Table 8: Handball results with automatically detected match
Detector Recall Precision Corr.
Shot on
0,28 0,16 0,22
Shot off
0,17 0,04 0,11
0 0 0
Penalty 0,63 0,71 0,67
0,86 0,40 0,63
Ball own-
0,41 0,75 0,58
be emphasised that the ISVP AI prototype does not
require the construction of a dedicated camera, which
in the future may significantly reduce the costs of pro-
duction and purchase of such a system.
The prototype of the ISVP AI system proves the ef-
fectiveness of using modern methods of detecting ob-
jects in systems to support the production of sports
recordings. The obtained results also show that it is
possible to fully automate this process. Nevertheless,
the key result that was achieved is a potentially sig-
nificant reduction in the cost of production of match
Thanks to the technology used, a system does not
require the employment of additional employees or
the purchase of specialised equipment. It is this po-
tential difference in the cost of using ISVP AI that
may have a positive impact on the practice of record-
ing futsal and handball matches. Compared to other
modern systems, the ISVP AI system manages to
achieve better results in the match object detection
metric, as well as create a completely new rule-based
system for futsal and handball event detection.
Nevertheless, further development of the ideas
presented here is still necessary. The obtained results
indicate that even relatively high results of match ob-
ject detection do not ensure high efficiency in detect-
ing more complex events. However, this is crucial
in building a virtual representation of the game state,
which is necessary to implement the basic function-
alities of the system. Hence, further research in this
area should focus primarily on improving methods of
combining the work of image processing algorithms
with expert systems.
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