In this work, we presented an approach to incorpo-
rate low-dimensional neural networks into the differ-
ential equations of a given model, forming a Physics-
enhanced Neural ODE. It showed, that missing ef-
fects are effectively learned by these neural compo-
nents, while physically meaningful behaviour can be
enforced during the training. The usage of single-
output neural networks yields the possibility to as-
sign a confidence interval to the obtained functions,
which increases the credibility of the hybrid model.
We are confident, that the presented method poses a
straightforward approach to enhance existing dynami-
cal models without sacrificing their physical integrity.
This work was organized within the European ITEA3
Call6 project UPSIM - Unleash Potentials in Simula-
tion (number 19006). The work was partially funded
by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Re-
search (BMBF, grant number 01IS20072H).
The term Physics-enhanced Neural ODEs (PeN-
ODE) was created in the proposal for the ITEA 4
project OpenSCALING.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics