the overlap of non-logical symbols between different
worlds. These theorems offer a novel perspective on
semantic integration, revealing the potential of acces-
sibility relations and overlapping non-logical symbols
as critical factors in achieving semantic consistency
and integration.
Despite the insights this paper presents, several
areas of study demand future research. In particu-
lar, our approach could be extended and enriched by
further exploring the roles of axioms and their se-
mantics in the OVs. As axioms are often the source
of intensional semantics, understanding their function
could offer a deeper insight into semantic integration.
Moreover, the exploration of further ways to achieve
semantic integration, such as the development of on-
tology matching techniques or the use of machine
learning algorithms, could also enhance this work.
Finally, a critical area for future investigation is
the application of our theoretical framework to real-
world scenarios. Practical implementations in diverse
fields such as healthcare, finance, and e-commerce
could serve to validate our approach, providing essen-
tial feedback to refine our understanding of semantic
integration within decentralized systems. This is an
area we are currently investigating, and we hope our
findings will stimulate further research and discussion
in this domain.
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A Novel Approach to Ontological View-Based Semantic Mapping in Decentralized Environments