising as
it points towards the existence of a set of generic
features that differentiate a significant number of
founders from non-founders. Yet, despite the compar-
atively large number of founders and non-founders in
our data set, due to the limited number of universities,
we also think that further research is needed to harden
or falsify this observation.
Academic science has become increasingly en-
trepreneurial, and many universities have started sup-
port programs to foster this type of technology trans-
fer. An important goal of these programs is to find
staff members and students that exhibit the knowledge
and potential to transform their results into a product
base. However, without a systematic approach to the
discovery of potential founders, the scouting process
can be challenging, and its success depends on the ex-
perience of the persons that execute it.
In this paper, we studied the discovery of poten-
tial founders using a data-driven approach. To do
this, we created a data set that combines founder in-
formation with the corresponding academic activities
and we applied machine learning methods to system-
atically study the data. Our analysis showed that it
is possible to differentiate founders and non-founders
with an average accuracy of 79%. This accuracy re-
mains mostly stable when applying classifiers trained
on one university to another, suggesting the existence
of a generic founder profile.
At the current time, we are investigating the sig-
nificance of the extracted features on the prediction
of founded startups and study the impact of differ-
ent research disciplines on the founder profile. Since
our data sources also contain keywords for companies
and research areas for academic activities, it would be
interesting to determine whether (and how) the main
discipline of a founder influences the founding poten-
tial or the resulting startup orientation. Thereafter,
we are planning on building a graphical user inter-
face around our data processing pipeline and analysis
code. The goal is to make the system available to the
innovation coaches of the science support center of
our university. This will enable them to use the sys-
tem as a tool to support their scouting process.
This work has been funded by GUIDE REGIO which
aims to improve the ability of the science support cen-
ter of the University of Duisburg-Essen in the iden-
tification, qualification, and incubation of innovation
potentials. We thank Crunchbase and Dimensions for
providing us with free access to their databases and
APIs. This research would not have been possible
without their generous support.
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Discovering Potential Founders Based on Academic Background