Step 4
According to Proposition 5, the inverse transforma-
tion Λ
is define such that
( f )(y, α) = Λ
(Λ( f )))(y, α) =
(Λ( f ))(y)(α) = (5),
( f )(y, α) = Λ
(Λ( f )))(y, α) =
(Λ( f ))(y)(α) = (6).
In this short paper, we show that some types of new
L-fuzzy sets with values in complete MV -algebras
L (such as neutrosophic L -fuzzy sets, L -fuzzy soft
sets, intuitionistic L-fuzzy sets or multi-level L-fuzzy
sets and some others) can be transformed into the so-
called (R, R
)-fuzzy sets, where (R, R
) is a pair
of commutative complete idempotent semirings with
involutive isomorphisms between them.
Using this value structure (R, R
), the theories
of these new L-fuzzy sets can be defined in a uni-
fied way, without having to prove the properties of
this theory for individual types of these new L-fuzzy
sets. For illustration, we have shown how the theory
of upper and lower approximations can be defined us-
ing the corresponding types of new L-fuzzy relations
for neutrosophic MV -valued fuzzy sets, MV -valued
fuzzy soft sets, and for Ω-level MV -valued fuzzy sets.
In a completely analogous way, this theory can also
be defined, for example, for intuitionistic MV -valued
fuzzy sets or for combinations of these new types of
fuzzy sets. Moreover, if we consider some new types
of pairs (R, R
), we can obtain completely new types
of L-fuzzy sets.
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Approximations of New MV-Valued Types of Fuzzy Sets